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75% The pleasure of living - Terraria/Danmachi / Chapter 2: 2. This is strange

Chapter 2: 2. This is strange

English is not my first language, so you might find some mistakes in the translation of the chapter.

This chapter has been translated by various means in order to obtain the best result so that you may find some simple or regular wordings.

If you find any grammatical errors or misspelled words, please feel free to correct them or write a recommendation to improve the story. Your support would be appreciated.

Enjoy the chapter.


"..." - Dialogues.

'...' - Thoughts.

<...> - Spells


The way back to the surface was more peaceful than expected for Michael. Noticing how the monsters become weaker as they went up the floors, Michael verified that the deeper in the dungeon the stronger the monsters are and on the first few floors they are weak.

Some members of the Hephaestus Familia asked Tsubaki about Michael to which she smiled and said that he is an acquaintance.

Michael looked at the monsters and the area with curiosity. He developed a quick way to memorize the paths. It was necessary to escape quickly and not die in the caverns all the time.

So, Michael glimpses the monsters in the dungeon spawning from the walls and releasing their magic stones that can be exchanged for money. That's the way adventurers earn money, except for the Drops Items of the monsters that have more functions.

Michael told Tsubaki that depending on how it is explain about the magic stones, it makes adventurers look like miners. Tsubaki laughed rather heartily, although she was also a bit offended.

Tsubaki's companions, knowing of her behavior, saw their Captain in the distance and shrugged their shoulders. They went about their business while Tsubaki asked Michael questions over and over again.

These are not questions about his life in Terraria, she knows it is a complicated subject for Michael, but about things in general. Apparently, Michael knows about the big picture, but he needs to remember it.

Terraria has no kingdoms, cities, countries or settlements that stand out from all the rest. According to Michael, in Terraria there are only a small number of people, who lived together, supporting each other.

Tsubaki also learned that there are two evil biomes that pollute the world and are most dangerous to explore, however, it is necessary to do so.

[Note: I changed things considerably in Terraria. Some will notice it when I write it, as well as give an explanation as to why things have changed. Now I just said that Terraria had Crimson and Corruption at the same time. You will know what it will be like to live in such a world and that it is necessary to kill the Bosses of both biomes by seeing the monsters that look very grotesque].

It is clear. Tsubaki doesn't want to live in Terraria after hearing Michael talk about a place where death could be felt in the air and the areas where the Bosses dwell are an abyss, something she didn't quite understand.

Full of curiosity, Tsubaki asked Michael what the Bosses looked like and what she heard gave her many grotesque thoughts.

The Crimson Boss is a giant brain called [Brain of Cthulhu]. As the name says, it is a giant brain with a kind of vertebra protruding from underneath the brain.

To make it more horrible, the brain is invulnerable until you defeat the 20 [Creepers] that follow it. The brain can also teleport and when sufficiently damaged exposes a heart with an eye in it.

The Corruption Boss is more normal in Michael's words. It is a giant worm with an eye in each segment that when you destroy one of these the worm splits and makes it appear to be two worms now, smaller. So successively the size is reduced, and the number of worms increases, otherwise they are destroyed.

All segments of the worm must be killed, however, if they get too far apart it is essential to dodge if you don't want to be eaten alive or bitten in case you can't escape by the worm.

Tsubaki asked Michael how he had defeated those bosses, but when she asked, she noticed various feelings cross Michael's eyes even though his expression did not change.

After seeing that, Tsubaki quickly apologized to Michael for bringing back bad memories. Michael calmly denied and replied that running away was the best move he had learned and not a bad thing to be ashamed of.

Michael has some curiosity about what individuals live in Orario saying that where he comes from there is not much variety. After learning of the races, Michael believed that Tsubaki is an Amazoness, and she clarified it as Half Dwarf.

"So, you're telling me that you have a way of storing things in an inventory form where you kept thousands of things in case, they are useful for the occasion, am I wrong?"

"Well, I also use it when I collected things. I can't go back to my house and not bring the nice [Chandeliers] I found or leave a beautiful [Painting] down there in the caverns" Michael shrugged.

Tsubaki clicked her teeth as if annoyed, "Can't you teach it or something?"

