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"Every word has consequences. Every silence, too." ~ Jean-Paul Sartre



Red keep

Jaehaerys Targaryen

My duties as king, is something that I have never forsaken.

Duties that have held importance over much in my life, a duty that I've upheld over everything.


I feel tired,

Oh So very tired.'

I wearily thought.

Observing, new people I have not seen before me from the top of my throne, as the Lord droned on about this or that problem they had.

Was my choice right? Of course it was,

For as a king such choices had to be made for the good of the realm, I made the choice knowing the truth. I gave all that I am for duty, for it was a worthy cause, for the continuation of the Targaryen Dynasty, for the survival of my family.

Having seen all the works of people that are under the sun; unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that much is meaningless and a vexation to the soul. That which is crooked cannot be made straight, as I painfully remember her. Forcibly removing my thoughts from going back to that person.

I returned back to focus on listening to the lord who replaced the man I once knew. Observing the man before me, resembling a man I once knew yet so different one cannot mistake him for his father.

'I know of no one anymore.' I thought, for filled in this throne room is much of the same people. My wife rarely accompanies me to these halls anymore, preferring to be comforted by the presence of the last of our children.

Many from my time are dead, those who I once knew - are gone. Now I sit in a castle with those who I do not know, with hidden ambitions and motives.

I have given my heart to rule this kingdom.

to know wisdom, madness and folly: and I perceived that this is all vexing to the soul.

Remembering Something that concludes my thoughts on the matter, I am told from the Grand maester Elysar; my grand sire said it in passing, "'For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow.'"

He is wise beyond his years that boy. When he was born, because of his lack of noise and his profound silence most thought him lame, unfortunately I had much the same thoughts.

Completely dismissing any reports about his supposed intellect in the beginning, only assuming it a ploy at flattery.

Only until much later did I come to realize it as the truth.

By then it was too late, now for some of the family he is nothing but cold and distant, His face stone cold - rarely showing emotion towards them.

Yet in the same vein, He is loved by every worker in the castle, there is nothing but praise for his talents.

The boy is a once in a generation talent, in music, artistry, intellectual pursuits and the martial arts. The dragon he hatched is the fastest growing dragon ever documented, at the speed that dragon is growing, the maesters predict it might be the same size as Vahgar by the time Aegon turns 2 and 0 namedays. Faster than the last of my daughters, who before Aegon held the record for the fastest growing dragons.

His interests vary just as much as his talent, the type of songs he sings are songs never heard of before, yet are incredibly liked. His artistic capabilities are profound and incredibly detailed, I myself have acquired a few of his pieces for the royal solar. His academic ability has stumped my brightest son who after hearing about his prowess had sought to verify such claims, Grand Maester Elysar has nothing but praise for the boy, picking up any subject tasked upon him as instinctual as it is to breathe.

His martial talent is much the same, taking down children older and stronger than him with a temperament rarely seen in geniuses so young, most have to go through hardship before seeing the wisdom and simplicity in swordplay, and such temperament is seldom found in anyone but Masters of the sword who have learned the discipline of battle intimately.

If he was the first born and born to my first son Aemon, he would be perfect.

But he is sired from Baelon, his third son - and neglect has made him distant to most of the family.

Publicly a rift has been formed, the actions of Baelon's second son have been nothing but antagonistic towards Aegon - showcasing the rift between the family.

It would be wise for the gap to close before it can grow any further, maybe inviting him to spend some time with me? From what I have observed, he does not desire the throne, it would do good to bridge the gap between him and myself - I will deliberate further before taking action.

A situation that has come to my attention; Is the attachment my daughters have with him, besides their mother and I - they have not formed a close relationship with anyone else. Anyone outside the family can be excused with their mothers protectiveness, but not even Aegon's brothers have such a close relationship.

I Internally grimaced, as my thoughts continued.

Perhaps I am reaching and there is nothing, llthey are being observed. But after so long not having any suspicions that they have developed a fondness would be foolish, but for now I will observe and not jump to conclusions. Having history repeat is not something I will let happen.

The past years grief and pain were a large part of my life - finding solace was rare but if found….. temporary. With time I have witnessed much of the injustice that the so-called Gods have allowed under the sun. The tears of the oppressed, they have no comforter, for the power is with their oppressors, and I have seen the oppressors and they have no comforter.

Coming to the conclusion that the dead, those who have already died are happier than the people who are still alive,

But better than both; is the one who has never been born.

Who has not seen the evil that has been wrought in this world.


