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Chapter 75: Cannibalism

Letting the girl cling to his waist with her legs, and pressing her swollen and cold face against his chest, trying to increase the contact area between the two parties as much as possible.

Sasaki held her soft but cold butt with his left hand, and came to the four people, who were lying on the ground and moaning softly.

Because he had only kicked once before.

Although the force was strong, it was not enough to kick these middle-aged men to death.

The people, involved were only in severe pain all over their bodies, but they were still conscious at this time.

So, as they saw the monster-like man approach.

The four people, who were in severe pain all over their bodies and unable to move, pretended to be pitiful and begged:


But before they could say anything to beg for, Sasaki kicked their teeth in.

Stepping on the shriveled face of the middle-aged man, the boy twisted his feet like he was crushing an insect, looking at them like he was looking at wriggling maggots.

"You don't deserve to speak, I don't want to hear it. Just for what you did just now, you—deserve—to—die—hundreds—of—times—over!"

With each word emphasized at the end.

Sasaki held Rinka, who was starting to heat up as if she were getting a fever in his arms, before glaring hatefully and stomping on the middle-aged man's face.

Thinking of what Fujitsubaki had said before that, as long as it's not an immediate death on the spot, she can save them, he tried his best to control his strength, and not trample him to death.

But even so, the middle-aged man's sallow and thin face was stomped into a bloody mess.

The three people, whose mouths were full of blood, looked at the miserable look of the middle-aged man, and tremblingly whimpered with toothless mouths, shaking their heads.

Although he couldn't understand what they were calling, Sasaki could guess what they meant.

"Don't worry~ I won't kill you. Killing you would be only letting you off too easy. You need to live a long life, so live well for me."




Believing in the principle of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," Sasaki did not think killing them was the best solution.

No it was actually the worst one.

There are far too many ways and means to torture people in this world; compared to those, killing them would be akin to rewarding them.

But that's a problem for another day.

Right now, he needed to vent his anger; otherwise, he couldn't even be able to enjoy his meal tonight.

After saying so,

Ignoring the looks from several people as if they were looking at a demon, he moved his feet to the middle-aged man's shoulders expressionlessly.

Then for the first time after his trasmigration, he used all his strength to slowly push it down, crushing it.

Crack, crack—

The sound of bones crying out, echoed in the ears of several people like exploding beans.

Accompanying this was the middle-aged man's painful howls, like that of a pig being slaughtered.


Sasaki was not a sadist and naturally didn't find the wails of the vermin pleasing to the ear.

So, the instant he heard the piercing screams, he moved his foot onto the man's groin.

"If you scream again..."

Seeing the middle-aged man suddenly clench his mouth shut, not daring to make another sound,

Sasaki laughed softly:

"Are you afraid that I'll press down bit by bit?"

"As long as you don't make a sound for the next 30 seconds, I'll spare it. I do what I say."

"If you agree, just nod."

After hearing his words, a trace of hesitation flashed across the blood-smeared face of the middle-aged man, but it quickly turned into determination.

It's just 30 seconds, nothing could be worse than...

The mental building was not done yet, when Sasaki, knowing that he had made a choice, continued the action of helping him hammer out his bones.

One press every five seconds, until the 30 seconds passed.

The middle-aged man, covered in sweat and tears, had passed out from the pain.

But indeed, he didn't scream again within those 30 seconds.

Although there were definitely moans and cries of pain, Sasaki didn't bother to worry about these details.

Turning his gaze away from the middle-aged man, he looked at the other three men huddled together.

"He had endured it through the end, now it's your turn..."

Seeing the panic and fear that seemed to be engraved on their faces, he also gave them a choice.

"I keep my word. But you know, since I spared his, so I can't spare one of you. You should know what I mean..."

Understanding the devilish statement,

The three men, huddled together like chicks, had their pale faces twisted in fear.

Disregarding the look of terror in their eyes and the dampness seeping out from under their bodies, Sasaki kicked the broken wall tiles that fell on the ground in front of them.

"I hope... you won't make me wait too long, or all three of you..."

After saying that, he stroked the hair of Rinka, who was dizzy and delirious, and stood aside.

Looking at the sharp tiles next to his legs.

The three of them looked at each other and crawled towards the unconscious middle-aged man not far away.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Better him than me.

As long as you are fine, why care about others.

With this idea in mind, the three of them came to the middle-aged man's side, holding the broken tiles in their hands, and stabbed them where it hurts the most.


The excruciating pain from bottom to top was like a thunder strike.

The moment the three stabbed down,

The middle-aged man, previously knocked unconscious from the severe pain, instantly woke up.

Lying on his side on the ground, he arched his back like a prawn, and let out a shriller wail than before.

The three people's stretched arms slowly retracted, and they subconsciously tightened their legs.

Unlike before, when they saw the middle-aged man's shoulder being pounded, the fear they felt,

His screams now caused all three to start feeling phantom pains.



On the side,

Glancing at the middle-aged man, whose face was flushed red and eyes bulging,

Sasaki looked at the still huddled three.

"You three, I'll only leave two with their manhood intact. Its up to you to decide who's out... I will do what I say..."

As soon as he finished speaking.

The first one to react among the three was the fattest guy among them.

The moment Sasaki's voice fell.

The fat man, still holding the tile, suddenly stabbed towards the young man beside him.


The sharp triangular tile were quickly blocked by the back of the young man's hand covering his crotch.

Before the young man could glare angrily, the bald head on the other side of him also made a move.

He knew that the young man was the strongest of the three.

With the fat man's failure and his guard completely down,

He certainly wouldn't confront the furious young man head-on.

So the target he chose was naturally the fat man who was facing him diagonally.


Bright red blood and transparent water flowed on the smooth floor.

Under the pale overhead light,

The blood and water on the floor reflected the fat man's facial features, twisted as if crumpled paper.


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