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92.64% LOTM ?? / Chapter 63: chapter 58

Chapter 63: chapter 58

Chapter 40 Chance Encounter

Chapter 232 Chance Encounter

The room prepared for Klein in the Islands Branch was not spacious. However, when passing through the corridor of the rest area, Klein paid a little attention to the rooms that already had owners and found that the other spaces for ordinary members to rest were even more cramped. The only room was The room with a duplex layout has a metal nameplate engraved with the "War Red" emblem, which probably belongs to the original person in charge, Mr. Franz.

Klein looked away from the nameplate and held the document bag sent by Rosago last night in his arms.

Considering the time issue, he did not have any in-depth communication with Rosago last night. He only asked a few details about the recent movements of "Admiral Hell" and the attitude of the elves towards his request for a meeting.

Fortunately, Rosago gave him good answers to both questions.

The liaison officer placed by "Admiral Hell" in the Rossed Islands has been replaced by the "faceless man" who was born in the Secret Order. The elves also agreed to Klein's request, and their attitude was extremely good.

The only race in the world with an East Asian appearance... Various descriptions of elves flashed through Klein's mind, and he unconsciously focused on the legendary face of the "God of Mystery" that was identical to that of an elf.

Legend has it that "Secret" is the brother of the Elf King. It is for this reason that Suniasolem trusted the elves to "Secret" before he died.

"Secret" understands Chinese. Another time traveler, Huang Tao, is also Chinese. Only the predecessor of the true Creator, the Creator of the Third Age, may be a European, or a Slav, at least as shown in His Holy Scriptures. Many of the deeds that make people feel satisfied at first glance have the shadow of Orthodox Christianity rather than Christianity.

There are too many shadows of the earth in this world... Did they transform the world, or...

"Please come in."

The slightly old but calm and powerful voice inside the door called back Klein's attention. He was immersed in his own world and fell into a trance. Only then did he realize that he had been standing at the door of Taylor Franz's office for a long time, and he had attracted attention. Attention members coming and going.

"Hunters" are very sensitive to strange things, so this gentleman noticed me early and "watched" me dazed at the door of his office for several minutes?

Klein couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

He opened the door and finally saw the owner of the office.

It was an old man with dark brown hair, a slightly sparse top, deep facial features, a strong and square face, and a pair of sharp and clear amber eyes. He was probably in his early fifties.

"Good morning, Mr. V."

"Although Pronson may have introduced me to you, I think I have to do this kind of thing myself so as not to be disrespectful. Taylor Franz, you can just call me Taylor."

Unlike Planson and other members of the Archipelago branch who behaved alienatedly, Taylor Franz had a kind smile. At first glance, he looked like the amiable old man in popular novels who would drink tea and sunbathe on the streets of Desi Coast, but he was unusually tall.

"Good morning, Mr. Taylor."

After weighing it for a moment, Klein did not address the other party by the rank of colonel shown in the information, and followed Taylor's suggestion.

"I heard that you are very interested in those pirates who claim to be generals. I am curious. Can I ask which department you worked in before?" Taylor smiled. "The colleagues who were transferred from the mainland were more interested in it." When dealing with official departments such as MI9, Bureau 8, and the Church of Storms, few people are willing to pay attention to pirates running around."

"I have been serving the 'Angel with the Lantern' since I joined the Intelligence Agency. I was originally a member of the special team led by Mr. A." Klein spoke the absolute but incomplete truth, "We encountered the Witch in Backlund. The great smog jointly planned by the sect and the 'Rose School' and the Loen royal family forced the mission of tracking down the 'Indulgence Sect' demigod Gostars to be interrupted, so I hope that we can re-determine the 'Rose School' at sea. Action track, continue this mission."

Tyler Franz patiently listened to Klein's explanation. He still had the same smile, but his two dark brown eyebrows with the same hair color were vaguely closer to each other, and several obvious fine lines appeared on his forehead.

"You mean that your order to investigate the pirate general was actually to make up for the failure of you and Mr. A in Backlund, and that it was a retaliatory action?"

There is no doubt that from the perspective of others who do not know the details, all of Klein's current arbitrary actions, while going against the original working status and tendencies of the archipelago, cannot see any long-term benefits, only personal emotions.

"No, Mr. Taylor, my idea was approved by the 'Angel of the Lamp', and His Highness Zaratul also agreed with the possibility of entering the 'Rose School' from the sea..."

Taylor made a gesture and interrupted Klein.

"Mr. V, you don't need to explain to me. You have been appointed by the country and you are now the person in charge of the islands. I am just an old man who is about to retire. I can't wait to return to the warm Vertex for retirement. Do you want to You don't need my approval to do anything, you have complete autonomy."

These snake-like slippery words and decisive escape measures were beyond Klein's expectations, doubling his pressure.

Of course, he does not need Taylor's permission to do anything. He is the envoy of God, appointed by the big shots in Trunsoest as the new person in charge of the islands.

