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86.48% Rise of the Death Sinner Queen / Chapter 31: Ambush (1)

Chapter 31: Ambush (1)

"No answer." Trinity knocks on the door of Geralt's apartment, but once again gets no response. "I guess he must've gone out. He probably didn't expect we'd be calling on him again so soon."

"Well, I think it's fine. I still don't think we need him anyway. We can tell him about the psycho later. For now, can we just go?" Shi floats around impatiently, now feeling bored of the situation.

"Yeah, I guess we should. We can give him a call later. Let's go." They enter the elevator and make their way downstairs. They pass by the front desk clerk on their way towards the exit door.

"Good Afternoon Miss Trinity, heading out?" An impish looking man greets Trinity politely."

Trinity nods politely to the clerk. "Good afternoon, Carl. Yes, we're heading out for a bit."

"Stay safe out there," Carl replies, his tone laced with genuine concern. "Limbo is dangerous."

"We will," Trinity assures him, giving a small wave as she pushes the door open. As soon as they step outside, along with a blast of the slightly cool air, memories come flooding back to the both of them. Suddenly, Trinity can recall several places she would frequent in the past here.

"Whoa…did you feel that too Sis?" She turns to her curiously. "I remember a lot more now."

"Yes, I felt that too Shi. My memories, they're starting to return. Strangely, this didn't happen when we first arrived with Geralt. I wonder if it's because we never stepped outside. We were transported straight from Amlith's estate to this apartment, and we got out inside the private underground garage. This is our first time stepping out on the actual Limbo soil I suppose."

"Yeah, that makes sense. I think you might be right Sis. In any case, things look familiar now."

"Yes, for me too. I think I even remember the way to most places. That'll help a lot honestly. However, still be on your guard. As Geralt and Carl said, this city is dangerous, probably even more now than it used to be. You can be polite to people, but don't trust them too easily, ok?"

"I got it Sis. I'll follow your lead. You spent much more time on these streets than I did myself."

"Thanks Shi. Also, remember what Amlith said. We may roam these streets the same as them, but we're not equal. We must ensure they know who's in charge and that they fear us." Shi nods.

The city of Limbo stretches before them, a chaotic labyrinth of crumbling buildings and bustling streets. The sky overhead is a perpetual twilight, casting long shadows that mingle with the neon lights and flickering streetlamps. The air is thick with the scent of putrid decay mixed with the tantalizing aroma of street food being cooked by sketchy looking cart vendors on every corner.

Shi glides beside her sister, her ethereal form shimmering in the dim light. "So, where to first? The marketplace? The old cathedral? Or maybe the infamous Black Alley you mentioned once?"

Trinity takes a deep breath, absorbing the familiar yet unsettling atmosphere. "Let's start with the marketplace. I want to see what's changed and what hasn't. We can scope out tasty snacks too."

As they make their way down the main boulevard, the sisters are met with a cacophony of sounds. Vendors shout to attract customers, offering everything from exotic fruits to illicit substances. Shady figures lurk in the alleys, their eyes following Trinity and Shi with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Trinity never paid them much mind, but now she finds herself alert.

"It's amazing how this place hasn't really changed much, isn't it?" Shi remarks, her eyes darting around. "Still the same chaos I remember as well as danger lurking in every corner and alley."

Trinity nods. "Yes, it feels surreal to be honest. I expected the changes to be more extreme."

They pass a dilapidated building where a group of Death Sinners have gathered, their faces gaunt and eyes hollow. One of them, a young woman with a scar running down her cheek, looks up and recognizes Trinity. Her eyes widen, and she nudges the man beside her to alert him of her.

"Isn't that the Queen?" the man whispers, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and awe.

Trinity catches the exchange and offers a small nod, acknowledging their presence without breaking stride. Shi floats closer to her sister, her voice low. "Do you think they still respect you? After everything that's happened? That dog man seemed to resent you for being gone so long."

"I'm not sure Shi, but that doesn't matter. I don't need their respect," Trinity replies calmly. "I need their fear. That, I still have plenty of. Look at the unease in their eyes. They fear me."

They soon arrive at the marketplace, a sprawling maze of stalls and makeshift shops. The air is alive with haggling and the clinking of coins. Trinity walks with purpose, her eyes scanning the wares and the people. "Miss! Hey Miss!" Sudden shouting directed at them gets their attention.

A vendor calls out to them, holding up a necklace adorned with a gleaming red stone. "For the beautiful lady and her ghostly companion! This stone is said to bring luck to those who carry it."

Trinity pauses, examining the necklace. "Luck, you say?" She nearly grins at the thought of it.

