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92.64% Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian / Chapter 340: Chapter 340: "An Army at the Gates Part - 1"

Chapter 340: Chapter 340: "An Army at the Gates Part - 1"

Harry returned to Hogwarts with a heavy sense of dread, though the castle itself seemed alive with celebration. The corridors buzzed with chatter, laughter echoed off the stone walls, and the occasional burst of magic punctuated the festive atmosphere as students showed off newly mastered spells. It was a stark contrast to the tension twisting in Harry's chest.

Despite the apparent normalcy, Harry's instincts screamed that something was wrong. He moved quickly through the crowded halls, scanning for any sign of trouble. His steps quickened as the nagging sense of unease grew.

It wasn't long before he spotted his friends—Cedric, Roger, Alicia, and Reggy—lounging near the entrance to the Great Hall. They were laughing at some shared joke, their faces bright with the carefree joy of students who had just finished exams. But the moment they saw Harry, their expressions changed. Relief flickered briefly before being replaced by concern.

"Harry!" Cedric called, his voice cutting through the noise. "There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you."

Harry slowed to a stop, his sharp eyes assessing the group. "I was... out of the castle," he said, his tone deliberately vague. "Why? What's going on?"

"Out of the castle?" Alicia repeated, her eyes wide. "How? We're not even allowed to leave the grounds!"

Harry shrugged, a faint smirk tugging at his lips despite the tension in his chest. "There's a secret passage to Hogsmeade. From there, I just apparate wherever I need to go."

Roger blinked, his expression a mix of surprise and mild admiration. "Is that even allowed? Won't you get in trouble?"

"Not if you don't get caught," Harry replied lightly. "Besides, it's not like I'm doing it every day."

Reggy opened his mouth, likely to bombard Harry with questions about the logistics, but Cedric cut him off, his tone urgent. "Harry, your brother and his friends were looking for you earlier. They seemed really worried—like something serious was happening."

Harry's smirk disappeared instantly, replaced by a sharp, focused look. His stomach dropped as Cedric's words registered. Charles? They barely spoke unless necessary, let alone sought each other out. For Charles to come looking for him, something must have gone terribly wrong—something he couldn't handle on his own.

"Did they say what it was about?" Harry asked sharply, his tone edged with urgency.

Cedric shook his head. "No, but judging by their faces, it didn't look good. They were in a hurry."

Harry's jaw tightened as he nodded. "Thanks for letting me know." He was already turning to leave.

"Wait!" Cedric called after him. "Where are you going? Do you need help?"

"No," Harry said over his shoulder, his voice firm. "I'll find them and figure out what's going on. If it's something serious, I'll contact Amelia and Sirius. They'll bring in the Aurors. You all stay here and enjoy the celebrations."

Before Cedric could reply, Harry broke into a run, his thoughts racing. He needed to find Charles quickly and hoped against hope that they were still within the castle. If they'd left Hogwarts… no, that would spell trouble.

As he moved, Harry reached into his robes and pulled out the Marauder's Map. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," he muttered, and the map sprang to life. His eyes scanned the parchment with practiced efficiency, searching for the names of Charles, Ron, Hermione, or anyone else in their group.

Nothing. Their names weren't on the map.

Harry's stomach dropped. If they weren't in the castle, there was only one logical place they could have gone: the Department of Mysteries. The thought sent a chill through him. This was no longer just a hunch—it was a near certainty.

His mind worked quickly, piecing together the situation. If Charles had been lured to the Ministry, it had to be Voldemort's doing. The prophecy orb was the key, and Voldemort would stop at nothing to get it. But Harry also knew something Voldemort didn't: Charles wouldn't be able to retrieve the orb.

When that moment came, everyone would realize the truth: Charles wasn't the Boy Who Lived after all. It was going to be a harsh wake-up call for everyone involved—Charles, Dumbledore, Voldemort, all of them.

But before any of that could happen, Harry had to act. He didn't just have to prevent Voldemort from getting the prophecy—he had to keep Charles and his friends alive. That was going to be the real challenge.

Harry bolted through the corridors, heading for the nearest exit. His destination was clear: Black Castle. Sirius needed to know, and the Aurors needed to be ready. This wasn't just about a prophecy anymore—it was about saving lives.


Harry apparated directly into the courtyard of Black Castle, the ancient stone walls casting long shadows under the pale moonlight. He didn't waste time with formalities, bursting into the study where Sirius and Arcturus were leaning over maps and reports.

