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100% I became an OP in a world full of abilities / Chapter 17: chapter 17: I'm back

Chapter 17: chapter 17: I'm back

I woke up abruptly, my body drenched in sweat. I coughed, the air feeling oddly clean and fresh. As my senses adjusted, I realized I was lying in an incredibly soft bed, far too soft for what I had grown accustomed to over the past fifty years.

My eyes darted around the room, taking in the sleek, futuristic apartment that surrounded me. The walls were a pristine white, with metallic accents that gleamed in the soft ambient lighting. Holographic interfaces floated in mid-air, displaying various information and controls. The furniture was minimalist yet elegant, with smooth lines and a touch of modern luxury. A large window offered a panoramic view of a bustling cityscape, filled with flying vehicles and towering skyscrapers that glowed with neon lights. The apartment was impeccably clean, with a sense of order and sophistication that contrasted sharply with the chaos and grime I had endured for so long.

Wait a minute. Isn't this the apartment I lived in, in Nova Terra back on Earth? My heart raced as I tried to piece together the fragments of my memory.

I rushed to the mirror, my reflection coming into view. Brown hair, blue eyes—my seventeen-year-old self stared back at me. Tears welled up in my eyes. What's going on? I'm back.

Was it all a dream? It can't be. I still felt immense power coursing through my veins as I punched the air, the force of my blow sending a gust of wind through the room.

My attention shifted to the bed, where I noticed another figure lying beneath the covers. My breath caught in my throat as I realized it was Gorudia. She looked extremely sick and pale, her normally vibrant features now gaunt and frail.

I gently shook her shoulder, trying to wake her.

Orion:Gorudia, wake up.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at me with a weak smile.

Gorudia:Orion... we made it.

I sat down beside her, my mind racing with questions.

Orion:gorudia, what happened? Why do you look so weak?

She took a deep breath, her voice barely above a whisper.

Gorudia:The energy it took to send you back was immense. I had to use a significant portion of my own life force to stabilize the process.

My heart sank.

Orion:You did this for me? But why?

Gorudia's eyes softened, and she reached out to touch my hand.

Gorudia:Because you deserve a second chance, Orion. You have the power to change your fate, to reclaim what was taken from you. I couldn't let you suffer any longer.

Tears streamed down my face as I squeezed her hand.

Orion:But at what cost? Look at you. You're barely holding on.

She smiled weakly.

Gorudia:Don't worry about me. I'll recover in time. The important thing is that you're here, and you have the opportunity to make things right.

I shook my head, my emotions a swirling tempest of guilt and gratitude.

Orion:I can't let you sacrifice yourself for me. There must be something I can do to help you.

Gorudia's eyes flickered with a hint of amusement.

Orion:You always were stubborn. But there is one thing you can do. Use your second chance wisely. Don't let the same mistakes happen again. And most importantly, don't forget why you're fighting.

I nodded, determination hardening my resolve.

Orion:I won't. I promise.

She squeezed my hand weakly.

Gorudia:Good. Now, you need to focus on the task at hand. The people who betrayed you are still out there, and they must be held accountable. You have the power and the knowledge to do so. Use it.

My main goal to destroy the ten great families

I took a deep breath, the weight of her words settling over me like a cloak.

Orion:I will. But I won't leave you behind. I'll find a way to help you recover.

Gorudia's eyes sparkled with a mix of gratitude and sadness.

Gorudia:Orion, my fate is tied to yours. If you succeed, I'll find my strength again. But for now, you must go on without me.

I leaned down, pressing my forehead against hers.

Orion:I won't fail. I owe you that much.

She closed her eyes, a serene expression on her face.

Gorudia:I know you won't. Now, go. Time is of the essence.

I stood up, my heart heavy yet resolute. As I moved towards the door, I glanced back at Gorudia one last time.

Orion:Thank you, Gorudia. For everything.

She smiled faintly.

Gorudia:Go, Orion. Your destiny awaits.

As Gorudia fell asleep, I quietly got up from the bed and grabbed my tablet, eager to catch up on everything I had missed over the past fifty years. I started by checking the news, specifically looking at updates from the various colonies across the galaxy. There was Nova Terra, the vibrant metropolis where I once lived.

Despite the updates on interplanetary politics and technological advancements, another thought nagged at my mind. What the hell is aura? I had immense physical power, capable of causing an earthquake with a punch. But aura? It was an enigma.

I decided to check social media, hoping to find some insights. As I scrolled through various forums and posts, I discovered that aura was a very rare ability that hadn't appeared in several hundred years. It didn't fit neatly into any of the established categories of abilities. People had created fan-made categories for abilities, but none of them seemed to encompass what aura could be.

### Elemental Powers

1. **Fire Manipulation**: Control, generate, and absorb fire.

2. **Water Manipulation**: Control, generate, and manipulate water.

3. **Earth Manipulation**: Control, generate, and manipulate earth and minerals.

