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6.89% Naruto: New Begining / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Academy Life

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Academy Life

"What do you think?" the bald man asked with a big smile "Do you like it?" "I love it! I love you dad!" The small boy replied, holding a small black fur-ball, its eyes gleaming red and blue as it looked curiously at the boy. "What are you gonna name it?" inquired the bald man as he kindly looked upon the.boy as he pondered the question. "How about Shin?" the man suggested. "Haha we can't name him that dad, that's my name." The Boy laughed. "Oh? Is that so Shin!" the man exclaimed. "haha, daaad~, did you forget my name?" the boy teasingly asked. "No I did not SHIN!" yelled the kind man. "D-dad… Why are you yelling?" The boy was shocked. The man's smile twisted as he turned dark and its eyes turned hollow "Because it's time to wake up SHIN! Time to WAKE UP!"

The boy jolted awake, a kind face entering his vision as a warm hand touched his forehead. "Are you ok Shin? It's not like you to not wake on time." inquired Ryouka as she felt her son's forehead for a fever. "Just stayed up late, I'm ok mom." The boy said as he got up. "Well alright, get ready for the Academy, you don't want to be late again do you?" She scolded as he got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom "it was one time mom!"

The breakfast was simple, toasted bread and jam with some warm milk. The duo ate in silence with occasional questions about how they planned to spend their day. They ate, washed the dishes, got dressed and left the house, going their separate paths.

Ryouka had started working a bit more than a year ago, dividing her time between a daycare and a newly built orphanage built to house the orphans of the Nine Tails' attack. She had been spending most of her day there, only returning before evening to cook some simple meals before Shin returned home.

Shin on the other hand had started his education at the Ninja Academy a few months ago. 'Status'

[Name: The Overlord of Chaos (Shin Hirano)

Level: 7

Title: Civilian of Konoha

Age: 6


Strength: 4

Vitality: 5

Agility: 7

Sense: 9

Chakra: 13

Control: 9]

He had leveled up 5 times in the last two years, 3 times just in the last year alone, in fact in the few months that he had spent at the academy pulled his level from 6 to 7 and he felt closer to reaching eight. He figured something out about how the levels were calculated; when the six stats reached equal to the number of states multiplied by the level, he reached that level. For example when his stats reach 6*7= 42 he reached level 7 and when they reached 6*8= 48 he would reach level 8. It was a simple enough calculation, quick lackluster in his opinion but he supposed that since there was no HP or MP bar or even a skill list, there was no need for any complicated percentages or multipliers.

Shin carried on, walking down the street, the sun was just floating above the horizon and the streets of Konoha were slowly being flooded by streams of people as street side shops slowly shuttered open and hawkers set up their stalls. The scent of fresh baked bread and the sweet fragrance enchanted the bypassers, luring them with promises of the sweetest cakes and crunchiest bread in all of Konoha.

As Shin tried to ignore the seduction of food, he saw a grey haired man kneeling on the ground while breaking a piece of bread with his hands. His wrinkly face showed kindness as he spoke towards the ground, looking at a black cat that eagerly devoured the delicious bread.

Shin blinked when he saw this, "Pineapple!" he startled the cat and man duo as they looked towards the young boy. "What are you doing here? You were supposed to wake me up!" He scolded the cat while walking up to the duo. The cat, in apology, rubbed itself around the boy's legs while purring. "Ahyy, don;t be like that little Shin, Pineapple was just hungry. Don't be angry, here take this bread. You can eat it on the way to the Academy. A growing boy like you needs to eat more" said the kind old man. "Grandpa Pan, you're spoiling Pineapple, she's gonna get fat!" The boy protested while quickly taking the bread from the old man and starting to eat it while breaking a small piece and giving it to the cat that now rested on the boy's shoulders. "Alright alright! I won't feed her much anymore alright. Now go on." The old man relented but all three parties involved knew that this promise held no substance as Pineapple was the favorite cat for all food related business owners. The cat liked them because they would give her food while the business owners liked her because it would attract curious gazes and children who would drag their parents into the shops and the adults would end up buying something.

In the end Shin went back on his journey towards the Academy with the greatest food marketing icon of Konoha languishing on his shoulders.

The Journey barely took half an hour and Shin entered his classroom full of ciphering children as a boy in a green polo shirt got up to wave at Shin as soon as the boy entered the class "Shin! Here!" he waved while pointing to a seat next to him. Shin walked up the classroom, ignoring a few glances from his fellow classmates.

