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82.11% One Piece: A Different Luffy / Chapter 100: 100. New Four Emperors, Marine Supreme Meeting Held

Chapter 100: 100. New Four Emperors, Marine Supreme Meeting Held

At Whitebeard's base.

"Since we're gearing up for war, let's start gathering our forces," Marko said calmly. "Even though the Cross Union weren't much of a threat before, relying mainly on a few heavy hitters, after taking down Kaido, they've absorbed his territory and a good chunk of his forces. We can't underestimate them now."

"If we're planning a direct confrontation with the Union, leave that to us, Idiot," Marco added with a grin. "I'll handle the recruitment."

The Whitebeard Pirates were still formidable, but they had been struggling lately due to the lack of a strong leader. With the Straw Hat Pirates lending their strength, there was hope for success against the Union. However, the Whitebeard Pirates were more like extra support; the real determining factor would be Luffy's battle against the leaders of the Union.

At Marineford.

The Naval Headquarters, damaged by the Golden Lion Shiki, was still under repair. In the meeting room, a group of high-ranking Marines had gathered.

The room was filled with Marine veterans, top fighters, and elite Vice Admirals. Only the highest-ranking individuals could sit, while those of lesser rank stood. This meeting was the Marine's most crucial internal gathering, indicating the gravity of the situation.

Sengoku, flanked by Aokiji and Akainu, took the main seat. Garp, Tsuru, Zephyr, Kizaru and Issho—powerful individuals recruited from across the world—were also present. Issho, a tall, burly man with scars covering his sightless eyes, was particularly notable. They were both recent recruits with Admiral-level strength.

As Sengoku addressed the room, the other Vice Admirals watched with anticipation, knowing that Marine HQ had likely decided to promote these two newcomers directly to the rank of Admiral.

"Brannew, distribute the information," Sengoku commanded.

Brannew obeyed, handing out thick stacks of documents to all the Marine officers present.

"This...?" murmured one officer incredulously. "Is this really what's been happening in the New World lately?"

In the meeting room, a flurry of exclamations erupted, tinged with a hint of panic. It was difficult to fathom what kind of information could unsettle this assembly of seasoned Marine Vice Admirals, who had weathered countless battles. Even Garp and Tsuru, veterans accustomed to tumultuous seas, couldn't help but feel a sense of gravity as they reviewed the intelligence before them.

"Is this information accurate, Sengoku? This seems unbelievable," Tsuru inquired.

"Yes, it's been thoroughly verified," confirmed Sengoku. "We've corroborated the reports through multiple channels, and the credibility is beyond doubt. In a few days, this news won't remain a closely guarded secret."

"Golden Lion Shiki's audacity is troubling. Despite his miscalculations, he's managed to pull it off," remarked Zephyr.

"Is he trying to emulate the actions of Rocks? He's a madman. After lying dormant for two decades, he's finally taken the first step towards vengeance," mused Garp, his expression grave. "Rocks... what a name."

The intelligence detailed a significant event in the New World: Shiki and the vanquished Kaido had appeared on Totto land. Furthermore, Shiki and Kaido had formed an official Pirate Alliance—a development that sent shockwaves across the world.

The prospect of two Four Emperors teaming up alongside a legend from the old era evoked memories of a time before the current Pirate King. The Golden Lion Shiki was one of the three legendary pirates alongside Roger and Whitebeard. Following his defeat at the Battle of Edd War, Roger ascended to the title of Pirate King, ushering in the era of the Golden Age of Piracy.

Now, with Shiki resurfacing and aligning with Kaido, the Marines recognized the formidable threat they faced. The alliance of two Emperors, bolstered by their peak strength, surpassed even the infamous Rocks Pirates of old.

As the realms of old and new piracy converged, Marine Headquarters realized the alarming extent of the pirates' power. Garp, well aware of the might of the original Rocks Pirates, understood the gravity of the situation.

Sengoku continued to divulge the intelligence. "The Straw Hat Pirates have absorbed the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, while the Cross Guild has absorbed Kaido's forces. They're on the brink of war."

This revelation sent shockwaves through the room. The Straw Hat Pirates, renowned for their exploits in the Summit War, had become a focal point of the world's attention. Their recent victory over the BIGMOM Pirates further cemented their status as a force to be reckoned with.

"The Straw Hat Pirates were already formidable. If they've taken in the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, they're truly fearsome," remarked Zephyr, his expression grim as he perused the reports. He vividly remembered their monstrous prowess in the Summit War—particularly their ship doctor and their pet with a bounty of 50 berries—who had halted him in his tracks with their staggering strength.

Later, Zephyr delved deeper into the details of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the more he learned, the more incredulous he became.

This crew, despite their youth, possessed an astonishing and rapid rate of growth. It seemed as though there was some mystical force propelling their advancement. Zephyr couldn't shake off the feeling of awe as he recalled his findings.

