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CHP 46: 1 Week Later, and Fusion...

~Omni Pov~




"Duck!" Jacob yelled, Vegeta reacted as he heard the voice, and did as told, dodging the punch by a hairs breathe.


The punch whizzed past Vegeta's ear, the wind from the blow ruffling his hair. He turned to see Piccolo standing behind him, a fierce scowl on his face.

"What the...?" Vegeta started to say, but Jacob interrupted him.

"That's enough, Piccolo..." Jacob interrupted, his voice firm but calm, "I think Vegeta's learned his lesson."

Piccolo's scowl deepened, but he nodded curtly and dropped his fist, his anger dissipating, "Very well," he said. "But mark my words, Vegeta: if you don't learn to control that damn temper of yours, you'll never be useful on the battlefield."

Jacob realized that something was a bit off with his green friend, but he paid it no mind for now...

Vegeta's face on the other hand twisted in a snarl, but he said nothing, still seething with anger and humiliation. Jacob watched him, his eyes serious.

"Remember, Vegeta," he said. "A true warrior knows when to hold back and when to strike. You'd do well to learn that lesson." Piccolo finsihed before walking out of the chamber... Past him, one could see the number 70 marked on the screen...

Vegeta's eyes quickly flashed towards Jacob, his gaze burning with resentment, but he remained silent, his pride still smarting from the beating he'd taken...

"Not bad, you did better today than yesterday, and your improving very quickly." Jacob complimented, walking infront of the smaller saiyan.

'In fact, your growth is a bit too quick...' Jacob thought to himself. He witnessed Vegeta's growth firsthand for the past week. And suffice to say, it was simply, explosive. Jacob could feel Vegeta's power level rise from just over twenty thousand, to almost a million, if not the latter...

He's being thinking about it for the past two days too.

'Vegeta couldn't have more potential than myself, that's straight up impossible, but his growth is undeniable...' Jacob pondered a bit. He didn't know what caused this kind of evolution. He thought of reasons why this could be the case, why was this happening.

And as if he received enlightenment, Jacob finally figured it out.

'I've been the answer all this time... No, it's my power... I'm so foolish...' He looked at Vegeta, realizing why the prince had such explosive growth in the first place... It wasn't just due to the zenkais he would receive, or overtraining he did... It was due to fighting those much more powerful than himself.

Not only did Vegeta have the perfect training partner that a saiyan could ask for, he also had his mindset to just push himself. A mindset is just as equal in breaking ones limits in dragon ball; Anger, love, hatred, determination. It fueled one's growth in the series.

'And I have the fourth mindset... I just didn't have the person to train with. Especially while fighting those weaker than me, my passive for power level growth could or would ever be triggered, my mind and body weren't fully growing due to any adversity either since I'm constantly suppressing myself.' Jacob thought.

'And the answer was so simple to-'





"What the?!" Jacob looked over to his left, feeling an immense amount of power emanating from Kami's Lookout. 




'That's... that's... Piccolo's energy, no... It's Kami's?...'


Jacob's eyes widened as he sensed the humongous amounts power emanating from Kami's Lookout. He could feel the sheer energy building up, growing stronger by the second. Everyone on earth would feel this...

"Vegeta, I think we might have a situation going on..." Jacob said, his voice laced with urgency.

Vegeta's eyes snapped towards Jacob, his brow furrowed in concern, "Wh-What is this!?" Despite his frustrations earlier, the power he was feeling at the moment was numbing both his mind and body...

Jacob's gaze remained fixed on Kami's Lookout, "I'm sensing a massive amount of power building up. It's Kami's energy, but it's different... it's like nothing I've ever felt before." Jacob said.

Vegeta's eyes narrowed, his hand instinctively reaching for his scouter. "I'm not reading anything unusual." he said, his voice filled with confusion. He felt the Namekian's energy and another's energy too, but the power emanating was unmistakable.

Jacob's eyes never left Kami's Lookout. "That's because it's not a normal power surge, Vegeta. It's something more..." He explained.

Suddenly, the air around them began to distort, as if the very fabric of space-time seemingly began to twist and warp. Jacob's eyes widened as a massive, golden aura erupted from Kami's Lookout, enveloping the entire area.

Jacob quickly soared through the air, his eyes fixed on the golden aura emanating from Kami's Lookout. The energy was so intense that it was creating a vortex, drawing everything towards it. He could sense Tien, Krillin, Yamcha and the others heading straight towards it too...

Vegeta followed close behind but decided against it, his eyes locked on Jacob's back, "What are you doing, Jacob?" he shouted.

"I need to get to the lookout!" Jacob yelled back, his voice carried away by the wind.

As he approached the Lookout, the energy grew more intense, the air thickening with the golden aura. Jacob could feel the power building up even faster, like a dam about to burst.

Suddenly, a blinding light enveloped him, and the world went white.

When the light faded, Jacob found himself standing on the rooftop of Kami's Lookout, surrounded by an eerie silence. The golden aura still pulsed with energy, but it was no longer building up...

