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CHP 43: Change of Pace...

~Jacob's Pov~




This, changes everything... What else does this version of Frieza have in store for us? I hated when these kinds of things happen. I thought I followed the plot to a certain extent, avoiding unwanted changes...

Now, I'll have to be extra careful treading from now on. I glanced at Vegeta, I didn't exactly know what to do with him, however, he could come in handy during our trip to Namek. He was a saiyan, and we could abuse that as well.

"Piccolo, could you watch him for me? Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." I asked. I could tell he wasn't too pleased about me asking this specific favor, but I needed to speak with Bulma, alone...

"Tsk, fine. You, come with me." Piccolo was more than strong enough to handle vegeta, his strength was in the millions at this point. Vegeta being vegeta scowled, but agreed.




"Bulma, I'm... I'm sorry about earlier." I said, my voice softer now, "I didn't mean to shout at you. I know I lost my temper for a moment, and it wasn't right..."

Despite her lack of understanding of the situation, she was somewhat justified in asking what she did. I was the one that knew of the future, she wasn't.

I saw her expression softened, her eyes filling with understanding, "...It's okay, Jacob. I know you're under a lot of pressure. We all are. But we need to work together if we're going to stop this Frieza guy, right?"

I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude wash over me, "You're right, as always. I'll promise to keep my cool from now on. We'll figure this all out, together."

I saw her nod, "All right, tough guy~ what do you need me to do for you?" She asked. I liked how quickly she was on the uptake.

"I'll need a ship good enough to get me to planet Namek, as well as an in built gravity chamber, you think that's possible with the tech you have so far?"

Bulma's eyes lit up with excitement, her mind likely already racing with the challenge of making this, "Hmm, that's a tough one, but I think I can modify the ship we have to make it capable of reaching Namek, I'll need to know where it is first. As for the gravity chamber, I can definitely install one. It'll be a tight squeeze, but I can try to make it work."

But, I could still tell she was a bit unsure about the prospect... She must not want to tell me no, "Maybe I can help speed up the progress. I'll see what I can do, maybe Kami can help us, he's typically quirky."

She smiled, "Okay, you do that... I'll get to work on it right away..." 

I nodded, feeling a bit hopeful, "That's what I like to hear, Bulma. You're a genius." Thankfully, I'm not straying too much from the main plot anymore, and now I might get the time patrollers off my ass a little...

"Wait... Jacob, before you go... You need to promise me one thing."

I raised an eyebrow, curious, "Hmm? What's that?"

Bulma's expression turned serious, her tone much firmer than before, "You have to promise me you'll come back alive. I don't care about Frieza, Namek or anything else. Just-just come back to me, okay?" I could see the worry in her eyes.

I smiled saying, "Of course I will..." I pulled her in for a hug, kissing her, tenderly...





I came outside, only to see Piccolo and Vegeta standing opposite sides of one another, dead silent...

'Yeesh... Talk about killjoys...', "Piccolo, got anything for me?" I gave him, the look.

However, Piccolo's gaze remained fixed on Vegeta, his expression unreadable, "Not yet, Jacob. I'm still keeping an eye on this one... Though, he mentioned something about me being a Namekian. Tried to question him, but he wouldn't speak on it." he said, his voice was low and even...

Vegeta's eyes flashed with anger, but he remained silent, his jaw clenched in frustration. The air was thick with tension, and I could sense the weight of their unspoken animosity... Little did mister prince know, was that Piccolo could vaporize him where he stood.

Still, I let out a low whistle, trying to break the tension, "Well, this is awkward. You two are getting along swimmingly, I see." I see the both of them look away.

"Though, you said he mentioned something about you being Namekian right? I'll take that up with Kami, maybe he knows something about that bit... Also, what do you think of the little guy?" I was trying to feel out where Piccolo's headspace was.

But Piccolo's gaze didn't waver, his eyes were still fixed onto Vegeta, "I'll let you know when I'm satisfied about how he is... At the moment, he's not a threat." He finished.

I nodded, "Alright. Just try not to kill each other while I'm gone, okay?"

Vegeta's eyes narrowed, his face twisted into the most obvious scowl I've ever seen, "I'll try to restrain myself," he growled lowly.

I raised an eyebrow instead, a bit skeptical, "Yeah, good luck with that." I chuckled to myself. If only he knew...





I flew in Kami's Direction, and since I could. I used one of my abilities I learned coming here - telepathy...

"Hey, Kami... I've got some bad ne-"

"I know already, come to the lookout... I have something to show you." He ended the conversation there...

Ohh~k, then? 'I guess I'll see you there then...' I sped up my flight, seeing the lookout ahead...

As I landed on the lookout, Kami was already waiting for me, his eyes fixed on something in the distance. I followed his gaze, but saw nothing out of the ordinary, "What is it, Kami?" I asked.

Kami's expression was interesting to say the least... "I heard of Piccolo's conversation, with him and that saiyan, and what he called me... Us..." He finished.

"I think I remember that name... When I first came here, I landed in a strange ship, I didn't know of my origins... But, that bares no real meaning to me at this moment..."



'It looks like his time is nearing its end...' It's a shame to see someone as good as him look and get like this... However, he'll fuse with Piccolo soon enough.

"I Think I can help you. I've overheard your conversation with Bulma as well, and yes, I may be able to aide you, but I'm not completely sure as yet... Follow me..." He said, I followed. If I remember correctly, he did the same thin in canon, showing the others the space ship he came to earth with. This should be able to boost us massively.

"Alright, lead the way..."

I saw him fly down, and I followed him...




"There's a mountain nearby here, a peaceful one... And the ship I crash-landed in when I first arrived on earth..." He said.

"Interesting, you remember anything else of note about it?" I asked, slightly curious since we didn't get to hear much about Kami's origins in the original story, but...

Kami's silence was answer enough. I followed him to the wreckage of a strange, alien ship, half-buried in the mountain's slope. The ship's design was unlike anything I'd seen before... It looked ancient too, must be a few hundred years old since it was covered so deeply in moss and such...

"Alright, this is my old ship... Maybe it could be of use to Bulma." He added, I could hear a hint of hope in his voice.

I simply smiled, "It will, alright... That's if she doesn't crash out over it first..." I mumbled the last bit.










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