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Chapter 93

Why the hell had Ancient One came herself when I had already given the data of Loki's staff to her. Could it be that something was very wrong with that staff?

This was the only reason Ancient One could have arrived so abruptly without even informing me. After all, this act of hers revealed the existence of the sorcerers to SHIELD.

As if to prove my point, Ancient One pointed her hand at the staff and casted a spell.

A portal suddenly appeared beneath the staff, swallowing it and taking it who knows where.

At first, everyone was surprised by Ancient One's sudden appearance but they got alert upon seeing Ancient One's actions.

Director Fury and Agent Natasha even drew their guns and pointed them at Ancient One.

"Who the hell are you and where is the staff?" Director Fury asked furiously.

"At ease, Director. I am not foe of yours. Like you, I also work for the protection of Earth." Ancient One said as she raised her hands in the air to show that she meant no harm.

But I knew that this act of Ancient One was just a ruse. Just the amount of magical energy around her showed that she had more than enough protections in case Director Fury or Agent Natasha actually fired.

"How can we believe you? Do you have any proof?" Director Fury asked, clearly sceptical of her.

"It is actually quite easy to prove. Why don't you explain it, Thor?" To everyone's surprise, Ancient One asked Thor.

"Indeed, it has been quite a while since we have met, Ancient One. You look as beautiful as you did 500 years ago when I, Loki and Father had arrived on Earth for a visit." Thor said to Ancient One, clearly recognising her.

But what surprised me was the fact that Ancient One had met Thor 500 years ago. I knew that Ancient One was old but not this old.

"You know her, Thor." Director Fury asked Thor.

"Yes, I know of her. You don't need to suspect her. The sorcerers of Kamar Taj have protected Earth from interdimensional as well as magical threats since ancient times. Ancient One is their leader. She must have a reason for taking Loki's staff." Thor said, vouching for her.

Upon hearing Thor's words, everyone's alertness reduced and Director Fury and Agent Natasha even put down their guns. Director Fury was even silent for a few minutes as he tried to digest what Thor had said about Ancient One and the Sorcerers of Kamar Taj.

"So, from what I understand, you are an authority which deals with dimensional and magical problems." Director Fury questioned Ancient One.

"Yes. Although we have a few other functions, this is the jist of it." Ancient One confirmed.

"Then why did you not know about Tessaract? It clearly falls into your field. Where were you when Red Skull attempted to use Tessaract for world domination and we experimented on Tessaract?" Director Fury asked, his voice filled with anger.

"We would have interfered if we actually knew that the Tessaract was on Earth. It was supposed to be on Asgard but Thor's father Odin in his wisdom hid it on Earth and didn't even check on it often." Ancient One explained as her furious gaze fell on Thor.

"Father thought that the Tessaract would be safer on Earth since no one would know about its true power here." Thor explained ashamedly.

"Then why did you not interfere last year when a magic robot had arrived on Earth from Asgard and almost destroyed an entire town?" Director Fury questioned once again. He clearly had a lot of questions to ask after learning about the existence of Kamar Taj.

"We didn't interfere first because of strict orders from Odin and afterwards, Loki who was the king of Asgard at that time also gave orders for us to not interfere during the whole time Thor was on Earth because it was a trial for Thor.

When the Destroyer was deployed in Earth, we were going to interfere but fortunately Thor handled everything. We are a reclusive group and we don't want to interfere much in mortal affairs if possible."

Ancient One explained the reason why they could not interfere, revealing that Asgard didn't want them to interfere.

"Then why have you interferred now? What do you want to do with Loki's staff?" Director Fury questioned her motives for taking Loki's staff.

"You know what. I was not going to interfere even after it was revealed that Tessaract was on Earth. Thor was already on Earth and it looked like the team you had created could defeat Loki and take the Tessaract back to Asgard.

But then Peter, who is also a sorcerer sent me the data of Loki's staff he had analysed and upon seeing it, I knew that I had to interfere."

"You are also a sorcerer, Peter." Director Fury asked me as he heard Ancient One's words.

"Yes!" I replied in affirmation.

Director Fury rubbed his forehead upon hearing my affirmation. It seems like he was frustrated that things were getting out of hand and he still didn't know much about the situation.

"We will talk about this later." Director Fury said to me as he turned back to face Ancient One.

"What is it did you find in this staff that you had to interfere?" He questioned Ancient One.

"You may think that this staff actually runs on Tessaract's energy. But it's just a camouflage. This staff contains something as dangerous as Tessaract. And it was because of it that Loki could mind control people." Ancient One explained the staff's importance and danger.

"Does this mean that it was actually this staff which mind controlled Loki?" Thor asked.

"What? Loki was mind controlled!" Ancient One was surprised when she heard this news.

"Yes, Loki's entire mindscape was filled with threads of golden energy which controlled his thought process." Professor Xavier explained what he had found inside Loki's mind.

"Then, it is clear that the staff was definitely used to mind control Loki." Ancient One confirmed Professor Xavier's assumption.

"That is why I took the staff. Someone had clearly given this staff to Loki after controlling his mind. Who it was, I don't know?

Instead, we should be thankful that it was not a galactic civilization. Otherwise, if any galactic civilization found about even a single one of either the Tessaract or the staff, we would have a galactic invasion on Earth. That is how powerful they are. Do you now understand why I took the staff?"

Director Fury was stunned for a few minutes as he realised what the Tessaract or the staff implied.

"But we still need the staff to find the Tessaract. Unless you can find it yourself, Ancient One." Director Fury asked for Ancient One's understanding.

"You don't need to worry about that. The Tessaract is already at your door." Ancient One said cryptically.

Beep! Beep!

Before anyone of us could understand what she meant by her words, the gamma sensor program suddenly started beeping, revealing that it had found Tessaract.

Dr. Banner immediately went to check where it was but had a look of shock as he saw the location of Tessaract.

"Why is the sensor showing that the Tessaract is in the air, moving around the Helicarrier?"


I am really sorry for the delay.

The premise here is that Ancient One can see the future through the time stone only from a first person's point of view. As such, she had no idea that the staff contained the mind stone.

So, when Peter sent the data about the staff and she found about the mind stone, she had to act.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye

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