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97.7% Fate/Ultimate Antagonist / Chapter 128: [128] Tired

Chapter 128: [128] Tired

Yellow is the color of the earth.

The young man in a yellow robe, holding a withered branch, stood amidst thousands of unwilling souls.

When the azure sky dies, the yellow sky shall rise.

Unyielding determination, summoning the souls.

The young man stood silently, his dark yellow robe fluttering in the scorching wind.

Reinhard didn't know what to say or if there was anything left to say.

All the impassioned words he had prepared seemed to have drained away at this moment.

He might be the most villainous person in the world.

Because he was truly cruel.

These people didn't have to die, he could have saved them.

So what if he faced five thousand armored soldiers, a military general, and crimson mecha?

So what if he faced the entire dynasty?

So what if Alaya and Gaia were corrupted?

As Pure Heart, Reinhard could have saved their lives, allowing these pitiable people to eat their fill, wear warm clothes, and return to peaceful, stable days.

But instead, he chose to ignite this fire.

Burning has a cost.

And the fuel for this blazing fire was the lives of these nearly starved people, their barely surviving existence.

Reinhard deceived them.

He seemed to offer two choices, but there was actually a third... people could cherish their lives and still survive.

He was indeed a... villainous person.

"No, no... you're wrong, we don't want to live a life of charity, Master."

Lost in thought.

A hoarse yet gentle voice echoed in the young man's heart, the lingering will of the souls.

"We want to live with dignity."

"If that's not possible, then to die with dignity will do."

"I can grow my own food, weave my own clothes."

"But... we can't sustain ourselves..."

"Master, you spoke about a peaceful world. Does it really exist?"

A master for life.

There has never been a savior in this world.

Tears streamed down the young man's face as he caressed the withered staff in his hand. If it wasn't for sheer desperation, who would gnaw on tree bark and grass roots?

Even the tree bark had been chewed clean.

It was like extinguishing the last bit of hope.

"Peaceful world..." The young man whispered softly, dazed. "It exists, it truly exists. But you are destined never to see that day of peace..."

Such regret.

Reinhard no longer wished to deceive their hearts.


"Yes, we understand, Master."

The people's responses were light yet resolute.

The young man stood lost in thought for a long time.

"Do you regret dying like this?"

"No regrets."

Their layered voices, rising and falling, echoed in the young man's heart.

"To the gods, to the court."

"We have begged enough."

"We just want to use our own hands to earn a dignified death, so that those who come after us can eat their fill, wear warm clothes, and not die from disease..."

"We cannot wait for the day of peace."


"We will become part of that peace."

We will become part of that peace.

The scorching sunlight seemed to fall silent.

All the noise of the battlefield, with its blood and death, seemed to fade away.

Between heaven and earth.

Only the young man's murmurs remained.

"I promise you..."

Reinhard closed his eyes, speaking each word clearly,

"I will make sure you see... a day when the world is peaceful."

"That is enough." They said, their blood-soaked faces smiling, "... that is enough."

In a grand declaration.

The young man made a vow with the lingering souls of this world, a vow never to be broken.


Reinhard raised his gaze to the radiant sunlit sky and spoke softly.

"Please, join me in healing and saving people."

The young man bowed deeply, then slowly lifted the withered branch in his hand.


The scorching wind roared loudly.

The earthy yellow color began to rise and gather in his hand, forming a flag that fluttered like flames in the wind.

Pure Heart...

The intent to heal and save, pure, clear, and bright.

Replacing reality with the landscape of the heart.

The souls surrounding the young man were merely mortals, unwilling to die and full of determination.

For the vision of a peaceful world.

Nameless, starving people, holding onto their unyielding will, crossed the boundaries of life and death, gathering under the banner called Yellow Sky.

This nine-section staff was their Throne of Heroes.

"In the year of rat..." Reinhard whispered.

He didn't need to speak the next sentence.

Thousands of souls, unwilling to die and filled with determination, burst into a thunderous roar, a resounding cry against the crumbling sky. Their voices, like a mighty bell, echoed across the wilderness and mountains, reverberating between heaven and earth for a long time.

"There will be prosperity under Heaven!!!"

The fleeing burly general widened his eyes, his massive body trembling as he watched this astonishing scene.

