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47.68% Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian / Chapter 175: Chapter 175: "The Marauder and the Chamber of Secrets"

Chapter 175: Chapter 175: "The Marauder and the Chamber of Secrets"

As evening fell over Hogwarts, Harry learned that Sirius had arrived at the school. He was leading the first group of Aurors, not to confront the basilisk, but to ensure the safe evacuation of students to the Hogwarts Express. Eager to see his godfather, Harry sought him out.

Sirius greeted Harry with a mixture of relief and concern. "Harry, thank Merlin you're alright. Amelia sent me personally to make sure you and Susan were safe. What in Godric's name is going on here? Dumbledore's been tight-lipped, only mentioning a basilisk attack."

Harry recounted the story he'd told the professors, watching Sirius's face grow increasingly worried. When he finished, Sirius ran a hand through his hair, a habit Harry recognized as a sign of stress.

"Merlin's beard, Harry. Taking on a basilisk... I'm proud of your courage, but you could have been killed!" The old Gryffindor in Sirius couldn't help but admire his godson's bravery, even as the concerned guardian in him fretted.

Sirius cast a quick Muffliato charm and leaned in closer. "Now, what aren't you telling me? I know that look in your eye, pup. You're holding something back."

Harry glanced around, then led Sirius to an empty classroom. After casting additional privacy charms, he took a deep breath. "You're right, Sirius. There's a lot more going on."

Over the next few minutes, Harry laid out everything to Sirius: his investigations into the attack, suspicions about Evelyn Rosier, the signs of possession he'd observed, and his theory about Voldemort's Horcrux behind everything. Sirius listened, his face growing grimmer with each revelation.

"Another Horcrux? How many of those monstrosities has that mad guy made and how did such a seriously dark object get through Hogwarts wards? And you think Voldemort's trying to resurrect himself?"

Harry nodded solemnly. "I had planned to deal with the Hircrux and the basilisk tomorrow when the school was empty, but with you here, we might be able to end this tonight."

Sirius straightened, his eyes gleaming with determination. "What do you need me to do?"

For the next thirty minutes, Harry outlined his plan in detail, explaining the Chamber's location, how to access it, and his now modified plans to save Evelyn and destroy the Horcrux. Sirius listened intently, occasionally asking for clarification but mostly marveling at his godson's knowledge of everything surrounding the Heir and the Chamber of Secrets. He loved the plan Harry had come up with to deal with everything.


As night fell and the castle grew quiet, Sirius made his way to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. The corridors were eerily silent, with only the occasional whisper of a ghost or creak of ancient stone breaking the stillness. At the sink Harry had described, a soft hiss revealed the entrance to the Chamber.

Without hesitation, Sirius plunged into the dark slide, feeling a mix of exhilaration and trepidation as he descended into the bowels of Hogwarts. Behind him, the entrance sealed itself with another hiss.

As he navigated the narrow, damp tunnels, Sirius couldn't help but be impressed by the intricate network hidden beneath the school. "Slytherin, you crafty old snake," he muttered, noting how the pipes seemed designed for more than just plumbing. They were perfect pathways for a giant serpent.

Each obstacle Harry had warned him about opened at the sound of that mysterious hiss, leading Sirius deeper into the Chamber. Finally, he emerged into the vast hall Harry had described. The towering pillars and the enormous statue of Salazar Slytherin loomed before him.

"Blimey, Salazar," Sirius chuckled nervously, "Godric was definitely the better-looking founder."

His humor faded as he spotted a small figure huddled at the base of the statue. Evelyn Rosier lay there, pale and still, but mercifully alive. Sirius approached cautiously, wand at the ready.

Sirius called out, "Miss. Rosier? Are you alright? I'm here to take you to safety."

The girl turned to Sirius, but he immediately sensed something was amiss. Her eyes were glazed, her movements unnatural. She was clearly possessed, though there was no visible specter of Tom Riddle. The possession hadn't progressed far enough for that.

The voice that came from Evelyn's mouth was not her own. It was cold, calculating, and unmistakably male. "Who are you? How did you get here? Only a Parselmouth could reach this place, and the only one I know of is Charles Potter. I expected him or perhaps that meddlesome Dumbledore."