Sirius looked up, his expression shifting from surprise to alarm as he took in Harry's urgency. "Harry? What's going on?"

"It's Charles," Harry said, his voice tight with urgency. "He's gone. Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Ginny, Fred, and George too. I think Voldemort lured them to the Department of Mysteries."

Sirius's face went pale. "What? How?"

"I don't know," Harry admitted, frustration creeping into his voice. "But they're not at Hogwarts, and the only thing that makes sense is the Ministry. Voldemort wants the prophecy, and he's using Charles as bait."

Arcturus stood, his sharp gaze darkening. "If his dark army is already gathering and now this, it's clear Voldemort's making a decisive move. Once he gets that prophecy, he might use the chaos to seize control of the Ministry. This is bad."

"I know," Harry said through gritted teeth. "We have to stop him from getting the prophecy. If we fail, Voldemort might use it to push his plans further. Fighting him and his army inside the Ministry puts us at a disadvantage. My abilities are strongest in open combat—I can't do much in a confined space."

Sirius was already moving, grabbing his coat and wand. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We won't let it escalate to that. If we stop Voldemort from getting the prophecy, we'll force him to retreat. I'll contact Amelia and the Order. They need to know Charles is missing, and we'll need every Auror and fighter we can get."

Harry nodded, his mind racing through the possibilities. "We need to move fast. If Voldemort's already there and has his hands on the prophecy…"

Suddenly, Harry stiffened. A familiar magical pulse rippled through his consciousness—the alarm wards at his house had been triggered. Sirius noticed the shift in his demeanor immediately.

"Harry," Sirius said, his voice cutting through the heavy silence. "What's wrong?"

Harry didn't respond right away, his focus turned inward as he attuned himself to the faint but unmistakable thrum of the wards. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and steady. "Someone's attacking my house. The wards just went off."

Sirius's brow furrowed. "Your house? Who would—?"

Before he could finish, a small pop echoed through the room as Mira appeared, her large eyes wide with panic and ears twitching nervously. "Master Harry!" she squeaked. "There are bad people outside the house! Wolves, bats, giants—so many of them! They're trying to break the wards and destroy everything!"

The room fell silent as the implications of her words sank in.

Chapter 341: Chapter 341: "An Army at the Gates Part - 2"

Harry's jaw tightened as he processed Mira's words. His mind raced through the possibilities, each more troubling than the last.

"Dark creatures?" he muttered, more to himself than the others. "They should be outside the Ministry, waiting for the signal to move. What are they doing at my house?"

Turning to Sirius and Arcturus, he continued, his voice sharper now. "The army we've been tracking—they're at my house. But why? My home doesn't have any strategic value."

Arcturus leaned back in his chair, his sharp gaze thoughtful. "Could they have guessed your identity as the Knight? If they suspect it's you, this could be a diversion—to occupy the strongest fighter while they push their real plan at the Ministry."

Harry shook his head. "I don't think so. My identity as the Knight is not that easy to guess. There must be another reason."

Sirius stepped forward, his expression grim. "So what's the plan, Harry? The Ministry or your house? You can't be in two places at once."

Harry closed his eyes, weighing the options. His home was more than just a building—it was his grandmother's gift, a place filled with memories and magic. But at the Ministry, a battle was brewing with impossibly high stakes. Sirius's life would be on the line, just as it had been in the canon timeline. Harry couldn't shake the fear that history might repeat itself if he wasn't there to intervene.

"What do you think I should do?" Harry asked, looking between Sirius and Arcturus.

Arcturus exchanged a glance with Sirius before speaking. "This is your decision, Harry. Both paths carry risks and rewards. But know this—you are not alone. We will support you, no matter what you choose."

Harry hesitated, his gaze dropping. "I don't know... maybe I should let the house go. It's just a building, right? If I go to the Ministry, I can protect Sirius and make sure Charles and the others are safe. The house... it's not worth risking lives over."

Arcturus spoke carefully. "Harry, like you said, you have the advantage in open spaces with your magic. This is a chance—a chance to break Voldemort's plans for a decisive push. Without his army, we'd have a much higher chance of defending the Ministry. If you can take them out now, it could turn the tide of this war."

