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97.29% Marvel: Tech System / Chapter 70: Chapter 70 Revenge

Chapter 70: Chapter 70 Revenge

Everything had gone to plan as I left no trace of my involvement. For anyone who'd investigate, it would look like a really bad gang fight that got out of hand. With that taken care of it was time for me to handle another issue that was currently glaring at me for answers.

"Frank, those gangsters were hired to make your death and the death of your family seem like an accident. As for the ones who hired them… you may not believe me" 

I had only known Frank for over an hour at best while he knew Billy Russo for years and even trusted him with his back. Breaking that sort of trust was going to need a lot of evidence. Which I had but that didn't mean it would be easy for Frank to believe.

"Just out with it, who was it?"

"Your partner in the Marines Billy Russo and the director of covert operations in the CIA Rawlins are the ones who put the hit on you"

"Bull $#&$ Billy's saved my life more times than I can count!"

Without saying anything I pressed a button that brought out some screens filled with different images. I could talk all I wanted but he wouldn't believe me. So it was best to just hit him with the evidence.

"What's this? Operation Cerberus"

"It was an Operation under the CIA that used bodies to hold drugs for trafficking. Many of the bodies used were your fellow service men" Clicking a file it showed pictures upon pictures of that showed the scenes I just described. There was also a list of all the money that was coming in and getting cleaned as it went to offshore accounts.

"But this still doesn't make sense. This is my first time hearing about this. Why would they come after me?"

"There was a leak about a piece of footage that could link the crimes to them and it was assumed to be you. Basically, it was an accident since you weren't the leak"

"All because of an accident… My wife and kids almost died because of what a mix-up!" Frank in anger slammed his fist onto the table. The images of his wife and kid's scared expressions flashed through his mind.

Frank silently sat in place with his fist clenched. He knew these types, no matter what they wouldn't let him go. Even if he showed them proof it wouldn't matter because at that point he already knew too much. So there was only one way to handle this… and it required permanent action. 'I'll kill them, I'll kill them all' He thought with a flash of red in his eyes.

Watching Frank I couldn't help but feel impressed. While he was amazing for a soldier at the end of the day he was still just a human. Yet he didn't care. So what if it was the CIA or if there were lots of people involved in this? He'd take them all out one by one. This is exactly what interested me. He was a man of determination and sheer will.

Moving my hands into another compartment I pulled out a folder that had been pre-prepared. Frank watched waiting for what might be next expecting more evidence but it wasn't related to that this time. Placing it on the table I gently slid it over to him.

Grabbing it he began to read and stopped in surprise before watching me questioningly while trying to see what my angle was. On the cover of the paper was a simple title. Terms of service.

I had given Frank a work contract that offered him employment under me for one year. It was short but I made it so because I knew that trust was something that needed to be built. Once that was established then we'd be able to renew his contract later on. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry with every other thing I'm working on.

"You want me to work for you? I don't want to surprise you but I ain't a scientist"

"Haha, I'm aware of that. What I want is a particular set of skills that you have. As you saw when you arrived in this facility it's mostly guarded by machines. Which is fine but a machine isn't flexible like a person able to change on the fly and adapt to situations. They require orders. To fix this issue I wanted you to be the first I extended this offer to.

Your job would be working as the head of security not just for this facility but also at times as my private guard detail. You can check the benefits on the contract as well. The pay is three times higher than the average and you'll be close to home."

Frank remained quiet as he thought deeply about it. The job was good and security work was something he had already planned on doing when he came back to the States. But Frank still felt some hesitation. 

Kol seemed to know everything and his instinct clearly told him that the man in front of him was dangerous. Willingly accepting a deal with such an individual could bring harm to his own family.

I saw through his hesitation and decided to put the nail in the coffin. "If you work for me I'll even help you take down those two individuals. 'Completely'. Every crime will be brought up to the public and the money they've made will be sent to the soldiers who had their bodies desecrated"

With those words, any hesitation Frank might have had was erased. Revenge truly was a scary thing.

"When do we get started"




In a hidden location, two men were in a heated discussion. One was a bald man wearing a suit with a scar on his eye. Currently, he was shouting at the bearded individual beside him.

"What do you mean he's gone? You told me you'd handle it. Now pray tell what exactly has been handled. All I know is that there is a park full of dead gangsters with no sign of Frank or his family." Rawlins shouted with stress marks appearing on his forehead.

"I know I've had our guys searching but there's absolutely no sign of him and every camera in the area has been scrubbed clean. We think he had outside help but we can't figure out who." Russo explained while also just as lost as Rawlins was. Outside help was the only explanation but that left them in a dead end because they didn't have any clues as to who would get involved.

Ring Ring

Hearing his phone Rawlins pulled it out and stepped aside. 'Hopefully, it was some good news' he mused.

"Sir they know! They know everything"

"Know everything, what are you talking about?"

"Just put on the news sir and you'll see. I got to go their coming for us"

Confused, Rawlins walked over to the TV and switched to the news channel.

Breaking News!

The camera cut to a stern-looking news anchor, sitting at a desk with papers scattered in front of her. Behind her, a large screen displayed the headline: "CIA Corruption Exposed"

"Good evening, I'm Rachel Monroe. Our top story tonight: a massive scandal has erupted within the Central Intelligence Agency. An anonymous source has released a trove of evidence revealing extensive corruption at the highest levels of the CIA. The leaked documents detail a wide range of illegal activities, including drug trafficking, bribery, murder, and blackmail."

