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69.56% Merlin in SCP


On the fifth year I made a method for safe interstellar travel.

And so I decided to go to Earth. Just to fuck with the foundation, maybe steal a SCP or two.


POV Merlin, 4 years ago

I kissed Gumiyeong goodbye and activated the long distance teleportation spell.

Time to cause a little bit of chaos. Steal secrets no man should ever know, witness eldrich horrors, see the destruction of civilization, fun things like that!

"Space magic: Quantum tunneling."

The quantum realm was just when you went, really tiny. So basically I shrunk myself down, and then I propelled myself forward with mana. Less mass = easier to move and go at higher speeds.

Although it would be quite hard on my body, it wouldn't hurt if I just reinforced myself.

And that was my method of space travel. Pretty simple right?


I arrived at Earth with my eyes wide open and my mouth unhinged from my jaw. Holy fuck. That was a sight. I would need some time to recover from that.


Alright I'm good now. So where on Earth was I? Only one way to find out.

"Space magic: Summoning: Human"

And a person appeared on the floor. It was a husky man who looked to be in his late thirties. He also had a bunch of farm wear on him. Alright first let me try to freak him out.

I used transformation magic to shapeshift my appearance to that of a green alien. Before I spoke.

"Human. Where am I?"

The man in his thirties looked up at me. Then rubbed his eyes and looked at me again. Then he did that again and again.

"Uhhhh… Last time I saw one of you, they were gray. Do you aliens have different races?"

What? Was he trying to freak me out?

"But Mr. Alien, we are in the United States of America. Kansas to be specific. Can you send me back now? I was in the middle of the state provided dinner."

Wait. What the fuck happened to Earth while I was gone? This was not ok.

"Space magic: Reverse Summoning."

"Wait your a magic alien?!?"

And he was gone.

"Space magic: Summoning: Gray Alien."

And a gray alien appeared on the floor. It was 7'2 tall, had long lanky limbs even for its height, and bulbous eyes.

Before It could comprehend what was happening I deactivated my transformation.

"Buddy, what the fuck are you?"

I asked hoping that it would answer. Even though it might not respond in English it didn't matter because I was a Youkai, and they could understand all non-magic languages.

"Huh? Where am I?"

I could tell, it was responding in English. So… was this either a human turned whatever, or just an alien that learned English and was secretly trying to wipe out all humanity?

"Kansas, and by chance have you heard of the SCP foundation?"

The alien looked at me, then my 9 tails and ears, then my face. The alien's eyes started to glow brightly.


Definitely a human turned alien.

"Erm, please answer my question?"

The alien calmed dowm.

"The SCP foundation? Yeah a few weeks ago I was contained by them along with a bunch of others. But recently they let out a bunch of the safe SCPs. I think I was denoted as… SCP-2020?"

Why would they do that?

I echoed my thoughts to the alien, "Why would they do that?"

The alien shrugged.

Ok not very helpful. But before I send you back let me try something.

"Scan magic: Check Up"

A BUNCH of magic circles floated around the alien who looked awestruck by the sight. He tried to mutter something but wasn't audible due to the sounds of the magic.

These magic circles would assess this guy's biology, his health, and if anything supernatural was going on.

A paper manifested after a while of scanning and pronging.

[Race: Rake.

Status: Healthy, hungry, excited

Supernatural status: energy conversion enhancement

Biology: Paper eating, sentience, above human strength. ]

Right now it was pretty basic and didn't provide much detail, but it did its job.

"Space magic: Reverse Summoning."

Hmm. Ok now what. Should I fly around for a while and scream and the top of my lungs that I want to see the SCP Foundation? That might work.

But nah. Let me use magic instead.

Something quite advanced as well. Something that would undoubtedly help me.

"Combination Magic: The Will Of The World"

4 magic circles appared in front of me. The first would infuse my mana into all things within the forest around me, so I could do what follows. The second to locate the natural mana in it, all objects had mana, just some more than others. The third to find the soul in a creature, if any, and take a tiny piece. And the fourth to put them all together with a decent chunk of my mana, into an amalgamation of everything gathered.

But that wasn't everything.

I quickly cast a few more spells. Summoning a few human and,

"Mind Magic: Extraction Of The Willpower".

That funny little thing I needed for my homoculi? Yeah, it was Willpower. Something even higher than the soul. A soul without Willpower was just that, a soul. Never destined to become anything other than a lone soul.

But Willpower in sufficient quantities? It would bend reality. Forming a soul for it to inhabit. And then with the soul in hand it would become a spirit. Something alive. Well not alive but conscious.

And that was what I needed for the creation of the WILL of the world. Willpower. As I had already collected the souls of all the animals, including humans and excluding all anonymous things because I wasn't stupid, and souls contained memories.

So with that I threw the Willpower into the amalgamation of mana and souls. Waiting to see what would happen, as I didn't want to try this on my own planet. Because like I said before, I'm not stupid. Or at least I don't think I am.

A few minutes passed as I watched with great fascination how the mana, soul shards, and Willpower fused themselves together. This would go a long way with helping me create new life from nothing. Although technically I could do that if I just extracted a bit of willpower from things.

But the goal wasn't to create life no… it was to create Willpower and whatever was further up on the food chain. So basically my goal was to become a god.

And I was already pretty far into becoming one. Or at least I think so.

Anyway, the amalgamation had finished merging, lets go see what happened.

The amalgamation took form into a woman, wearing what could be considered loosely fitting clothing, or in other words casual clothes.

The woman had green hair, green eyes, and somehow good looking green pants and shirt on.

I think she liked green.

"~Hmmm…. Hello ~master~"

Oh fuck. Gumiyeong wasn't going to be pleased about this one. I shivered at the thought of Gumiyeong's lectures.

"~Thank you for bringing me back to life~"

Wait what?

"~Master~,do you know about the SCP Foundation and it's rivals?~"

I nodded. Where was she going with this?

"Well you see, I was designated as one, SCP-4043-A, then SCP-4043-B, then SCP-4043-C, and so on.

By the SCP Foundation's standards I am SCP-4043-3-B. Each time I died due to human activity, I was resurrected again in a new form. But you ~master~ have resurrected me far more powerful than all of my previous incarcerations combined! And the world will flourish because of it!

Because without me, the world… would die, does that help you understand? ~Master?~"

Wow, they went through that many cycles of SCP-4043? That was… just what humans would do huh? Kill the will of you world… 27 • 2 + 2 times. I wasn't doing that math.

Ok, well, now let me ask for what I wanted.

"That was… insightful about how the human race acts towards their environment. But I shall now ask you a question, the purpose I revived you for."

She preened, "Anything for you! ~Master!~" she leaned in closer to me, showing me her ample curves and she wasn't wearing a bra.

Yeah, Gumiyeong wasn't going to be happy at all.

"I was looking to find a few SCP foundation sites and study some of the SCPs in them. Do you know the location of the closest one to here?"

She walked closer to me and grabbed my hand. Before she started to use a magic spell.

"World Magic: Will Of The World's transportation!"

First, she needed a new naming sense and second,

The world was rumbling, and a crater opened up in the Earth, revealing a portal.

The will of the world then took me and jumped through, still holding unto me tightly.

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