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"Become the greatest person your bloodline has ever seen." ~ Unknown

Strive for excellence in every aspect of your being. Make your family proud and ensure that future generations are blessed to have you.

Shape your legacy.

Embrace your potential.

Honor your ancestors' dreams.



Aegon Targaryen


Looking out The window from the menacing castle of Dragonstone, I reminisced as I viewed the beautiful ocean views in the distance.

I found myself lost in a sea of memories that stretched back through the annals of time. The windswept cliffs of Dragonstone stood as silent witnesses to the legacy of House Targaryen.

As a scion of my noble bloodline, the weight of expectation bore down upon me with all the weight of the world. The words of unknown origin echoed in my mind, memories of power and glory never seen or witnessed before in this world- urging me to become something greater than myself, to transcend the limitations of my mortal frame and ascend to greatness.

But what did greatness truly mean in a world torn asunder and stagnant? Was it the strength of arms, the sharpness of wit, or the depth of one's compassion that defined a man's worth? These questions plagued me in the quiet hours of the night when the flames of the hearth cast flickering shadows upon the walls of my chamber.

The legacy of House Targaryen was a double-edged sword, a legacy of fire and blood that had brought both glory and ruin to our name.

Yet still, the blood of Old Valyria ran hot in my veins, a legacy of power and majesty that stirred something primal within me. The call of the dragon whispered in the depths of my soul, urging me to rise above the petty squabbles of lesser men and claim my rightful place among the stars.

The progress we have had over the last 5 years has been staggering, with the formation of our armies and navy. We have truly become a force to be reckoned with, not that the world truly understands the depths of how dangerous we truly are and never truly will.

Summoning great men from different cultures and time periods fictional and non-fictional: from great men of Rome to Great men with modern origins. Using the vast knowledge and experience of these men along with my own to structure a basic training regimen that would create a formidable army and navy, perfect for the current situation and with time and further improvements; become the most well-rounded force to exist.

Currently, the foundation for such an ideal is still in its baby stage, but with the great minds I can summon along with the extreme potential of summons, reaching it is not as impossible as a goal, and the benefits of achieving it would be colossal. Even if we ultimately don't succeed, the benefits for trying would still be immense, since by shooting for the stars even if we only land on the moon, we would have done more than what the vast majority could not.

Seeing that I summoned quite a lot of people, only about 500 of them make up the bulk of my thought group and initial comand structure behind the creation of the navy and military. Out of the 30,000 summoned 10,000 have been summoned as 'new recruits' for induction into the military while another 10,000 are now part of our naval force. All pass with flying colors since they all have the necessary endurance to succeed.

30,000 of the freed slaves group having a sense of gratitude and a desire to never be put in that situation again joined as well. Surprisingly 27,000 of them managed to endure the grueling training whether mental or physical and push through till the end, being helped along with the strong mindset of the summons who pushed every group to do better and helped them all achieve better results than expected. The freedmen showcased their determination to endure hardship.

Seeing the actions and mindsets of the summoned and slaves, 20,000 of the eligible male Westeros natives signed up but only 25% made it through training, and the rest who did not complete the training course were shifted to other positions. Happy with 25% being above what we originally expected

With improvements still going on to this day, all of them have been put through the grinder and will continue to do so so they can improve. And although the number of accepted recruits was not 100%, the quality of army men who have come out of that training is infinitely more dangerous than any army with a 100% pass rate will ever give me satisfaction at the thought.

Moving on, with 3,000 available summons, 30,000 freedmen, and 20,000 Westerosi willing to work. After a period of learning for the slaves and commoners, we delegated every single willingly available person Male and female, finding out what they were good at and filling out positions that needed filling and easing up the workload of those already in the same space - with the increase in available workforce our speed and productivity has improved on all fronts with the best improvements being our Corporate, governmental efficiency and our farming and building capabilities.

Delegated tasks get completed more efficiently, while trade and documents get completed expeditiously, improving our operations overall and increasing income while with the extra analysis power showcasing how operations can further be improved and how costs can be further minimized; maximizing profits.

Using modern manufacturing techniques, everything is compounding - giving us a domino effect; making everything fall into place, and increasing efficiency across the board.