In the center of it all, a figure stood tall, its presence commanding attention. The figure vibrated wildly, as if the power from it was overwhelming.

It was strange. Being both Piccolo and Kami at the same time, the guardian of the Earth. But this was not the Kami or Piccolo Jacob knew. This was vastly different...




"I'm surprised of this myself..."

Jacob had heard the voice, it was piccolo, but his tone had lost it's edge, sounding more sage like... He had a hunch of what had happened, but he didn't think they both could get this powerful from it.

"My power... It feels, endless..." Piccolo finished... The vibrations around his body had stopped, and the aura around him began diming. He was easily taller than before, maybe an inch or three. His physique now looked primed up as well.

"Yeah... I can tell, your even stronger than me in my best form..." Jacob said smiling. As if he got a call from the heavens themselves. He had wished for someone much stronger than himself, and he had gotten it at the same day and time...

Still, ' A100 times!?... No, 200 times? Regardless, the pressure he's exuding feels, immense...' Jacob pondered. He could easily tell that Piccolo was well above his strongest form. Not by a massive margin, but the difference was definitely there.

Jacob looked towards the side, seeing the others there as well... He now knew one thing, Piccolo had some serious explaining to do.


~Flash Back, A few days ago~




"What did you call me here for, Kami?" Piccolo asked.

"I've called you here for a matter of great importance, Piccolo." Kami replied, his eyes gleaming with wisdom. "The balance of power on Earth is about to shift, and I require your assistance to maintain it's harmony."

Piccolo raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued, "What kind of shift are you talking about?"

"You already know of the being, Frieza. He's likely a being of immense power that is to emerge..." Kami said, continuing, "And... my time is already drawing closer as well. A few years down the line, and my life will come to and end. So I want to put myself to use before that happens..." Kami explained.

Piccolo's expression still remained skeptical, but a hint of curiosity crept into his voice, "What exactly do you propose we even do?"

Kami's smile was enigmatic, And piccolo hated that about him, "I propose that we return to our original state... Just like we once were..."

Piccolo's eyes widened, his mind reeling at the implications, "Y-You, want us to fuse. Don't you..."

Kami's eyes looked into his younger half's own, "...Yes, Piccolo. I want us to reunite, to become whole once more. We were once a single being, a powerful and wise Namekian. And I believe that together, we can achieve that same greatness once more."

Piccolo's face twisted in a mix of confusion and concern, "But, Kami, I... I don't know if I'm ready for that. Not happening, I've grown accustomed to being my own being, making my own decisio-"

Kami's gaze remained steady, his eyes filled with an unwavering intensity, he interrupted, "I understand your hesitation, Piccolo. But I assure you, this fusion will not erase your individuality. It will only enhance it, amplify it even. Together, we will be a force to be reckoned with."

Piccolo furrowed his brows, "...I'll... I'll need time to think this through, give me a few days..." Although Piccolo despised how Kami was, it was still his other half. He had basic respect at least. But this, this was too sudden, even for himself. At least, for his current self...

He flew off, 'Tch! Damn that Kami...'


~Omni Pov, Current~




"So... Your telling me that you Kami are like, one being now?" Krillin asked, trying to wrap his head around the idea as a whole...

Piccolo's gaze was serene, his eyes shining with wisdom that wasn't present before, "Yes, Krillin. I am no longer just Kami, nor am I just Piccolo. I am something more, something greater. A fusion of their essences, a blending of their power and mind." He explained.

Krillin's face scrunched up in concentration, trying to comprehend the scope of what this new Piccolo was telling him. "So, you're like... one being, but with two personalities?"

Piccolo's smile was enigmatic, "Not exactly, Krillin. I am one being, but with the collective knowledge, wisdom, and power of both Kami and Piccolo combined, the latter me, being the head of the fusion..."

Tien, who had been watching the exchange with interest, spoke up, "I can tell, you've gotten much stronger than before. It feels almost terrifying to an extent..." Tien said sweating. The sheer aura around piccolo was immense...

Piccolo's gaze turned inward, his eyes flashing with an intense, golden light, "My powers have grown exponentially, Tien. I possess the strength, speed, and agility of Piccolo, combined with the wisdom, magic, and spiritual energy of Kami. But far greater..."

Yamcha, who had been quietly observing the conversation, perked up, his voice laced with a hint of concern, "Ya' know what? I'm just glad you're on our side..." he chuckled lightly.

Piccolo's gaze turned outward, his eyes locking onto Yamcha's, " I agree, but standing here stargazing won't solve our issues. For now, we train... Jacob here needs to inform you of a new threat we have... Isn't that right, Jacob?

The group fell silent, digesting the weight of Piccolo's words.

"Jacob... What's he talking about?" Krillin asked.

'Ahh, fuck me...' Jacob bellowed to himself.










Aaron_Chong_6689 Aaron_Chong_6689

I did the math for Piccolo's Growth, it adds up, in fact, he should be stronger than he is now, but not much... Just bear with me on this?

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