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Chapter 76: Chapter 75: Capture the puppy-like junior (R-18)

The enjoyable moments always seem to pass by in the blink of an eye. The two weeks on the deserted island for the test felt incredibly long, but the vacation on the ship was about to come to an end. With nothing particular to do, I casually bought a drink from the vending machine and returned to my room. Hirata, who was assigned to the same room, went out to play with his friends from the soccer team, and Honda went to the pool. They probably won't be back for a few hours.

I was alone in the room, so I put on the headphones I brought, relaxed in the beanbag chair, and listened to music.





The door opened, and as I turned around, it quickly closed again. Sensing someone was there, I stared at the door, feeling their presence.

Thinking it was just my imagination, I continued listening to music as if nothing had happened. But then, once again,





Feeling like I was being watched, I glanced sideways, and saw a girl with blond hair hastily closing the door.

I immediately took off my headphones, stood up, crossed my arms in front of the door, and waited. And then, the next moment,




I timed the door opening, grabbed the arm of the girl who had been following me, and dragged her into the room.

Capture complete.


"What is it, Nanase?"

The one who had been observing me was Tsubasa Nanase. Well, when it comes to blond hair, Nanase is the only one that comes to mind, so it wasn't really surprising.

"Is this Horagasaki-senpai's room, right?"

"Well, yes..."

"To tell you the truth, I came here because I was worried about Horagasaki-senpai's actions.''

Nanase smiles cutely. I wonder if she's just innocent or really clueless; she's so cute.

"Um, thank you..."


Saying that, she handed me a sandwich.

"This... is a thank-you for treating me the other day."

As she shyly handed me the offering, she looked incredibly cute. Hey, Kiyopon, why do you have such a cute girl as your pet?

"Hehe, thank you..."


As I smiled at her, Nanase blushed and hastily left the room. But she seemed to have left her handkerchief in my room, so I opened the door and handed it to her, saying she forgot something.

"Um, this..."

"Ah! Sorry."

Though I handed it to her, for some reason, Nanase entered my room again. Huh, again?

"No, I..."

As I pushed Nanase out of the room, she blushed and opened her mouth.

"Horagasaki-senpai... Can I take a nap here?"

Nanase's sudden question naturally puzzled me. Even though no one else was in the room, it wouldn't be appropriate for a boy and a girl of our age to be alone together.

"No... That wouldn't be okay, right?"

"Is it not okay...?"

She seemed crestfallen, lowering her ears like a puppy. What's with her, she's so much like a dog.

"Although I'm really happy with the treat... taking a nap here might not be a good idea, you know, because we're of the opposite sex."

As I tried to persuade her, Nanase reluctantly agreed, "Is that so?"

"Is it absolutely not allowed?"

"I guess so..."

"Yeah... Then, I'll go to Ayanokoji-senpai."

Seemingly resigned, she tried to leave through the door, so I grabbed her arm to stop her, and Nanase looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"If that's the case, then is it okay with me?"

"B-but just earlier, Horagasaki-senpai..."

Certainly, what happened earlier was my fault, so let's just pretend it didn't happen.

"Actually... it's okay."



I don't know why, but maybe because Kiyotaka's name was mentioned, I didn't want to hand her over to him. Maybe there's a part of me that feels inferior to Kiyotaka or thinks of him as an equal rival...

"Then... would you like to join me, senpai?"


"Um, do you not want to?"

Being stared at with those abandoned puppy-like eyes hurts my heart.

"If you're okay with it..."

Saying so, Nanase smiled and lay down on the bed. When she got deep into the bed like an animal, she beckoned me and called me over.


Even from her expression, it's clear she's embarrassed. I feel somewhat guilty for making her feel like she's forcing herself. But when I get into bed, Nanase's warmth envelops me, and her incredibly pleasant scent stimulates my nostrils.

"W-wow, you're really solid ///"

This is extremely dangerous. What's so dangerous? It's that Nanase is clinging to me inside the bed. If someone saw this situation, I'd die. Heck, it's already a situation where I might as well be dead. After all, I just embraced Horikita the other day! This is bad, definitely bad!

"....Hey, are you enjoying this?"

"Y-yes! Horagasaki-senpai, your muscles are really amazing. How did they get so...?"

I wonder if she's satisfied. Well, whatever. But she's so warm! This is getting dangerous.

"Your biceps are quite... Wait, Horagasaki-senpai?"