"I don't see it as an advantage because it's strictly necessary for survival. I can't imagine carrying a backpack and trying to run away just to abandon my belongings that made me slow."

"Hm, if you say it like that then I don't envy you much" Tsubaki kicked a stone "You would be the best supporter if it was a skill given by the falna."

Michael raised an eyebrow "Can't you create bags with plenty of storage space?"

"If I could, I would be a millionaire and very famous all over the world."

"So, you can't?"

"If I didn't know you well enough, I'd say you were making fun of me, but the logic of where you come from doesn't apply around here" Tsubaki sighed calmly.

"I mean, it's easy" Michael thanked the [Guide] when he mentioned how to create the [Void Bag] "You want one? It's not that hard to create and the materials are cheap."

"Shit, more and more you're making me think that staying away from you will do me more harm than good. I think staying close to you is better off ignoring the headaches you'll give me."

"Thank you?"

"It was a compliment" Tsubaki snorted "Why are you so serious when we talk about these things?"

"Because where I come from even a damn rock can kill us in the blink of an eye... yeah..."


"Forget it" Michael shook his head, "Do you want the [Void Bag] or not?"

"Interesting name. It sounds great for what it is" Tsubaki rubbed his chin curiously "What is it made of? I know you say you can create one, but I also want to give my share if you try to help me"

"If I remember correctly, it's 30 [Bones], 15 [Jungle Spores] and 30 [Shadow Scales] or 30 [Tissue Samples]. The latter are only obtained by killing the Bosses I mentioned to you a little while ago."

Michael omitted where the object is created to try to minimize the impact of such an existence, [Altars], in Tsubaki.

"What strange materials" Tsubaki was impressed that those things gave a bag with a rather large space "Are they animal bones or...?"

Michael thought about it for a few seconds, "I got them from [Skeletons] from a [Dungeon]. I guess in the past, the [Skeletons] were people, so yes those are people's bones."

Tsubaki felt a shiver. Many things serve as materials, but hearing about these in such a cold and simple way let her know that for survival anything can do.

"Hey look, we're going to finish coming up."

Michael looked ahead. As Tsubaki mentioned, they were already about to finish climbing the spiral staircase leading from floor 1 to the base of the tower of Babel.

Tsubaki smiled when he saw the anticipation in Michael's eyes. He looked like a child who was about to see the best thing in his life, or rather, something incredible.

"Welcome to Orario" Tsubaki stepped forward and stepped aside with an arm in welcome towards Michael, "Please don't make a mess for the time being."

Michael walked looking around, listening behind him to Tsubaki giving orders to her Familia.

Many individuals walk from one side to the other. Different races go with their groups. Some go out of the dungeon and others go into the dungeon.

Observing the different races, Michael was impressed by the diversity coexisting with each other. There might be problems, but that was for later.

He had seen Goblins, Humans, a Skeleton merchant, a Wolf Woman, a humanoid Mushroom, a Cyborg and other creatures that are friend and foe.

Pets also count a little.

"Hey, we're leaving now" Tsubaki called after him "It's time to go to the Guild. There we can exchange what you got for money. The materials I'll keep, since you said you don't care."

"I don't need them. In case I do, I can always go down and kill monsters. I'm used to collecting all the time."

"I don't know what exactly you mean, but it sounds like something that sounds familiar. Walking to the Guild."

"Guide the way"

Tsubaki smiled slyly and walked with Michael behind her. She also has a bag with the magic stones to hide the existence of Michael's inventory from the eyes of others.

It is very unfair or, so Tsubaki thinks. At the same time, she saw that it seems to be necessary to have the ability to carry many things in Michael's world.

Tsubaki is increasingly curious, but she doesn't want to see Michael with that look in her eyes. It makes her feel bad about herself, yes, she annoys him sometimes, however, not in that cruel way.

The sun is almost about to set, meaning that it would soon get dark, and the moon would come out to light up the night as it normally does. This assumes that they got out of the dungeon at a good time. Good time because it shows that they can get the proceeds and then go rest with a good nap.

Michael, upon receiving the sunlight, felt some calm after having waited so long. In fact, there was a time when every time the moon rose, he was reminded of a certain moon monster, but since it had already died, even though he was afraid of it, he enjoyed the light that the moon offered.