They were so emaciated, their faces so haggard. Their tattered clothes and skeletal frames seemed as if a gentle breeze could blow them down like a field of wheat.


Their expressions were so angry! Their roars were so impassioned! Their deafening shouts shook the heavens, questioning the crumbling world and longing for peace under heaven!


Unyielding determination, summoning the souls!

The crimson mecha's body, crackling with sparks, trembled before disappearing into the clouds, flying towards the capital.

Over a thousand soldiers, their legs trembling and weak, could no longer hold their weapons, which fell to the ground as their last bit of fighting spirit drained away.

These might have been the most brilliant young strategists in the world.

looking at each other with mixed emotions of awe, sentiment, and excitement.

The young strategists cupped their hands and bowed.

"Brother Jue, please rise for a peaceful world."

"So it is...

"For a peaceful world."

Reinhard murmured, slowly returning each bow. He tore a strip from his robe, wrapping a piece of yellow cloth around the staff.


Thousands of tattered and fallen yellow scarves fluttered in the wind like flames.

Standing amidst the sea of corpses, the young man took his first steps toward the ailing world.

His expression was calm and serene, the withered staff in his hand seemingly inconspicuous and decayed.

Behind him, there was no one, yet behind him, all were united.

"The Yellow Turban Army, we pledge for a peaceful world...

"March towards the heavens."

The young man walked forward step by step.

The senior brothers of the Water Mirror Manor stood united behind him.

Thousands of lingering souls faded into the earth, greenery sprouting, and the cracked, withered soil rejuvenated with life under the nourishment of the rain.

It was like the revival of hope.

The soldiers dropped their weapons, kneeling in awe.

No one dared to question, no one dared to stop him.

[One day later, the burly general led over a thousand scattered troops, fleeing back to the capital in utter disarray. It was rumored that as he passed through the checkpoints, this new governor, with disheveled hair and a look of terror, glanced around in panic, as if fearing to disturb the spirits.]

[The crimson mecha flew back overnight, bringing your intelligence to the court, and a portrait of you was created.]

[The emperor was furious, issued an edict, and began a search for all information about you. Your various details were quickly studied, organized, and classified...]

[The young man, the leader of The Forgetfulness, effortlessly changed the landscape, summoning thousands of souls with a mere gesture, wielding divine techniques capable of calling down thunder upon the capital, and possibly protected by the Hegemon King, Xiang Yu...]

[Each piece of information deeply shook the hearts of the court ministers.]

[Thanks to the thorough preliminary concealment efforts, they could not even ascertain your real name, nor whether this face was truly yours.]

[Whether it was certain or not didn't matter... Time would reveal your fame, and the dynasty could not comprehend what you were about to do.]

[The Forgetfulness officially changed its name back to the Way of the Great Peace.]

[The disciples of the Water Mirror Manor went to their respective states, starting to prepare for the uprising.]

[They wanted to take off their masks, but you persuaded them otherwise, believing there was no need to implicate their families. To avoid revealing their identities, the disciples of the Water Mirror Manor continued to operate while wearing their masks.]

[The word 'Jue' represents enlightenment.]

[Your cult began to use the name of enlightenment, each person could be Zhang Jue, and Zhang Jue could be anyone.]

[The common people should not fear their government, rather, the government should fear its people.]

[You stood in this decaying world, looking at the hungry people gathered before you, and raised the withered staff high, shouting... ]

[The azure sky dead, the yellow sky rises! In the year of the rat, there will be prosperity under Heaven!]

[The cults in various states and counties responded. With a single call to arms, thousands rose, like a fiercely burning flame...]

[This decaying world had so many people struggling to survive, and the hope of a full meal was enough to ignite their fervor.]

[Like chives, they were cut down and regrew.]

[Like roosters, they were beheaded and still crowed.]

[Officials need not be feared.]

[Common people should never be underestimated.]

[A despot's heart grows ever more arrogant. The people of the world dare not speak but dare to be angry. Unite the people of the nine provinces, and shake the throne of a single family.]

[Who stood before you...]

[They were people tormented by natural disasters, their last bit of grain taken by the dynasty officials.]

[They were people selling their children, selling themselves into slavery, gnawing on grass roots and tree bark, hoping to survive.]

