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87.5% To Love-RU; With My trait True Singularity / Chapter 5: Chapter 4; Family - Shopping

Chapter 5: Chapter 4; Family - Shopping

Sunlight entered through the window, a warm stripes came across Sora's peaceful face as he slept.

Someone unlocked the door, as it opened gently, slowly someone got inside trying not to disturb his sleep.

The one who entered seems to be a woman, she has orange hair and yellow eyes that match with Rito and Mikan eyes, she has glasses above her forehead, a golden necklace that shimmered softly in the morning light.

"You get her looks, though you still look so childish and cute," she murmured, a nostalgic chuckle escaping her lips.

She touched his cheeks, her eyes filled with relief and worry.

Sora turned around, as if sensing her touch, his hand instinctively reached out, his fingers brushing against the warmth of her hand on his cheek.

A soft smile came across his face, even in his sleep.

He touched the hands, pressing against his cheeks,a giggle escaping his mouth, feeling the warm hands.

His small fingers intertwined with hers.

"Umm… hehe~" he mumbled in his sleep, Sora seems to be having a good dream.

However, his peaceful dream was short-lived. Just as she was about to pull away.

"Mi..Kan…" Sora mumbled in his eyes, fluttering open. Surprise tinged his expression as he met not Mikan's eyes, but someone else.

He sat up with a jolt, the feeling of drowsiness was replaced by excitement looking at her.

"Mom!" he cried, throwing himself into her arms, his small frame trembling with happiness.

"Easy there, someone seems excited." She embraced him tightly, burying his face in her ample breast, she wrapped up her arms around his small body.

"Looks like you're doing alright now?" she whispered, her voice mixed with emotions.

Patting his back, she remembered the moments the same boy would make a strong face to not make her worry.

"Mmm…" Sora nodded in her bosom, as he separated from her.

"I'm doing better." Sora leaned back, his eyes shining with genuine happiness.

"I'm so glad you're doing better," she whispered, while ruffling his messy hair lightly.

"Want some breakfast?" she asked, her gaze filled with maternal love. Sora smelled the scent of breakfast wafted into the room.

"Yes, please!" Sora's eyes lit up. He bounced off the bed,

"Then go freshen up," Before she could say anymore word, his mother chuckled, watching him dash towards the bathroom.

"And Onii-chan! Don't run on the stairs!" Mikan's voice echoed from downstairs. Rito already left for his school.

"Hai~~~" Sora yelled back, already disappearing into the bathroom, his mother leaned against the doorframe, a bittersweet smile on her lips.

Inside while brushing his teeth, Sora had noticed, he felt energetic, he wasn't feeling as tired as yesterday. He concluded maybe the skills are now working.

Ringo sat facing Sora, he devoured the pancakes she fed him, his eyes lighting up with each bite.

She couldn't help but chuckle, remembering Saibai's telling about how Sora would eat and spill food everywhere, and she couldn't deny it, even when she fed him, he was eating a little wild, spilling the food.

"Slowly, Sora-chan," she scolded gently, wiping a stray droplet of syrup from his chin with a napkin.

"You don't want to get honey all over yourself, remember?"

"Mmm." Sora mumbled a muffled agreement, his mouth already full of pancake, his eyes sparkling with happiness. It had been three long years since she last saw him like this.

She'd flown back from her overseas trip the moment she heard, cancelling appointments and rescheduling meetings without a second thought. Her son was awake, and nothing else mattered.

Mikan's eyes linger on Sora with a hint of longing, she seems to want to feed him.

"After we finish, how about we go shopping?" she suggested. He'd grown so much and didn't seem to be sick, his old clothes were snug, and Rito's clothes were too big for him.

Sora didn't have many clothes beside thin hospital clothes, and the old ones are tight for him.

"Shopping? Can Mikan come too?" Sora's eyes filled with excitement.

"Of course, honey but if she wants to. Would you like to join us, Mikan-chan?" she asked gently, Mikan looked at her, then Sora who looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Okay," Mikan whispered, while eyeing Sora, who smiled brightly hearing from her.

