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100% DxD: Valac The Godbreaker / Chapter 5: Chapter 4 : Dank Crypt

Chapter 5: Chapter 4 : Dank Crypt

The entrance to the cave exuded an eerie atmosphere, devoid of stairs, compelling anyone seeking deeper depths to navigate narrow pits leading into the darkness.

Descending down into the abyss wasn't freighting to the Valac siblings, who are small and comfortable in the dark.

They venturing down, guided by ancient engravings on the walls. The air chilled and thickened as they delved deeper down into abyss.

They eventually touch ground unable to go further down without finding another pit to take them deeper.

The old cave still held remnants of the grandeur that used to adorn this once-demonic crypt.

It looked weathered and faded, a silent witness to the passage of time but the erosion did nothing to diminish it's eerie beauty.

The intricate and demonic looking statues and once-luxurious décor hinted at a past where this crypt held significance and splendor.

Kale's eyes widened with awe as he darted around the crypt, his gaze fixed on the opulence that adorned the walls. "WOW, I can't tell what most of this stuff is made out of," he exclaimed, his voice echoing in the hallowed chamber.

His enthusiasm was contagious, so the others soon follow suit. The Valac siblings ran around the crypt, their footsteps Echoing through the previously silent crypt.

Clara couldn't resist the allure of the shiny artifacts, her eyes gleaming as she inspected each piece with curiosity.

Konchie, the ever-curious tinkerer, sifted through the remnants, eyes bright with the prospect of finding new materials for his next invention.

Vaseir couldn't help but smile watching his sibling having fun. thinks and analyzes his sibling strengths for future battles as they zip around the crypt without a care in the world.

'Kale and Konchie are like me born with barley any demonic energy, but they possessed strong bodies forged from years of physical games and hunting. With their strength, they should be around the level of high-low class devils, this make them formidable in their own right.'

'My strength Is around that of a low-medium class devil. Clara is our powerhouse, her physical prowess is around Kale's level but can be increased by enhancing herself with magic. With her strength and high magic capacity she should be around the level of high-medium class devil.'

'the diversity in their abilities formed a formidable team if we ever run into danger.'

Approaching kale who seem to be the happiest out of the bunch, stuffing anything not nailed to the ground and placing them into his bag.

"Leave some for me."

Kale looks back with a smug grin. "Finders keepers, the only thing left are these ugly statues"


Looking over at the sound both brothers freeze after locking eyes with the terrifying face that broke free from the statue. 

The head breaks out of the stone first and with its sharp teeth and chops down on Kale's forearm causing a sickening crunch, It's red body burst out of the marble completely before either of them could react.


*Boom Boom*


His brother's painful cry and the sound of several explosions rang throughout the room knocking vaseir out of his daze.

Quickly unsheathing his blade, with a quick flick of his wrist, his attack from his crimson blade struck true effortlessly separating the head form the creature's body.

Looking back towards his other siblings, Vaseir saw the menacing red fiends pouncing at them.

Clara reacted swiftly, swinging her axe to protect herself, and Konchie froze, unable to react to the sudden ambush.

'NO NO NO, I won't be able to reach them in time to stop that thing from ripping Konchie's throat out.'

Vaseir's body, reacting on its own, pulled out a flashlight, blinding the creature for a moment, causing it to crash, sideswiping Konchie in the process.

Not letting his advantage slip by, he created a copy of Konchie's bow and released a single arrow, hitting the recovering foe in the throat. Meanwhile, Clara used the weight of the axe to swing her body like a whirlwind, bisecting the last two fiends.

As the echoes of battle faded, the crypt fell into an eerie silence, the only sounds left to be heard were Kale's moans of pain and the lingering adrenaline in the air.

With the fiends defeated, a sense of relief washed over the Valac siblings. Konchie quickly retrieved a special salve he had crafted from three easy-to-find demonic plants – Bloodroot Blossoms, Nightshade Nectar, and Shadowfern Leaves. The combination of these plants had slight healing properties when mixed.

While Konchie applied the salve to Kale's injuries, Clara couldn't help but express her admiration, "Smart thinking, Konchie! This salve works wonders."

Praising him for his quick and effective first aid, Clara enveloped Konchie in a tight hug, her strength contrasting with the gentleness of the moment.

Konchie, embarrassed by the attention, attempted to deflect the praise,

 "Well, you know, Kale is the real genius here. He can create completely new items with the materials he's seen, not just replicate them like us, he's the one who made the bandages"

Kale, in pain but smiling, waved it off modestly, "Oh, come on, it's not that big of a deal I'll teach you guy how when make it home."

The camaraderie among the siblings brought a sense of warmth to the crypt, dispelling the lingering tension from the encounter with the fiends.

Vaseir, contemplating the situation, weighed the options in his mind. The crypt, with its potential dangers and unknown treasures, seemed to beckon them forward. The only thing limiting his powers was the scarcity of resources, and turning back now felt like forfeiting an opportunity.

"We can't turn back now. Who knows what type of treasure is hidden further below." he thought, gazing at the path ahead.

Besides, the thought of facing his overprotective mother with tales of retreat and fear didn't sit well with him. If they returned injured and scared, she might bar them from further expeditions.

"Forward it is," Vaseir declared, a determined glint in his eyes. The siblings, recovering from the recent encounter, nodded in agreement, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the mysterious depths of the demonic crypt.

Autumn_Mage Autumn_Mage

I started writing this novel on a whim and didn't think so many people would read it. If you made it this far sorry for the lack of stucture and consistancy I hope to improve over to course of this book.

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