Turning my attention over to the mess of papers and science equipment sprawled out on the table before me, taking glances at the maps, having glimpses of math equations and different designs of ships and equipment written across parchment of the idea that has been in my mind since the year I knew which universe I was in.

Going over the calculations in my head over my current theory. Feeling confident In its validity.

In my previous world, it was well known that the ASOIAF world was a reflection of Earth and its cultures throughout history.

Right now, my theory is something that has been discussed extensively and has been a topic of interest for the GOT community;

the existence of another continent.

With the options before me were conquering Essos, settling for an empty castle with lands unlikely to be valuable, or rebelling for the iron throne; both being unattractive at various levels to my eyes

None of the options felt truly satisfying. While contemplating the path of choice, I decided to be ambitious and aim for the stars.

With some of the evidence of my dedication toward this project before me, I felt excitement and dread building simultaneously as I awaited for the time we would confirm the validity of the theory.

This will make or break a lot of plans for the coming future.

And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the shadows lengthened across the courtyard, I made a silent vow to myself.

I would not falter in the face of adversity, nor shrink from the challenges that lay ahead. I would forge my own path, guided by the light of vast wisdom, experience, and the flames of my ambition.


"You lack focus, not potential.

You lack consistency, not ability.

You lack strategy, not resources.

You lack discipline, not opportunity." ~ Unknown

Remember, the power to shape your destiny lies within you. Gather the courage to set your goals with purpose and intention.

Your life's circumstances do not define you.

It's the choices you make in response to them that truly matter.

Step into your greatness and claim the life you were always meant to live.

Thank yourself later.



Elaena Targaryen


"If we include these designs to the final product of the ship, we would be able to increase the speed of the ship by 10 percent. While the increase is marginal compared to improvements made previously,

any increase will push the capability of these ships even further than our normal ships used now, which are already better than the normal standard of ships used by others."

Nodding along as Leonardo prattle on over the designs, I looked them over. This ship will be the first of its kind in this world, when the first is built, after doing a test run and putting the ship through its paces. After all tests are done, this ship will cross the summer sea to discover land.

Turning to the team, giving them a nod, I said, "Good, let's implement the adjustments. Send the designs for the construction team to get to work right away on the extra parts."

Getting a nod of agreement from them, I turned and headed for the door.

Walking through the castle halls, I returned to my room. I habitually scanned the room for any anomalies.

Finding nothing out of the ordinary, I relaxed slightly and drifted off towards the far side of the room and stood before a bookshelf that spanned the whole wall of the room.

Walking across the room, I traced my fingers along the spines of the numerous books. Stopping on a certain book that I've been reading recently, picking it up , I moved towards the couch and sat down comfortably, otherworldly elegance within every action.

Sighing in comfort, I read the cover titled, "Meditations". I opened the book and began reading.

Feeling a sense of delight in the insights and opinions held within this book.

Having a sense of comfort and excitement in the unknown, multiple memories. Memories of a time immemorial having all the knowledge in the world, being all knowledgeable and ruling a city for numerous years - building along a Familia.

Moments of a time long past, of power so primordial its existence predates the formation of the stars, being birthed as overflowing emotions of betrayal, hurt, and anger. Flames surrounded me and the area as the faces of the people I'd trusted the most, looked on with various emotions across their faces, and various levels of destruction across the scene.

Experiences of training within the snow-capped mountains in winter, going through grueling training only a few could withstand. Too running from an unseen enemy as a chilling breeze passed through the area. Fear and uncertainty passed through my being as I continued to run from the enemy. Running until there was nowhere else to run. Looking over the edge of the cliff, I glanced back at the slowly approaching freezing mist before jumping off the cliff. As the wind whipped around me, the merciless ground quickly approached, an ancient uncontrollable power channeled around me, and my vision glowed green, and I disappeared from the area.

After experiencing such memories, the life I have now with Aegon, and my sisters, is something I am grateful for and value above everything else.

And I'll do everything within to keep this happiness,

licking my lips slightly, a small smile across my lips - contemplating darkly.

———————scene break——————-

As the time of the night hit 02:50, a figure could be seen moving through the hallways of Dragonstone.

As I moved quickly, my steps were as silent as possible.

turning down a hallway, walking before coming across a framed artwork on the wall. Stopping before the artwork I pressed on the corner of the frame.


A click sounded out as the circle design on the frame sunk in, and the wall next to the frame sunk in as a part of it opened like a door.

