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CHP 44: New Tech, and Plans...

~Jacob's Pov~




"Oh Woah! Did Kami really give you this!?" Bulma said...

I grinned, holding up my hands in a defensive gesture, "Hey, don't look at me, I'm just the messenger. Kami's the one who led me to this... thing." I gestured towards the wreckage, still trying to process the sheer scale of the alien technology laid out before us.

On that thought, maybe I could take her blood, she's practically a super-genius, or very close to one in this universe.

Still, I could see Bulma's eyes shining with excitement, her fingers twitching with anticipation as she took in the sight of the ship's innards, "This is incredible! The tech alone is worth... wow, I don't even know how to put a price on it." She breathed, her voice full of awe.

Ok, Now I feel a bit jealous over the ship...

Bit I laughed it off, shaking my head, "Well, I'm glad you're excited, Bulma. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We still have a Frieza to stop, remember?"

"I know, I know... But, you should be excited too. With this thing, I think I can make the gravity chamber go up to 200, no 300 times earths gravity! Not to mention the speed this thing could hit... I need to study this... I'll be with you in a week, 2 weeks tops!" 

Before I could say anything, I was pushed out of the room and by myself...

'Ok... Guess I'll train up both Piccolo and Vegeta...' I had nothing better to do, and any extra training now would put me above Frieza. So it was a win-win situation.

With that said, I made my way to Piccolo's location, seeking him out to share the news. When I found him, he was still close with Vegeta. I immediately landed, and approached him with a serious expression...

"Piccolo, I just came from Bulma's lab. Kami showed me the alien ship he crash-landed in, and Bulma's said she could get us to Namek... Not only that, we'll potentially be able to get higher gravity chambers as well too."

Piccolo's expression remained stoic, but I sensed a flicker of interest in his eyes, "Go on," he said, his voice neutral.

I took a deep breath, deciding to propose my idea. "I was thinking, with this new tech, we might have a chance to take Frieza down. But I need your help to train and get stronger, including the little guy behind me." I offered.

I could tell he wasn't pleased with the idea of working with Vegeta, but soon. I could see a smile, a creepy one popping up on his face...

"No problem... But I spar with the piece of garbage first." He said, and I agreed. He was definitely going to beat the living shit out of Vegeta.

"Alright, let's get this over with. But remember, Piccolo, we'll need Vegeta in one piece if we're going to take down Frieza."

Piccolo's smile grew wider, "Don't worry, I'll make sure he's still breathing... barely."

I winced inwardly, feeling a slight pang of sympathy for Vegeta... This was not going to be a pleasant experience for him... Now, I'll have to convince him to join us.




"You want me to train with you to defeat Frieza?" Vegeta said, scoffing sarcastically too.

I could hear how he used that word, train. I almost forgot that he didn't really train his whole life, other than having one or two sparring matches with saiba-men...

"Yeah, that's right," I replied, ignoring his condescending tone, "We need to work together if we're going to have any chance of taking down Frieza." Not that we really needed him, but more Saiyans the merrier, and Vegeta has great potential as well.

I saw him snort, his expression incredulous, "You think I need to 'train' with you? I am the Prince of Saiyans, the strongest warrior in the universe. I don't need to 'train' with anyone."

I rolled my eyes, used to Vegeta's arrogance by now, "Well, regardless of what you think, Vegeta, we need to work together if we're going to stop Frieza. And that means putting aside our differences and focusing on the task at hand..."

"Tch! I don't think you understand, saiyan. Frieza has a power level that hasn't been seen before in the entire universe.. No amount of training can overcome that wall..." Vegeta finished.

He looked at me with a mixture of pity and disdain, as if I was foolish for even thinking we could take on Frieza at all, "You're just a random saiyan with a bit of power, what do you know about power levels? You think you can just 'train' your way to defeating Frieza? Please, spare me the foolishness."

I scratched my head a bit... "Vegeta, how strong do you think Piccolo over there is?" I asked him.

I saw him look towards Piccolo, "He's strong for a Namekian I'll admit that; but, he has a power level in the hundreds of thousands, at most..." he finsihed. I could tell he couldn't believe he was saying that, but, he was dead wrong.

"You're wrong... Piccolo here has a power level of 3 million, a little over that, maybe 3.1 million. Even stronger than the frieza you claimed that has a power level of 2, and a half million."

Vegeta's expression immediately changed from arrogance to shock, his eyes widening in disbelief as he stared at Piccolo. "What...what did you just say!?" he stuttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

I smiled, enjoying the sight of Vegeta's ego taking a hit, "Yeah, Piccolo's a bit of a powerhouse, isn't he?" I said, trying to keep a straight face.

Piccolo, however, remained stoic, his expression unreadable. But I could sense a hint of amusement emanating from him, as if he was enjoying Vegeta's shock and discomfort.

Vegeta's face turned red with anger and embarrassment, his pride wounded by the revelation. "That's...that's impossible," he spluttered, trying to regain his composure. "No Namekian can be that strong!"

I chuckled, feeling a sense of satisfaction at Vegeta's disbelief, "Well, I guess you underestimated Piccolo, didn't you?"

Now, the icing on the cake, "And myself, I have a power level that almost doubles what he currently has..."

Vegeta's eyes widened even further, his face pale with shock. "W-what?! You're telling me that you, a saiyan, has a power level that surpasses even that Namekian?!" He looked like he was about to faint, his pride and arrogance deflated like a punctured balloon.

This should knock him a few pegs down...

Though, I grinned, enjoying the moment, "That's right, Vegeta. I've been training hard, and my power level is currently around 5.9 million, or so... So, it looks like you've underestimated both Piccolo and me."

Vegeta's expression was priceless, a mix of shock, anger, and humiliation. He looked like he wanted to deny it all, to argue that it was impossible, but he knew better. He had seen my abilities firsthand, and he knew that I was telling the truth.

Piccolo, on the other hand, seemed pleased, a small smile playing on his lips. "Well, it seems that we have a good chance of defeating Frieza after all," he said, his voice was practically dripping with satisfaction...

"Even... Even if that were true, that damned Frieza can transform, and the rumors are saying he has multiple forms..." Vegeta added.

Piccolo looked at me when he heard this, since he didn't know about Frieza's forms... But, I smiled.

"Frieza isn't the only one that can transform, little prince..."










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