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Chapter 24: CHP 24: Metamorphosis...

~Jacob's Pov~




"Everything should be fine... Naruto and his team survived, so I've fulfilled my purpose." I cast a final glance back at the battleground where the fight had erupted. It's a shame I couldn't witness their prowess firsthand...

"Time to leave." I focused on my back, urging my wings to emerge. Absorbing that bird a few days ago turned out to be a wise move...



Though, not the most robust wings; they were better than nothing.


I just need to reach Konoha... Or do I?

On second thought, laying low might be wiser... I've gathered a significant amount of genetic material. Absorbing two different bloodlines simultaneously, especially powerful ones...


And, considering the risks, I concluded that staying in a secure location was likely the best course of action, for now. The potential for any potent DNA meant that maintaining discretion was crucial, not just within Konoha but also in a place where my actions wouldn't draw unwanted attention...

I had gotten lucky when absorbing Naruto's DNA, and not screaming in pure pain, but this? This was different, these were everyone's DNA there, four different people with high class genetic information.

I wasn't about to take the risk there. With this in mind, I arranged to relocate to a more secluded and secure area...

But, where?

Surveying from my bird's-eye view, I wouldn't be picky—A cave would suffice. After a few hours of searching, I found a suitable spot to proceed...


"This'll do..." A small cave nestled between a bit of greenery, maybe a future secret base. But for now, focus... I headed in, sitting down on the bedding...

As I absorbed all of their blood, I felt my body growing heavier with each drop...




"GUH!" A grunt escaped me involuntarily, the pain was a stark reminder of the power these bloodlines held. Yet, I welcomed it; Power that came with its own trials and demands, it was sort of exciting in an odd sense. But, at time like these, I wished I hadn't gotten a boot-legged version what I really wanted.

It was a painful reminder...

With gritted teeth, I endured, channeling and assimilating the genetic material. Each moment was a struggle, but one filled with promise, I reassured myself...


"T-THE HELL!!" It surged, even worse than before... As if too much information were flooding my cells at once. Bones, skin, organs, brain—all of them felt ablaze; Clarity amidst absolute agony, my bones shifting beneath skin...



I felt it, but never this intensely...

"Focus... Focus..." I muttered through clenched teeth, struggling to maintain control as my body wrestled with the influx of genetic data. I swore Each wave felt like a battle in itself.

Minutes felt like eternities, each heartbeat a reminder of the price of evolution for me. But with every excruciating moment, I could sense the changes taking root inside of my body, the fusion of abilities, and traits.

As the pain ebbed, replaced by a numbing fatigue. With a weary sigh, I surveyed my surroundings once more...

"Time to rest... and, prepare." I murmured silently; I felt my own anticipation mingling with the annoying lingering ache I had left. A pity.

With my sense of focus now renewed, I quickly went into a meditative stance. I filtered out the pain I was feeling into the back of my mind, and it was helping. I just embraced the changes that were still taking place inside of my body.

It all felt, weird, feeling organs being shifted around... Truthfully, I don't think I'll ever get used to it...






'Looks like the pain is really subsiding...' I could already tell that there was something different about my body already, I just couldn't put my finger on it. My chakra, it felt far denser than it normally was.

Regardless of what was going on in the inside of my body, my eyes could see the chakra in the air much more vividly than before, at least twice as much. And the rainbow colored chakra I saw, I could see it much more clearly, as well as with it being more in abundance than usual too...

The next thing I realized was that I hadn't gotten any stronger, at least physically; but it felt like my body had become more efficient, in an, off sense...

'Hmm...' Standing up, I flexed and stretched my muscles a bit to get rid of some of the stiffness in my bones from everything that had happened. Earning a few creaks too.

'Alright, time to see what I've gotten... Status.'





Name: Jacob Mercer

Age: 18 Years old

Life-span: 2245 --> 47,456 Years old

Height: 6'4

Weight: 154.56kg

Chakra Points: 7,456,345.77 / 7,456,345.77 CP

Chakra Affinity: Water, (True) Lighting, Wind, Earth and Fire

(New) Kekkei Genkai: Ice-Release

Talent Value: A++ [ASCENDED]

Str: 3,145.87 Tons/ 13 Tera-Tons

Spd: Mach 23,546.65/ Sol x 19 --> Sol x 35

Mov-Spd: Mach 34.56/ Sol x 2.4 --> Sol x 8.4

End: 1,432.1/ 26,675

Sta: ∞

Cha: 9/9 -->10.3 [ASCENDED]

Int: 16.1 --> 17.9/17 --> 58.4


(New) Perfect Sage Body: Your physiology is akin to being anomalous in nature, which increases your physical potential by much more compared to the norm, with your life-span too, however, now your nature affinity has tripled...

Superior chakra gain XI (Limit Broken): Chakra acquisition is now 15 times easier than before...

(New) Nature's Touch XX (Limit Broken): Allows you to have an abundantly massive attunement to nature's energy.

(New) Jelly-fish Physiology: Gives you an extreme boost in regenerative abilities as well as a near endless lifespan...

(New) Octopus Physiology: Gives you an extreme boost in Thinking capabilities.

(New) Ink Secretion: A defense mechanism that can be used from the pores of your skin.

(New) Battle Minded: You can easily formulate new strategies of battle on the fly.

(New) Illusion Talent X: Allows the user to have 5-fold increase in their illusionary abilities.

