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Chapter 1


In a cell inside a large tower, several children are seated around an old man who is telling a story. But all the talking stopped when they heard noises outside the cell. 

"Ehhhhhh let go of me" screamed a little girl 

"Stop screaming, little girl, or we'll take you to the torture room" says a fat man with a beard. 

the girl wouldn't stop screaming, so the man got angry and decided to carry her and throw her into the cell where the group of children and the old man were. 

"Don't scream, kid, or you'll be killed in this place in no time", said the man angrily, before turning and leaving.

the girl got up quickly and went to sit at the back of the cell under the gaze of the other prisoners, she curled up into a ball and waited for the time to pass, after a few minutes she saw feet in front of her and raised her head to see who was there, she then saw a boy with blue hair and a mark over his right eye.


The boy gave her a big smile and said, "Hi, what's your name?"

"..." the girl continued to look at him without answering his question.

"My name is Jellal and these are my friends, there is Simon, Shaw, Miliana, Wolly and the old man over there is called Rob, you can't say it but he was a mage before he came here and what is your name?" he said smiling. 

"M....My name is Erza," Erza replied, blushing. 

"No need to be embarrassed, we're going to stay locked up here so we'll be together most of the time," Jellal says, still smiling.

In another dark room at the top of the tower, we see a child with blue hair who resembles Jellal, but without the eye mark. Instead, there's a scar over his left eye that runs from his forehead to his cheek.

(imagine the child)

"Kof Kof," the child coughed blood as he lifted his head to look at the person who had been torturing him for 2 hours.

It was a man with an eye patch that gave him the look of a pirate, the man also had a smile of joy as he saw his victim cough up blood. 

"Hahahaha so you're going to start listening to me now, after all if I continue this torture you might die," the man said. 

"aaah aaah do you think I'll listen to you?" said the child. 

"Hahahahaha of course.... One day you will listen to me, after all I am the one who decides in this tower....but I think I'm done with you for today....The next time you use your magic to try and kill me....I will end your miserable life.

Hahahahaaha," the man laughed as two men untied the child. 

After the child caught his breath to stand up, the two men took him back to his cell, but while the men were taking him away, the child spoke. 

"Don't tell me you're going to kill me, because I'm starting to get scared. ... Oh no, I'm shaking ..... Bastard," the child said, giving him the finger with an arrogant look.


Meanwhile, in the cell with Erza, Jellal, and all the children 

"Ahhhhhhh", Shaw sighed. 

"Why do you sigh Shaw?" asked Jellal.

"Ahhhh ..... I miss Mao, it's been more than 2 hours since we captured him and he's still not back," Shaw said, lowering his head. 

"Yes...." Simon, Miliana and Wolly replied, lowering their heads in turn. 

"Mao.....who is Mao? Rob," Erza asked. 

"This is ...," Rob replied with a smile before being interrupted by Jellal. 

"This is my brother .....," Jellal said with a serious look, but he was cut off when a noise was heard from the cell door. 

As the door opened, they saw a child with blue hair enter with an arrogant smile on his face.


"MAAAAAAAOOOOOO" the group of children shouted as they threw themselves at him, leaving Erza and Jellal behind.

"Aie ... easy, I'm alive, so there's no need to scream so much and hug me so hard," Mao replied before turning back to Rob. 

They stared at each other for a few seconds, letting some pressure fall into the room, before Mao smiled and threw him a scroll, which landed directly in Rob's hands.

"Here's the plan of the tower you wanted, but you'll owe me something on the way out," Mao said as he turned to sit down, but stopped in front of a girl with scarlet hair he didn't know, so he leaned towards her before speaking. 

"Tell me how beautiful you are, and how about we go on a date after we get out of here?" he said as he saw the girl blush. 

"Mao, leave her alone," Jellal said seriously. 

"Oh....Yo Jellal good or what," Mao replied.

"Ahhhh you're really unbelievable ..... Erza, this is Mao, my brother, and Mao, this is Erza, our new friend," Jellal said.

"Enchanted," Mao said, shaking his hands as he walked to the corner of the cell to sit down.

Erza wanted to talk to him, but when she looked at him, she saw that Mao was sitting with his eyes closed, not paying any attention to what was going on around him. Erza looked at him for a moment before saying "Mignon" in a loud voice before turning to hide her blush.


2 years later 

"Ahhhhh 1990 Ahhhhhh 1991 Ahhhhhh 1992"

Currently we can hear noises coming from a cell, and if we go closer we can see Mao who is currently alone in the cell, this happened last year, the head of this tower decided to put him in a cell alone because he continues to use his magic on others, when he arrived in this cell no one visited him except the tower boss to give him food, so to pass the time Mao started a training program to control his magic and become stronger in combat, so he's currently doing hand pumps with his legs in the air. 


Mao stopped but balanced on his hands when he heard an explosion. 

"Revolution huh .... I didn't expect this, I thought they had all lost hope ... although there is one idiot who is capable of rebelling," Mao thought as he continued his push-ups in the back of his cell.


It's been 2 days since the revolution began..... and no one has come to get him, although today was different from the other days because during his training he heard his cell open so he stopped to look to see who it was and saw his brother standing in front of the cell.

"Ohh hello Jellal, I didn't expect you to open this door for me," Mao said as he stretched and stepped out of the cell.

"Mao... I'm not here for fun, I have an offer for you," Jellal said with a wry smile.

"Oh... what's your offer?" asked Mao with a serious look on his face. 

"Join me and let's bring Zeref back to life," Jellal replied seriously. 

"Pfffffffff hahahahaha.... wait, you're serious," Mao said laughing, but stopped when he saw that his brother was serious.

"Yes, but if you don't want to... ..... I'll let you go, but you can't do anything to harm the Sky Tower," Jellal said with a small smile.

Mao thought for a moment before he turned and left, waving his hand.


"Ok deal done... au revoir frérot reste en vie.... I don't want to lose the last member of the family," Mao said with a small smile. 

"Ahhhh that wasn't part of my plan but well.....reste aussi en vie" Jellal thought with a small smile.

Mao's point of view 

"Ahhhh what a pain," said Mao as he looked at the sky before heading towards a boat he had seen in front of him, but looking ahead he saw nothing. 

"...." Mao then concentrated on looking ahead as he could no longer see the boat. 

15 minutes later

... "I've been here before," Mao said, looking at the spot where he'd been 15 minutes ago, as he concentrated to think, he heard someone talking behind him. 

"Seriously Mao, you really have no direction," the person behind him said with a serious look. 

"NO... I have very good orientation Jellal," Mao said before running off in a random direction to try to find the boat. 

15 minutes later 

"...." Mao blinked as he looked ahead.

"..." Jellal looked at him with a shocked expression.


"Jellal...would you mind telling me where the boat is...I think he's trying to get away," Mao said with a bored look on his face.

".....Bien sur," Jellal replied and led him to the boats. 

1 hour later 

We see Mao currently lost in the middle of the ocean.

"Uh... THERE'S SOMEONE," shouted Mao.

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