But what can be expected is that if he really insists on going his own way, hiding all his thoughts and secrets in his heart, and not revealing even a little bit to anyone in the archipelago, he, who is already alienated, will only face more problems from his subordinates. Potential obstacles such as uncontrollable resentment and subversion will become more and more obvious until he is completely unable to carry out the work he advocates and is driven to another place in despair.

Of course, Klein doesn't care about whether or not he retains power. After a psychological struggle, he accepted the identity of a divine envoy and the control of an entire branch entirely out of the help these external objects can provide in his pursuit of various truths, and for the purpose of borrowing. The position is convenient and I would like to repay Mr. Azik.

Damn it, the biggest "official" in my life is to take two interns when the company recruits new people. I have never experienced such a high-end situation... With Gehrman Sparrow's cold face, Ke Ryan was silent for a while before continuing.

"I have no intention of retiring you."

"What?" This time it was Tyler Franz's turn to be surprised.

"As you said, my actions against the pirate generals were revenge and out of my personal desires. Because of some past that is inconvenient to share, I became an out-and-out avenger. I know very well that I cannot He is qualified to be the real person in charge of the Islands Branch."

Klein paused and took off the pair of flat glasses on the bridge of his nose that were matched with Gehrman Sparrow's character. He stared at the reflection of the lenses, emotions flashing in his eyes.

"I hope you will continue to handle the affairs of the archipelago. You only need to regard me as an envoy who is responsible for special operations and was accidentally transferred to Rosted and needs your cooperation, just like the envoys who came here in the past."

"Besides, my rank is not as high as yours, so I am not qualified to decide whether an 'Iron-Blooded Knight' should stay or go."

Klein's sincere words did not impress Taylor. The "Iron-Blooded Knight" had heard too many heartfelt words or sweet words, and it was obvious that he had become resistant to the art of dialogue.

However, after a short period of silent consideration, he still nodded solemnly and assured Klein.

"I will write a report and ask for instructions from the country to approve the consensus we reached today... As for others, you can rest assured that we will provide you with all the assistance we can provide without violating the bottom line."

As he spoke, his brows relaxed silently, and the smile at the corners of his mouth relaxed and looked much more natural.

"Now Mr. V, I think you can tell me first what you want to do first after collecting so much information about the pirate generals. If it is revenge, where do you plan to start?"

"'Hell Admiral' Ludwell." Klein said the first target he had determined early.

Not to mention the "Rose School" that is currently difficult to penetrate. After the Backlund Great Smog, not only did the Aurora Society lose control of Ince Zangwill's traces, but Mr. Azik was also unable to track down Ince Zangwill. , suspecting that Ince Zangwill may have been protected by a high-sequence extraordinary being of a similar level to him, blocking mystical tracking.

Ludville...Taylor chewed on the name, glanced at the documents Klein held under his arm, and pulled out a copy with exactly the same content from his desk.

He flipped through a few pages and reminded casually.

"Ludwell belongs to the 'Artificial Death' faction in the 'Spiritual Order'. He is on the edge, but his style is relatively radical. If you kill him, it will be difficult to get any other clues except to gain the hostility of the 'Artificial Death' faction towards you."

"Of course, if your purpose is to kill him, then that's another matter."

Do I look so clueless? Klein shook his head slightly, but did not explain much.

Taylor waited for a while, but when there was no response, he didn't force it.

"Okay, I will arrange assistance for you, and will continue to monitor their contact station. As for the elves, you don't need to be too anxious. They have just taught Yan Cotman a lesson and are still dealing with the aftermath. Waiting This week, you can go anytime you want."

Looking up at the clock on the wall, Taylor said again.

"It's still early, and it will take some time to deploy manpower. How about you take advantage of this free time to visit Bayam and learn about it?"

"I can prepare a carriage and guide for you."

"No, no need." Klein declined Taylor's kindness, "I can just take care of myself."

"Want to go out for a walk?"

In the bar that serves as a liaison station, Old Lynn, the contact person of the "Golden Dream" in Bayam, leaned against the small door leading to the back kitchen of the bar and took down a bottle of Lielangqi from the wine cabinet.

"It just rained yesterday. If you go out, you will only step on mud." Daniz lay lazily on the chair, his nose trembling, "Since when did you start drinking Lielangqi? Don't you like Bayam Black the most?" Rand?"

Old Lynn coughed twice, looking a little troubled, and clinked the glass used to hold the wine abnormally.

"What's the matter, old man, are you feeling unwell today?"

Daniz also smelled something unusual, sat up from his chair, and asked with concern.

"no no..."

Just as Old Lin was about to explain, his weather-beaten face, full of traces of time, suddenly turned red from the rising blood, and his head below became pale and blue, like a long-dead corpse. His eyes were round and wide. Like a drowning man who is about to suffocate, he tries hard to open his mouth and give Daniz his final advice before he dies.


This is...a curse! The thought flashed across his mind, and Daniz was horrified. He grabbed his coat and ran away, regardless of checking Old Linn's condition.

But before he could rush to the window, green shadows quietly floated out from the wooden wall of the small bar, surrounding him without even realizing it.

With a creak, a man in a pure black robe opened the door and walked into the bar, followed by two followers, also dressed in robes.