[They were people who, after their land was annexed, exchanged children to eat, gnawed the last of the grass roots and tree bark, consumed all the edible soil, and were left skeletal, awaiting death.]

[You told these starving, barely surviving people that the moldy millet in the government granaries was grown by them, the half-rotten meat was paid for with their taxes.]

[You told them that those who farm should have land, and those who labor should have food.]

[You told them they had the right to enjoy the fruits of their labor. They had the right to eat their fill, to wear warm clothes.]

[Such humble wishes...]

[Yet in this decaying world, even a full meal became a luxury.]

[You sent your compassionate but complex father and relatives to the mountain, entrusting them to the care of the old man immortal, fulfilling their peaceful vision amidst the coming chaos.]

[Before the court could react, you seized the province, united with the cults of various states and counties, and formed a skeletal Yellow Turban Army, beginning your campaign.]

[When the news brought by the fleeing governor reached the capital, the emperor finally realized your true intention to start an uprising, but he dismissed it with contempt, not taking the disturbance to court seriously.]

[Only the burly general, loyal inside and out, worried deeply. Having witnessed the soul-summoning spectacle, this burly general began to consider the possibility that the dynasty might truly be overthrown.]

[He advised frankly, but no one cared about his opinion. The defeat had demoted him from the governor's position, and the emperor scorned him as a useless fool.]

[The burly general fell silent, and withdrew to his province to amass troops... he decided to watch the tigers fight from the mountain, preparing for a future move.]

[Compared to the joke of an uprising, the dynasty was more concerned about your abilities, the people who could call the wind and rain, and Xiang Yu.]

[For now... it was the age of gods.]

[But you leading the so-called Yellow Turban Army were essentially just a group of starving peasants.]

[Even if you could summon souls, even if your sorcery was profound, a single person's qi would eventually be exhausted. So what if you could summon tens of thousands of souls? Could you summon a hundred thousand, a million?]

[What waves could a group of peasants create? You didn't even have a few decent weapons.]

[There was once a certain man, with a call to arms, who led tens of thousands of soldiers and dared to proclaim themselves kings, yet their failure is well-documented in history. They were ultimately too weak, lacking the strength, foolishly thinking they could overthrow the first empire with just peasants.]

[Until Xiang Yu rose, powerfully pushing the world towards that brat, only then did the first empire fall, and the current dynasty was established, lasting four hundred years.]

[Those in power clearly understood, in this age of gods, that common people were just numbers.]

[In this age of gods, the favored ones by the gods, those mighty generals with the strength to match thousands, it was a time of immense personal power.]

[A single elite soldier, clad in armor, could kill five average warriors and retreat unscathed.]

[The dynasty had over a hundred thousand elite soldiers across various states and counties, which was not a force that starving commoners could shake, not an army that skeletal peasants could defeat.]

[But... soon, the emperor couldn't laugh anymore.]

[Despite having elite soldiers in every state and county, reports of their defeat came one after another. One by one, the cities were captured by the Yellow Turban Army, raising that dark yellow fluttering banner.]

[A fierce flame, burning across the sky.]

[This wildfire sweeping the land was far more ferocious and vast than the dynasty had imagined.]

[The aristocrats in the captured cities, who laughed and mocked the starving commoners for thinking they could overturn the world one day, the next night, fled with their families to the remaining unconquered states, becoming refugees themselves...]

[The emperor, upon receiving reports of the fallen states and counties, frantically began organizing troops to suppress the rebellion, ordering the governors to form armies and defend rigorously.]

[Except for the crimson mecha, who was left to guard the imperial city in the capital against your sudden attack.]

[People like Cao Cao and Lu Bu who were not yet famous began to appear in the army]

[Outstanding generals were dispatched by the dynasty, assigned key military positions, and rapidly formed an army to confront the Yellow Turban Army.]

[Robust soldiers, eating their fill of meat and grain, faced off against skeletal peasants gnawing on tree bark and grass roots.]

[And then... they were defeated, retreating step by step, utterly crushed.]

Standing atop the city walls, a military general silently observed the retreat of the elite troops sent to attack this province, now reduced to a broken, mournful mess. The returning soldiers, blood-stained and haggard, moved mechanically, their lips quivering but unable to form words.

