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Chapter 94

"But how is this possible?" Captain said upon hearing about Tessaract's location.

Ring! Ring!

Before we could make any sense of the result, a call came on Director Fury's receiver.

"Director, there has been a weird phenomenon. A fighter jet was heading towards the Helicarrier but as it came near, it suddenly lost its direction and slipped past the Helicarrier." The staff reported the incident with the fighter jet.

"Then, it's obvious. Tessaract is on that jet." Mr. Stark said what was on everyone's mind.

"But why would Loki's minions bring Tessaract to us? And how did they even get Helicarrier's location?" Director Fury questioned why this was happening.

"If they have come directly with Tessaract, it's obvious that they are here for an attack which they are sure would definitely succeed." Captain said with experience.

"But how did they find the Helicarrier then since it's invisible? Moreover, they just slipped right past us as if they could not track us anymore." Director Fury said as he tried to connect the dots.

"It just means that whatever they used to track us is not working anymore." Mr. Stark said, giving his insight.

"It would have to be something related to Loki. Then, how did the tracker got deactivated?" Professor Xavier questioned.

"The staff!" Mr. Stark said as he realised what was the tracker.

"The staff was the only thing related to Loki which was interferred with when Ancient One had teleported the staff to who knows where. The staff was the tracker."

"How did you not find it after hours of research on the staff, Stark?" Director Fury asked Mr. Stark in a furious tone since his negligence had almost been the cause of an assault on the Helicarrier.

"The tracker could be a magical one, Fury. Or maybe it was some alien tech. I don't know everything." Mr. Stark replied, clarifying that he was not all knowing.

"We will talk about this mistake later. For now, we have a golden opportunity we will never get again. Not only is the Tessaract on that jet, it is likely that our mind controlled agents are also there.

Get ready, everyone. I want all of you to be on the deck in a few minutes. We will not get this chance again. As such, we need to attack before they can even think of retreating."

"Sure, let me get my armour. I will show those guys who is the boss." Mr. Stark said, raring to go so as to fix his mistake.

"If you don't mind, I can help. I can create a portal inside that jet directly allowing you to catch them unaware." Ancient One offered her help so as to create a favourable impression of herself.

"Then, I would thank you in advance, Ancient One. Your portal will allow us to catch them off guard and subdue them without any causality to any side." Director Fury thanked Ancient One sincerely although he seemed to be in awe of the power of the mystic arts.

"Hey, Peter!" Mr. Stark suddenly whispered to me.

"What?" I questioned.

"Can you also create a portal inside a moving vehicle?" Mr. Stark asked curiously.

"Of course, I can't. I am still a rookie and this application of portals is something I think that other than Ancient One, only those masters who are proficient in portals can do this.

Do you think it is easy to create a portal inside a moving vehicle, especially one which is airborne? To do so, not only does one have to continuously grasp the coordinates of the vehicle but also move the portal continuously so that it is inside the vehicle."

"Why did you even ask?" I questioned Mr. Stark with a sigh.

"Well, I thought that this would allow us to access Helicarrier whenever we wanted if you could create a portal inside it." Mr. Stark answered, mischief clearly on his mind.

"Enough of this muttering. We need to discuss who among us will go on the jet attack. As we are going directly to the jet, we will only require a small team." Director Fury said as he reprimanded us.

Before any of us could volunteer, Professor Xavier suddenly spoke. "Why don't Wolverine, Storm and Albion go? They are already in their suit and have prior experience fighting together. With the three of them, the attack will be a piece of cake. Storm also knows how to drive a jet so she can gain control over the jet."

"Hmm… You are correct. The three of them would indeed be more than enough." Director Fury said as he agreed to Professor Xavier's advice.

"Since the three of you are already prepared, shall I open the portal now?" Ancient One questioned.

Upon hearing her question, Mr. Logan and Ms. Ororo shared a look with me and nodded to show that they were ready.

"We are ready." I said, giving my affirmation.

"Try not to kill anyone. The attackers likely have important information." Director Fury said as we readied ourselves mentally.

"I am opening the portal now!" Ancient One said as she created the portal.

As soon as the portal was created, we immediately rushed inside, ready to fully use the advantage of surprise.

"What the hell is this?" I heard someone mutter as he looked at the portal. Everyone here was dressed in military suits, completely ready for an assault.

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise as they looked at us appearing from the portal.

But without giving them a chance to recover, I and Mr. Logan lunged at them.

I punched a nearby man on the chin, immediately knocking him out. The nearby men rushed to attack me but I easily blocked their attacks.

Their attacks were clearly trained but unfortunately for them, I was much stronger with simply better training. As such, it didn't even take me a minute to knock out everyone who was engaging me.

I looked at the other side to see that Mr. Logan had almost finished his side. Since we didn't want to kill anyone, Mr. Logan was not using his claws. Instead he was just blocking all the attacks on him with his enhanced body and then knocking them out using counterattacks.

"I don't know how you came here but you are now finished." A remaining soldier said to us as he held a gun in his hands. He along with the remaining soldiers had regrouped a little far from us and were now pointing their guns at us.

"I don't think so!" Ms. Ororo said as she shot a stream of lightning through her hands at them, shocking them to unconsciousness.

Just as I thought that everyone here had been knocked out, a man appeared from behind the door which led to the pilot cabin and shot a freaking arrow at us using a bow.

However, the arrow was not that fast for me and I simply caught it in my hand.

Ping! Ping!

I hastily put my hand equipped with the Dragon Claws around the arrowhead as I realised that it was a freaking bomb.

The bomb exploded inside my hand covered with the Dragon Claws but the artefact easily weathered through it with its incredible resistance.

Not willing to risk anything more, I rushed at the bowman using my enhanced speed and chopped at the back of his neck, causing him to fall unconscious without getting even a single chance to retaliate.

"What is happening?" The pilot's voice came from the pilot cabin.

"I will take care of the pilot." Ms. Ororo said as she entered the cabin.

"Ahh!!" Soon after, the pilot's scream was heard.

"I am now in control of the jet. Find the Tessaract." Ms. Ororo said from the cabin.

"Where could that glowing cube be?" Mr. Logan said as he looked around.

"Here it is." I said as I Iooked at a strongly sealed box near where the bowman was hiding.

"Shall we check the goods first?" Mr. Logan asked.

"Why not?" I said as I opened the box with a little flick of my hand which shattered the lock on the box.

"So, this is the thing which has everyone madly after it." I said as I looked at the blue glowing cube lying in the box.


So, the Tessaract is now in the hands of our heroes. However, don't think that the Avengers Arc is over. There is still a lot of story left but I don't want to give any spoilers.

Actually, it had not been confirmed in the Avengers movie that the Tessaract was actually on the jet. However, upon seeing Dr. Banner's reaction in the last second before the explosion, it seems that the Tessaract was actually on the jet.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye

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