The man was of medium build, with soft facial features, thicker lips than those from the Northern Continent, and dark brown skin. He was obviously from the Southern Continent.

An accomplice of "Hell Admiral" Ludwell?

Danitz didn't recognize the person in front of him. As a boatswain under "Vice Admiral Iceberg", he naturally recognized most of the famous people on the sea, but the person in front of him was not within the scope of his memory.

However, based on what happened to old Lin En just now, he roughly guessed the route of the person coming.

"Corpse Collector", only "Corpse Collector" has such ability!

Shit! I've already come here for vacation. Ludwell can still catch up. When did they control old Lynn?

Without thinking too much, Daniz decisively lit himself on fire. A layer of ethereal flames covered his upper body and rushed towards the weakest point in the house.

That was the direction of the kitchen that Old Lynn had been hinting at before his death.

Waves of sea breeze blew by, and the pointed leaves swayed and fell at any time.

Klein walked on Haiphong Street, his pace neither fast nor slow. He did not deliberately change his face. He walked side by side with Secret Puppet Giorgia, as leisurely as many tourists who first came to Bayam for sightseeing.

It had just rained last night. At this time, the sky in Bayam was clear. You could see as far as the eye could see. The dazzling sun disk hung in the center, shining warm light. It was obviously December, but Klein was walking. Sweated a lot. UU Reading

After a while, Klein's spiritual intuition was suddenly touched.

He stopped at the intersection of the street and looked at the other alley he wanted to turn into, when he suddenly heard the sound of rapid but messy running.

A man with burnt yellow eyebrows ran as hard as he could, swaying and unable to control his body balance, and looked like he might fall down at any time.

There were many wounds on his body and his face was pale, so that the sounds around him could only be heard vaguely, and everything in his sight was unreal.

Just when he felt like he couldn't hold on any longer, he saw Gehrman Sparrow standing at the corner and saw the graceful figure beside the man.

The man stood clearly alert, like a leopard, ready to reveal its claws and tear the prey in front of him at any time.

Is he an adventurer, or does he serve some major force?

Staggering, Danitz fell forward and landed in front of Gehrman.

Regardless of his dignity, he hugged Hermann's trouser legs with both hands and begged breathlessly.

"Please, please, tell the Church of Storms, Old Lynn at the Port Bar, that the people from the 'Spiritual Religion' killed him, that the cultists who believe in the God of Death are doing evil in Bayam..."

"Please, I am dying, please spread this news, I am willing, I am willing to tell, tell you where my inheritance is..."

"...You, you can at least get a thousand pounds..."

Klein, who was about to take action, suddenly paused when he heard this and asked.

"You mean, the people from Ludwell are in Byam?"

I have to work overtime next Friday to recruit new people, oh no, there is a new grievance.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly passes, please.

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Chapter 41 Pirate Hunter

    Chapter 233 Pirate Hunter

    "You mean, the people from Ludwell are in Bayam?"

    Daniz was stunned for a moment, forgetting the pain for a moment.

    He suddenly realized that something was wrong, but at this moment, death was approaching step by step, and his vitality was constantly losing along with the hideous wound on his abdomen. He did not care about too much and spoke with difficulty.

    "Yes, he is a member of the 'Hell Admiral', but not his famous lieutenants."

    So he is a member of the "Spiritual Religion"? A flash of understanding flashed in Klein's eyes. He grabbed the pirate who was holding his calf, pulled out a piece of paper, pressed it on the pirate's wound, and then wiped it out.

    The center of the soft rectangular note was cut out of thin air, and Daniz's sadness and panic were suddenly stopped. He felt that the numb pain in his chest and abdomen suddenly disappeared, but his left leg seemed to be broken.

    This is not an illusion!

    He subconsciously looked at his left leg and was shocked to find that the fatal wound on his abdomen had strangely healed, leaving behind a large area of ​​pink and tender white flesh. The left leg was covered in blood and flesh, with obvious cracks in the bones.

    This! Am I okay?

    Daniz blinked, still a little immersed in the complicated emotions just now.

    "What did you do?" he asked blankly.

    Klein looked back at the other side of Haiphong Street, where there was no one around. The surface of his left hand wearing black gloves suddenly shook, like a beast that had been awakened from hibernation and woke up with a sullen mouth. It cheered up and used all its fangs. exposed.

    Under Daniz's blank gaze, the young adventurer wearing a black woolen coat and a half-high silk top hat said in a low voice:

    "Who are you?"

    The "beast" that lives by chewing human flesh, flesh and soul resisted Touching Danitz's forehead, "Creeping Hunger" was extremely excited at this time.

    It was excited because its master had found a blood food with good spirituality and weight. Its illusory but real scarlet tongue licked Daniz's face, wanting to immediately devour the life in front of him alive.

    But the owner hasn't allowed it to eat yet, so it has to be patient.

    "I, I..."

    Daniz, who had lost a lot of blood after being attacked, turned paler. His chest felt heavy and his whole body became tense. He had to clench his fists and grit his teeth to resist the involuntary trembling.