The vendor nods eagerly. "Yes, yes! In a city like this, luck is worth more than gold. Trust me."

Shi scoffs, floating closer to the necklace. "Luck won't save anyone here. Only fame and power will. Trinity and I don't need luck. We make our own luck; we even have fame and power too."

Trinity smiles faintly at her sister's words. "She's right, but I'll take it anyway." She hands the vendor a few coins, taking the necklace and slipping it into her pocket. "Thank you Mister."

They continue through the marketplace, the sounds and sights of Limbo enveloping them. As they walk, Trinity can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. This city, with all its flaws and dangers, is a part of her, and she's a part of it too. It's like her muscle memory has returned.

"Let's head to the cathedral next," she says, her voice resolute. "Let's see if it's still standing."

Shi nods, her form shimmering with excitement. "I think I really like that place. It's peaceful."

Together, they make their way through the labyrinthine streets, the weight of their past and the uncertainty of their future guiding their steps. As they approach the old cathedral, Trinity can't help but wonder what other memories and challenges Limbo will have to offer them today.

They enter through the large, intricately designed, metal door, and the vibe completely changes. The bustling noise of the marketplace fades away, replaced by an eerie silence. The air is cooler, carrying a faint scent of incense and aged wood. Shafts of dim light filter through the stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the stone floor. The cathedral's vast interior is a stark contrast to the chaotic streets outside. Tall pillars rise to a vaulted ceiling, adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of anguish and redemption. The pews are mostly empty, save for a few scattered figures lost in silent prayer. As Trinity and Shi make their way down the aisle, the echo of their footsteps reverberates through the cavernous space. No one pays them mind, however.

From the shadows near the altar, a figure steps forward. He is an imposing man, tall and broad-shouldered, with a long white beard and piercing blue eyes. His robes are a deep crimson, lined with gold, and a heavy medallion hangs around his neck, glinting in the dim light from above.

"Welcome, Trinity," he says, his voice resonating through the cathedral. "It has been a long time since you graced us with your presence. Oh, perhaps I should call you as Queen Trinity now?"

Trinity bows her head in acknowledgment. "Father Solomon, it's been too long. Please, continue to call me Trinity. I haven't taken my role officially as Queen just yet. Be at ease with me, ok?"

He nods with understanding. "Very well, Trinity. You never were one to demand worship here."

 "Thank you Father." She sighs. "The city seems unchanged, yet different at the same time."

Father Solomon nods slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. "Limbo is always in a state of flux, my child. It mirrors the souls that dwell within it. Tell me, what brings you back to this place? The last time we met, you seemed rather conflicted. You insinuated that you were going to commit a sin you feared you'd never be forgiven for. Yet you said your hands had already become dirty."

Trinity glances around the cathedral, her eyes lingering on the old, weathered statues and the flickering candles. "I needed to refamiliarize myself with the city. To remember what it was, and to understand what it has become." She suddenly looks somber. "As for our last encounter, I wish I could tell you I found salvation and walked a better path, but I won't lie to you. I killed my father that same night, and then I committed the worst sin of taking my own life soon after."

Shi drifts closer, her voice a whisper. "Trinity…you didn't do anything wrong. You were hurt."

Father Solomon's gaze shifts to Shi, and a faint smile touches his lips. "Ah, Shi. Ever the doting little sister. I remember when you'd often come to some services with Trinity. You always were filled with such excitement. Trinity said it was because you rarely got permission to go out."

Shi nods, but doesn't reply, lost in her memories of that time. Trinity steps closer to the altar, her fingers brushing against the cold stone. "Do they still come here? Those sinners who are lost?"

"They do," Father Solomon replies, his voice solemn. "They come seeking redemption, forgiveness, or simply a moment of peace. The cathedral offers what it can, though the path to salvation is never easy. After your disappearance, attendance dropped drastically I'm afraid."

Trinity's eyes narrow slightly. "And what of the threats? The dangers that lurk in the shadows?"

Father Solomon's expression darkens. "They are ever-present, my child. The city is rife with peril. We need someone to save these poor, lost souls from themselves. I believe that is you."

OtakuGamerGirlTA OtakuGamerGirlTA

Fun fact, Shi was actually allowed to go out when Trinity was with her, though only to pre-approved places. However, Trinity snuck her out with her to the city sometimes, the market and cathedral the places they frequented most. This was sadly short-lived however, as Shi met her untimely demise when she was just ten and Trinity was twenty. The year that followed was when Trinity was at her worst, before that fateful night of damnation...

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