"Huh? He's asleep, isn't he?"


"Heh/// Your profile is beautiful... Watching you sleep so comfortably makes me feel sleepy too..."


About an hour passes, and when I wake up, Nanase, who looks cute and peaceful like a baby, is sleeping soundly next to me.

Her eyes slowly open, and Nanase's light blue eyes meet mine.

"Hehe, Eiichiro-kun... I love you."

Nanase hugs me tightly. Is she still half-asleep, or does she mistake me for someone named Eiichiro?

"U-um, Nanase... It's a bit tight..."

"No, I won't let you go, Eiichiro-kun."

"I'm not Eiichiro-kun though..."

"Just stay here, Eiichiro-kun."

"I'm telling you, who the hell is Eiichiro? Nanase, wake up..."

As I shake her gently, Nanase murmurs with her half-open eyes wide open.

"Huh? Where's Eiichiro-kun, Horagasaki-senpai?"

"I don't know who that is. You kept calling me Eiichiro-kun since earlier..."

"I'm sorry... I remembered something from the past."

Seeing Nanase with a sad expression that seems like it could disappear at any moment, I can't leave her alone, so I hug her.


"I can't replace Eiichiro-kun... But seeing you sad like that, I just couldn't leave you alone."

She also smiles gently and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you, senpai. I'm fine now."

"I see... By the way... you're pushing your chest against me."

When she hugged me, Nanase's soft and large chest pressed against my chest. When I tell her that, she turns bright red and looks away.

"T-that's rude, Horagasaki-senpai! Ayanokoji-senpai wouldn't say something like that."

"Well... have you ever done that to Kiyotaka?"

"N-no, I haven't! You're really rude... I should have just gone to Ayanokoji-senpai's room."

What's this? Is she still comparing me to Kiyotaka? It doesn't feel good to be compared to him when his name comes up.

"Nanase... right now, it's me who's next to you."

It's not like me, but when I gently lift Nanase's chin, she blushes and nods shyly.

"Y-yes. I'm sorry///"

"Well, it's okay, but I'm gonna take a shower now."

As I get up and head to the dressing room, Nanase stops me.

"Um, would you like me to... wash your back?"

I had no idea what she was talking about, but she probably meant washing my back. It must mean exactly what it sounds like.

"Uh, sure."

I consented to this sudden request without really understanding what was going on. This wasn't a good move.

Saying that, I undressed and sat on the stool in the bathroom, waiting. After a while, Nanase, wrapped in nothing but a bath towel, opened the bathroom door with a rattling sound.

"S-sorry to keep you waiting///"


What a provocative body. Her breasts are on par with Ichinose's, but her overall figure is incredibly perfect. Probably one of the top contenders for best figure I've ever seen.

"S-so, let's begin."

Nanase gently rubs my back with the towel, slowly and soothingly. This is dangerous, or rather, everything about this situation is dangerous.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it feels really good."

"Hehe, I'm glad."

I, who involuntarily adopts a respectful tone.

I used to think of her like a little sister, but seeing her like this, I can't deny she could be a suitable wife.


Fellow gentlemen, haven't you ever thought about it? The situation after marriage.

I have thought about it too. For example, let's say I marry Ichinose, then undoubtedly we can build a peaceful home. "Daddy is such a cool person, you know~?" and such, surely giving positive influence to the children and praising them endlessly. The children will surely have faith in me, saying, "Daddy is amazing!"


Let's say I marry Amasawa. Then there's no doubt that if I ever cheat or anything, I'll be killed, that's for sure.

"I wonder what you were doing, senpai?" "Cheating? Haha, you've got some nerve." Even if I come home at 2 in the morning, there's a high chance someone will be waiting at the entrance with a knife. I'd be dead.


Let's say I marry Matsushita. By doing so, I'm sure we could build a surprisingly peaceful home, and undoubtedly, we'd raise exceptional children. Surprisingly, Matsushita seems like the type to give children an elite education.

"Mom, I don't understand this problem~"

"Well, you see, you substitute X with... etc."

Probably, we'd raise well-grounded individuals.


Let's say I marry Kamuro. Then, it's likely we'd have cool kids. "Jin, take care of him for me, I can't handle it..."

"Mom's scary, but I love Dad~" If I heard something like that, I'd be happy. The family environment should be good. Also, Kamuro would probably cry.


