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Chapter 58 What The F*ck

A presence gently pressed against my mind as my sword spoke.

The battle is almost upon us, Riser. I have one final preparation to make, if you all will allow it?

Catching the startled twitch from Kalawarner and the interested gazes from the other three, it was easy for me to see the sword had spoken to all of us simultaneously again.

Not sure whether or not my peerage would hear my thoughts through the sword, I said, "What would that be?"

Would you please pass me to the possessor of the grail? I will require her assistance.

All eyes turned to an open-mouthed Valerie as she sputtered. "Bwah? I…What can I do?"

You will see when you hold me, dear girl. Time is running short, Riser. Please give me to her.

I wasn't sure where this was going, but if anything strange happened I'd forcibly retire Valerie to protect her – Rating Game be damned.

I drew my sword, its magnificent silver blade catching a ray of light shining into the cave through the trees. It was beautiful. I'd never really stopped to just look at it.

Tearing my eyes from the sight, I laid it atop my hands and held it out to Valerie.

The young dhampir hesitantly gripped the hilt. Her eyes flew wide and she gasped the moment her hand came into contact with it.

Fearing a bad reaction, I tried to pull it away but Valeri's grip was stronger than steel. She easily pulled the sword from me with her far better handhold.

"You're…" Valerie said breathlessly. "They told me you were lost. That darkness had consumed you."

Yubelluna, who had also been moving to wrench the blade away, and I stopped and waited. Valerie wasn't hurt. It appeared she was just shocked by whatever she'd gleaned from the sword with her Sacred Gear.

I was. It has. Yet I remain strong. In his fall, he blamed himself for pulling me with him, but I went willingly. Even in his despair I still saw his virtues. Upon his death, I was lost. But now I have found another. I have found another drowning in darkness yet uncorrupted by it. I intend to serve Riser as I once served him long ago. But for now, I need your help, Valerie Tepes.

Valerie's eyes somehow grew even wider. "You want me to…I can do it." Her eyes were filled with determination as she turned to me. "This is…it's more than I've ever tried at once. I can do it, but I won't be able to fight once it's done."

"Valerie!" I shouted. "Hold on! Tell me what–"

A halo of pure white light exploded out of the cup in Valerie's hands. The dhampir's every muscle was taught with exertion as she gripped the blade and the cup.

The halo levitated away from the cup, forming into a humanoid figure. Its arm reached forward and wrapped around the sword's hilt right above Valerie's hand. Valerie released the sword, and the pure, white, glowing shape solidified.

A man stood before us. He was just over six feet tall. Long, wavy blonde hair fell down past his shoulders. He wore a set of polished, black, plate mail armor with a blue cloak the color of a gentle sea hanging from his shoulders. He had green eyes and a fair face. His entire form emanated a dull white glow. It was as if he was here, but simultaneously elsewhere. The knight's gaze was transfixed on the blade in his grasp.

From behind me, I heard Kalawarner gasp and Clarissa inhale sharply through her nose. I didn't know who this was, but apparently they recognized him on sight.

"I…I did…" Valerie began to fall backwards, but I rushed forward and caught her before she could fall.

"Yes. You did." Even though I wasn't quite sure what it was she'd done. "I'm retiring you, Valerie. Ruval will be standing by with a Phenex Tear." I wasn't sure she'd need one, but she had never reacted like this to using Sephiroth Graal before.

She disappeared in a blue flash of light.

"Riser…Riser's bishop…Is that who I fucking think it is!"

The announcer was shrieking when she was cut off. I had never heard one of them lose their cool like that.

"Riser's bishop retired. The match will begin in five minutes." a new announcer said, their voice still colored by disbelief, but they were able to keep their cool.

Now I was incredibly confused.

With Valerie taken care of, I turned my attention back to the knight. His gaze was still locked on the sword in his grasp.

The knight finally spoke, his voice like the sound of a midmorning breeze. "My Arondight, I am so sorry for what I did to you – for what you endured because of me."

There is nothing to forgive, Lancelot. You made me what I am. And that has allowed me to meet new comrades – to forge new bonds. I would ask for one last favor from you, old friend.

My mind ground to a halt as I finally registered the names that had been exchanged. Arondight. Lancelot.

I'd been carrying the sword of Lancelot the Brave on my hip for almost half a year without even knowing it. And somehow more spectacular than that fact, Valerie had used Sephiroth Graal to bring Lancelot back. The knight standing before me was none other than one of the single most skilled, powerful, and famous knights in the history of the world.

What. The. Fuck.

"You need only name it, Arondight. This last gasp provided to me will be spent well indeed if I may repay my debt." the knight said, falling to one knee and holding Arondight high.

Whatever Arondight said to him, it didn't say it to me.

Lancelot laughed heartily as he stood once more. "I daresay we may never find a more worthwhile endeavor. Is this devil truly all you say he is?"

He is the opposite of the devils of old. His virtues are unquestionable.

This time the sword did speak in my head, but I missed a good part of the conversation and was having trouble following what little I had heard.

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