(New) Electricity manipulation: Allows you to freely manipulate electricity from your body...

(New) Nine Minds: Your mental capacity has increased nine fold, your memory, thinking speed, logical and abstract thing have been improved 9-fold...

(New) Yuki Blooded: Allows for the awakening of the Ice-release ability.

(New) Anomalous Uchiha Blood: Grants you the bloodline of a mutant Uchiha, which allows you to use their bloodline limit when unlocked.

(New) Dense Chakra XX (Limit Broken): Due to absorbing Asura's and Indra's descendant's blood, your chakra potency has increased by 7 times...

(New) Yuki Blood: Allows you to have the abilities of a Yuki clan memory, specifically their ice abilities.

(New) Mutations;

Ice-Attribute: Allows the user to manipulate ice much easier than normal. May also cause some physical alterations to the body...





No wonder I felt so, different... I succeeded, and got both the bloodlines I wanted the most, with an additional talent gain to boot.

Not to mention the massive lifespan increase, and sheer buffs I got to my abilities. I can even used the Sharingan in the future as well. I even gained the perfect sage body, and ice abilities too... 

Still, what's with the new stat? Mutations... All that it says was that I could manipulate Ice better, with some physical alterations. I saw my new Kekkei Genkai stat too, but that was straight forward enough for me.

However, the physical changes aspect; that part, it couldn't be good, or maybe it could be? I'll just leave that one alone, for now at least...

Other than that, the increase in my stats were nice, some of my stat limits rose a bit too, which wasn't bad at all.

'Since I kind of figured out the internal changes, so far... I still need to figure out the rainbow chakra in the atmosphere...'

Since the increase in my nature affinity, the rainbow like chakra I see had become far more visible and abundant. Putting two and two together, it was clear this was nature chakra. I had my hunches before, but I've got my confirmation now.

Now that I've gotten most things settled and over with, my next few goals are to figure out nature chakra, get used to my ice and Sharingan abilities, maybe even grow stronger in between the three...

'With that figured out, time to test out my new self.' I smiled. I didn't waste time and quickly unleashed all my chakra. luckily in this world, strong chakra signatures can't be sensed from a far. Moreover, since I took the time out to ensure I was away enough from most life, I should be more than fine...

"Hmph!" I unleashed it all, and felt my chakra course out from my body, but I could already feel the changes, and see it too... 'My chakra color, it changed?... It's a dark orange-red hue now...'

Why was there such a massive shift in its color?

Most people had blue hue as their chakra, with some people being exception which are those with high amounts. I heard stories that Hashirama and Madara had dark blue as their own, being borderline extremely light purple in color, but those were just rumors...

I had light blue chakra at first, then after absorbing Naruto's DNA, it changed to a dark blue hue, and now it's darker orange-red hybrid color...

'Wait... Could it be related to my Chakra density? Now that I think about it; it would make sense. It even adds up too. The higher one chakra density is, the darker the chakra they have.' Either way, I felt powerful.

To start, I summoned my lighting attribute, ad like I thought it changed color again, this time, it was purple instead of it's dark blue color it had before. Just my casual lighting release had become thrice as powerful compared to before.

I used a fire Jutsu, the weakest fire Jutsu I knew of, and my flames had changed as well, going from dark orange to a darker shade of blue, and surprisingly enough, it even had hints of black flames flaring off it, but to the common eye, it was practically unnoticeable.

The power of it had skyrocketed too, I used the Jutsu to burn the bark off the tree, yet it blew it to nothing but ashes...

I used my wind style, which was initially blue, had become a somewhat dark shade of green; which was the natural look of wind like chakra. If I wasn't careful from now on, I could do some serious damage with my casual attacks. The potency of it was easily thrice as strong, fast and sharp...

'Jutsu tests are over for now. Time for a physical.' I stretched a bit. Channeling my chakra to its utmost limits, I supercharged my body, pushing it beyond the boundaries of what I thought possible.

The surge of power felt electrifying, I could literally feel the air warp slightly due to the power I was releasing...

Yet, just when I was unleash it all, reality had hit me, hard—I've underestimated the magnitude of potency my chakra held. My body was straining against itself. Still I wasn't going to let that stop me; I gritted my teeth, refusing to yield to the setbacks.

With sheer willpower, I harnessed every ounce of chakra within me, pouring it into my right arm, "HAA!!!" With a thunderous cry, I directed the all of my pent up strength downwards, unleashing a massive shockwave that literally reverberated through the earth itself...





"Shit... Did I really do all this?" 

"Urghh!!" I felt my arm, now broken from the punch I threw. Soon, it all snapped back into place, returning to how it originally was... I flew up, looking at the destruction I caused in just a matter of seconds...

Looking down, I realized that I had just created a 15 by 15 mile crater with nothing but my raw strength, and chakra levels.

'This could easily be a 20 by 20 mile crater if I had perfected my chakra control... Maybe even more...' Though, now that I did this, I couldn't stay here anymore, and whatever cover I had in this place, I just blew it, spectacularly at that...

'Alright, no need to push these tests further. The results already speak volumes—Both my Jutsu and physical prowess have practically shot up to ridiculous levels...' With a sense of satisfaction on my face, I acknowledged my progress so far.

Now, I just needed to get to Konoha, and explain to my date that I had issues...








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