Let's say I marry Himeno. Probably, our kids would have a foul mouth. When they reach adolescence, they'll undoubtedly say things like "Dad's gross, die" or something. After a few years of marriage, our relationship would likely become quite dry.

"Good morning."

"Morning, I didn't make breakfast."

"Huh?" Something like that might happen.


Let's say I marry Kiryuin-senpai. By doing so, it's definitely not going to be peaceful. I can already envision those days when she's rampaging around every day. "Hahaha, how about it, kids? Want to play the game of hitting Daddy on the head?"

"Mom, this is amazing! This is the first time we've played such a fun game!"

"Haha, as expected of my kids." Maybe it's a bit too much... I'm scared of the kids.


Let's say I marry Asahina-senpai. By doing so, I think she'd definitely become a great mother. For example, "Hey, no running." "It's not polite, don't lean on your elbows." She'd undoubtedly be a gentle and beloved mother.


Let's say I marry Shiina. By doing so, we'd undoubtedly have children who are incredibly healing. Also, she loves books. Surely, they'd come to me with tearful eyes and say, "Daddy, could you please buy me this book?" I'd end up buying anything for them!


Let's say I marry Horikita. By doing so, I'm sure I'd be constantly pushed around. "It's already 10 o'clock, get up. Hurry up and get up!" "You're only allowed to play games for one hour a day, if you break the promise, it's confiscated!" Somehow... I can imagine it.


And then, let's say I marry her, Nanase.

"Do you have an itchy spot?"

"Oh, um, no. I'm okay."

"Hehe, that's good."

Look at that smile, isn't it just too cute? If we get married, she'd definitely do this kind of thing for me every day. And when we have kids,

"Daddy! That toy is so cool!"

"Me too, me too!"

I have a feeling we'd be blessed with children like that.

"Hey, Daddy, are you having trouble? Mommy will buy it for you."

Yeah, I can imagine it. She'd make a good wife and a good mother. Oh, I really want to get married!


Has she finished washing? Nanase gently rinses my back in the shower.

"Senpai... Could you wash mine too?"

Ohh, those pleading eyes + busty kohai + long blonde hair. Yeah, she's the epitome of a heroine.

Immediately agreeing, I wipe Nanase's beautiful back.

Her skin is so flawless that I can't help but wonder if we're really the same species.

"Mmm... Ahh..."

Oh no, this is too erotic. This is bad for my heart.

Trying not to think about anything, once I finish rinsing, Nanase hugs me with a smile.

This is bad, really bad!

"Senpai, should I... wash your stomach too?"


Nanase blushes too, embarrassed, but so am I. And just when I thought she'd take out a towel, she starts applying body soap to the cleavage of her ample chest.

Oh no, I'm getting aroused.

"Alright, here we go."

She says, pressing her chest against my body and making squishing noises, it's not good, this is bad!

"Does it feel good?"

"...This is bad."

"I-It's actually embarrassing for me too///"

Nanase continues despite her embarrassment, squirming in shame, but still doing it. I can't take this anymore, she's practically inviting me. This is no good, my rationality is slipping away.

"Nanase, are you inviting me by any chance?"

"Uh... yes/// To tell you the truth, ever since I saw Senpai's muscles up close, my body started throbbing, you know?"

Nanase, blushing intensely while looking down, leans her head on my chest. Unconsciously, my hands were placed on Nanase's large bust.


"...Sorry, you can scold me later as much as you want."

As I hold her, I start softly squeezing Nanase's tremendously soft and elastic breasts. Nanase's expression also turns into that of a female in heat.

*Squish squish*

"Ahh ♡ Stop it ♡... No, please ♡"

"Nanase, you're cute."

Saying so, I forcefully steal her lips, and Nanase, perhaps feeling eager too, starts putting her tongue in my mouth.

"Mmm... *lick*... *suck*..."

"Mm... *lick*... *suck*... *slurp*"

When our lips part, a string of saliva connects us, and I notice Nanase wearing a lewd expression.

"Senpai... *suck*..."

While saying that, Nanase and I continue intertwining our tongues. Our actions far surpass mere kissing, as we engage in acts much more intense than mere pecks and I also throbbing with excitement. While deep kissing her, I smoothly removed the towel she had wrapped around her.

"*Slurp*... Can I touch your breasts?"

"Umm... *sigh*... yes///"

Seeing Nanase naked for the first time, I feel a surge of excitement. Now, I start gently touching her nipples while massaging her breasts, squishing them into a mush.