She felt butterflies in her stomach when Sora looked at her like this.

"And, also wouldn't it be fun to see Sora in some new outfits? He used to be quite the model for your clothes, didn't he?" A blush crept up Mikan's cheeks.

"He did," she admitted shyly. "But that was a long time ago."

"Well, maybe it's time to do it again," Ringo said, her eyes twinkling when she imagined Sora in different outfits.

"Besides, it's about time you both treated yourselves. We'll leave after Sora finishes eating, okay?" Ringo winked, a knowing smile on her lips. Both of them nodded.

She wasn't blind to the sacrifices her daughter had made while she was away, the countless nights spent caring for Sora when she should have been focusing on her own needs.

She feels guilty. Mikan had shouldered so much responsibility, that's wasn't hers. It wasn't fair for her, when she was younger than Sora.

Mikan was basically doing what she or Saibai should have done.

After their shopping plans solidified over breakfast, the remnants of pancakes were gulped down by Sora, the family busied themselves to prepare for their shopping.

"How do I look, Onii-chan?" Twirling around, she stopped in front of Sora, to help him dress up.

She wore a knee-length floral dress that reached to her knees, paired with white sneakers and a denim jacket adorned with a delicate hair clip matching her brown hairs.

"Pretty and cute, Just like you always are." His eyes met hers, and a smile bloomed on his face as he saw her.

"Hehe~" Mikan's cheeks flushed with a blush, she changed his clothes into a black slim-fit jeans paired with a white button-down shirt. A black leather jacket that matches with his shirt.

"You're not so bad yourself," she muttered, buttoning the final button.


"Are you two ready?" Just then, Ringo's voice came in.

"Yes!" Sora gave an enthusiastic reply.

Ringo entered the room, her eyes sweeping over them. A surprised gasp escaped her lips.

"Oh my, you both look... perfect" she whispered.

"You too, Mom," Sora's cheeks flushed a light pink, his voice barely above a murmur.

"Hee~ look who is acting all shy now." Ringo smiled, seeing Sora flushed up the compliment.

"Mom~…" He said.

"Well then, shall we go?" With that, they stepped out of the house.

The bustling market hummed with activity, filled with sounds of people talking and laughing and smells of food, Ringo, Mikan, and Sora strolled through the bustling marketplace.

Sora's head swivelled like a curious owl, his eyes wide with childlike wonder, darted from stall to stall, his mixed ash-white and pitch-black hair catching curious glances.

His unique grey-blue eyes sparkling with innocence - made him stand out like a tiny prince, his eyes sparkled wandering around.

He looked as if he hadn't been in the market before, completely a country bumpkin.

"Is he a foreigner?"

"Maybe, but he soo cute~"

"Guess, we can talk to him?"

Young women and older ladies alike stole glances, whispering amongst themselves. Their curiosity piqued by the charming boy.

Some wanted to get to know him, but didn't dare, as they saw him being surrounded by a small girl of similar age and his mother.

Mikan, his hand tightly clasped in hers, felt a protectiveness over him. She noticed the way some people, particularly young women and aunties, lingered their glances on Sora.

The stares, though not malicious, made him nervous. The uninvited attention seemed to fluster him, causing his grip tightened instinctively, seeking comfort in her familiar presence.

Mikan couldn't help but find him even more adorable, a little creature seeking protection.

Ringo, noticing the exchange, smiled warmly.

"Let's get you some new clothes first, Sora-chan." Ringo muttered, seeing different clothing stores.

"Then, we can treat ourselves to some yummy food, sounds good?"

Both Mikan and Sora readily agreed. Sora's excitement made them smile.

Ringo knew just the store - a boutique specialising in high-quality yet youthful clothing. Upon entering, the owner, a friendly woman with a kind smile, recognized Ringo instantly.

"Oh, Mrs. Ringo! What a pleasant surprise!" She exclaimed, with a genuine smile.

