Duan Zhengxi looked at his father and said calmly, "Father, I have a plan. Don't worry, leave this matter to me."
Since his son said so, Duan Sanzhu could only nod. Seeing his father's face turn pale from pain, Duan Zhengxi looked at his son and said, "Feng'er, I will leave the family separation matter to you. Father needs to take your grandfather to see a physician."
As soon as these words came out, Duan Dazhu thought that they had secretly saved private money and pointed at Duan Zhengxi angrily, "Good, good! How dare you hide private money?!"
Listening to what he said, Duan Zhengxi glanced at him and ignored him. Duan Zhengxi felt that it was ridiculous that Duan Dazhu dared to say such things. For more than two years, Duan Dazhu, as the head of the family, only gave them ten percent of the money earned by the third branch, and he pocketed the rest.
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