They had killed many, five to ten times more than their adversaries. Yet, they were defeated. Once the first soldier began to flee, the collapse was inevitable.

This general, sent with high hopes by the court and holding the position of right central, had led the elite troops of the dynasty, intending to capture the young rebel leader, believing that the Yellow Turban Army would crumble thereafter.

However, the military general hadn't even managed to penetrate the territory. Instead, he was driven back to his territory.

For him, who had gained titles through battle and was a counsellor to the court, this was an indelible humiliation.

Moreover, how was this possible?

Their enemy's command was indeed exquisite, with those mysterious young man figures seemingly skilled in military strategy, often employing unexpected maneuvers and ambushes. But this was merely an additional factor, no stratagem could offset the absolute disparity in troop quality.

The dynasty's elite, armored soldiers from the three rivers and five schools, vastly outperformed those emaciated peasants, often one soldier could kill ten or more of the enemy.

It was akin to facing machine guns with rifles, an impossible fight.

Yet, they lost.

Why... the enemy's morale...

The military general could not comprehend why these starving, powerless peasants could unleash such fearsome, unyielding strength. These peasants, wielding only farming tools as weapons, fought desperately against well-armored, trained soldiers, throwing themselves into battle, knowing they faced death. They used their bodies to withstand the steel weapons of their army.

Even in death, their enraged and unfulfilled spirits rose from their bodies, fighting until they were utterly dissipated.

This terrifying battlefield shattered the Han army's morale.

Their injuries were not severe, but who could bear to risk their lives against an unyielding enemy?

The dynasty generals, witnessing the madness of the Yellow Turban Army, concluded firmly that this must be some brainwashing sorcery by that young man. After all, if he could summon spirits, he certainly wouldn't let the dead rest!

Pacing through the camp of wounded soldiers, a cetrail great scholar observed the haggard faces of the armored troops and, after inquiring about the battle, he seemed to lose hope.

Behind him, a handsome young man listened to the soldiers' accounts, anger and frustration evident on his face.

"Zhang Jue?! Truly a fucking shit magus disrupting our court! To waste the lives of peasants like this, exhausting the dynasty, if I were made general, I would lead troops to take his head!"

"But..." The female warrior with twin swords hesitated, "Did he really use some kind of magecraft? This is not just thousands, but tens of thousands, all under his spell? Is his magecraft truly that profound?"

"Huh!" The handsome young man couldn't help but exclaim angrily, "We should have seen his ill intentions when he called down lightning on the capital! Instead of focusing on inner peace, he bewitches the common people, using such vile methods to summon spirits. What a malevolent magus!"

"But... senior brother, I have fought them many times and I don't think they are bewitched. Their eyes are so firm and fervent..."

"Are you defending that fucking bandits?!"

"I don't think they are bandits, I..."


The great scholar's deep voice silenced them, followed by a heavy sigh, stopping the disciples' argument.

He looked up at the blood-soaked sky and murmured softly.

"Do they simply want to die with dignity?

"Just for a full meal, they would rush forward like moths to a flame, seeking a way to live."

The handsome young man fell silent.

The heroic female warrior closed her eyes, saying nothing.

Nearby, a robust young man, having overheard the conversation, laughed and turned to the striking black-haired woman beside him.

"Cao Cao, what do you think?"

The striking woman, with brows like crescent moons, carrying a magnificent sword, her black hair tied into a high ponytail, wore an embroidered robe adorned with dark birds and a grand cloak that added to her regal presence.

She narrowed her crimson eyes, a faint smile playing on her lips.

"What should I be looking at?"

"Look at that so-called leader disturbing the world, the bandits commander, rumored to be a clear-headed youth."

"A fool, undoubtedly, but I rather like him."

"...Oh?" The robust young man pondered, puzzled. How could one call someone a fool yet still like them?

The striking black-haired woman stroked the hilt of her sword and slowly chuckled.

"Chaos... The greater the chaos in the world, the better... "

[The Yellow Turban Army's relentless assault was like moths drawn to a flame, shaking the entire dynasty to its core.]

[They began to scornfully label the Yellow Turbans as 'moth bandits,' mocking their seemingly brainwashed actions with habitual demonic tactics.]