When I wish to find out how wise, or how stupid, or how good, or how wicked is anyone. Or what are his thoughts at the moment. I fashion the expression of my face, as accurately as possible, in accordance with the expression of his, and then wait to see what thoughts or sentiments arise in my mind or heart, as if to match or correspond with the expression. ~Edgar Allan Poe



Red keep

Baelon Targaryen

I sat in my chair at my desk, filling in the documents where needed for the past hour, having flashbacks to her. My focus runs awry and my head begins to heat up.

Deciding that work is not going to keep me distracted any longer, I Slumped back in my chair.

"You look distracted." My brother says, taking a glance my way, sitting in the chair across from me, filling in his own documents.

"Seems so."

Putting down his quill.

"Do you wish to talk about it?"

"I don't know." I sighed.

"Well it seems like you need to, so what's the problem?"

Seeing the dispassionate face that I am pained to see oh so often,

"It's Aegon."

"Ahh-huh." Said Aemon with a knowing look.

"What do you mean ahh-huh, why do you have that look."

Shrugging, "We both know what the problem is and it is not Aegon."

I ignored his remark knowing full well he was right, I waited for him to continue.

"You neglected him." He stated plainly.

"I know.", looking out the window, 'Alyssa…. she would be disappointed if she saw.'

"Is that all you can say?"

Getting frustrated, "What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know, maybe be more remorseful? Or actually do something to fix it. Sitting around and moping will not get you anywhere, certainly won't gain any pity."

Getting up, My face twitched as I got more agitated, "What do you know? He doesn't want anything to do with me - not like normal children with their parents, he keeps his distance like I'm just some noble, he is courteous too - to keep pretenses."

Crossing his arm with a dismissive face, " There is the problem, you want the situation to be like he is a normal child who is begging for the attention from his father, but here is what your not taking into account; Aegon is not normal,

He is unique.

He is not pressed for a father's attention like a normal child would be, You are the inadequate one who is not trying to reach out, if you really cared more you would reach out regardless of decorum.

Treating him with no attention like a normal lord does a third child will only give you results you should've expected with Aegon. Assuming that because he is the child, he should reach out when you have never tried during his life shows your lack of knowledge for your Son. He owes you nothing but his obedience as his father until he is an adult - which he has given. If you want an actual relationship with him,

you will have to reach out."

Blindsided by the words of my brother who was always a man of few words.

'He was right, wasn't he?'

I tried finding a retort, but I couldn't come up with anything that would sound hollow to my ears. It doesn't matter anyway, I knew any retort would just sound like an excuse - which it probably was.

Sighing with frustration, I collapsed back onto the chair. Feeling defeated, I turned to look out the window.

softly I said, "What would you have me do?"

"The only thing you can do is try… and be genuine doing it."

"So simple?"

Shrugging he replied, "'The simplest solution is often always the best route of action.'"

Laughing at myself in self mockery.

"Let me guess, something He said?"

Seeing his brother nod in assent, he couldn't help but sigh again - thinking about Alyssa and how much I've failed her.

It was not my intention but after her death, I just could not be around him. He was the last thing she left behind and all it did was remind me of her.

Days turned into weeks, then into years as I held off from doing much. Finding excuse after excuse to continue the status quo, ignoring the truth right before my eyes.

Resting my head on the chair, I raised my head to look upward as I closed my eyes.

Feeling the consequences of my actions

I thought, 'I am a coward.'

Opening my eyes to look back at my brother.

"I'll think about what you said."

Perhaps feeling dissatisfied with my lackluster response.

He only grunted before going back to work.

30 minutes passed as I got back to work while Aemon finished his work.

Organizing the parchment I will be taking with me, I turned to Aemon,

"Have we received word from Tarth?"

"Yes, I have been contemplating a plan of action and will bring it up to Father at the council meeting later today."

Feeling unsettled, not knowing why I'm feeling this. To maybe alleviate the feeling I questioned,

"What perhaps is your idea?"

Finishing with our work, we organized everything before he got up and walked to the door and opened it.

Stopping in the door frame, he turned to look at me with his face hardened,

"Fire and Blood."

He walked away.

Trusting my brother to complete such and action and return home. But I don't know why this anxiousness has not left.

Getting up and walking towards the door, I stopped at the doorway as well. I turned and looked back to the art picture depicting dragons raining fire from up above. Still feeling uncomfortable I reasoned,

"It's probably nothing."

I stood observing the picture, Hoping my words were true.