Sirius smirked, falling easily into the role Harry had prepared him for. "Shows how little you know. Many old families, like the Blacks, have had this talent. We just keep it quiet. Now, who might you be? Some dusty old ghost with delusions of grandeur?"

The possessed girl's face contorted with anger. "I am Lord Voldemort," the voice hissed.

Sirius gasped dramatically, channeling his inner thespian. "No! It can't be! The dreaded You-Know-Who, possessing a schoolgirl? How the mighty have fallen! Who are you really, old pervert?"

The possessed heir bristled. "I am not an old pervert. I am Tom Riddle, a young Slytherin prefect."

Sirius raised an eyebrow, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "There you go lying again. First, you said you were Voldemort, and now you say you're Tom Riddle. Make up your mind, old chap."

"I am both," the possessed heir snarled, and then proceeded to demonstrate how the name 'Voldemort' was an anagram of 'Tom Marvolo Riddle'.

Sirius collapsed to the floor in a fit of exaggerated laughter. "That's how the name Voldemort came about? It's too funny! I can't wait to tell all the pureblood Death Eaters that their lord was playing word games. What's next, a secret handshake?"

"You dare mock me?" the possessed heir snarled with her wand now pointed towards SIrius. "I am the greatest sorcerer in the world! I am going to torture you!"

"Oh, I don't know about that," Sirius drawled. "I've heard Dumbledore can do a mean tap dance. Can you top that, Voldy?"

Just when a furious Riddle was going to cast the killing curse on Sirius, a bright green light flashed through the chamber, striking the possessed Evelyn and sending her wand flying. Before Tom Riddle could react, Sirius's voice rang out, "Petrificus Totalus!" The girl's body went rigid, frozen in place.

The soul of Tom Riddle was bewildered. One moment he was seething with anger, the next he found himself wandless and immobilized, defeated so easily. He, Lord Voldemort, outsmarted by this puny adversary.

As if things couldn't get worse for the Dark Lord, a shimmering ward suddenly sprang up around them, cutting off any commands of Tom Riddle from reaching the basilisk hidden behind the statue.

It was then that Harry pulled off his invisibility cloak, grinning at his godfather. "Nice work, Padfoot. You should consider a career in theater."

Sirius chuckled, relief was evident in his voice. "And you, pup, could give Mad-Eye a run for his money in the stealth department."

Sirius then began searching Evelyn's robes for the Horcrux, while Tom Riddle futilely tried to resist, unable to move. Finally, Sirius extracted the diary, causing a flicker of fear in Evelyn's possessed eyes.

Handing the diary to Harry, Sirius said, "I've had my turn, now it's yours. Destroy it and make this annoying git disappear."

"Very well," Harry replied, he had not told him the fact that he had already destroyed many Horcruxes already. He couldn't pass up the opportunity for more soul reinforcement and strengthening.

Tom Riddle, realizing what was about to happen, was terrified. In desperation, he tried to command the basilisk in Parseltongue to rescue him and kill these wizards. But thanks to Harry's ward, no sound could reach the snake.

Harry raised his wand and cast the Horcrux-destroying spell at the diary. A brilliant white light erupted from his wand, engulfing the diary. Tom Riddle screamed in agony, but within seconds, he was no more. The white light rebounded and struck Harry, suffusing him with power.

"How do you feel? Any stronger?" Sirius asked, watching his godson closely.

Harry paused, assessing the changes within him. "I feel something. Not entirely sure what." This time around destroying the Horcrux, Harry did notice a significant improvement. Given that the diary was Voldemort's first Horcrux and contained the largest chunk of his soul, it provided Harry with the most substantial boost yet. He could already sense his mind becoming clearer and his magic growing stronger.

Sirius nodded. "Good. You'll need that strength when this git finally resurrects himself. Who knows how many soul anchors this monster had created for himself."

"We'll destroy them all eventually," Harry assured him. "Thanks to you, this was much easier than the battle I'd planned."

They shared a moment of triumph, savoring their well-executed plan. Without a single spell cast in battle, they had saved Evelyn and destroyed the Horcrux. 

As the echoes of their victory faded, Harry and Sirius turned their attention to the unconscious Evelyn. With a gentle levitation charm, they carefully lifted her off the damp chamber floor.

"Let's get her out of here," Sirius said, his voice low. "We'll need to have her checked over by Madam Pomfrey."