    "I am a subordinate of 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' Edwina Edwards, the fourth boatswain of the 'Golden Dream'. Others call me Blazing Danitz."

    After reporting his nickname, real name and identity, Da Nyx awaited the verdict of this rather vicious-looking young adventurer with trepidation.

    Fortunately, his bet was right. After hearing the name "Lieutenant General Iceberg", the other party did not kill him immediately.

    However, before he could relax, a more fatal problem followed.

    "The 'Flame' Danitz with a bounty of 3,000 pounds?"

    In an instant, the God of Death, who had stopped pacing due to the transfer of fatal injuries, approached again. The gleaming sickle had already hooked his neck, caressing the warmth of the living person intimately. .

    "I, I..."

    The abyss filled with madness and bloodlust crashed down from above his head, weighing Daniz out of breath and unable to even open his mouth to beg for mercy.

    Just when he closed his eyes and gave in to despair, fate played another joke on him.

    Suddenly, Klein, who was dressed as an adventurer, picked up Danitz, threw him back, and threw him into the arms of the marionette Georgia, asking the marionette to protect this precious "clue" to avoid being involved in the upcoming battle. , the "clue" who injured his left leg lost his life.

    The temperature in the alley quietly dropped to the lowest level, and the green ghost figure only revealed a gap, surrounding Klein and others from three sides.

    The envoy of the "Spiritual Religion" and the "Necromancer" Dieter Rei looked at the young adventurer standing in front of Daniz with vigilant eyes. He made a gesture, and the two followers lurking behind him immediately stopped. The shadows no longer moved forward and only remained surrounded.

    Without him, the nearby spirits told Dieter Ray that the young adventurer gave them an extremely terrifying feeling, which even made spirits lacking fear and other sensibilities unable to stop trembling and wanting to crawl.

    Spirits are directly connected to the spiritual world and know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages far better than ordinary creatures. As the "Necromancer" Dieter Rei knows this very well, so he slowly raised his hands under the gaze of the adventurer.

    "We have no conflict."

    He had not seen each other on the wanted poster, and he had not noticed the unique style and temperament of "Reader", so he judged that the adventurer should not be the partner of "Lieutenant General Iceberg".

    "That man has something we need. You can take his head for a bounty, and I'll take his spirit."


    Upon hearing this, Daniz couldn't help but scolded, but then, He was worried about his life again and turned his head to see the adventurer's expression.

    "Are you from Ludwell?"

    Gehrman, who was dressed like a gentleman, heard the "Necromancer"'s suggestion and did not respond. Instead, he tilted his head and asked a completely unrelated question.

    "No, I am not Ludwell's subordinate."

    "Necromancer" replied immediately, but Hermann's excitement, as if an ocelot had seen its prey, did not weaken, but became even more high-spirited.

    The polite Hermann sneered, suddenly raised his pistol, and shot Dieter Ray.

    The bullets condensed with the sun's rays pierced the spirit body, and the blazing flames instantly evaporated the shadow that Dieter Rei had to pull down to block the gun.

    In an instant, the battle broke out.

    It had just rained heavily, and most of the debris accumulated in the alleys of Bayam was moist, but there were some "lucky ones" who escaped the rain and stayed dry.

    Several orange-red flames rose up almost at the same time. The "Necromancer" was tense and immediately recognized that this was the "magician's" specialty.

    The "Spiritual Order" and the Secret Order have been in conflict for many years, so they certainly recognize each other's abilities.

    Sharp and piercing wind sounds like whistles came from all directions, and they seemed countless in an instant.

    The black shadow appears and disappears in the orange-red flames. Combined with the dissipated illusion, it is impossible to judge whether it is true or false.

    Klein hid in the flames and poured bullets without being aggressive, waiting patiently for the "Necromancer" to reveal the first flaw.

    Finally, under the harassment of purifying bullets, one of Dieter Ray's followers was the first to be unable to withstand the pressure, and fear almost overflowed from his dark brown eyes.

    A decontamination bullet just flew past his head. If it missed by even one centimeter, it would have blown out his brain and sent him to report to the "god of death" country in advance.

    Being the only one in Sequence 8, he couldn't care too much. He suddenly lowered his right hand and squatted on the ground. Originally driven away by Dieter Rei, the waiting shadows in the distance suddenly separated into two groups and obeyed the "Grave Digger" The summons rushed toward the ever-blooming orange at high speed.

    "Asshole, you!"

    Dieter Ray had just opened his mouth and stretched out his hand halfway, wanting to interrupt his subordinate's stupid self-rescue. Klein, who had been hiding in the flames for a long time, took a step ahead of him and stepped out, dragging the warmth of the flames with him.

    His left hand seemed to be poured with gold, and his eyes were condensed with lightning. He ignored Dieter Rei, who had many abilities, and stared at the "Grave Digger" who was squatting on the ground.

    The shrill screams were the accompaniment to the fighting. The "Judge"'s mental piercing penetrated the "Gravedigger's" brain, freezing his thoughts, nerves, and everything.

    Klein casually fired a shot, and the yellow, red and white viscous liquid exploded in Dieter Rei's ear, confusing the "Necromancer"'s face.