[Moths drawn to a flame, a fire that can engulf the land.]

[The disciples of the Water Mirror Manor, possessing the wisdom of one alone could conquer the world, and now the entire Water Mirror Manor is united in a single purpose, striving for the heavenly ideal of the world, creating an unstoppable wildfire.]

[You, wielding the nine-section staff, play a central role in every significant battle, summoning spirits and making decisive choices, indifferent to the world's opinions.]

[Your arsenal includes blood-burning rituals, spirit summoning, corpse puppetry, shamanic spells, and rain invocation spells...]

[The methods deemed despicable, demonic, base, and ugly by the dynasty, you have refined and utilized to bolster the combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turban Army. Concurrently, you revolutionize agriculture, increasing crop yields to ensure people have enough to eat every day.]

[Administration and military strategy are your fortes, and in these areas, you feel no pressure.]

[However, the relentless exploitation of your innate abilities has taken a toll. You single-handedly support the operations of the million-strong Yellow Turban Army, orchestrating the logistics and command across the entire realm.]

[Yu Mei-ren tenderly combs your hair, and as time passes, the strands of silver in your hair become more and more numerous...]

"It seems you're aging prematurely, my dear junior brother."

Before the bronze mirror, a black-haired woman with downcast crimson eyes tenderly arranged the young man's hair.

"Does it look bad? I think it adds a touch of ethereal charm."

A few strands of black hair, now streaked with silver, were twined around Reinhard's fingers as he smiled warmly.

"You haven't been looking well lately, junior brother."

"If you're uncertain, senior sister, why not test it for yourself?"

Reinhard took her hand.

Soft light filtered into the study, caressing Yu Mei-ren's delicate feet. She wore a gown that flowed like butterfly wings.

Reinhard lifted his head, meeting Yu Mei-ren's crimson gaze.

Test it.

Facing such a tantalizing challenge, Yu Mei-ren's soft lips descended, gently kissing him.

"Heh... senior sister, you taste so sweet."

Reinhard embraced her, laying Yu Mei-ren down on the bed. Her gown fell open, dark hair spilling like a cloud, and her crimson eyes grew dreamy.

Despite having been indulged many times before, Yu Mei-ren still closed her eyes shyly, savoring his familiar touch on her lips.

It wasn't the first kiss.

Yet, every time, Reinhard's lips were scorching hot, like a blazing fire, leaving Yu Mei-ren intoxicated.

His face slowly descended, pressing against the softness beneath her clothes. Yu Mei-ren knew he was about to caress those tender petals.

She waited, anticipating.

But there was no next step.

Yu Mei-ren opened her eyes.

Reinhard, who had been embracing her, was already lightly asleep.

Yu Mei-ren gazed at his face in a daze, lifting him into her arms, sitting on the bed, and gently stroking the strands of silver in his hair.

"Am I draining your energy?" 


Xu Fu and Jade exchanged a glance and sighed.

"It's not just you."

Reinhard's aura, powerful like a blazing fire, illuminated this bleak and desolate world.

But such a fire requires fuel.

He seemed like a kindling, sustaining the burning spirit of the Yellow Turban Army with his own life force.

[Half of the territories of the eight prefectures have fallen one after another, and the Yellow Sky banners now flutter over every corner of this land.]

[The dynasty, unable to break through, finds itself under siege. The Yellow Turban Army's influence is growing, gradually closing in on the capital.]

[You are not Zhang Jue, you will not succumb to sudden illness. There are almost no diseases in this world that can afflict you.]

[Step by step, you fulfill your promises. Food production and harvests increase, allowing those under your rule, your followers, to finally have their fill.]

[Yet natural disasters seem to strike more frequently, as if under some curse: floods, droughts, plagues, locust swarms...]

[You see the hopeful eyes of the people looking to you. They believe that under the guidance of the Great Master, this world will become a better place.]

[Smoothing over natural disasters, curing epidemics, you increasingly rely on your innate abilities...]

[This costly and resource-consuming struggle is manageable in the short term. However, as the war drags on, the seeds of doubt and hidden dangers planted earlier begin to surface.]

[Six months have passed. The great families, once hoarding their resources, now refuse to contribute money or grain. In such chaotic times, some even show signs of defecting to the Yellow Turban Army. The dynasty is beginning to falter.]