"Music is a moral Law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, charm and gaiety to the life of everything." ~ Plato



Red keep

Aegon Targaryen

As I wait for the girls to gather their instruments, I close my eyes and wait.


The humming started and the violin starts being played,

I opened my eyes,

I observed the paintings around, I ignored the gathering of people around the courtyard to watch us as I focused on the canvases I created, and the painting on the walls.

I began,


As a child, you would wait and watch from far away

But you always knew that you'd be the one

That work while they all play

In youth, you'd lay awake at night and scheme

Of all the things that you would change

But it was just a dream

Here we are, don't turn away now (Don't turn away)

We are the warriors that built this town (This town)

Here we are, don't turn away now (Don't turn away)

We are the warriors that built this town (This town)

From dust

The time will come, when you'll have to rise

Above the rest and prove yourself

Your spirit never dies

Farewell, I've gone to take my throne above

But don't weep for me, 'cause this will be

The labor of my love

Here we are, don't turn away now (Don't turn away)

We are the warriors that built this town (This town)

Here we are, don't turn away now (Don't turn away)

We are the warriors that built this town (This town)

From dust


The Girls and some backup began singing every lyric as well,


[Guitar Solo]

Here we are, don't turn away now (Don't turn away)

We are the warriors that built this town (This town)

Here we are, don't turn away now (Don't turn away)

We are the warriors that built this town (This town)

From dust


The crowd who was watching on the sidelines clapped with enthusiasm, some were going above what was necessary. Observing them, while some were impressed but trying to curry favor, others were just genuinely impressed and showing their admiration.

Giving a short bow towards the crowd, I turned back towards the group. Looking towards the seven castle workers I had forcefully pulled to Join us.

"Thank you for assisting me with this, I appreciate your tolerance for my antics."

They nervously smiled and bowed, and the one closest one responded for the rest,

"Please your highness think nothing of it, the pleasure was ours - we were not at all bothered."

I just smiled knowing he was speaking out his ass, but understanding that hierarchy is something that must be followed - I just nodded.

"You may go attend to your original duties."

They quickly scattered away from us as quickly as possible,

My lips quirked In amusement, seeing their actions

Feeling a presence approach, I felt a weight on my back as a pair of arms wrapped around my neck.

"The result was better than I expected."

My eyebrows quirked in amusement.

"You doubted me?"

Shaking her head in denial,

"No, I will never doubt you." Shaking her head firmly in denial, "I doubted if the servants would perform adequately."

I chuckled softly, feeling warmth coursing through my body at her word, "I was only joking Daena..... I know you wouldn't do that."

She softly nodded,


Are you prepared?"

Swiftly she changed the subject.

"Yeah I've made all necessary preparations, and it is ready to be used. I shall commence with everything tonight."

Nodding in ascent, she removed her arms around my neck and took a step back.

"Good, We all shall await the good news - I will also be taking your Latin language book for further study."

Giving a short nod in response, she walked towards the other girls and Joined the conversation they were having.

I observed the area, every painting, the people still lingering after the crowd dispersed and the expression on each person's face.

Watching as they played the game, blissfully ignorant or perhaps overconfident, only a few actually realized just how much control they have or how they can further it like the Hightower's, but are they not overconfident as well? Unaware that they have bit off more than they can chew. Blissful fools, unaware of the Consequences of their actions.

For there is a price for foolishness.

Looking towards the horizon over the sea,

Feeling my determination rise,

As today shall mark our first move,

Towards the creation of something Great.


"Koi No Yokan" ~ is a Japanese phrase that does not mean love at first sight. It is closer to love growing eventually. It is a feeling that begins when you meet someone whom you are going to fall in love with. You may not feel the love right away, but it is inevitable that you will.

"Koi No Yokan: It's Meant To Be" revolves around the phrases "Premonition of Love" or "It's Meant To Be". Two people do not have to be together, fall in love or know that they love each other immediately. If they are meant to fall in love, they will be brought together.

Out of the blue one fine day, they'll find that someone, who may have been around but never manifested or someone out of nowhere, who will waltz into their lives and get it right. That someone who is not afraid to give "love" another chance will always be around and the universe screams - It's Meant To Be…


In the middle of the night most were asleep, a few guards could be seen walking around, and as I continued to walk down the dark and decrypt tunnel. A light the size of a tennis ball floated in the palm of my hand, reminiscent of a spell from a certain franchise.

Knowing about the secret tunnels built by Maegor before I was even born in this world, I made my play to learn all about it as soon as possible.