    The ability of a "judge"?

    When one of his subordinates died, Dieter Rei, instead of becoming furious, instantly calmed down.

    His eyes quickly scanned, and in an instant he locked onto the golden light that flourished with the majesty on Klein's palm, and the answer was ready to come out.

    That is definitely a powerful sealed artifact!

    And judging from the aggressive fighting style of this suspected member of the Secret Order, he must have more than one sealed artifact in his hand that can support him in a head-on battle.

    The thought flashed across his mind, and Dieter kicked off his feet fiercely and jumped out from the spot, leaving the only remaining subordinate in a daze.

    Then, without any hesitation, the menacing "Necromancer" turned around and ran in the other direction of the path he came from, and quickly disappeared from Klein's eyes surrounded by shadows.

    "Tell me what you know, or I'll dig it out of your brain." The

    cold metal muzzle was pressed against the heads of the members of the "Spiritual Religion". Klein looked down at the trembling young man and glanced back calmly. After confirming that Danitz's vision was obscured by the flames and dust and smoke, he could not clearly see what was real and what was real. He casually pulled out two small, shiny items from his coat.

    He tossed the coin upwards, caught the front side with familiarity, and then turned his palm over. The coin disappeared and another item appeared at the same time.

    That's Azik Eggers' bronze whistle.

    "Don't worry about your beliefs. Are you afraid that your next actions will be regarded as betrayal and you will not be able to return to the underworld after death?"

    "God will forgive you, His Highness will forgive you."

    The aura of the "Death Archon" Slowly dissipating, the trembling young man kneeling on the ground gradually regained his composure and remained stunned in place.

    After a few seconds, the uncontrollable howling deep in the alley frightened Daniz, who fell to the ground at the entrance of the alley. He was half embarrassed and half wary, keeping his distance from Giorgia.

    He tried to stretch his neck to see what was going on in the alley, but was surprised to find that the person who walked out before Gehrman was actually a young man from the Southern Continent.

    The man burst into tears and was on the verge of emotional collapse. He didn't know what kind of stimulation he had received.

    "He...what's wrong with him?"

    Daniz asked Gehrman, who was walking leisurely.

    Klein only glanced at Daniz and ignored him. He flicked his wrist and whipped the air like a slender flame whip. The human-shaped confetti was completely eliminated in the flames.

    "Carry him on your back."

    Klein, who was holding the "Gravedigger" attribute in his hand and the restless "Creep Hunger" in his left hand, said to the young man from the Southern Continent in a commanding tone.

    Still sobbing, but calmer, the young man nodded quickly, picked up Danitz from the ground and carried him on his back without asking for any reason.

    "No, where is the 'Necromancer'?"

    Daniz, who still didn't understand the situation, continued to ask. In exchange for a sharp glance from Klein, he immediately shut up, lay on the young man's back obediently, and followed Klein away. Alley.

    It wasn't until he was far away from Haiphong Street and reached the outskirts of Bayam that Klein stopped, asked the young man to put Daniz down, took out a badge on his back and wrote something on his back, before giving the second order.

    "From now on, I will make you lose consciousness."

    The young man, who was basically emotionally stable, hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily and exposed the back of his neck thoughtfully.

    Is this convenient for me to knock him out... Klein resisted the urge to twitch at the corner of his mouth, his expression remained unchanged, darkness surged in his left hand, and he switched to the "Nightmare" ability, locking on the young man and pulling him into a dream.

    This time, Danitz had a panoramic view of Klein using "Creeping Hunger", captured a flash of inspiration, and connected it with a rumor not long ago.

    "Vice Admiral Hurricane" did not die from the "Church of Storms" or Loen officials. Someone else killed him and his identity is unknown. In addition to his characteristics, he also took away his powerful sealed artifact - "Creeping Hunger" ".

    In Daniz's knowledge, there is only one human leather-textured glove-shaped sealed object that can switch abilities, and that is the glove on the hand of the adventurer in front of him.

    Is he the extraordinary person who killed "Vice Admiral Hurricane"?

    Facing Danitz's complicated gaze that was mixed with understanding and fear, Klein nodded gently and smiled politely.

    "Introduce yourself, Gehrman Sparrow, a 'pirate hunter'."


    Backlund Bridge Area.

    Hugh walked along the walls of the alley, checking for any contact marks that might have been left by the client or other colleagues.

    Checking into the second alley, she spotted a sign that rarely appeared.

    That belonged to a mysterious man who was briefly active in the bounty hunter circle in the East District and was later confirmed as a member of MI9 by Fors and the Trunsoest people behind her.

    This means an urgent meeting.

    Are you going to finally test me? I didn't think about it for a while and decided to leave immediately.

    So, Xio changed places, marked the time and place of the meeting, confirmed that they were not being monitored midway, and reported the news to her current direct boss, Mr. K of the Aurora Society.

    Half an hour later, in a remote but well-connected alley, a man wearing a golden mask who had been secretly observing Xiu for a while came out of the corner.

    He said with his light brown eyes sweeping over Xio's head.