Almost as if he could feel the energy of it and what it offered. After [Moon Lord] was defeated, Michael perceived a great change in the moon and effects around him, but he didn't quite understand it and just let it go.

Of course, this only happened after the monster was defeated. Since the fight took so long and it was in the middle of the night, so the moon was showing, and Michael remembered all the time.

The poor child is very traumatized; however, he overcame each and every one of his traumas like a champion.

Looking up, Michael beheld Babel, the tower of Babel, simply put it is a massively gigantic tower rising beyond the clouds.

"What do you think?" Tsubaki asked as Michael inspected the tower.

Michael thought it over calmly, "It reminds me of the towers or what applies to the term 'tower' that I built occasionally at the time I needed it or just for decoration."

Tsubaki froze "What do you mean by that?"

"There were [Floating islands], in the case of some were [Floating Lake] in the sky. These are made of solid clouds, and so at first, I needed to build something to get me there."

"Exactly what was it that you built to go up?"

"I use [Ropes], [Blocks] and in some cases [Platforms]."

"..." Tsubaki better stop trying to find the logic of how that works "We'd better keep going or we'll be late."



The Guild. A site that organizes the Familias within Orario and provides multiple services to adventurers. The Guild buys the adventurers' magic stones.

These gains are what an adventurer gets. This means that the stronger the adventurers the deeper they go into the dungeon, but not everything is strength.

An adventurer's equipment, magics, and skills are also fundamental because they define an adventurer's overall power and total capacity.

Someone like Michael, a master in 4 classes, already knows what style to use depending on his situation. Michael is a [Magic] in general, as that is what he likes the most because of the distance he takes when facing monsters and that class also gives him good attack power.

If Michael just wants to keep his distance, then it would be a [Summoner], however, that class is difficult to manage in a certain way. The [Ranged] class is when it is necessary to eliminate agglomerations of many monsters quickly or if they are small monsters or in the worst-case fast monsters that a specific type of bullet is necessary.

Although sometimes Michael also used the [Melee] class when he wanted to vent his anger against monsters. Many times, it's better to let it out.

In fact, Michael was not driven to despair thanks to many individuals who were with him, helping him when he needed it. It is for reasons like that that he can barely tolerate Terraria.

Michael glimpsed the Guild. Adventurers exchange their magic stones and receive money, others are with the advisors to receive guidance about the dungeon, etc.

In all honesty, Michael is jealous of the adventurers. Not jealous that they have a good life, but jealous that there is information for them to guide them on their journey to the dungeon.

Michael knows Terraria as a video game, but what he learned from the video game could not be applied to reality, which led him to despair for not knowing what to do and more that this Terraria is different from the one he knew.

It just had to be said that Michael has the [Guide] as a good friend.

"You look lost."

Michael blinked looking at Tsubaki who is holding a bag with what appears to be money.

"I was just remembering the past. That's what was gained?"

"If you had gone you would have been questioned because you are not registered with the guild as an adventurer and you would not have been able to get the magic stones from the monsters on those floors."

"Do you depend much on the gods?"

Tsubaki snorted as if Michael was dumb "Many things have been based on the help of the Gods, with the falna they gave us. Even I couldn't get to where I am as a blacksmith, what about you?"

"I... grew and increased my strength as time went on. My [Armor] and [Accessories] are what allowed me to be powerful... though other things as well."

"Heh, you should share a few secrets, shouldn't you?" Tsubaki raised her eyebrow as if hinting at Michael.

"Anything I should be worried about?"

Tsubaki's gaze turned serious "It seems that your trip has a lot more to do because the monsters went a little crazy before you arrived. I had the misfortune of having my Familia come down at the same time the dungeon got agitated."

"Uh, too bad" Michael doesn't know that his trip caused a stir in the dungeon.

Apparently, the dungeon is alive and hates many things. What Michael cares so far about the dungeon is that it spawns monsters to eliminate what it doesn't like.

"That's it?" Tsubaki frowned "What if some monsters from your world appeared in the dungeon or these monsters themselves started to be spawn from the walls?"

"Then the adventurers will begin to know what the real adventure is."