"And who do we have here?" Her gaze shifted to Sora, her curiosity piqued by the boy's unique appearance, and girl beside him.

"These are my kids, Sora and Mikan," Mrs. Ringo introduced, her hand resting gently on his shoulder.

"So, what can we do for you today?"

"No need for assistance just yet. I'm looking for some new clothes for my son," Ringo chuckled, gesturing for the woman to attend to other customers.

"Okay~ okay~ well then, if you need anything, please call me." The woman bowed politely, retreating to attend to other customers and the ladies stealing glances at Sora.

"Tell me if you find anything of your liking?" Ringo told Mikan and Sora.

As they ventured deeper into the store, Mikan and Ringo began their clothes hunt, looking for different clothes that match with Sora well.

Ringo, with her keen eye for detail, selected classic styles with a modern twist, ensuring comfort and quality.

Mikan, equally eager, joined in, picturing Sora's smile brightening further in each piece.

While they picked the clothes, Sora also looked around but didn't find anything. He remained close to Mikan as Ringo disappeared in store collecting multiple clothes.

After a while…

Both of them selected clothes that would look good on him. It wasn't wrong to say they were excited to see Sora in different clothing.

"Try this." Telling him, while giving different clothes, both if then said.

Sora, initially overwhelmed by the sheer volume of choices, slowly relaxed under their warm smile.

He hesitantly reached for a simple white t-shirt, then a soft blue hoodie that caught his eye. Mikan helped him try them on, her eyes sparkling with pride.

"You look so cute, Onii-chan!" she exclaimed, twirling him around.

Sora blushed, a shy smile gracing his lips. He looked in the mirror, his gaze lingering on the unfamiliar reflection.

"But, this is just the start, Sora-chan," Ringo said, handing him another set of clothes.

"Let's have some fun and find something that makes you feel truly amazing." her enthusiasm for this was evident.

"Try that one, Onii-chan!" Mikan exclaimed, after Sora tried another outfit, her voice bubbling with excitement.

"It would look so good with your eyes!"


"Does it look okay?"

"Not matching."

"that one fits perfectly!".

"It's flashy."

The dressing room became a stage for their little play. They experimented with different combinations.

Ringo, a fashionista in her own right, offered suggestions, her eyes twinkling with the joy of dressing her son.

Two hours later, exhausted but with smiles playing on their lips, they emerged from the bustling clothing store.

The mountains of bags piled high near the checkout, filled with clothes picked with love by Ringo and Mikan, surrounded them.

Sora, adorned in a new outfit chosen by Mikan, looked cuter. A flicker of exhaustion peek through his eyes.

"Don't worry, we can arrange delivery to your home. Your son looks like he needs a rest." The shop owner chuckled, seeing they couldn't take this much clothes together with them. Also they bought a lot of clothing.

"Thank you, that would be a lifesaver." Ringo said in a polite tone.

Leaving the shop, the afternoon sun cast a warm glow on their faces.

"Ice cream?" Ringo suggested, watching Sora blink away drowsiness.

At the mention of the word, Sora's eyes lit up.

"Ice cream!" he echoed, a childlike excitement replacing his fatigue.

"Me too, please!" Mikan giggled, watching him.

Leaving the shop, a comfortable silence settled between them.

After eating it, fatigue caught up to Sora. He seemed to be tired after so long, his eyelids soon began to droop. His head bobbed against Mikan's shoulder, his breaths growing shallow.

"He needs sleep," Mikan murmured, concerned creeping into her voice.

"Looks like Sora-chan is tired after all, we should go home." Ringo nodded.

"Taxi," she shouted, and a taxi pulled over their side.

Ringo knew Sora wouldn't make it walking. Hailing a taxi, she helped him inside, gently cradling his head on her lap. He snuggled against her side, his eyes closed.

As they drove through the familiar streets, Ringo watched her son sleep.

To be continued...


[Word Count: 2104]


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A/N: Yes, Sora is recovering, but little walk won't hurt right?

Starless_Eclipse Starless_Eclipse

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