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Chapter 7: Unseen Forces

Somewhere in Universe-7:

It was cold... dark, the wind howling at every turn, a dark storm enveloping in its path, like a malevolent force unleashed from the depths of winter's heart - such a desolate sight.

??: "Darkness... everything's so... dark. Who am I... where am I?"

A mysterious being had awoken on the surface of the world unbeknownst to who or what they were. Aside from that, (??) had to find shelter from the storm. The world was dark and unknown to them. They found it too risky to roam around with a dark tempest looming over their head.

To their surprise, a space pod was lying right behind them. It seemed to jog a bit a bit of their memory giving them flashbacks. As they got into the pod, they slowly started to piece everything together.

??: "Oh. I see.."

They started the pod up and launched upwards, but it seemed as if they were an idiot because they forgot that there was a powerful storm right above them. As you might have expected, the storm brought his pod back down to the ground. They finally decided to wait for the storm to finish and a day later, the wind calmed down opening a window for them to leave. They fired up the pod and launched a full blast off the world and into space. They set a course for a rendezvous point that was quite a distance away. They went to sleep and headed straight towards it.

Many months passed as (??) travelled through the vastness of the cosmos until one day, they would finally reach their destination. A grey world named Draxus. The pod's computer woke them up as they landed on the planet. As they landed, they got out of the pod and onto the surface of the world.

Zuccha: "If it isn't Aspar. It seems you've managed to survive after all. Didn't think you'd make it."

Said the being that stood outside the pod.

Aspar: "Well I made it, best believe it. I don't know why all of you always look down on me like I'm some sort of idiot."

Zuccha: "That's because you are an idiot. Out of all of us, you're the weakest link. None of us like you Aspar. It took you a whole seven months to get here. I'm surprised you even got here before Spinaca."

Then, there was a sudden object in the sky heading straight towards the ground.

Zuccha: "Speak of the devil."

It turned out to be another space pod. It landed shortly and out of the pod came a similar being named Spinaca.

Spinaca: "Well well well, what do we have here? If it isn't the infamous loser Aspar. Looks like he made it."

Aspar: "Damn you. Damn all of you."

They both looked at Aspar with cold looks in their eyes and just ignored him.

Zuccha: "What took so long? It's been seven months."

Spinaca: "I've been busy, per the orders of our commander. Well, we better not keep him waiting."

They travelled up the mountain as the meteors started to rain down from the rings around the planet in every direction, leaving the planet uninhabitable and constantly burning.

Aspar: "Seriously guys, why Draxus? There's always meteors falling everywhere."

Zuccha: "They make for a good target practice session."

He sent powerful ki blasts into the sky obliterating most of them.

Aspar: "This planet's a living hell."

Spinaca: "Don't be a wuss."

They finally reached the top of the mountain where their commander, Okara, meditated on a patch of land in the middle of a lava pool.

Zuccha: "Hey commander, look who we found."

Okara opened his eyes and looked straight into Aspar's eyes staring deep into his soul.

Okara: "So the loser survived after all."

Aspar: "You know what? I'm sick and tired of all you losers looking down on me as if you're all something special. You're all like a black hole of significance - everything around you gets sucked into oblivion, including your own worth."

Okara snapped and blasted Aspar sending him crashing into a wall. He flew over to him and by his head and planted into the hot molten rock scarring his face.

Aspar: "Ahhhhh!!!"

The others just watched, frightened as Okara ruthlessly punished Aspar without hesitation.

Okara: "That should teach you to have some respect."

He tossed him aside and went back to address the others.

Okara: "Back to business. I believe your mission was fruitful Spinaca."

Spinca: "Y-Yes commander Okara."

He said with a shaking voice, clearly still frightened.

"After many months of searching, I believe that I have found it."

Zuccha: "Found what?"

He wondered what Spinaca and the commander had been plotting.

Spinaca: "The key to bringing master back."

Okara: "Good. Now tell me, where... is it?"

Spinaca: "It's on a planet named Namek. Commander, after you gave me my mission, I was clueless as to where to start. So I desperately returned to our home world looking for clues, and there I found it. Hidden within the remains of our archives, I found it - Planet Namek.