Tsubaki felt a shiver run through her body, to which she became irritated. She is not irritated with Michael, but that his words sound like she is weak, which bothers her.

As a blacksmith, Tsubaki has pride in her creations, but I also create pride in her strength. Every moment she is with Michael it seems that what she knows is just the beginning and that scares her a little.

"Did someone die? Problems with the dungeon?"

"Nothing like that" Tsubaki showed calm, Michael seems comforted that his trip didn't ruin anything, he doesn't want Terraria around "The Gods discussed about it and apparently it was more of a dungeon agitation. Almost as if it reacted to something, they think it was a Deity, however, there were no irregulars, so the possibility was ruled out"

"Well..." Michael acted as he always did, avoiding looking guilty because it seems his trip brought more than it seemed or probably his trip was a coincidence with the upheaval "So, how much did I win?"

"Oh" Tsubaki put everything aside and smiled mischievously "274 000 valis."

"How much is that?"

"If you want to live for a comfortable time, then you are welcome to spend your money" Tsubaki handed the bags to Michael "Do you want me to explain how money works around here?"

"No... I know the basics. I'd rather have the experience as a new citizen."

Michael looked around and quickly pulled out a purple bag with a pink string serving as a zipper. Stuffing all the money into the bag, Michael pretended to put the money bags in his purse and also put the [Void Bag] away.

"Shit. I've never felt so envious" Tsubaki looked at Michael's bag with intrigue before it was put away "Is that a bag with space like your so-called inventory?"

"Do you want one?"

"At the moment I'd rather avoid owing you" Tsubaki shook her head "I know it looks like I've done more things than you, but in an instant, you'll be able to do more than I have. I also kept the materials you got."

"I don't need them" shaking his hand calmly, Michael didn't look worried.

"That's what bothers me about you since I've known you" Tsubaki pointed out, though her words have no intentions of hurting him "It's like you don't care about material things or you see them as useless."

"Tsubaki... I just don't need it" Michael's calmness seems not to have reached Tsubaki "I have some blacksmithing, but it's not my goal to covet materials just because, I already have plenty"

"...Good. Now I have to do that thing I mentioned with my Goddess" Tsubaki scratched her hair noticing something distressed "I lied to you a little. First I have to talk to her to confirm the time."

"Shall I wait for you to let me know or...?"

"In fact, come to the Guild at 8 o'clock in the morning. After that I will take you to my Goddess. She won't be able to ignore when I tell her about you."

"Exactly what will you tell her?"

"That's the important thing" Tsubaki's smile looked very prominent "Partly that you are responsible, or one of the consequences as well, for the dungeon shaking. It will also be impossible for her to ignore what you are capable of."

"My techniques or the materials?"

"Why not both?"

Michael blinked and let out a slight snort remembering a certain image of his old world before everything changed. Tsubaki looked puzzled because since she met Michael, he had not shown that emotion.

"It looks like you saw something weird."

"You bastard, you never laugh" Tsubaki complained "I thought you'd be one of those guys with the same face all the time and I'd have to read you to know how you're doing."

"Thank you."

"It wasn't flattery" Tsubaki sighed "What will you do while I get everything ready?"

"A place to sleep and something to eat."

"I don't know how I will help this time. The accommodations are not ready, and I can't suddenly bring strangers to the headquarters without my Goddess' permission. I could, but it would take time until I let you know you can come" Tsubaki looked around and by miracle for her she noticed two members of her Familia conversing "Hey you guys!"

The two men turned at the call and opened their eyes when they noticed it was their Captain, to which they quickly moved.

"What is it, Captain?"

"We thought you were already with Lady Hephaestus. We were calculating profits."

"Keep up the good work" Tsubaki praised them "This has nothing to do with the recent expedition. Do you know of a good place where one can eat with a good atmosphere and also some inn?"

They both looked at each other and then noticed the figure behind Tsubaki who just raised his hand with a slight wave.

"Mm, any specifications?"

Tsubaki looked at Michael and he spoke, "An environment that I can enjoy while eating my food and also that makes me feel like I'm in the city. Likewise, a good quality inn, the price doesn't matter."

"Oh, that's simple" one of them shrugged "There's that place called the Hostess of Fertility. Believe me, the atmosphere calmed even the adventurers after returning to the dungeon."