4. **Air Manipulation**: Control, generate, and manipulate air and wind.

5. **Electricity Manipulation**: Control, generate, and absorb electricity.

### Physical Enhancement

1. **Super Strength**: Enhanced physical strength beyond normal human limits.

2. **Super Speed**: Move at incredible speeds.

3. **Enhanced Agility**: Superior agility, balance, and coordination.

4. **Invulnerability**: Resistance to physical damage and harm.

5. **Enhanced Endurance**: Ability to exert oneself for long periods without tiring.

### Mental Powers

1. **Telepathy**: Read minds and communicate mentally.

2. **Telekinesis**: Move objects with the mind.

3. **Precognition**: Ability to foresee future events.

4. **Mind Control**: Control and influence the thoughts and actions of others.

5. **Psychometry**: Gain information about an object or person by touching them.

### Energy Manipulation

1. **Energy Blasts**: Generate and project energy blasts.

2. **Energy Absorption**: Absorb various forms of energy.

3. **Force Fields**: Generate protective energy barriers.

4. **Light Manipulation**: Control and generate light.

5. **Shadow Manipulation**: Control and generate darkness or shadows.

### Transformation Powers

1. **Shapeshifting**: Change one's physical form into anything or anyone.

2. **Size Manipulation**: Alter one's size, either growing or shrinking.

3. **Animal Transformation**: Transform into any animal.

4. **Elemental Transformation**: Transform into an elemental form (fire, water, earth, air).

5. **Invisibility**: Become invisible to the naked eye.

### Biological Control

1. **Healing Factor**: Rapidly heal from injuries.

2. **Regeneration**: Regrow lost body parts.

3. **Poison Generation**: Produce and control poisons and toxins.

4. **Disease Manipulation**: Control and manipulate diseases and infections.

5. **Biological Adaptation**: Adapt one's biology to different environments and situations.

### Spatial and Temporal Powers

1. **Teleportation**: Instantly travel from one location to another.

2. **Time Manipulation**: Control and manipulate time, including time travel.

3. **Dimensional Travel**: Move between different dimensions and realities.

4. **Space Manipulation**: Control and manipulate space, including creating portals.

5. **Gravity Manipulation**: Control and alter gravitational forces.

### Technological Powers

1. **Technopathy**: Control and manipulate technology.

2. **Cybernetics**: Enhance the body with cybernetic implants.

3. **Hacking**: Infiltrate and control digital systems.

4. **Mechanical Mastery**: Expertly construct and repair machines.

5. **Artificial Intelligence**: Create and control AI entities.

### Miscellaneous Powers

1. **Luck Manipulation**: Alter the probability of events to create good or bad luck.

2. **Power Mimicry**: Copy the powers of others.

3. **Emotion Manipulation**: Control and influence the emotions of others.

4. **Sound Manipulation**: Control and generate sound waves.

5. **Dream Manipulation**: Enter and control dreams.

None of these categories seemed to fit what I had experienced with aura. I sighed, frustrated by the lack of answers.

Gorudia stirred beside me, her eyes fluttering open. She looked even more fragile than before, but her spirit seemed undiminished. "Orion?" she whispered.

I turned to her, my expression softening.

Orion:Hey, you should be resting.

She shook her head weakly.

Gorudia: I couldn't help but overhear your thoughts. You're wondering about aura, aren't you?

I nodded.

Orion:Yeah. I don't understand it. It's not like any other power I've come across.

Gorudia smiled faintly.

Gorudia:because aura is unique. It's not just a power; it's a manifestation of one's spirit and willpower. It's something that transcends the typical classifications of abilities.

I frowned, trying to grasp her explanation.

Orion;So, it's more than just physical or elemental manipulation?

"Yes," she replied.

Gorudia:aura is the essence of your being. It reflects your inner strength, your resolve, and your emotions. It's a raw, primal force that can enhance your physical abilities, protect you, and even influence the world around you.

I looked at her, a mix of awe and confusion in my eyes.

Orion;But why me? Why do I have it?

Gorudia's gaze softened.

Gorudia:You've endured so much, Orion. Your spirit has been tested and tempered by the trials you faced. That's why your aura is so powerful. It's a reflection of your unyielding will to survive and protect those you care about.

I let her words sink in, feeling a newfound respect for the power within me.

Orion:But how do I control it? How do I use it?

Gorudia took a deep breath, her voice gaining strength.

Gorudia:You need to learn to harness your emotions, to channel your willpower. Meditation can help you connect with your aura. Practice focusing your intent, and you'll find that your aura will respond to your commands.

I nodded, feeling a sense of determination welling up inside me.

Orion:I'll do whatever it takes. I won't waste this second chance.

Gorudia smiled, a hint of pride in her eyes.

Gorudia :I know you won't. Remember, your aura is a part of you. Trust in yourself, and it will guide you.

I took her hand, squeezing it gently.