The inhabitants of Namek are known as Namekians. They possess powerful artefacts known as the Dragon Balls."

Zuccha: "Dragon Balls? What do they do?"

Spinaca: "I'm sure you'll both find this very intriguing. They have the power to grant the user any wish they want."

Zuccha: "Things like that actually exist? Impossible."

He said, shocked by all of the new information and possibilities.

Okara: "Very intriguing indeed. And you say you found this information in our race's archives?"

Spinaca: "Yes Commander."

Okara thought about what that could mean. All of this information, just sitting in his race's archives.

Okara: "As surprising as it is, it would be that the previous leaders of our world made contact with the Namekians and somehow convinced them to let them use the Dragon Balls for the benefit of our race.

It would also explain how we managed to achieve the technological wonders that we never knew were even possible.

So it is clear to us, what we must do now. We shall go to Planet Namek and use the power of the Dragon Balls to resurrection our master!

Kurikami shall rule once more."

With that, the surviving Saiyans started making their way to their pods preparing to invade Namek. As they were about to leave the mountain, Okara mercifully gave a scarred and weak Aspar some of his energy.

Okara: "Zuccha, take him. He's coming with us. Don't take my mercy lightly. One wrong move and it's off with your head."

They headed down the mountain into their pods, and then it was off to Namek for the Saiyans. Month after month, they drew closer to Namek and closer to achieving their goal. After a ten-month trip, the Saiyans finally landed on Planet Namek.

And out of their pods, like a predator stalking its prey, the Saiyans would go straight for Namekians looking for answers, exterminating anyone of them who didn't comply. The Namekians were a peaceful race, and at that point, they would do anything to maintain that peace. They willingly gave up the Namekian Dragon Balls to the Saiyans.

Okara: "Yes. Our plans will finally come to fruition. Kurikami shall rise once more. You there, show me how to use these."

He pointed to one of the Namekians.

Native: "O-Okay. Just gather them around on the floor, but the Grand Elder is the only one who can summon the dragon."

The native, who was scared for dear life had told Okara.

Okara complied and dropped them on the floor.

Okara: "Now where is this Grand Elder?"

Out of the crowd, the Grand Elder present at that time stepped forward in front of the Dragon Balls.

Grand Elder: "Just leave the rest to me. I'll summon the dragon for you. Takkaraputo Popurunga Pupirittoparo"

Light beamed from the Dragon Balls and out came Porunga, the dragon of dreams.

Okara: "Incredible."

Grand Elder: "To make your wish, it is to be said in the Namekian language. So... what is your wish."

Okara: "I wish that the mighty Saiyan Kurikami rises from the dead."

The Grand Elder translated Okara's wish into Namekian and said to the dragon. After the wish had been requested, Porunga disappeared and Okara's wish had been granted.

Then, in a flash, the mighty Saiyan who posed a threat to the entirety of Universe-7, the 'King of the Saiyans' Kurikami had finally appeared. But as soon as he appeared, he disappeared.

Okara: "What just happened?"

He spoke infuriated.

Grand Elder: "This Kurikami, by chance, was killed by Lord Beerus?"

Okara: "Yes, why?"

Grand Elder: "Then it is pointless. The Dragon Balls don't have enough power to restore what has been done by a God of Destruction. I'm sorry."

Infuriated, he blasted the Grand Elder and sent ki blasts flying in all directions. The Namekians fled from the area.

Okara: "Screw all of this. We're leaving now."

The Saiyans left the Planet Namek in hopes of finding a new plan to resurrect their fallen king.


Ryū: Age(10)

Current Power lvl: 1 000 000

Current Form(s): Divine Base Form


Divine Ki Blast

Special Attacks:


VOID_000 VOID_000

Hey guys.

Note that there have been slight changes in Ryū's power level at the end of each chapter.

Hey guys. I extended the story a bit to not confuse you guys. Kurikami was wiped out by Beerus so he could not be resurrected by dragon balls.

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