"Hey Atsuki, what's with them?" Shin inquired of the eager boy while gesturing at the 2 Uchiha in their class that seemed to appear more haughty than normal which Shin didn't think was possible. "Oh you don't know?" Atsuki inquired while drawing closer to his ear and whispered while looking around for any eavesdroppers "I heard that the fire Daimyo was attacked by a masked man and he even beat up the twelve guardians! In the end it was an Uchiha genin that saved them! The Daimyo himself commended him! Can you believe it? A Genin! And I heard that he only graduated last year!"

"No way." Shin was shocked, "Who would be brave enough to attack the Fire Daimyo?" "Hard to say, the guy got away." Atsuki shook his head while commenting "No wonder their noses are touching the sky". Though Shin did always wonder, his friend was always very well informed, especially considering that he was actually an orphan who lived in the newly built Orphanage after the Nine Tails attack, in fact it was where the two met since he sometimes accompanied his mom to work.

"Alright class, settle down, time for attendance." A middle aged man entered the class, sporting the classic Chunin garb of Konoha. It was their homeroom teacher Haruki. After the attendance he went on to explain the highlight of today's agenda"Alright, today instead of our regular physical exercise, we will be having a sparring lesson" And the cue the exciting cheers and challenges of duels between the children including, "Shin! Let's pair up! Don't worry, I'll go easy on you!" Declared Atsuki. "Alright alright, that's enough everyone. And Atsuki, I'll be the one making the pairs. For now, history lesson!" And cue the exasperated protests of bored children.



Two small bodies collided as Shin and Atsuki engaged in a spar. As soon as the words left Haruki Sensei's mouth Atsuki sprang forward, his right fist seeking Shin's face. Shin raised his left guard to deflect while Atsuki smiled, he twisted his body just his fist was about to make contact and used the momentum to bring up a left hook. Shin simply side stepped to his right and sent a straight punch to Atsuki's chin.

"You already tried that one, remember?" Shin commented while backstepping to gain some distance. "Yah… I remember" Atsuki commented before moving in and sending a flurry of punches. Shin dodged and deflected most of the blows, he knew he was faster than Atsuki but Atsuki was just as stronger 'Atsuki is a brawler who focuses on upper body, I just have to find an opening to…' his thoughts were interrupted as on instinct he slid his left foot back. He looked down to see Atsuki's foot stomp the place Shin's foot just recently occupied.

Both were taken aback at the turn of events but Shin recovered and took the chance to elbow Atsuki's face who reacted quick enough to duck but only to be greeted by Shin bringing back his left leg to knee him right at the nose. Atsuki tumbled backwards while grabbing his bloody nose while Haruki Sensei stopped the fight declaring Shin's win.

He squatted to check up on Atsuki. "Well, it's not broken at least," He commented. "Shin, take him to the infirmary will you, I'm sure you two are very familiar with the route by now." "Yes sensei" Shin accepted before bringing up Atsuki and taking him along "Come on loser." "What did you say!? If my secret move had worked it'd be you that would be the loser! I'll get you next time!" "yah yah whatever stomper, what are you 4?"

The duo bikered while moving away from the ground, a black cat dropping down from the nearby tree to follow them as Haruki Sensei carried on with the rest of the spars. He had paired them together no because he wanted to but because he had to. They were both dirty fighters, always aiming for sensitive spots and never pulling their punches. Both were good at taijutsu, being able to go move for move against clan kids even though they had only been here a few months. He knew that they sparred with each other regularly so he would just pair them up against each other most of the time as the chances of someone getting injured were lower like that. He still remembered the incident when Shin nearly dislocated the arm of a kid from the Inuzuka clan. Not to mention that they were equally as ruthless towards the girls. In the end he had decided to only pair them against each other or those with strong taijutsu.

After the last class, Atsuki and Shin went into the woods. They chatted about the best sweet shops in Konoha as they reached a clearing with a single giant tree in the middle. The tree was nearly 30 meters in height and covered in dark green leaves. On the side, a bull's eye had been painted. On its branches, ropes could be seen that the duo used to tie targets so they practiced hitting moving targets. If one were to search the dense branches they'd find a bag filled with blankets and ninja tools. The bark from the tree was also coming off, the result of the boys' frequent punches and kicks. They had found this place some time ago while running though the many mini forests in Konoha and had decided it to be the perfect place for spending their day while training.

"Well, let's get to grinding!" Shin spoke with a grin matching that of Atsuki while Pineapple simply ran up the tree to find a sunny spot.

HermitOfLifeMount HermitOfLifeMount

A friend can be a teacher and a teacher can be a friend. One can not be without also being the other.

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