    "There is a task for you."

    "Difficulty and reward." Although his identity is no longer exactly a bounty hunter, Xio still maintains the habits he has developed in his busy life.

    The man pushed up the gold mask.

    "Within us, there is generally no such thing as remuneration. In other words, it is a fixed salary and treatment." "But

    you are not an official member of us yet. You can only be regarded as an informant."

    The man paused and tried to Piqued Xio's interest.

    "Of course, there will be some reward in this case. This is not a dangerous mission. You can get thirty pounds. If the results are good, it is not impossible to give you the main materials for the next sequence." "

    Hey, we usually don't Giving members formulas and materials is all about accumulating merit, and when enough, they will be given the potion directly. You can also choose this method."

    If you don't want to tell me the formula, don't go around in circles... Xio frowned.

    "What mission?"

    The man wearing the golden mask asked with serious eyes.

    "Investigating the clues left by Sherlock Moriarty in the East District. We suspect that he is involved in multiple cases such as the assassination of the prince and the Black Emperor. You need to investigate his activities in the East District in the past two months. What have you seen? What did he do, and..."

    "UUReading and?"

    "You will have a temporary captain. You not only have to cooperate with his work, but also monitor him and report to me his words and deeds."

    "What's his name and his identity?" Xio realized something was wrong.

    The man's tone became more serious.

    "He is the prince's valued subordinate in the past, a former colonel from the Kingdom's Southern Continent Legion." "

    His name is Aeglon Corosong."


    Unexpectedly, I got back on my game and finished my homework, so there won't be 6,000 words tomorrow...

    Well, I'll check the status tomorrow, maybe there will be.

    Thinking on the bright side, has it been updated today? If calculated at 12 o'clock, plus the next update, wouldn't it be 8,000 today?

    Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly passes, please.

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Chapter 42 The fateful meeting

    Chapter 234: Fateful Meeting:

    "City of Generosity" Bayam, dock area, No. 48 Lemon Street, "Azure Wind" Hotel.

    The sea breeze is howling outside and the weather is sultry, but the fireplace in the standard suite is warm and the environment is peaceful.

    Klein sat on the chair and watched silently as "Fire Flame" Daniz dealt with the severe fracture of his left leg.

    After receiving the news, Pronson, who came under the command of the "Iron Knight" Colonel Taylor Franz, swept around the house indifferently, as if it had nothing to do with him, and sat in the corner, waiting patiently.

    After watching for a while, he saw that Daniz had tied up his left leg with old clothes torn into strips. Klein stood up from the chair with his hands on his hands and came to the still unconscious young man from the Southern Continent.

    He pinched the young man's nose, but after a while, the young man whose breathing was blocked got rid of the dream and woke up from a deep sleep.


    Putting his index finger to his lips, Klein signaled the young man to be silent.

    "I ask, you answer."

    He deliberately staggered half of his body so that Planson, who came for Colonel Taylor Franz, could also see clearly.

    "Okay, sir." The young man followed suit and climbed up from the ground unsteadily, standing slightly cautiously.

    "What is your boss's name, his rank, which sect of the Spiritual Religion he belongs to, and what is his relationship with Ludwell?"

    The series of questions made the young man react for a while before he answered in unskilled Loenese.

    "His name is Dieter Rei, he is Sequence Six. I don't know the specific sequence name, but he likes us to call him 'Necromancer'... Well, he was originally the bishop of a church and also served as the assistant to the archbishop of the diocese. The position of the bishop is to teach the new apprentices who join the sect."

    After saying that, the young man paused and asked Klein sincerely.

    "Sir, what do you mean by faction?"

    "Do you mean the fraternal group within the church?"

    This answer surprised Klein a little.

    He originally thought that since the "Spiritual Cult" still insists on calling itself the Church of Death internally, it will maintain a similar structure to the general Northern Continent church, and will not have too many restrictions on the treatment and authority of the lower-level members.

    Now it seems that the situation within the "Spiritual Religion" may have deviated far from his imagination. The young Bailang in front of him seems not to be very clear about the division of the "Spiritual Religion" into many factions pursuing different pursuits.

    "Tell me what you know."

    Klein noticed that Pronson in the corner was disdainful for a moment, but he remained calm and did not show any timidity.

    "Well, if we are a fraternal group, the Archbishop often teaches us to pray more devoutly and sacrifice more dead souls to God. Only in this way can God be recalled from the depths of the underworld, return to reality, and save us from the North. The mainland ghost, no, they are the people of the North Continent, the rule of the people of the North Continent."

    The young man suddenly realized that the unknown adventurer in front of him, but blessed by the aura of God, was also a North Continent person, and he quickly Changed his words.

    Klein didn't care about the details. He only grasped one key point from the young man's words.

    The "artificial god of death" faction is rumored to be hoping that the "god of death" will be uniquely activated and recreate a branch of the "Spiritual Cult" in which the "god of death" can achieve self-salvation.

    Their leader seems to be an angel?

    Nodding slightly, Klein continued to ask.

    "Where's Ludwell? How much do you know about him?"