"Hey, you're not saying that because of the girls, are you?"

"That's just an extra. What man doesn't want to be attended to by a beautiful woman?"

"Well, that feels good, however, they're just to appreciate. Anyone who lays a hand on them ends up beaten." 

"It's possible to try to pick them up, but none of them will pay attention. The jerks are the ones who don't know their limits."

"To the point" Tsubaki reminded them what they were called for.

"Oh right."

"Well, it's not that expensive a pub and it's not cheap either. It has what you need to enjoy different types of food."

"And about an inn. The pub itself has one, but it doesn't run much, or so they say."

"Yes, some idiots thought they could try something using the inn method and fared worse. They said they felt hostile looks."

"What a pity."

"Mind you, it's expensive, although it's a good place." 

"Never mind, I thank you" Michael hummed "Now, which way is it?"

After receiving the directions, the members of the Hephaestus Familia went about their business. Michael decided that he should learn the locations of Orario with a map.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Tsubaki patted Michael's back and felt like she hit a rock for some reason. She looked at her hand and then at Michael.

"It's my instinct. A new environment so I'm always on guard. It'll take me a while to get used to it, though it's a little hard to assume there's not much that can kill me..."

Michael is used to the fact that even in his own house monsters will come and so the struggle for survival is the daily bread. No one feels safe if monsters can break through doors and walk through walls as if it were a matter of course.

"Shit, you're hard as metal. You need to teach me how you hammer soon."

"Sure. Thanks for helping me, Tsubaki. I'll see you later."

"You know where to find me."

Michael walked at a slow pace. He wants to enjoy the friendly surroundings, although he also has to be attentive because the city is not the same as the one, he has known in the past.


Michael doesn't know what to say.

"A new face. I don't think you got here by chance, more that you walked in casually despite knowing nothing."

The pub owner, Hostess of Fertility, has a firm look on her face as she folded her arms watching Michael. So far, she is the strongest woman Michael has ever met in the new world.

Even Tsubaki doesn't give off the same vibe as Mia, however, Michael didn't show nervousness because neither of them has anything against the other. It was just Michael's instinct warning him of possible danger.

Mia looked at him. The man who came in looks like the synonym for stoic, but she noticed that he is just acting normal, that's how he is, and he is also taller than her.

Michael looked at Mia. She is big, her sturdy body makes her look like the Dwarves, but at the same time not. Her hair is brown tied in a ponytail and her eyes are brown.

"Something you want? I recommend you spend enough, and I'll bring you the best there is."

"Hm" Michael thought about it as he took a seat at the bar "I really don't know. Bring me the best thing that can distract me from everything."

"I have the perfect thing for what you ask for. Mia Grand" the woman introduced herself "My girls call me Mama Mia, however, only they are allowed to."

"It's not like I feel like saying that" Michael muttered.

"Honey roast. Enjoy," with surprising speed, Mia placed a plate in front of Michael along with an accompanying drink.

"Thank you."

A meat dish with honey sauce. The carrots form a bed for the meat, which is bathed in the sauce. Carrots and meat are a good combination. The juice is orange juice.

"New in the city?"

Michael looked up and looked at Mia again.

"Not by choice, but it's not like I hate it either. Quick question, are you a Dwarf?"

"What gave it away?" Mia's smile looked like she was being sarcastic.

"Your strength of course" Michael also joined in.

"Orario attracts many people from all over the world. Like you, many have come to the city with no other choice, but when they don't, the other reason is only to become adventurers, become famous or obtain riches."


"Although all that effort comes to nothing in the event they don't find a Familia" Mia shrugged "I thought you were one of those, although then I noticed that underneath your clothes you're probably trained."

"Because I don't think the same as others and it's not like I want to be an adventurer. I'm doing fine the way I am."

Mia chuckled quickly picking up that even with his appearance he seems to desire a quiet life, however, there is nothing quiet about Orario.

"Aren't you an adventurer?"

Michael's hand stopped before he could take a bite. Turning his gaze, he noticed a woman who made him feel a certain sensation he had picked up in the [Caverns] long ago.

Blue-gray hair held in a small ponytail-style knot, gray eyes and smooth peach-colored skin.