Walking through, I closed the door behind me, heading down the dark hallway. Weaving through the pathways avoiding false tunnels leading to traps of certain death to any unlucky few who stumble upon these secret passageways.

Arriving at the underground foyer, I witnessed the scene of runes and symbols being drawn throughout the middle of the room by Aegon and Vaela. Turning to Daena and Rhaena, who were observing from afar, silently observing the two at work.

Moving to stand next to the two, I nodded in greeting before observing how far they had gotten in setting up the ritual.

Seeing that it would only be done in a few minutes, and all inscriptions were perfectly settled, I patiently waited for them to finish up.

"Alright, this is done," Aegon announced as he stood up and clapped lightly.

"Indeed it is," Vaela responded lightly

Moving towards the corner of the room where a few chests were placed, opening up the first one to find the heart of a Dragon.

Daena and Rhaena picked up the two chest next to me as I picked up the glass case containing the heart and moved the things towards the circle. Placing the heart in the middle in front of Aegon, as my sisters opened their chest filled with different objects and placing them in specific places within the circle.

Standing straight before Aegon, "Are you sure you want to do this?" I questioned with concern, "we still don't know the full effects the ritual will have? The heart and your blood could have a resenounce, and affect the ritual in ways we don't expect."

Nodding in understanding he responded, "100%, we've done the calculations and you've triple checked it. While there is a factor of uncertainty, the chances of anything affecting me negatively are low. You don't have to worry yourself too much." giving me a ruggish grin he continued, "Besides you've done the calculations along with myself, including myself and most probably everyone in the world you have the greatest mind in this world."

His smile softened and his expressions softened as he finished, "And I trust you would not lead me astray."

Feeling a bit flustered at his bluntness, a warm feeling spread through me as I responded, "Okay, if you have such a measure of trust. I will trust in that trust." I smiled with my checks warming up slightly.

Moving outside of the circle, I ignored the snickering of Vaela and Daena and focused on Aegon.

Standing in the Middle of the circle shirtless, I admired his physic before sensing the are being charged with energy, pick up the heart with his two hand - Aegon spoke,

"יום השחר בפתח," I raised a brow as themselves words boomed with power as if divine, Making a note to ask Aegon to teach me them before he continued.

"תנו לחושך להחדיר את האור.

יתגלה ויונח לפנינו אור הדעת והחכמה." blue wisps of energy energy started swirling around him as he pressed forward strong winds whipping across the room.

לחשוף חוכמה שאבדה לאורך השנים" השנתיות של ההיסטוריה, את האמת של העולם הידועה לפני מי שרואה את הלא נודע,

החוקים שהממשל העולם פרסם עבור מי שניחן בעיני האלוהות.

תן להרים את מסך הבורות, ולחשוף את סודות הקוסמוס בפני המחפש." the phenomenon continued to increase until a variable storm was within the room, cause everyone to brace themselves in various ways.

"כשהכוכבים מתיישרים והיקום לוחש את סודותיו, יהי רצון שמוחם של המבורכים יהיה פתוח, ויקבלו את התובנות האלוהיות שהוענקו להם.

תן לטקס הקדוש הזה להיות צינור להתעלות, כאשר הגבולות בין הנראה לבלתי נראה מתמוססים, ומסתרי הקיום מוארים." As he continued the chaos reached further heights suddenly everything causing the dissappeared, as we watched Aegon with bated breath - questions hanging on the tip of our tongue.

"העולם יונח לפני.


As Aegon said those final words everything went bright.


"Just because you did something wrong in the past, doesn't mean you can't advocate against it now. It doesn't make you a hypocrite, you grew."

Don't let people use your past to invalidate your current mindset. Be proud of yourself for evolving.

Your past doesn't define you.

Your evolution Does.


A/T; I pulled through, thank God. The past few days have been busy and for some reason picking back up writing was a bit of a struggle on Monday. But I pulled through and managed, chapter is shorter than usual but still over 2,500 words.

I haven't had any time to edit so please excuse any errors or inconsistencies, I am usually very particular with editing - reading the chapter over and over again to try and find mistakes, but today I'm exhausted, after posting I'm eating and going to sleep.

I'll probably edit it tomorrow cause my mind won't leave me alone if I don't.

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