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90.9% Game of Thrones: Gaint of the Reach / Chapter 9: CHA8: Private Training and some learning

Chapter 9: CHA8: Private Training and some learning

{ 30 Minutes later }

{ Draco Pov }

After we were done with the sparing matches and given the go to go home I went to our training ground to put away my training gear and kept my mace with me for drunk or dumbass idiots who think ill be an easy target for some coins I am going to make them regret that choice.

I walked up the Rickter to inform him that I would come for more training after all Leon gave us a choice to rest or train more, Rickter was checking the weapon racks to make sure that all the practice weapons were here.

"Ser," I told him to get his attention and he turned to me and looked me in the eyes.

"Yes, what do you want I got work to do." He told me in return with a somewhat annoyed face.

"I will come back for more training Ser," I exclaimed to him and only received a nod in return and Rickter went back to inspecting the Racks of weapons.

As Rickter turned I also turned to walk off to my house to rest a bit and maybe read some books about terrain battles and how to use the terrain to your advantage and maybe a light training after all how can I rest if evil does not?

I was walking to my house and I saw the Knight at the gate of the starting grounds as I looked at him closely he wore the basic Tyrll knight armor and no costume on it he had a short sword on his hip and a kite shield on his back with the emblem of House Tyrell on it.

He noticed me and walked towards me that's when I realized it was the knight whose form I copied and I out of instinct grabbed the hilt of my mace ready for a fight if the knight didn't like that I copied his form.

he stopped right in front of me and we stood there for about a few minutes just looking at each other He stood at 5.5 and looked down at me but he then started to open his mouth to talk.

"Draco Thorns?" he asked to make sure it was my name and it was truly me and I am not some coward to hide if things don't look good for me.

"Yes." I just answered him with no emotion while looking him in the eye.

"Good I only want to talk with you so don't worry I won't attack you out of some petty reason like you coping my form." He told me but yet as he told me I still kept up my guard after all I knew saying one thing and doing one thing is different.

I didn't reply I didn't let my guard down and kept looking at him with no emotion.

"Well, that's a good sign you didn't just take my word for it and stayed guarded wise on your part." He nodded at me as if I passed his test so I just got to the point and asked him.

"Well, Ser is there something you need or want to ask?" I questioned him and he gave me a slight smile and spoke.

"Just call me Halton and yes I want to ask you something." He answered me and I only nodded at that and he continued.

"I want to help train you properly in my form." He told me and I was surprised because it's not every day you get asked to learn a knight's form.

"Well, I saw how you copied my style and it still has some holes in it but I want to help you get better at that because I see potential in you young lad." He told me and I was confused at this because most people would be angry at me for copying their forms and not helping me train in it.

But I only saw the benefit in this and decided to accept his offer.

"I would be very grateful Ser," I told him with a small bow.

"Excellent when will you train again?" He asked me with a big grin.

"Tommorw Ser I am was gana train with Rickter," I explained to him.

"I see I will ask him if I can join in to teach you." He told me after thinking about it and left waving his hand behind him towards me as he walked off.

I just left after thinking about what happened and took the path home.

It took half an hour to get home and get a spare key under a bush in front of my house after all Mom was at the keep teaching the young lords and ladies so I was all alone at home and was thinking about what happened earlier and what I may learn.

I unlocked the door with the key and went inside and went towards the bookshelf in my mother's room and looked at them to see If there was one I could read and I took a book on Archer tactics and formations.

I sat at the dinner table with the book in front of me and I was thinking about my private training I believe it is and what I can learn like how I can learn the proper stance and form of his shield and maybe a trick or two hopefully.

I then started to read out loud how archers can be used and their formations.

"The heads of the arrows were created in a way to allow them to penetrate the chainmail and other types of light armor soldiers might wear. Archers could also aim for the horses of mounted soldiers who wore heavier plate armor. Forcing them down from their mounts took away an advantage gained by fighting on horseback." I muttered some lines.

"Archers had to be positioned at a distance or behind some kind of physical obstruction like a body of water. The archers could also be positioned behind lines of infantry. The archers could shoot at attacking groups to help protect the infantrymen in front of them. Special arrows were made for longbows." Mhm, interesting...

"Ambush: Archers would hide in strategic locations such as behind trees, rocks, or hills to surprise their enemies. Skirmishing: Archers would move quickly, shoot, and then move again, making it difficult for their enemies to retaliate."

"Their purpose is to harass the enemy by engaging them in only light or sporadic combat to delay their movement, disrupt their attack, or weaken their morale. Such tactics are collectively called skirmishing."

[Reading some of these parts out loud and thinking about it I should get a map and learn the different advantages and disadvantages for some types of units I should ask Mom to help me with this.]

So I continued reading some of the parts in the book as Hours went by without me realizing.

"A helmet, a padded coat or jacket, some mail, and even some plate were common enough. How much armor could a medieval archer wear and still use a war bow? They could wear almost as much armor as anybody else on the battlefield and still use a war bow."

So in other words mostly light armor to be able to move faster to get to certain positions after and more.

" Real archers, not persons that might have had a bow — were not arrayed for close-up and personal combat. The bow and arrow (or crossbow) is a range weapon. Most archers would carry a knife, dagger, dirk, short sword, or hatchet designed for light combat."

As I was pondering all this information Mother came in and called out.

"I am home!" she yelled from the front door gaining my attention and I called back to her.

"Over here, Mother!" I yelled back and looked out the window next to me and saw that the saw was about to set and I had to get a few candles and light them that is what I did and went to a room we use for storage and grabe few candles and lit them as well as placing it around and saw that mother was sitting on the dining table with bread and cold stew I mean its cold but at least something and I didn't care much as long as I can get some type of food.

Both I and mother ate and spoke of our day and yes father was still out dealing with what mother told me bandits who attacked a village and were hunting them down.

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