Sirius nodded firmly. "And let's not forget, these aren't just any dark creatures. From what we know, these are the worst of the worst. Now that they've entered the country, we don't know what they'll do next. Even if we stop Voldemort today, we don't have the means to control his army. What if they turn their eyes toward the Muggle world? The chaos they could cause—the exposure risk to the wizarding world—it's unthinkable."

Harry frowned. "But what about the Ministry? What about Charles and the others? If I'm not there—"

"We'll handle the Ministry," Sirius interrupted, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Amelia, the Aurors, and the Order—we've got it covered. Your priority should be taking out those dark creatures while they're still concentrated in one place. If you can do that, you'll be protecting more than just your home. You'll be protecting everyone."

Arcturus added calmly, "Think strategically, Harry. This isn't just about sentimentality. This is about striking a decisive blow against Voldemort's forces. If you can eliminate this army, you'll weaken him significantly."

Harry's jaw tightened. "You really think this is the right move?"

Sirius placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "I do, even though I don't like it. It doesn't feel right sending you alone to fight this large army, but in the current situation, you are our best bet to stop what we think Voldemort is planning. Harry, I know you are strong. I've seen you battle many times these past few months, and I also know you have never unleashed your full strength. I believe you can do this. However, Harry, if things go south, run. Don't be brave. I know your life-saving means are great. I want you to use them when things seem wrong. I want my godson to celebrate with me when we win this war."

Harry knew this was the right move but he was worried about Sirius. He felt he needed to be there to ensure canon events did not happen. If he was not there maybe the canon would repeat.

However, this fight was also an opportunity—a chance to rid the world of the worst dark creatures. The world would be safer without them. And there was something else—a battle of this scale, against such overwhelming odds, could push him to the brink. It could be the catalyst he needed to ascend to the rank of Great Knight. Once he achieved that, Voldemort and Grindelwald would stand no chance against him.

Harry took a deep breath, his resolve hardening. "Alright. I'll go to the house.However you have to promise me not to be reckless. No gloating and joking in the middle of the battle. I also want my godfather with me when we celebrate winning the war."

Sirius managed a small smile. "I promise. Now, let's move."

Before Harry could move, two voices cut into the conversation.


"We're coming with you!" the voices declared simultaneously.

Harry turned to see Emma and Fleur entering the room, their expressions fierce and unyielding. They must have arrived just in time to hear the tail end of the discussion. 

"'Arry," Fleur said, her accent thick with emotion, "you are not facing zis army alone. I will not stand by while ze man I love fights such dangerous creatures!" Her blue eyes blazed with determination—and fear.

Emma crossed her arms and stepped forward. "You're not leaving without us, little brother. That's final."

Harry shook his head, his frustration evident. "This isn't something you need to worry about. I can handle—"

"We know you can handle it," Emma interrupted sharply. "That's not the point. We cannot sit here while you fight a battle with impossible odds."

"She is right," Fleur added, lifting her chin stubbornly. "We are coming, whether you like it or not."

Arcturus cleared his throat, breaking the tension. "Harry, their skills could be valuable in distracting the army. Having support might give you the edge you need."

Harry sighed, realizing he wouldn't win this argument. He looked between them all, his expression firm. "Fine. But you stay behind the wards. You can attack from inside, but under no circumstances are you to leave the house's protection. Do you understand?"

Both women nodded, satisfaction flickering across their faces. They'd won, and that was enough for them.

With the plan finalized, Harry turned toward the door. He couldn't afford to waste another moment—the wards protecting his home wouldn't hold forever. But just as he was about to leave, he paused and glanced at Mira.

"Mira," Harry said, his tone serious, "I have an important job for you. Take the clone and go with Sirius to the Ministry. Protect him and Amelia at all costs."

"But Master Harry will need Mira's help against that big army!" Mira protested, her large eyes brimming with worry.

"I'll be fine, Mira. You know me—no one can stop me if I decide to escape. But your task is just as important. Keep Sirius and Amelia safe."

Mira hesitated, then gave a solemn nod. "Mira will not fail, Master Harry."

Harry offered her a faint smile before turning to Fleur and Emma. "Let's go."

With that, the three of them apparated away, leaving Sirius behind to prepare for his own task. He lingered only long enough to ensure Mira and the clone were ready before heading to the Ministry himself. Arcturus stayed behind, his fighting days long past, to send messages and coordinate their forces.

The storm had arrived, and the war had reached a critical turning point. Harry could only hope his choices would lead them to victory—and that everyone he loved would survive the battles ahead.

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