"Ahh ♡ Ahh ♡"

"Is this spot sensitive?"

"No, not there ♡"

The sensation of squeezing and fondling her breasts feels so good that I could keep doing it forever. I sit Nanase down on a chair, and she begins to spread her legs wide open.

Her pink, beautiful private parts are flowing with love juices, almost begging for insertion. However, instead of penetrating her immediately, I bring my face closer to Nanase's intimate area and start licking it with my tongue.

"*Squirt*... Mm... *suck*..."

"Ahh ♡ That's... so dirty ♡"

"It's beautiful, mm... *squirt*... *lick*"

"Ahh ♡"

In the next moment, a gush of fluid spurts out from Nanase's vagina, indicating she likely reached climax.

"Haah... Haah... Please don't... look ♡"

Nanase covers her face with her hands, feeling embarrassed about her actions, while writhing in ecstasy. It's incredibly cute.

"Nanase, you're so damn sexy."

"Don't... say that ♡"

This time, as I gently stroke her intimate area, she seems to be quite sensitive from just having climaxed, causing her body to lightly twitch.

"There ♡... It's sensitive ♡"

"Really now."

As if acknowledging the compliment, I insert my index finger into her vagina, and the sound of moisture echoes in the bathroom.

"Ahhhh ♡"

Seemingly aware that my finger has entered her, she tightens around it with increasing force.

With a relaxed expression, Nanase begins to touch my manhood.

"Now, it's my turn, darling ♡"

Saying so, she stood there and began to take my meat rod into her mouth while on her knees.

"Mmm... hahh... it feels so good, doesn't it?"

A sensation, indescribably warm and cold, as if enveloped by mucous membranes, stimulated my groin.

"Oh... this is... intense..."

"Mmm... mmm... mmm..."

Nanae slowly moved her head, teasingly licking around the glans. It's almost at the limit.

"Uh-oh... I might... be about to... cum!"

"Mm... Mm... Huh, what!?!"

In the next moment, an incredible amount of semen flows into Nanase's mouth.

"Puha... Haah... You're such a pervert, aren't you? ♡"

She had my semen dripping from her mouth, and she was so sexy and seductive that I couldn't believe she was a first-year high school student.

"Tsubasa, I love you."

"Senpai... Please love me ♡"

Nanase spreads her legs and opens her secret place while revealing her dripping wet vagina. Despite having ejaculated heavily just a while ago, it's already rock hard again. I align my own member with Nanase's vaginal opening while gripping it.

"This... feels ticklish ♡"

"Shall I... put it in?"

"Yes, please ♡"

Grasping Nanase's slender waist, I thrust my member deep into her vagina. It easily slips inside due to her moisture, but the tightness is remarkable. It goes without saying that I felt a pang of pain.


"Nooo! Ahh ♡ It's inside meee ♡"

Nanase moans lewdly, it's dangerously good.

"I'll move."

"Please, come ♡"

As I'm told, I start moving my hips, creating the sound of water splashing against water.

"Ahh ♡ Ahh ♡ Ahh ♡ Noo ♡ Stop ♡"

I lift Nanase's body and, in the "face-to-face station bento" position, she also starts moving her hips. She wraps her arms around my neck, begging for a kiss.

"Senpai... lick... nibble..."

"Mmm... suck... lick..."

As we part our lips, I increase the pace of my movements.

"Ahh ♡ It feels amazing! Senpai's penis reaches so deep inside me ♡"

"Tsubasa, I'm about to cum...!"

"Please come ♡ Please fill me up with your semen, Senpai! Do a creampie inside my pussy! ♡"


"Ah, Ahhhhh ♡ It's warm, reaching all the way inside ♡... My belly feels so full ♡"

I pull out my member from Nanase's vagina, and a large amount of semen flows out from her vagina.

"I guess I need to wash up again... ///"

"Yeah... you're right ///"

"But still... it keeps coming out. There's quite a lot still left in my belly... Is this normal?"

The semen I released into Nanase's vagina earlier is still dripping down her thighs.

"Sorry about that."

"No, it felt good for me too..."

"Hehe, thank you."

"Y-yeah ///"

I never thought I'd end up bedding a tenth person here... I might get killed for this at any moment.

Nanase has fallen…..

Finally, reached double digits, huh?


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ShirooYuki ShirooYuki

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