Just a year ago, Straw Hat Luffy's bounty was a mere 20 to 30 million berries. Roronoa Zoro was just a modest bounty hunter from East Blue, and Sanji, the Blackfoot, struggled against opponents with bounties exceeding 10 million. Tony Tony Chopper was virtually unknown, and the rest of the crew, apart from Jinbei and Nico Robin, had negligible fame.

Yet, within a year, these relative unknowns had ascended to the pinnacle of the pirate world. Their progress was nothing short of astonishing, given their humble beginnings. While the Marine and the World Government found solace in their brief time at sea and modest origins, the potential threat they posed multiplied exponentially when combined with the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The formidable individual strength of the Straw Hat Pirates, coupled with the seasoned cadre and elite members of the Whitebeard Pirates, formed a formidable alliance. This coalition posed a greater threat than any single Four Emperors pirate group.

"The Cross Guild poses its own set of problems. They are a lawless bunch, and their strength is well-known to all present," Tsuru remarked, tapping the table lightly. "With World, Bullet, Hawkeye, Crocodile, and Gekko Moria among their ranks, they rival the Straw Hat Pirates in power. Now, they have seized complete control of Kaido's former territory."

"In my estimation, their combined strength surpasses even that of the former Four Emperors," Tsuru continued. "This war between two colossal forces could spiral out of control and lead to a catastrophic disaster if we're not careful."

"The New World isn't just home to unaffiliated nations, and Four Emperors; several World Government members reside there due to its abundant resources," Tsuru added. "If these allied countries are drawn into the conflict, it could severely undermine the World Government's authority."

"Don't worry, Luffy isn't one to incite conflicts recklessly. I believe this war will be contained within certain boundaries and won't spill over into other territories," Garp reassured.

"Garp, don't let your personal biases cloud your judgment," Sengoku interjected flatly. "As Straw Hat's grandfather, your opinion lacks objectivity. Besides, such a significant event cannot be evaluated solely based on personal relationships."

The prospect of a war between the Four Emperors sent ripples of fear throughout the world. However, the potential alliance between Whitebeard and Red Hair was even more alarming. The Five Elders and Marines alike dreaded the possibility of such a formidable coalition.

While Marines could contend with top-tier combatants, the vast majority of pirates operated beyond their reach. With only two alternate Admirals, Marine struggled to match the sheer numbers of powerful pirates. The combined might of two Four Emperors could easily overpower most of Marine's forces, especially considering their mobility and ability to concentrate their strength where needed.

Such thoughts left them all uneasy and apprehensive of the turbulent times ahead.

The fears harboured at the outset had indeed materialized, and the situation had spiralled into something even direr than initially anticipated. The alliance between the Shiki, BIGMOM, and Kaido, coupled with the Straw Hat Pirates joining forces with the remnants of Whitebeard and the Cross Guild seizing control of Kaido's former territory, had tipped the balance of power in the New World.

Former Marine Vice Admiral generals, who had been only slightly perturbed by the Golden Lion Shiki's ambitions to revive the Rocks Pirate Alliance, were now in a state of complete panic. Never before had they felt the might of the pirates as acutely as they did now.

What was once the Four Emperors' domain had evolved into the Golden Lion Alliance, the Straw Hat Alliance, the Cross Union, and the undefeated Red Hair Pirates—all formidable forces that surpassed the previous empires. The disparity in power was glaringly obvious.

Sengoku intervened with a commanding voice, quelling the rising anxiety. "What are you afraid of? If we can handle the turmoil in the New World, then surely we can tackle the challenges within our own ranks."

Turning to Brannew, Sengoku instructed, "Proceed."

Brannew activated a projection phone bug, displaying a presentation before the assembly. "This document, prepared by the General Staff Department, assesses the threat levels of various forces in the New World."

Pointing to the screen, Brannew continued, "The most formidable force is the alliance between Shiki, BIGMOM, and Kaido. Shiki's capabilities remain shrouded in mystery, but his strategic prowess is undeniable."

"Though the BIGMOM Pirates suffered defeat at the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates, their fleet remains intact, with minimal losses among their cadre. Similarly, Kaido's forces have endured, despite losing control of Wano to the Cross Union."

"However, notable figures like Jack the Drought have vanished, presumably at the hands of the Cross Union."

"In second place is the Cross Union, bolstered by Kaido's forces and renowned individuals like World Destroyer Byrnndi World, whose bounty has been raised to four billion berries."

"Douglas Bullet's bounty now stands at 4.2 billion berries, Hawkeye Mihawk at 3.9 billion, Crocodile at 1.937 billion, and Gekko Moria at 1.53 billion."

"And finally, the apprentice crew member of the Luo Jie Pirates, Buggy the Clown, has a bounty of 3.4 billion berries—an astonishing sum."

The Marine generals were stunned by the exorbitant bounties. While they had known of the Cross Union's strength, the magnitude of their power was now palpable. Compared to the Red Hair Pirates, the Cross Guild's combined bounties far surpassed them, even eclipsing the Straw Hat Pirates.

This revelation left a profound impression on the Marine leadership, underscoring the gravity of the situation they now faced.


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