Wherever you saw the woman's appearance it seems that she has no imperfections, even with her face showing curiosity and surprise to hear Michael is not an adventurer.

Michael remembered the [Nymph]. That monster seems to be an extremely beautiful woman, with a spectacular body, since she is naked, something that already makes you see that something is wrong and she looks scared with a tender expression, which causes the individual to approach to help her.

A very complicated enemy to kill. Michael was lucky to know she's a [Nymph] before the worst happened. The girl in front of Michael gives him those vibes of not being what she seems.

Michael returned his gaze to the saucer.

"Sorry, since you give off an intimidating air, I thought you were an adventurer."

Michael did not respond and took a bite of food.

"I think you should reconsider. Your appearance suggests that you've had a long training in the past."

Michael ignored her.

"Uh, are you lis-?"

"Syr" Mia called out to the girl named Syr keeping a neutral face "He's made it clear he doesn't want to talk to you. Go back to your work."

Michael feels familiar with that way of speaking, firm, not allowing dialogue to stop the person from going about their business. Although for one reason Mia makes it seem more intimidating, poor employees.

"Yes, Mama."

Carefully chopping a piece of meat, Michael took care to savor it for a long time. He only had moments like this when it was just dawn because that was when the monsters disappeared.

Michael does not want to talk to the woman either. It seems that the moment he talked to her everything could become irritating. She also invaded his personal space, and he didn't like that.


Blinking a little Michael notices it's Mia again "No, I just don't think it's good for me to talk to her."

"Is that so? May I know the reason for that? As the Boss of the place, I prefer to keep my customers' satisfaction as high as possible to keep them coming back to spend money. What bad impression did Syr give you?"

"Trying to be something she's not" Michael replied simply and noticed how Mia's body stiffened for an instant "That's why I ignored her and also because she invaded my personal space."

"... I'll let her know" Mia snorted "Anything else you need?"

"I was told that this place also functions as an inn, however, it is not so famous for that and that those who tried that did not have good experiences."

Mia let out a slight laugh, "It's not a service we commonly give, and those were just adventurers who wanted to date my girls. I must say it is expensive if you wish to occupy it."

"I heard that too."

Mia laughed amusedly "3000 valis a day, breakfast included, though of course, it will only be served if you reach it."

"I have plenty of money, so don't worry about that."

"I see!" Mia's eyes sparkled with eagerness to get a lot of money "Then I'll see about getting as much out of you as I can. How many nights?"

"...I guess two for the moment" Michael thought about it "In case I need more I can pay you in advance."

"There are no refunds and no fees. In case you break something, you are responsible for paying for it."

"Understood" Michael reached into his pocket and pulled out several coins to pay for food and lodging.


The black-haired Cat woman took the money left on the bar.

"All right, kiddo. I've already introduced myself, Mia Grand. Only my girls can call me Mama. I'll give you your key later when the room is finished being fixed up. For now, enjoy your meal and feel free to tell me your complaints."


Michael returned to his own thoughts.

The pub is anything but ordinary. The place is cozy, Michael admits, you can feel the warm feelings of people enjoying food and spending time with friends or loved ones.

Environments like this are what Michael likes. More formulaically, any place other than Terraria is good for Gabriel.

It must be said that no one wants to live in a place that even in your own home you are vulnerable to monsters that can break the door or break through structures because that's the way they were made.

Michael recalls that Terraria has different types of difficulties, and he probably encountered a world that had the highest difficulty.

Michael played Terraria, but then quit after completing it several times and he only knows that it kept updating it. So, he doesn't take into account all the objects and so on that were added some time later, so he had to discover them, or he came across them by accident.

That's why when Michael woke up in Terraria at first, he didn't know he was in that world until he looked at the [Slime] from the beginning, who almost killed him when he was hit, and ran away to hide. Then he found the [Guide], and everything unraveled.

Michael knew that his life had been thrown into oblivion by whatever being sent him there. It was clear that something or someone intervened because there was no way Michael would end up in a video game world, which was much different from what he knew.

The only thing Michael knew after some time in Terraria was that by killing [Moon Lord] it was possible to create an ending and he held on to that thought. All the suffering Michael went through was to be expected for that goal.