    "You mean 'Admiral of Hell'?" Speaking of Ludwell, a "big man" who is considered prominent among the Bailang people, the young man's tone became much livelier. "He is also our brother, but his contribution is greater, and he has been personally commended by Her Royal Highness." "Her Royal Highness

    rarely praises members of the fraternity. She values ​​her entourage and royal servants more, 'Hell. It is a rare honor in the sect to be commended by her."

    Ludwell is also a member of the "Artificial Death" sect... This is true to what Taylor Franz told me, but why did he receive " Favored by the "Royal Faction", he is only a Sequence Five. Even if he has potential and talent, he can at most become a demigod. The leader of the Royal Faction, known as the "Pale Queen", would actually ignore the almost open conflict with the "Artificial Death" faction and praise a person. Disobedient subordinates with different ideological pursuits...

    A whistling sound passed through the gap in the blinds, and Klein asked the young man one last question.

    "When did Ludwell receive the commendation?"

    "Last month, just over twenty days ago, we also went to sea at that time."

    Klein immediately looked at Daniz, who remembered this date.

    "Isn't that when we salvaged the black iron key?" Daniz's reaction was exactly as Klein expected.

    "You guys have had your brains eaten by living corpses!"

    He pointed at the young man, just trying to stand up with his lame legs.

    "That's an ordinary key. Our captain has tried everything, but nothing happened. Thank you for being able to turn it into the key to Death's treasure." "You do

    n't even think about it, if it is really the key to Death's treasure. , it's our turn to hold the key, won't the four kings and the church come to snatch it?"

    The young man was choked and didn't know how to refute. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that what Daniz said was really reasonable. It seemed It's really the adults in the church who got it wrong.

    But soon he realized something was wrong.

    "But, if the key is not special, why did the 'Hell Admiral' want to snatch it from you? You have been fighting with him for so long, wouldn't it be enough to just give him the key?" In the young

    man's perception, "Iceberg" It is unreasonable for "Lieutenant General" and her subordinates to fight for a worthless item.

    "What do you know? We are here for dignity!"

    "Do you understand dignity?" Daniz was filled with indignation. "That sow in Ludwell is interested in the key that we worked so hard to fish out, so we are going to give it to him?"


    "Even a piece of scrap metal can be sold for a lot of money. Do you know how big that key is?"

    "It has been sunk at the bottom of the sea for so many years and it has not rusted. Just because of this it can Put it in a museum and display it as a cultural relic."

    Listening to the argument between the two, Klein was surprised to find that on both sides, a second-class citizen of the Balam Colony and a famous pirate, were both very educated and talked about one thing after another. It is logical and the words and sentences are coherent.

    Very cultured... But he still turned cold and scolded in a low voice.


    At this point, it doesn't matter if the key is not special. There is no way to prove it to convince the other party. This is no longer a simple dispute between right and wrong.

    He was more concerned about what he could do with this information and "Hell Admiral" Ludwell.

    The young man who had lived in the low-pressure environment of the colony for many years saw that Klein seemed to be angry and immediately shut his mouth. Danitz, on the other hand, did not worry too much. He was stunned for two seconds and sighed.

    "Your words are completely consistent with the captain's previous evaluation, and even the expression is very similar."

    This aroused Klein's interest, and he did not stop Daniz from continuing to sigh.

    "She suspected that the key belonged to an older era and did not belong to humans."

    "Before the cataclysm, dragons, giants, etc. were still active in this world, and the key vaguely pointed to one of them."

    Involving the Second Era treasure? Klein suppressed his curiosity and turned to look at Planson, who was watching coldly in the corner.

    Seeing the envoy's gaze turn, Planson nodded slightly, shook off his unnecessary emotions, and explained in a formulaic manner.

    "Behind 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' is the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. Her ancestor was one of the four knights under Emperor Russell, and she received a good and complete education in mysticism and secularity." "The 'Reader' where

    she belongs Path, Sequence Six is ​​called 'Erudition', which requires mastering a lot of secret knowledge. I think the judgment she made will have some truth and can be used as a reference."

    Then we can wait and see and get in touch first... Klein nodded and pointed Said the young man with Bailang blood.

    "Tell Mr. Taylor for me that he has given up serving the Spiritual Religion. He can leave it to the priest for guidance and guidance, and he can take the right path."

    Pronson glanced at the submissive, who looked no better than an ordinary person. Probably only young people at the Sequence Nine level.

    "Okay, I'm fine."

    After receiving a positive reply, Klein turned to face Daniz who was sitting on the chair and said calmly.

    "Write down all the details of the battle between 'Admiral Hell' and you, as well as everything you know about him and his men."

    Daniz folded his hands and leaned back.

    "Hey, what do you want to do?"

    Klein smiled little by little, a smile that frightened Daniz.

    He spoke in a low voice.

    "Hunt them."

    "Hunt them?" Daniz asked subconsciously.

    When he truly understood the true intentions of Gehrman Sparrow, who called himself the "Pirate Hunter", he instantly became excited, as if he had seen a turn in fate.

    "Do you need my cooperation?"