[Amidst a pile of corpses, you stand over what is considered a victory for the Yellow Turban Army... But is it truly a victory?]

[The emperor has sent envoys, attempting to sue for peace and beg for mercy.]

The great scholar, who was invited as an envoy, looked solemnly at the young man sitting opposite him.

Within the former county governor's mansion of this province, it had become a central hub of the Way of the Great Peace.

Under the fluttering pear blossoms of spring, a great scholar and a young man sat facing each other, with a chessboard set up between them.

The great scholar looked disheveled from the recent turmoil.

"You have a good skill in chess." The great scholar remarked, placing a black piece on the board and shaking his head with a sigh.

"It seems I have lost."

"The chessboard is like a battlefield." The young man chuckled lightly. "So, are you here to surrender on behalf of the dynasty?"

With these words, the handsome young man behind the great scholar couldn't help but react.

"What the Way of the Great Peace shit! Zhang Jue, you traitor who brings chaos to the world..."

"Zan! Do not overstep your bounds!" The great scholar sternly interrupted.

The handsome man reluctantly lowered his voice.

"Zan? Is that the White Horse General?"

Reinhard looked with interest at the White Horse General, almost unable to resist quoting, "I'll make sure you won't return!"

"Heh... I'm impressed you know my name." 

"And... this person next to you must be the beautiful warrior who has been on the rise lately."

Reinhard looked somewhat astonished at the sword-wielding maiden beside him. 

Facing the young man, the valiant maiden smiled somewhat shyly. Her crescent-like eyes glanced at the young man in front of her, seemingly unable to believe that he had such a youthful demeanor.

"...You are well informed, sir." The beautiful maiden remarked, aware that she wasn't exactly a famous figure.

She raised her gaze and noticed the several masked attendants of the young man standing behind him. One of them, in particular, seemed to scrutinize her from head to toe.

Zhuge Liang approached and whispered to Reinhard's ear.

"That girl was the dynasty lineage with the dragon blood, may have a hidden move from this distance. Be cautious, brother."

Zhuge Liang raised his voice hoarsely. "Miss, would you mind putting down those swords?"

"No problem."

Reinhard smiled faintly, raised his hand, and looked at the great scholar. 

"If not surrendering, then what are you here for?" 

"To negotiate."

"Negotiate? Does the dynasty even qualify?"


The handsome young man glared, only to be met with a stern gaze from the great scholar.

"Sir Red, why let the people wither and perish?"

The great scholar, seemingly concerned for the world, shook his head and sighed.

"The people suffer, plagued by internal and external troubles, raids by the western, and unbearable living conditions for nearly half a year. His Majesty has indeed been indulgent, but ultimately, the dynasty is legitimate. Under proper guidance, we can restore prosperity. Can't we negotiate?"

"I am the 'internal trouble' you speak of, and you want to negotiate with us?"

"For grieves of the people and minimize casualties."

The great scholar spoke slowly, knowing what could move the young man before him.

"These people, they deserve to live in peace. I cannot bear to witness any more bloodshed."

"So, you'd rather let them starve? Is that your tolerance?"

The usually good-tempered young man couldn't help but laugh, pointing at the great scholar before him.

"Half a year ago, that shit general proposed to imprison the disaster victims in city. Surely you was present then, why didn't you speak up?"

The great scholar fell silent for a moment.

"His Majesty can change, the dynasty will eventually restore order, blessed by the leylines, with hundreds of years of prosperity ahead. But you only bring chaos... If His Majesty concedes, you can be named a king of a different surname, and your cult can become the state religion."


Countless black and white chess pieces scattered, falling into the pool, causing ripples.

The young man remained motionless, his dark yellow robes fluttering without wind. Only the surging aura drew together the gloomy clouds in the sky, as if rain were about to fall.

What an immortal demeanor...

The beautiful maiden's eyes flickered with indescribable brilliance.

Reinhard stared at the great scholar before him, speaking word by word.

"There has never been a possibility of negotiation, never.

"The oppression, plundering, exploitation, and slaughter of the common people by the dynasty always have a reasonable justification. These royal relatives, high above, their misdeeds can always be pardoned, considered necessary means, not evidence of guilt and blemish.

