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50% Deepwoken: The Tale Of Tides / Chapter 2: Pirates, Damn Pirates.

Chapter 2: Pirates, Damn Pirates.

"Damn I'm bored."

I've been in the sea for a few hours now I'm probably halfway to the Summer Company, I haven't encountered any monsters yet which was strange but it was better than fighting in the water and getting my armor wet.

"This drip is basically immaculate but getting stains of this is gonna be annoying."

I admired the Assassin Cresd like White Clothes the Isles of Vigils uses, but It was incredibly hard to remove stains.

"What the hell is that..."

I squinted my eyes looking at the distance and noticed a Merchant Schooner getting closer, normally they would have Light Blue sails to show how they were just merchant ships but this one had black flags instead.

"Don't tell me.."


The sound of a canon firing was all I heard before I instinctively parried the approaching canon ball, it was painful to do so and my hands were shaking if I had done it with my old katana it would have shattered. but despite the pain it was still better than having a destroyed sloop.

"Alright Joseph, Breath in Breath out your gonna have to fight them. Sure you're probably gonna have to kill them and you haven't killed anyone or anything yet but let's stay positive!"

I gripped my katana tightly preparing for another canon ball, but instead I was met with a harpoon with a rope tied on it making it's may towards me I was quick enough to catch it and pull.


A loud yelp was heard as I pulled whoever threw the harpoon causing them to fall off the ship.

"Albion!, get this fucker lads!"

What I presumed to be the captain of the pirates called out, and with that I was met with more harpoons being towards my sloop but instead of catching them I parried most but not all of them. And those that actually made it's mark on my sloop suddenly started to be pulled causing the sloop to also be pulled.

'Alright don't think about it just kill them!, they were trying to kill you!'

I started gathering Ether on my legs before leaping of the sloop and barely grabbing on the railings of the Schooner, I pulled myself up and was met with not only spears being pointed at me but some even having their flintlocks pointed at me.

"Well well, what do we have here lads!. A lost Vigil Guard in our territory!"

The one talking was probably the captain, from the looks of it he's a felinor with a missing left eye and right arm that was replaced with a prosthetic that looked steam powered.

'He probably got it from the Ignition Union...'

"Listen here you little Shite, you're gonna hand us everything you've got and I might let you live!. That includes your clothes I heard the armor of the isles of vigils is quite tough even a lion fish's teeth can't scratch em!"

I saw him preparing too pull out his sword from it's sheath, he's definitely not letting me live.

"Alright here you can have my sword please just let me go"

With my Katana still in it's sheath I slowly handed him it, with his ever so present smug he reached for it. But he didn't expect was for a dagger to stab his heart.

Of course the rest of his Crew which were all behind him couldn't see it so they expected their captain to just be alright, so I took the chance and grabbed their captains revolver from his bootstrap and fired all the shots towards them.

Of course me not knowing how to properly use a gun I missed most my shots, but thank the gods that I landed a shot in the head of the only crew member that had a blunderbuss.


I quickly counted how many they're were and thankfully this was a smaller merchant schooner so minus the captain and the one that had a blunderbuss only four were left, they quickly aimed their flintlocks at me and before they could shoot I rolled out of their way and took cover behind the crows nest Pose.





The sound of gunshots was all I heard as splinters and pieces of wood began flying everywhere, I overestimated the durability of my cover as I felt a bullet hit behind my shoulder.

'Crap that hurts!'

Thankfully unlike my old human body Etreans were a bit stronger and despite the bullet not piercing my armor it was still painful, but remembering how they had flintlocks and not revolvers I got out of my cover and grabbed the dagger out of their dead captains heart and threw it towards the throat of one of the pirates killing him.


One of the pirates yelled out she seemed to be crying, she was probably close with the one I killed but I couldn't stop here since if I did I could die. So I pulled out my Katana and dashed towards her.

"Katherine look out!"

Sadly before her friend could do anything I had already decapitated her, and turned towards the last two remaining pirates who were still trying to reload their flintlocks.

'So they don't know how to make ether bullets thank God!'

Despite the world being a bit different than the game with it all being real, I still had accurate knowledge with everything I remember from the game.

'I may not be able to use a specific Mantra but I can still enhance bullets with my ether!'

I grabbed the flintlock from the pirate Katherine who I had just killed, it was fully reloaded so I gripped it tightly before running my ether through it and firing it.


As soon as I fired it the flintlock exploded and the bullet I had fired acted more like a shotgun and splattered all over one of the remaining two pirates killing him.


I looked at the last remaining pirate who began running towards me with his saber, I was about to kick him but I took notice of the mask on his face and decided to dash towards him with my katana.

'He's a Vesperian blunt force ain't gonna work!'

I expected him to be defeated easily but as I was about to stab him he parried my katana and I noticed how his left hand was covered in flames, I've seen Gale and Thundercall mantras being used but it was first time seeing a Flamecharm mantra so I was curious but I couldn't be distracted.

I began running my ether through my arm and spine along with my muscles, and as soon as I did I felt my body clenching before I went into a rapier style pierce and released all the ether.

The Vesperians flame covered fist hit me directly in the face, but my katana had already pierced his head killing him.

He fell to the floor lifeless and I looked around finally looking at what I've done, and I couldn't hold it anymore and vomited.

"I can't believe I'm squeamish...."

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