    Although he had known the adventurer for less than a day, he was already sure that there was definitely a secret organization behind Gehrman Sparrow that was beyond his imagination.

    He himself is a powerful adventurer, and he also possesses dangerous sealed objects such as "Creeping Hunger". The companion he found at random - the one standing in the corner playing the role of a wooden man - also seems to be full of confidence and extraordinary strength.

    With such foreign aid, plus the captain and them, it may not be difficult to eliminate the "Hell Admiral".

    Now is a good chance for revenge!

    Cooperate? Klein's eyes hidden behind the flat mirror narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose.

    "Of course."

    He stroked his left hand and his stomach growled, suppressing the "squirming hunger" that instinctively did not want to cause trouble to the owner, and spoke in a leisurely tone.

    "Where is the nearest pirate gathering place?"

    "I need to find some food for my pet."


    Danitz looked at the serious Gehrman, and happened to see "Creep Hungry" sticking out his tongue, and suddenly there was a chill behind him.


    "Recently, there is a news that 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' has obtained the key to death, and the pirates in the entire Sunia Sea are in a state of excitement." The bishop of the diocese said in a deep voice, "You happened to not leave, track this down." Something."

    There are similar rumors every year... Count Tristan has confirmed that it is false news. The key has nothing to do with the God of Death, but has something to do with the Land Abandoned by God... Alger's thoughts were racing, and he muttered a few words in his heart.

    He solemnly clenched his fist and beat his left chest.

    "Okay, Lord K2!"

    He wasn't going to bother with useless work, but he still had to show off, such as going to a few places where there might be pirates, asking for information, and catching a few people who were worth less than a thousand pounds. The characters are also good.

    In his view, this is liquid reserve funds.


    At this time, it was a quarter past eleven, and the brothels and bars were not open yet. Only the casino had gathered a group of guys who wanted to get rich easily.

    Pirates with their pockets full of stolen money mingled with the normal gamblers, participating in card bets or gathering around the big roulette wheel, crying, laughing and cursing.

    Klein also followed Daniz into the casino. This was the first time in his life that he had stepped into such a place.

    Within the Kingdom of Loen, casinos are illegal, and underground boxing matches are the bottom line that the police can tolerate by turning a blind eye. Most underground casinos can only be attached to the corners of bars in the form of rooms.

    Many gambling methods are very similar to those on Earth. Is this also the influence of Emperor Russell?

    After just a cursory look around, Klein saw Texas Hold'em, blackjack, bullfighting, and even Zajinhua.

    "The relationship between the boss here and the big shot in Byam Governor's Mansion is very complicated. Some say it's just rumors, and some say it's true. But every time there is a situation inside or outside the casino, the boss behind the casino has never suffered a loss. Garrison It also gives him face."

    Daniz whispered in Klein's ear, but felt that what he said might not be clear, so he thought for a while.

    "If you want to kill someone, don't stay here. Wait until a pirate loses all his money in gambling and is thrown out by the casino bodyguards. As long as you leave the casino gate, you can do whatever you want to him, and no one will care about him."

    I think. Do you look like a crazy person who doesn't care? Klein glanced at Daniz, his sharp gaze causing Daniz to immediately lower his head, grab the crutches and concentrate on walking.

    Before leaving Byam, Klein did not intend to treat Daniz's injuries. Even if the fracture was just a small matter for him, it was just a matter of entrusting a certain "Bishop Rose" to use his abilities a little.

    However, thanks to the special image of Daniz and the graceful figure of Marionette Giorgia, the trio attracted too much unnecessary attention, and many nakedly lustful glances were cast towards them. He could take off the robe that George was wearing, revealing his white flesh.

    But what concerned Klein even more was those who were eyeing Danitz.

    Under his instruction, even if Daniz put on some disguises, it would be difficult to conceal his obvious features. Therefore, soon after entering the casino, many pirates or adventurers noticed the rumor that the "Admiral of Hell" had The subordinates attacked, and although he saved his life, he was injured and his combat power was greatly reduced. He moved three thousand pounds.

    The spirit line vision turned on silently, and Klein looked at the potential targets who showed malice toward Daniz one by one. UU Kanshu Suddenly his eyes locked on a strong figure and could not move away.

    He was a mixed-race man with messy seaweed hair, dark blue and almost black hair, deep facial features, and rough outlines. At first glance, he seemed to be the type who was relatively good at fighting and often on the go.

    But what concerned Klein even more was the slowly surging crimson pattern on the back of the man's hand.

    Coincidentally, he also had a similar mark on the back of his hand, but it was the first time he had seen it on someone else. It was the first time he had seen it in real life.

    That belongs to the gray mist and is proof of being a member of the Tarot Society.

    ps: Yesterday, some group friends said that the reason why I don't have a monthly pass, apart from the update issue, is that I never asked for a monthly pass. I said I did, in my thoughts, but no one read it, so I just wrote this this time.

    Don't worry, this doesn't count the number of words, so it won't cost you extra money...

    Klein's ability to see the mark is a secondary design, which can be understood as a special feature due to the strange situation.

    Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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