Orion:Thank you, Gorudia. For everything.

She squeezed back, her grip weak but reassuring.

Gorudia:you're welcome, Orion. Now, rest. You have a lot of work ahead of you.

I dressed up in my scientist uniform: a sleek, white, form-fitting jacket made from advanced, stain-resistant fabric, adorned with various pockets and compartments for tools and devices. It had a faint, iridescent sheen and was lined with subtle, glowing blue lines that pulsed with energy. The collar was high and sharp, giving it a futuristic and professional look, while the symbol of Nova Terra's scientific institute was embroidered on the left shoulder. Paired with matching pants and polished black boots, the ensemble was both practical and authoritative, signifying my status as a respected scientist.

This was still when I was a scientist, a few months before I created the quantum resonance scanner, before it was completely hijacked. At that time, I was working on another project that, while not as groundbreaking, still held significant potential: the **NeuroSync Interface**. This project aimed to create a seamless connection between the human brain and computational systems, enhancing cognitive functions and allowing direct mental control over digital devices. It wasn't as revolutionary as the quantum resonance scanner, but it had the potential to drastically improve human-machine interactions and boost productivity across various fields.

As I walked out of the apartment, I was greeted by the vibrant, bustling cityscape of Nova Terra. The towering skyscrapers, made of shimmering glass and metal, loomed above, connected by a network of elevated walkways and hovertrains. The streets below were filled with people and advanced robotic assistants, all moving in a choreographed dance of modern life.

I took a hovertrain, a sleek, levitating vehicle that glided silently along invisible magnetic tracks. Its exterior was a smooth, metallic silver, with tinted windows that offered a panoramic view of the city. Inside, the seats were plush and comfortable, arranged in spacious rows with plenty of legroom. The soft hum of the train was accompanied by calming, ambient music, making the journey a relaxing experience.

As I sat down, I noticed a few girls flirting nearby, their giggles and glances directed my way. Others were absorbed in their own conversations or immersed in their holographic displays. I sighed, feeling a bit annoyed by the attention. Even though I was abilityless, my reputation as a super genius often drew such reactions.

The hovertrain smoothly arrived at my stop, and I stepped out into the heart of Nova Terra's scientific district. I walked towards the building where I worked, a towering structure of glass and steel, its facade adorned with intricate holographic displays showcasing the latest scientific breakthroughs. As I entered, I was met with smiles and nods from colleagues and staff. Despite my lack of abilities, my intellect had earned me respect and recognition.

I soon encountered Dr. Martinez. This fucking BASTARD. He worked with the Frozenheart family to steal my work on the quantum resonance scanner and parade it as his own. But for now, I had to play along.

Orion;Good morning, Dr. Martinez

I greeted him calmly, feeling an intense gaze of jealousy and hatred emanating from him. How come I never saw that in the past timeline?

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

Dr Martinez:Good morning, Orion. Ready for another productive day?

I extended my hand, and as we shook, I almost crushed his hand, causing him to groan in pain. I quickly apologized, masking my satisfaction with a smile.

Orion:Sorry about that, a bit too much coffee this morning.

Man up wimp

As I made my way into the futuristic lab, I was met with Dr. Seline. She was a decade older than me, with kind eyes and a warm smile. Her long, auburn hair was tied back in a loose braid, and her lab coat was decorated with various pins and badges from her years of service. Despite her age, she had a youthful energy and an infectious enthusiasm for science.

Orion:Good morning, Dr. Seline

I greeted her with a grin.

Dr seline Orion! Good to see you

she replied, her eyes lighting up.

Dr seline:How's the NeuroSync Interface coming along?

I chuckled,

Orion:slow but steady. We're making progress, but it's a complex system. How about you? Any breakthroughs on your end?

She nodded, her excitement palpable.

Dr seline:Actually, yes. We've managed to refine the neural algorithms significantly. The response time is now almost instantaneous, and the accuracy has improved by leaps and bounds. I think we're close to a viable prototype.

Orion:That's incredible, Seline. I knew you'd crack it

I said, genuinely impressed.

She blushed slightly, brushing off the compliment.

Seline:Oh, it's a team effort. But enough about me. I heard you had a run-in with Dr. Martinez this morning. How's that going?

I sighed, shaking my head.

Orion:it's... complicated. I can't shake the feeling that he's up to something. There's this undercurrent of animosity that I never noticed before.

Seline frowned, her brow furrowing in concern.

Seline:You need to be careful, Orion. Martinez is ambitious, and he's not above playing dirty. If you feel something's off, trust your instincts.

"I will," I assured her.

Orion:But for now, I need to focus on the work at hand. We've got a lot to do, and I'm not letting him derail our progress.

She smiled, patting my shoulder.

Seline:That's the spirit. Let's get to it then. We've got a prototype to build.

As we set to work, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Seline. She had been a good friend in my other life, and despite everything, it was comforting to have her by my side again.

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