"The resistance, begging for survival, revolution, and riots of the common people are always seen as heinous acts, ingratitude, ignorant, and the actions of restless peasants and ambitious rebels, to be nailed to the pillar of historical shame, subjected to insult and criticism."

The young man sitting in the yellow-tinted sky burst into laughter.

"Bandits, you call us bandits. But what have we stolen?

"A mouthful of food, a piece of clothing...

"Do they not deserve it? Do they not deserve to be treated as human beings by you?

"Forty-six steles, winding corridors, are these words and principles more important than the lives of the Han people?

"Come dig my bones, poke my spine, so what? Can your conscience feel any better?"

The handsome young man turned pale.

The beautiful maiden seemed lost in thought.

The great scholar sighed with closed eyes.

"If the dynasty is not good, then go and take the imperial examination to contribute to its construction, rather than shouting about 'azure sky is dead, and the yellow sky should rise.' Is this what you want to express?

"But unfortunately, I was a hermit. You've forced a hermit to come down from the mountain, unable to bear watching anymore."

Reinhard gripped the dry branch tightly.

With that imagined 'Land of Great Peace,' he brought to those desolate lives a peaceful and false hope in their final moments.

To die...

As if they could finally have a full meal, this tranquility was accumulated from the lives of countless people before them.

Even if it was deceitful.

When enough people believe it, it becomes real.

"Though humble and inconspicuous, the common people are like a spark. One can ignite a moment of light. If in every corner of the world, there are people willing to sacrifice themselves like this..."

"It's like under a pitch-black night sky... the stars ignite, forming the radiance of a prairie fire."

The young man, draped in dark yellow robes, looked at the esteemed scholar before him and spoke softly.

"So, we will ultimately overcome this epidemic plaguing the world."


The handsome young man was unsure of how he had walked out of that mansion.

He stood in the occupied city, but there was no chaos as he had imagined.

Children's laughter, vendors calling out, the sound of carts passing by...

These farmers no longer appeared emaciated, as he had seen during his previous field surveys, but now wore healthy and rosy smiles on their faces.

Such tranquility.

Yellow scarves adorned people's foreheads.

Looking around at the sea of yellow, it was like...

Like bountiful rice stalks covering the earth.

It was the color that connected their leader with the common people.

The handsome young man recalled his youthful days, when he often pondered his aspirations.

"To serve the grand general, suppress the chaos, and bring peace and prosperity to the nation."

The handsome young man seemed somewhat distracted.

"Weren't you supposed to chop off his head, senior brother? The perfect opportunity was right in front of you, but you missed it."

The beautiful maiden teased beside him.

The handsome young man glanced at his junior sister and sighed.

Following their master out of the city, the beautiful maiden stared at the golden wheat fields on both sides, feeling somewhat lost.

"Calling us bandits, but what have we stolen?"

Oh, the peaceful world.

The beautiful maiden, usually wild and combative, turned back and bowed respectfully.

"Thanks, I've learned from this.

[In times of stability, there was a sense of tranquility that pervaded everything.]

[However... was it truly so?]

[Over time, the countenances of the young strategists became weathered, yet more mature. Having experienced various battles, they were on the verge of transitioning from youth to adulthood.]

[But you, you never seemed to grow taller. Your fellow disciples teased you about it, laughing as they watched the white hairs sprouting from your head. There was a hint of sorrow in their eyes.]

[Cause and effect...]

[So that's it.]

[You gradually began to feel the weight of people's overwhelming faith in you. While it brought a significant increase in your magical abilities, it also hastened the decay and decline of your vitality... ]

[Changing the course of fate, summoning spirits, puppeteering mechanical soldiers...]

[You, who frequently used your extraordinary abilities to deceive the world and were worshipped by millions, were encroaching upon the authority belonging to Alaya over this land.]

[Realizing the gradual decline of your vitality, you finally unveiled the ultimate technique hidden within your suppressed power.]

[No wonder, aside from Yu Mei-ren's ploy, they never sent any forces to stop you. Your rebellion across this land progressed so smoothly. ]

[Because, this timeline had long been contaminated by defilement. The more you were revered and worshipped by people, the more you brought forth... that corrupting faith, akin to a festering ulcer clinging to the bone.]