The screen behind her shifted to images of the documents, with highlighted sections showing damning evidence.

"Among the most shocking revelations are allegations that high-ranking CIA officials have been involved in using deceased military personnel to smuggle drugs into the United States. The documents also reveal a pattern of bribery and extortion aimed at government officials and business leaders, as well as orchestrated murders to cover up these crimes."

Rachel paused, letting the gravity of the information sink in before continuing.

"The fallout from this leak has been swift. The CIA is now under intense scrutiny, with multiple sting operations currently underway. Federal investigators are combing through the evidence, and several high-profile arrests have already been made. The Director of the CIA has promised full cooperation with the ongoing investigation and has pledged to hold any involved parties account-" 


Before the broadcast could finish it had a remote lodged through its screen.

Rawlins gripped his fists tight in shock. Just what had happened! Everything was coming down, all his hard work. His mind raced to comprehend how it happened. Who was the leak but no matter what he couldn't figure it out. He excluded Frank from his thoughts as there was no way for him to have that much information. Heck not even he knew about some of the stuff detailed but there was one thing he knew for sure.

He needed to leave the country and do it fast. Being in the CIA he knew how government agencies worked and knew how to hide.

Walking back he passed by Russo who was stuck frozen in shock but seeing Rawlins brought him out of it.

"What do we do? It's over!"

"Easy, we leave before anyone shows up and we have to do it fast. I know some smugglers in the shipyards who can get us out"

Russo bit his lip at this. To think he'd have to leave the country but it was preferable to prison so he tossed aside anything that might have held him back and agreed.

Very quickly the two started making their way downstairs for their escape but as they got closer to the first floor they began to smell a hint of iron.

"I don't have a good feeling" Russo muttered as they stood behind the door. The two glanced at each other wearily and pulled out their pistols before slowly entering.

Upon opening the door the first thing they saw was bodies strewn throughout the floor. There were no casings on the floor or any signs that these men even got a shot off. Whoever killed them did so in an extremely fast manner. Which was terrifying… Everyone here was the best of the best.

Looking further they saw that not everyone was dead because sitting quite comfortably were two men. 

"Frank!" Seeing him standing over the bodies made the two realize that it must've been him that made their plans wash down the drain and they were sure they wouldn't let him get away with it.

Hearing his name Frank made a rabid smile before looking at the man beside him.

"Their all yours"

With that confirmation, Frank took off like a bulldozer straight for them. 

"Damnit shoot him! Shoot him now!"

Bam Bam Bam!

Shots began echoing in the room but Frank was like an acrobat as he dodged the bullets coming at him. Some of the maneuvers he pulled off didn't look possible.

Rawlins was the first to lose his wits and jumped back to run up the stairs. While Russo continued firing but within moments Frank had reached him.


Tackling Russo Frank kicked the gun away and began pounding Russo on the ground. Blow after blow knocked the air out of him as Frank released all his frustration.

"Please… Frank, I'm sorry!" However, Frank was all out of mercy and didn't stop till his face had nothing left looking like a misshapen Jigsaw.

Rawlins hadn't gotten very far yet and turned back in fear. He saw what happened to Russo and didn't want that to happen to him. 

"It's all over anyways" Lifting his gun he tempted to shoot Frank while he was on Russo but that was stopped by a flying object that knocked the gun from his hands. Looking in the direction he saw it was that the second man had thrown a knife.

something about him looked familiar but his mind didn't have time to process that it was the newest millionaire kol. Not when he had Frank running straight for him.

"Frank, please we can make a deal! Just don't hur-" but his words were halted when Frank put a bullet through his head.

"Huff huff I did it..." Staring down at the body Frank's tension finally relaxed. No longer would his family be in danger and most of all he now had the power to protect them no matter what.

flexing his arm he was still impressed by what Kol did.


"I'm already spreading the information to make all their plans come crashing down but if you really want revenge then you need to be better." Snapping his finger Kol had scouts prepare a table with strange tools one would only see in sci-fi movies.

"As you know my company's main focus has been in robotics and programming but most recently we've recently ventured into a similar field. Cybernetics and implants. Using these enhancements we can push the body further than it normally can go. Now said person won't be a super soldier like Captain America but they will still improve certain characteristics."

"And let me guess you're offering me to be a lab rat?"

"No, I'm giving you a chance"

Frank looked at Kol's eyes for signs of deception but he found nothing. Out of anyone he has met the man in front of him was by far the hardest to read but he'd been trustworthy so far. So he'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

In the next moment, Kol had Frank strapped to the table as he started the procedure. The Implants he was using came from the Fallout universe and were made for enhancing Special stats.

Meaning that after this procedure Frank would be much better. From Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and even his luck. All of it would be better.

The implants were the ones he was making for S.H.I.E.L.D. Except without the explosive. Now he could have used the Spartan program for Frank but the two weren't close enough for the. Such procedures would be saved till full trust was made.


Walking over I watched Frank who now sat absently beside the two bodies. Noticing my arrival Frank looked up at me with a different look than usual.

if before he was constantly trying to see if I was tricking him in some way then now I saw some respect.

"Thank you for this" Frank expressed as he got up and shook my hand.

Smiling I realized that it was at this moment that Frank Castle was officially under my employ.

"No problem"

[+500 Frank Castles Destiny is now forever changed]

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