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100% Reincarnating in Tales of Demons and Gods / Chapter 9: First small help

Chapter 9: First small help

After concluding their brief conversation, Nie Feng and Xiao Ning'er headed towards the student dormitories. It was common for many families, living far from the school, to send their children to reside in this place during the school term, with the promise of reuniting during the holidays.

ꟷWhat are we doing here?ꟷ Xiao Ning'er asked curiously as they walked through the hallways.

ꟷWe're just here to drop something off,ꟷ Nie Feng replied, a slight sparkle in his eyes.

Without further ado, Nie Feng made his way to a particular room. Upon opening the door, a look of surprise crossed his face. The interior was very messy, as if someone had been searching for something throughout the room.

ꟷIt seems Nie Li is still a bit disorganized,ꟷ Nie Feng commented with a smile, observing the scene with indulgence.

ꟷWhat do you want to leave in Nie Li's room...?ꟷ Xiao Ning'er began to ask, but stopped mid-sentence, understanding the purpose behind this surprise visit.

Without further delay, Nie Feng walked over to Nie Li's pillow and carefully placed an envelope on it. The envelope contained a sum close to ten million spiritual coins. He deliberately placed the pillow over the packet of money and left the room without bothering to tidy up. His main interest was in the message he wanted to convey, rather than the state of the dormitory.

ꟷWhat a good older brother,ꟷ thought Xiao Ning'er, moved by Nie Feng's selfless act towards his brother. The help offered without asking for anything in return, discreetly and sincerely, left a lasting impression on her heart.


Several days passed during which Nie Feng enjoyed a tranquil routine. He spent his time writing poems and attending the alchemy room to fulfill his previous promises.

Over time, after taking some exams and helping various people with their alchemy questions, he became a great alchemy master, even getting his own small office.

Nie Feng didn't mind having his own office, as he enjoyed the pleasant view and liked the atmosphere.

Additionally, he found time to visit the library and read various texts. He took every opportunity to cultivate, as although the system provided him with some help, it wasn't enough to be lazy. Therefore, he continued with his cultivation independently.

ꟷWhat a good day…ꟷ he whispered, watching the leaves fall from the trees.


{Finally, I can advance along the ignored path

towards the light of the mountain, to a secret place,

where there's a cabin hidden at the foot of a waterfall,

where hours and old trees sleep,

and a clever breeze draws from their tops

sobs and laments of joy.

At last, I have arrived, free from the paths that held me back.

There, one hears the silence,

that gently moves the bluish branches skyward;

it stirs spells in the leaves and whistles glimmers on the peaks.

A trail of snow will lead me to the forest and I will gaze upon the daylight; alone,

freeing my memory of other recollections,

burning in the shape of snow in front of the sun,

when dawn comes...}


[Ding... Congratulations, host, for obtaining 150 spiritual stones.]

ꟷWhat a beautiful poem,ꟷ came a soft voice near Nie Feng. This voice belonged to Yang Xin, who, over the past few days, had gradually gotten closer, making their relationship quite good.

ꟷI like it too, though I think older sister is more beautiful,ꟷ commented Nie Feng with a kind smile, as he hung the scroll on one of the walls of his small office.

ꟷHow can I help you?ꟷ he asked, knowing she wouldn't come without a reason.

ꟷHehe, slippery tongue. I worry about all the poor girls you'll deceive in the future,ꟷ she commented with a sly smile, although inwardly she was very pleased by the compliment. What woman doesn't like that? But she quickly got back to the main topic.

(Important note: The only condition for a woman to accept your compliments and not take it as harassment is that you must be handsome.)

ꟷLittle brother Nie Feng, I would like to see if you could help me translate this book,ꟷ she said with a mischievous smile, as she approached and took out a slightly tattered book, then placed it on the table, along with a few small actions.

Upon seeing the book Yang Xin had brought, Nie Feng realized it was a small medical book written in an ancient language, so he decided to help translate it. As for Yang Xin's subtle gestures, he made no comment since they didn't bother him.

ꟷIs this request from the president?ꟷ he asked knowingly.

ꟷLittle brother Nie Feng is really smart,ꟷ she said openly.

ꟷIt's alright, no problem at all,ꟷ he responded with a kind smile.

ꟷIs there any reward little brother wants?ꟷ Yang Xin asked flirtatiously, leaning forward and intentionally showcasing some of her ample features.

ꟷElder sister need not worry,ꟷ he politely declined, shaking his head.

As tempting as her offer was, accepting her flirtation at this moment would likely lead to complications. Besides, he knew she wouldn't agree to such large requests. It wasn't the right time for that sort of thing—perhaps later. For now, let's just enjoy the moment.

As Nie Feng pondered, Yang Xin secretly nodded in her heart, holding a high opinion of the young man before her. Though she appeared disappointed outwardly, inwardly she was quite pleased with his response.

ꟷIf only I were younger,ꟷ she sighed inwardly.


In the following period, Nie Li's group began dozing off in all their classes, much to the annoyance of some teachers.

It was time for Shen Xiu's lesson again.

Nie Feng, along with the others, sat towards the back of the classroom, as he wasn't particularly interested in the classes. Nevertheless, he was surrounded by many girls eager to strike up conversations with him.

This provoked some jealousy among his classmates, but there wasn't much they could do about it. Ning'er, however, felt a strange discomfort in her heart, a great unease at seeing so many girls wanting to get close to Nie Feng.

As soon as the bell rang, Shen Xiu turned gracefully and walked into the classroom. Unlike her usual arrogant demeanor, her smile resembled that of a chrysanthemum.

ꟷYou three, return to your seats!ꟷ Shen Xiu instructed firmly, looking at Nie Li, Du Ze, and Lu Piao. There were VIPs present to observe their studies, so she naturally didn't dare to be careless.

Both Nie Li and Nie Feng noticed this and looked back to see what was happening.

Meanwhile, Shen Xiu didn't want to waste any more time and began her class in a soft voice.

ꟷToday, I will talk about inscription patterns. Whether you are a Fighter or a Demon Spiritist, inscription patterns are very important. Inscription patterns are divided into two respective parts: enchantment patterns and battle patterns. Enchantment patterns...

Outside the classroom, three elderly men sat together, listening to the lecture.

ꟷThe knowledge of the members of the Sacred Family is quite profound. Having her teach the students is definitely more than sufficient!ꟷ said one of the elderly men with a smile. He was Ye Sheng, the vice-director of the Holy Orchid Institute.

ꟷSome students in this class are really outstanding, whether it's Ye Ziyun, Shen Yue, or Xiao Ning Er,ꟷ remarked another elderly man with satisfaction. He was a professor at the Holy Orchid Institute named Lu Ye.

Apart from Ye Sheng, in a gray robe, another elderly man sat behind him. Lu Ye didn't know the identity of this elderly man in gray robes. This elderly man in gray robes simply sat casually, yet exuded a powerful aura of prestige, causing Lu Ye to be cautious with his words. He dared not make any small mistakes in his speech.

ꟷWhat do you think?ꟷ asked Ye Sheng, looking at the elderly man in the gray robe.

ꟷHmm,ꟷ replied the elderly man in the gray robe without adding any further comments. Lu Ye wondered to himself, 'What could be the identity of this elderly man in gray robes? He just treated Vice-Director Ye Sheng with indifference. I fear his status may even be higher than that of the director of the Holy Orchid Institute.'

After pondering this, Lu Ye didn't dare to speak again.


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