[You recalled the advice of the old man immortal.]

[Withdraw from the world, do not descend the mountain.]

[Cause and effect...]

[Do not be tainted, die and disappear... ]

[The Counter Force had already been corrupted, thus faith in this era had morphed into a sweet, yet corruptive poison.]

[In other words, you were becoming the new Alaya.]

[It willingly relinquished its position, allowing you to begin occupying it...]

[This process was difficult to halt.]

[Because, as you are now, you have become the leader of the way of the great peace, the great sage. ]

[The fame of Zhang Jue spread throughout the thirteen provinces, revered by countless and hated by countless others.]

[This was a complete conspiracy.]

[Defilement did not reside in any tangible object, but within the hearts of every individual in this era.]

[Continuing like this, your lifespan would rapidly diminish, but you still had a chance to turn back.]

[Abandon the tranquility, disappear from people's sight, return to seclusion on the mountain for twenty years, and great enlightenment would be within reach.]

[Abandon? Abandon?]

[You could see the concerned gazes cast upon you by your disciples, Yu Mei-ren, Xu Fu, and Jade.]

[This world is sick.]

[So, do you want to disappoint those common people who yearn for tranquility throughout the world? Do you want to forsake their faith?]

[You remembered your pact with those wandering spirits.]

[As Yu Mei-ren's trembling and anxious gaze met yours, you suddenly began to cough...]

"Cough... cough... "

With a mouthful of black hair and a pale complexion, Reinhard lifted his gaze to the new attending doctor before him.

Her hair was green.

Draped in a white coat, the green-haired woman sat gracefully in the dim, damp, and decaying hospital room.

"You're losing, Reinhard.

"This game should come to an end.

"Actually, it was doomed from the start.

"You tried in vain to cure a terminal illness.

"So, you never stood a chance of winning."

Listening to the words of defilement, Reinhard fell silent for a long, long time, looking at the blood he coughed up. Slowly, he began to smile.

"I intend to offer the moonlit world to Khorne."

As his words trailed off, the mold and green moss in the hospital room seemed to be covered in a layer of blood-red paint.

A red-haired girl slowly peeked into the room from the doorway, her sharp shark teeth revealing a radiant smile.

"Great! Reinhard! Is what you said true?"

"No! He didn't say anything!" The green-haired woman, somewhat panicked, pushed the red-haired girl out. "I was here first!"

"Sorry, I did say it... Because I've already occupied the Throne of Khorne, I can choose to let Khorne in anytime, anywhere."

Looking at the green-haired woman in front of him, Reinhard smiled word by word.

"So... You haven't won yet. I can still negotiate with you."

"What... what are your conditions?" The green-haired woman pressed her full chest, feeling that the young man in front of her spoke with a deep and mysterious tone, like some annoying guy.

"I no longer want to protect this rotten world."

Reinhard supported his forehead, sighed, and looked somewhat weary.

"So, I can let only you in, and I'm willing to be your chosen one. Moreover, I can help you contaminate the other world lines and even the entire quantum-time lock."

"Your request is..." The green-haired woman's heart surged with excitement.

"First, I must ensure the safety of all my loved ones. You cannot touch the heroic spirits I've designated, isolate my world from yours, refrain from dumping your trash here, and give me some colonial quotas.

"Second, give me Alaya and Gaia.

"Lastly, don't make me deal with humans. That's the bottom line.

"Although the environment is a bit harsh, if you want to surrender, you should be the least harmful choice."

The green-haired woman was a little dazed, then, a deeply excited expression appeared on her face.

"This is a warp space, and everything here is a reflection of emotions. You can only speak the truth... You can't go back on your word."

"I'm drifting through half my life, only regretting not meeting the dawn."

Reinhard sighed.

"So, there's only one answer, do I need to find you a cane to break or something?"

"And... isn't this condition very favorable for me? So, of course, I won't deceive you."

With black hair and a pale complexion, Reinhard cupped her face, gazing into the deep green eyes of this voluptuous woman, pressing his forehead against hers ambiguously.

Is it a bit too heavy to defile here?

Reinhard smiled.

"After all, I'm tired and no longer want to make an effort."

XElenea XElenea

If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my pa treon : treon. com/XElenea

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