Now that he is free, Michael simply wants to sit back and rest, but unfortunately for him this world has Gods, literal Gods, among the people. The good thing is that they sealed their power.

Even so, Michael does not feel confident with these beings around him. According to Tsubaki the Gods set rules among them to live a different life than the one they had in heaven.

What would happen if one of them decides to break these rules and let his power loose? Even if it is only for a moment the power of the God, Arcanum, has already left a trace in the world.

Michael wanted to know if it was possible to kill a God and asked Tsubaki. She was reluctant at first, but after some explanation from Michael, Tsubaki just told him the basics and that was it.

A Deity cannot die. Should they suffer a serious injury that 'kills' them, their Arcanum will be activated, and they will be returned to heaven by a pillar of light. As a consequence, they will no longer be able to descend to the Earthly world.

Michael asked if they could come down again in the future, however, Tsubaki does not know about it. Time for Gods is different from that of mortals, so Michael considers that they will be able to come down after an indefinite time.

Perhaps decades, centuries or millennia. By that time the mortals responsible for their dead will have perished. Tsubaki also said that the gods guide the souls in their new lives.

For that reason, they say that killing a God is taboo, because apart from the consequences of doing so, the Gods will be able to take revenge in heaven by handling the souls to torture them in their domains or give them a horrible new life.

Michael thought about whether weapons with some sort of divine attribute are necessary to permanently kill a God.

The [Weapons] that Michael had obtained and kept in his [Inventory] over time have many characteristics. Michael assumed that the [Weapons] obtained from a certain moon monster have the divine attribute, which theoretically can allow him to kill Gods permanently.

If needed, Michael will not hesitate to kill Deities. Nothing will stop him and take away the freedom he had fought so hard to obtain. In fact, Michael felt that he is already free.

Being in Terraria gave him that feeling that something was dragging him, but after killing [Moon Lord] it seemed that his journey was over. Monsters no longer appeared as before, unless he looked for them, and he could travel without feeling fear in his surroundings.

Almost as if the world had calmed down after the destined end came and was overtaken by the hero they sought, kidnapped, from a different world.

Michael will also say he lost something important when he won the final battle, but that's another story for later.

Right now, all Michael cares about is eating and understanding why the girls in the pub are strong. He assumes that they used to be adventurous, since that is the most common thing in Orario or so Michael has learned.

Everything in Orario is about adventurers, but Michael knows that like every city there is an underworld and here the image of the adventurers is the good side of the coin, and the other is all the worst.

There are five girls Michael is on the lookout for and curious about. The most obvious is the pub landlady, with whom Michael has already shared words. An imposing woman and firm with her words.

The others are four waitresses. Two of them are Cat People, one Human and finally an Elf. The strongest among those four is the Elf.

How does Michael know?

The answer to that is Michael's instinct and what the girl's presence conveys compared to the others. Also, that she is looking at him since he ignored the girl named Syr.

Apparently, the Elf got annoyed with Michael for ignoring Syr and has been giving him sideways glances ever since. Likewise, when she tries to approach him, she turns away as if she regrets it.

That happens because Michael looks at her for a moment. How crazy that it looks like Michael is intimidating the Elf with his gaze, however, he just looked at her out of the corner of his eye with curiosity. It is Michael whose gaze looks like that of a predator who wants to eat in peace.

When a man has nothing to lose by doing something, then the consequences can be some of the most disastrous there are.

"The Loki Familia is here for their reservation!"

Michael ignored everything around him as he received another saucer from Mia. The giant Dwarf looked pleased that Michael kept asking because she will make a profit.

Michael is... normal because he still has gold to give away, which he is not going to do.


In a large forest, a camp was built quickly and effectively by a group of individuals. Although only women who appear to be hunters are found.

Among all these women there is one who stands out for her beauty and firmness that she exudes with her mere presence.

Her blue hair shimmered in the moonlight and her green eyes reflected the light radiating off of her, giving her a unique charm like no other.

She is a Goddess.

The Goddess' gaze has been caught by something while enjoying a long day of hunting with her followers.

"Is something wrong, Lady Artemis?" A female voice spoke to the Goddess.

Artemis did not look at her follower but kept her gaze on what caught her attention "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something."