Which was not truly difficult, although magic works differently in this world, having the the talent and memory of such great magical users makes it negligible to adapt, only a annoyance for not being able to exert the same amount of strength as they could because of the restriction of this world.

Some of the things that could be done are either no longer available to be used for now or are significantly less powerful then before, most of the more powerful magic is completely off the table, but with my genius mind, magical talent and knowledge of many different powers from different shows, developing new magic was an expected outcome.

Continuing down the tunnel I stopped and turned off the light as I passed a room, I sensed a presence within the room. My 'magical sense' is something I developed with the bases of clairvoyance from fate and observation haki for one piece.

Right now I can observe and feel the intent of anything within a 55m radius around me, and I can cast my sight anywhere I want with the condition of having a target just like clairvoyance but my range of observation shrinks when doing that.

If anybody would be looking at me right now they would wonder how I move as if I could see anyway, but one look at my glowing purple eyes will give certain enthusiasts from my previous world an idea instantly at what's going on.

Quickly passing the room with a secret entrance behind the artwork, I made no noise as my steps were silent like a feather.

Descending the stairs until I reached a small open area under the castle, similar to the room that held Balerion's head in the show but empty. The area was previously deserted as nobody really comes here and it is placed far enough away from any public or private areas.

Looking around the room, my eyes flickered briefly to the corner where we put the equipment we had managed to build or acquire ourselfs.

From weights made with stone, to various other equipment which might be needed for after what I am about to do.

I moved towards the middle of the room just stopping a few feet away from the entrance I can through, leaving a lot of space in front of me.

I closed my eyes.

I felt the strange sensation of power I've had since birth, always there in the back of my mind but never touched since I knew what it was and that it wasn't the appropriate time.

I took a deep breath,

As I allowed the power to begin working,

I opened my eyes to the scene of a glowing seal of Solomon otherwise known as the Megan David symbol appearing on the floor before me, with a certain crest reminiscent of the school of the wolf, but instead of a wolf, a dragon is there where the wolf would've been.

Looking at the Symbol before me, a sense of melancholy washed over me as a set of emotions passed over me.

Feeling more certain than ever,

"I guess it was only right."

I thought back to what that he said,


"Here is the last thing I am going to give you."

Lost in thought, I looked back up at the glowing orb in surprise as I registered what he said,

"You've given me a lot already, are you sure?" I questioned.

"Hahahahahaha….." I couldn't see his face but for some reason I felt he was smiling while looking at me fondly.

"You misunderstand my son, I do not wish for any entertainment, this is not an equivalent exchange and I do not wish for anything from you.

What I wish for has already been accomplished, for all I ever wanted was a relationship with you and now what I intend to do is fulfill my promise to you."

Understanding immediately what he meant, I smiled gratefully, "Thank you, May I know what the next gift is."

Getting a feeling of confirmation from the presence that while manifesting in front of me, he could be felt everywhere - giving off the feeling of a warm embrace.

"Well saying it is something new would be a bit of a stretch, it is more of an addition to what I have given you."

"I will give you a power that will allow you to summon individuals or groups that can have different professions and knowledge, but the caveat is you have to have at least a basic understanding of what they can do or how they are supposed to function or their history.

Let's say for example you want to summon someone with the experience and knowledge of being a president of a country with the importance of something like America. That is possible but you cannot summon a specific president or prime minister from your world like say President Franklin D. Roosevelt or Winston Churchhill, it is possible to summon someone who would have the skill and genius equal to someone like that with the same name and looks - If you set the right conditions, but they would not be the same person as the one who lived in your world, only having similar memories.

I will give you a big more leeway for your first summon, the timeline will not be fixed as a condition for your first summon.

You will understand when you will receive it, since I will make all its functions instinctual for you."

Feeling extremely grateful for such a boon I voiced out, " Wow, is this for?"

"Yes, this is an extension of my promise for companions, I have personally created four for you already as promised, but this power will allow you to build a trusted structure of organization quickly.

While they are not as special as the four I personally created, they will have loyalty and free will to the same extent as the four I created, you also cannot summon an unlimited amount of people, there is a limit to how many people you will be able to summon. Being able to summon an unlimited amount of people would be to much so there has to be some restriction.

And yes you can use a fictional world as a base for a summon but anything too powerful will be extremely restricted, if it's even given power at all."

Not knowing what else to say, knowing my emotions are know and not much words are need I decided to say,

"Thank you."

"My pleasure."

