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Chapter 113: I Can Help

The faint moonlight was full and translucent, adding a touch of brilliance to the cool, watery night.

As the clear moonlight outside the window illuminated the room, Sasaki came back to his senses and looked down at the girl snuggling against him like a kitten, acting coquettishly.

Seeing her acting like this, he pulled up the blanket a bit to shield against the night's chill.

His legs under the blanket caught the girl's slightly cold but smooth feet, rubbing them gently now and then with his calves.

While warming her feet, Sasaki asked, "You still haven't told me why you were secretly photographing me."

Listening to his flat words without any emotion, Okino Rinka, who couldn't figure out what he was thinking, but knew that he was not angry, moved her feet, which were gradually getting hot, and lay on his chest, saying in a muffled voice: "I don't's just.. my head was hot..."


Knowing that this was indeed something she could do, Sasaki was not surprised after receiving the answer.

Afterall, she was indeed on impulsive girl.

But if she said that she was holding the photo but had no other thoughts, Sasaki didn't believe it at all.

To prevent her from unwittingly backstabbing him in the future,

He naturally wanted her to delete the photos.

However, since she didn't have her phone with her, he only got a flippant promise from her.

"I'll delete the photos tomorrow, as soon as I get my phone."

With that said, Okino Rinka hugged Sasaki's arm and pressed a little harder.

At this time, the distance between the two of them became only as thick as two layers of fabric because of her closing.

Feeling the soft and smooth sensation through the fabric, Sasaki hadn't yet moved away, when his breath became rapid and heated.

Sasaki's current state was like a wolf that had been hungry for a long time but had only eaten a little bit of minced meat, juse like a Chinese mc.

Once he got a whiff of meat, he couldn't wait to devour it.

And Rinka, pressed closely against Sasaki, sensed the change in him instantly.

Her petite body stiffened slightly, and her heart raced.

Although she had never experienced it, but possessing a lot of theoretical knowledge, she wasn't overly shy, and was just surprised by how 'sensitive' Sasaki's body was.

Despite being flattered by the recognition of her charm, she was more amazed that his body was so 'responsive'.

After all, she had heard them yowling all night long.

Although she didn't know when they started, from the time they were able to fight until dawn, it was enough to see that the two of them were quite vigorous.

It's been like this for two nights in a row, no matter what, they should have taken a break by now.

They aren't really pile drivers...

But looking at how he looked now...

'By the way... Otome-nee doesn't mind Fuyumi-nii looking for someone else, is it because Fuyumi-nii is too powerful and she can't bear it?'

Unaware of what she was complaining about, Sasaki stiffened and let out a breath the moment he reacted.

Because he was not sure where Rinka's feelings for him have reached.

So he didn't use the excuse of "I can't stand it" like a perverted monkey, who couldn't wait to do anything.

Instead, he pretended to be fine, moved back a little, and pushed her gently: "Okay, okay, remember to delete the photos tomorrow. it's getting late, you should go back to sleep…"

Feeling his sudden move back and the sudden cool breeze rushing into the blanket, Okino Rinka slightly tightened her grip on his neck and leaned over with twinkling eyes: "But it's so cold outside~"

Taking a deep breath, Sasaki stroked her hair and whispered into her ear. "It's warm inside the blanket, but if it gets too hot to bleed, can you handle that? Are you sure you're ready…"

Moving closer until their bodies were touching, he looked at the girl, who was suddenly so silent.

Her cheeks were so cute and red, and she didn't say a word because of her nervousness and just enjoyed his patting.

The sudden contrast from her usual cheerfulness was somewhat stirring.

Her little body so closed to him, felt really petite and slender, and seemed to be weak and boneless.

He felt her braids against his chin, and gently placed his hands around her soft waist, stroking it slowly.

He then leaned over and sniffed her scent from her nape, his hot breath; making her heart race as she buried her blushing face into his embrace.

"What are you thinking about? I wouldn't go to that extent, it's just... just seeing you so uncomfortable, I just want to help you..."

Before he finished speaking, his words were cut off by a small voice from Rinka.

At the same time, her slight pinch told him exactly what kind of 'help' she meant.

His blood ran cold as if doused with a bucket of ice water.

Feeling utterly uninterested, Sasaki couldn't help but smack his lips in boredom.

Afterall, this kind of help was like adding fuel to the fire.

Sasaki was not sure whether he would be able to control it when the fire really started to burn, after all some things can't be controlled.

If the situation like Sister Ayumi happened where he barely held his desires, he was sure he would go crazy.

And that was once in a while, he wasn't even sure he could control it once he started.

As for Otome, Sasaki also didn't want to comfirm his relationship with someone else until she approved.

Of course, this didn't mean that he would only be with a girl Otome approved of, but that he would wait until she gave the green light.

Oh well, this didn't make much sense...

But essentially, she just had to show that it was okay for him to be with another girl, and then he would be free to proceed.

Just like now, the first thought in his mind was to send her back to her room and then go find Otome to put out the fire.

But if he refused her now.

Then it will be difficult for the two of them to make any progress in the future.

After all, if a girl humbles herself to help you put out an air raid, and you complain that she didn't do enough, isn't that a bit shameless?

And for Rinka to say such things, it is obvious that she has a high opinion of herself.

Otherwise, with her previous behavior of not being overly affectionate with anyone except Okino Kazuki, it would have been impossible.

Although she had not detailed what that guy had done to her, from her current 'transferred affections', it was not hard to see that what he did or said to her must have been quite excessive.

If he refuses now... there's no guarantee that she won't think too much...

After all, being rejected twice in a row... any girl would find it difficult to bear.

Much less an impulsive girl,

Now that she had taken the initiative, declining her could only damage her self-esteem and possibly make her do something drastic, and considering his own desires, he would naturally not refuse.

As for what Otome would think, he had already figured it out..

After all, since Rinka was here, that meant Otome had acquiesced, otherwise, considering her character, why was she not here?

Sasaki, who knew her inside out, knew that although she seemed shy, Otome loved having sex with him.

Although she couldn't handle him alone, that did nothing to hinder her desires,

So the only reason she was not here was because... she knew Rinka would come.

And her inaction implied her consent.

She felt that since she couldn't satisfy him alone, it couldn't go on like this.

And instead of letting someone else steal him away, it was better to share him with a sister she had known since childhood.

Reaching these conclusions, Sasaki didn't resist her advances, but he still had to be cautious; afterall these were just his conclusions.

He wasn't an omnipotent, all-knowing guy who could read minds.

Who knows what was in her mind, so it was better to take precautions.

Just in case he guessed wrong, he could prevent any harm.

With these thoughts, Sasaki, not wanting to take advantage of her, paused in his movements.

And Rinka, who was sitting on his lap, not knowing about his inner thoughts, felt nervous when she saw him pause and because they were so close she also heard the subtle smacking of his lips and felt his disappointment.

Realizing that her little help might not be very effective and might even backfire, she hesitated for a moment and then pulled back a bit, and then like a fish resurfacing for air, swiftly ducked under the covers.

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