The huntress blinked and then focused to where her Goddess's gaze is directed. When she noticed, her eyes widened "The moon looks very beautiful."

Without responding to these words, Artemis reflected on what it is that makes the moon react. It is not a Deity, but something else, maybe a mortal.

The moon is reacting to something else and as a consequence the divinity of Artemis is likewise reacting to the change the moon is having, almost as if it were a calling.

Artemis felt the sensation of the light falling on her body. For an instant the Goddess felt that it is an evil power that makes the moon react, yet at the same time it feels beautiful and warm.

"I'll go for a little walk. Let the others know."

Turning around Artemis walked to a point a little away from the camp to have a moment alone. Whoever caused the reaction on the moon must be investigated.

She can't allow that. It is not a bad thing, but she wishes to know exactly why that is being done. Artemis clicks her teeth in annoyance knowing that the Gods will not notice the change in the moon. 


A God watched the moonlight fall on his balcony. For the first time, after a long time, the Deity stood up ignoring what he had given his attention to and walked towards the light.

Opening the door, the moonlight passed through his black bangs illuminating his pupils. Ignoring the door that echoed from the knocking, Soma became enchanted with something other than his wine.

Soma doesn't get it. He is supposed to be making his wine like he does all the time and create the perfect wine, not like all those mistakes that mortals consume all the time.

Probably, the wine that is halfway through the preparation process in the cauldron must have already been wasted due to Soma's carelessness, however, that did not matter to him.

The moon's reaction had caught Soma's attention and brought him out of the trance in which he had been trapped for many years. The moonlight shone brightly, bathing him in warmth he had long forgotten.

Soma feels good and that confuses him, as well as intrigues the Deity. Something is making the moon change and Soma needs to know who had made such an event.

It is not a God because if it did, it would be possible to understand what that is, however, this time it seems a reaction never seen before by Soma.

Walking off the balcony to the door of his room, Soma opened it, and ignored the words of the human standing there, to continue through his headquarters in search of someone who could help him.

All those present are mere mortals who fell before a defect and Soma does not need any of them, but someone who is still aware of what he is doing to help him.



As I mentioned, I changed some things about Terraria, since it's better than having to explain how things in a video game work in real life. I feel it looked good and Tsubaki learned that Terraria isn't pretty at all.

The last two texts involving Soma and Artemis are important to the plot. By defeating [Moon Lord] Michael got certain benefits, imagine like in a video game you defeat a Boss and you get power from it as a victory or something like an essence of the Boss, but here Michael doesn't know anything and he won't have a power that will make him op, but it's still like an essence in him that is making changes in the moon and it reacts to Michael because he possesses the remnant effects of [Moon Lord].

The Wiki says that originally the final boss was going to be the moon itself descending on the world, but it was discarded, and [Moon Lord] was left as the boss. This already gives an idea that the moon was involved in everything.

The LORE says: [Moon Lord] is an entity detrimental to existence, and was eventually banished by the Dryads, an ancient race of which the Dryad NPC is the sole survivor, had his organs ripped out and banished him to the moon. Furthermore, it appears that the Celestial Events and their eventual battle are their last attempt at total conquest, as directly stated.

The Bestiary also says: " The mastermind behind all terrors which befall the world, freed from his lunar prison. Practically a god, his power knows no limits".

This implies that [Moon Lord] is powerful, in the LORE, and Michael not knowing about [Moon Lord] fought against him and defeated him. That's why he says that after killing him the world felt at peace and after enjoying it, he made his journey and arrived at Danmachi.

As such I'm still hesitating if Michael will have any moon power, I won't give him anything broken but like an ability or something, as well as getting stronger when the moon lights him up, I don't think I'll do it anyway. Michael already has weapons from [Moon Lord] that he got by beating him and giving him more power, I don't see that it's convenient if I want to make a plot with fights, although it's obvious Michael will win easily.

I plan to have Michael sometime later realize this, and I don't know whether to have it bring back bad memories or give him sarcastic thoughts that he dragged [Moon Lord] on the ground and got his powers.

It would be funny, and I've already made my boy suffer a lot with his backstory that will come out with the chapters. See you next time.


Lacrima_de_Sal Lacrima_de_Sal

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