After a few minutes of contemplation, I made a decision. In the beginning I thought I would use the faith of the seven for my goals since it would be established already and much easier.


After everything, I wouldn't feel right to leave everything as it is. Now given this opportunity by him.

I felt it only right that I build one for him in this world, and let that world experience real kindness

As I firmed my determination, I was startled out of my thoughts by his voice amusement bleeding through.

"My child, it seems it is time to go now."

Feeling my consciousness fading, I hesitated before quickly saying,

"Thank you for everything, I am eternally grateful....


I felt a rush of Joy and adoration as my conscience was on the verge of full shutting down, I saw the last of the light before I heard,

"I will be with you always."

—-————————Flashback End————————-

As the light died down, around 100 kneeling figures could be seen before me.

All dressed in garments the same as the Assassin from Assassin's creed.

Despite feeling a sense of giddiness at seeing such a wonderful sight for every gamer, I kept my face stoic.

Looking at their heads covered by hoods,

"Who are your leaders?"

Five of the kneeling 100 stood up and bowed, one being a woman and the other four males. Each one dressed similarly but uniquely from the other, with the girl being the only one dressed in black. Feeling a sense of anticipation I quickly sought confirmation if I summoned what I wanted correctly,

"What are your names?" I questioned

"Edward Kenway." Said the man on the far left as they all straightened to meet my eyes.

A small twitch came from the man furthest to the right before he said,

"I am…. Conner Kenway."

I could tell Edward had his interest peaked after hearing the name. I on the other hand trembled slightly in excitement seeing exactly what I wanted, not even the Assassin's before me noticed.

"I am Evie Frye." The British woman voiced out.

Leaving the last two men, one in the middle of the five and one.

My eyes shined in excitement, not bothering to hide it anymore as I heard.

"My name is Ezio Auditore." The man said

All the others except the man in the middle had slight reactions, not noticeable to most but unable to fully contain their shock under my eyes,

"And I am Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad."

Shocked at hearing the names of the last two and coming to terms with the situation, various emotions passed through all of them.

I grinned wildly.

"This has turned out to be a very good day, a very good day indeed."


"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever." ~ King David


————————3 months later———————

Walking through the dragon's pit, I nodded towards the dragon knights who I passed. Walking towards the large clearing, where riders get their dragons brought to them by the dragon keepers.

Standing in the clearance I waited,

I did not have to wait long.

Heavy footsteps were heard, the ground rumbled as I caught the first few fire keepers coming through, coming through the giant entrance was a black scaled behemoth, scales darker than the darkest night, almost the same size as Caraxys. The fire keepers were guiding him, at least that is what they thought.

Looking up I leveled my eyes with the purple eyes of the dragon before me.

I smiled as I felt the emotions shared through our bond.

"I missed you too Big Guy."

Arriving before me, he lowered his head to meet my stretched out hand. I questioned,

"Wanna go for a ride?"

The feeling of excitement from our bond was all the confirmation I needed.


———————scene break——————-

Feeling the wind through my hair, hearing the sound of my partner flapping his wings, I enjoyed the feeling of being so high up.

This feeling of being so free, like nothing is holding you back is a feeling that is very addicting.

Something I never would've appreciated fully in my past life, having been fine in airplanes, and the couple times having been in a helicopter - although my experience has been less than stellar, considering I was more worried about falling to the ground below in such a contraption that didn't inspire much belief in its security.

Turing to observe the ocean in the distance,

I thought about what has happened these past 3 months.

A lot has changed since that night,

With Ezio and Edward here, they have helped start the bare bones of the mercantile company I wanted to start with the allowance I have saved up since a child.

Choosing to play more on their strengths.

I have Ezio focused more on land business and acquiring real estate in city's like old town and KingsLanding before expanding to Essos, while results are yet to be shown.

I know with Him it won't be long until we own most of KingsLanding and the other main cities.

While with Edward, he is focused more on exporting, we are still organizing the necessary ships and products, but when we do - the Velaryons and the rest would be green in envy in a few years.

While the rest were focusing on expanding our spy network, creating safe houses, recruiting more people to join the order and increasing their forces.

Focusing on the approaching city, KingsLanding fully came into view within a short amount of time.

I sighed at the thought of arriving back to that Sh*t stained city.

Despite my desire to just take Neltharion and fly away to go on adventure.

My goal,

Everything I have ever needed to achieve greatness has been given to me, and I will be damned if I squandered it.

This far everything is still in the startup phase.

But as soon as the snowball picks up speed, it won't be long until it grows big enough to flatten a city.

figuratively and literally.


"Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour" ~ John Heywood



Red keep

Daena Targaryen

I hate weakness,

I will do everything to never have to be in a position of weakness.

A lot of my childhood has been miserable to my standards, that feeling of vulnerability when being a baby is not something I wish to experience again.

As a general rule,

The most powerful or successful person in life is the man who has the best information.

For the one who has the advantage is the man or group that has valuable information not known to the majority.

It's how a lot of people stay in power,

The ruling class in power who have knowledge that gives them a clear but undefinable advantage onto everyone but themselves. Giving them an advantage over every other class who does not enjoy the benefits of that same Information.

Knowledge and information are the key to a lot of things,

Most importantly;


That is why I shall do everything to help him acquire the most power, for my beloved is the most deserving of it.

Walking through the hidden tunnels and coming, following a set pathway that even those in the know of the hidden pathways have never set foot on - and they never will with the subtle magical defense set to make everyone not keyed in too avoid this place if in close proximity.

Something my beloved with his genius has come up with.

Walking into the entrance opening into a relatively spacious room, one of the many we have acquired and basically sanctioned off for our personal use throughout the castle.

Drawing my attention to the male dressed in the same clothes as the people summoned by my beloved, I approached him and stood a few meters away. He quickly bowed and stood, not remotely interested prolonging any conversation I decided to get to the point,


"Yes my princess, our Information network in KingsLanding is progressing positively, I have with me all the reports of our progress with me." He handed me the necessary documents while continuing,

"We have managed to set up a base of operations in all major cities. Currently we are in the process of building the structure in the other cities, it will not be a month or two until we have all operations running - but for now we have already been receiving a basic amount of information from each new city. Reports about each city are also included in the documents including all collected information with a highlight on all details deemed important by the Mentors."

Feeling satisfied with the results as I took a cursory glance through the files, I gave him a short acknowledgement of thanks, "This is adequate, I shall inform his highness of the results."

Nodding his head in acknowledgment, I gave him an indication of dismissal. Seeing that he bowed once again before stepping back into the shadows and disappearing for sight.


I turned around and walked back the way I came.

Quickly ascending for the lower levels, I came to a stop by a wooden panel; opening it I proceeded to find another door, finding a complicated locking mechanism in the center that looked more like some silly door design then a lock. Something not seen in this world before, I quickly went through the process of unlocking the door.

Twisting the circle in the middle to a certain angle, before pressing on certain parts of the door that looked smooth before the flat surface sank in a little and the door clicked open.

Walking through the door, I came out into my bedroom.

Walking towards the desk I took a thin piece of metal sitting on top as a decorative piece and quickly placed it within a small hole placed inside the desk.


A compartment opened on the side of the desk. Putting all the documents in it, I closed it before moving towards the 4 people sitting on the coaches in my room. 2 of them were quietly talking to one another, the third reading a book - Idly commenting from time to time while the fourth looked spaced out and not aware of her surroundings.

Sitting down across from my sister Vaela who was observing the pieces of the Cyvasse game we were playing before.

"Are you ready to continue?" I questioned

"Mmmm, yes - but are you not forgetting something?"

Looking at her with a raised eyebrow, I thought about what she said before releasing what she meant.

Turning to the woman beside me I put my hand in front of her face before snapping my fingers loudly in her face and quickly pulling my hand back.

She jolted to awareness as she rapidly blinked her eyes, looking up from the book she was reading Eleana said in faux concern, "Is everything alright Mary? You look a bit rattled."

Calming down she looked at us with a mix of emotions, mostly confusion. She observed our actions trying to ascertain why she was so disorientated.

Seeing that my Vaela and I were still playing our game and Eleana was reading her book she decided that she was most likely just confused and drifted off to sleep for a bit.

Feeling satisfied with her conclusion she adjusted her posture and responded, "Nothing to worry much my dear, please carry on."

Shrugging in Acquisition we went back to our game and book.

Glancing at Mary who still was in deep thought, I smirked in victory.

Finally, with the green light from Aegon we will be able to have more freedom from the people father has set to watch over us for our 'safety'.


Returning my attention back to the game. I quickly analyzed the game and moved my piece to get out of the situation.

"You're not going to win just cause I was not paying attention."

Vaela shrugged,

"Maybe, but who said I needed your lack of attention to win?"

Feeling the challenge I smirked my eyes blazing in defiance,

"Oh yeah? You're on."


"Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence." ~ Leonardo Da Vinci


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