As they made their way back through the winding tunnels, Evelyn's limp form floating between them, Sirius spoke again. "We'll come back with reinforcements, Harry. That basilisk needs to be dealt with soon. It's a hidden danger for the school."

Harry nodded and followed Sirius quietly. He had his own plans for the basilisk, but Sirius didn't need to know that.

Chapter 176: Chapter 176: "Aftermath in the Headmaster's Office"

As Harry and Sirius emerged from the Chamber of Secrets, their robes still damp from the underground passages, they rushed Evelyn Rosier to the hospital wing. The corridors were eerily quiet, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls. When they burst through the infirmary doors, Madam Pomfrey's eyes widened in shock, her hand flying to her mouth.

"Merlin's beard!" she exclaimed, hurrying over to them. "Is that Miss Rosier? Did you two actually venture into the Chamber of Secrets to save her?" Her voice was a mixture of awe and concern as she quickly assessed the unconscious girl.

Sirius nodded grimly, gently laying Rosier on the nearest bed. "She's been through quite an ordeal, Poppy," he said, his voice low and serious. "I'm afraid it's a case of long-term dark possession."

Madam Pomfrey gasped, her experienced hands already moving to examine Evelyn. "Possession? But how-."

"It's a sensitive matter with many secrets involved," Sirius interrupted. "We'll explain everything to Dumbledore. For now, please treat her for the effects of dark possession. Dumbledore can fill you in on the details later."

As they left the hospital wing, Harry turned to Sirius. "Padfoot, after Madam Pomfrey's done, could you take Rosier to Cordelia? I want to make sure there are no lasting effects from the Horcrux."

Sirius nodded, "Good thinking, pup. I'll make sure she gets the best care."

On their way to Dumbledore's office, Harry broached a delicate subject. "Sirius, about telling Dumbledore..."

"You're wondering if we should reveal everything about the Horcrux?" Sirius guessed.

Harry nodded. "We can be truthful about tonight's events, including the Horcrux, but I think we should keep our prior knowledge about Voldemort creating Horcruxes and the other destroyed Horcrux to ourselves. It could jeopardize the Black family's neutrality."

Sirius considered this for a moment before agreeing. "You're right, Harry. No need to paint a target on our backs if this somehow leaks. The fewer people who know about our involvement with the other Horcruxes, the better. We'll stick to the facts of tonight's events only."

As they approached the gargoyle guarding Dumbledore's office, Sirius gave the password, and they ascended the moving spiral staircase. When they entered the circular office, they were surprised to find the Headmaster wasn't alone. The Golden Trio - Charles, Ron, and Hermione - were there, looking both excited and anxious.

"Charley!" Sirius exclaimed, breaking into a grin. "It's been too long! You were a baby when I last saw you." His eyes softened with a mix of nostalgia and regret.

Charles beamed back. "Are you Sirius Black? Padfoot? I've heard so much about you from Uncle Moony! Why haven't I seen you in the past?"

Sirius chuckled, though there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Adult business, I'm afraid. You kids need not worry about all that complicated stuff."

Charles persisted, his curiosity evident. "My parents and Moony always say the same thing. Never mind that now - Sirius, are you the Auror the Ministry sent to handle this Chamber of Secrets incident?"

As Sirius nodded in confirmation, Charles could barely contain his excitement. He launched into an animated explanation, words tumbling out in a rush. "You're just in time! We've found the Chamber of Secrets! We were just telling Professor Dumbledore all about it-"

Sirius held up a hand, his expression a mix of amusement and pride. "I'm impressed you managed to figure it out, truly I am. But I'm afraid we've beaten you to the punch this time. The girl's been rescued and the Heir defeated. Madam Pomfrey is tending to her right now in the hospital wing. No adventure for you kiddos this time, but excellent work all the same."

The room fell silent for a moment before erupting in questions. Dumbledore, Harry noticed, looked immensely relieved. The twinkle in his blue eyes was brighter than it had been in weeks, clearly happy that the trouble had been resolved. Harry knew the Headmaster had taken quite a hit to his reputation for not keeping Hogwarts safe under his watch.

Hermione, looking crestfallen, asked, "But how did you find it so quickly? It took us ages of research and we even had to beg Moaning Myrtle before we finally got the information we needed about the Chamber of Secrets from her."

Sirius, with a hint of mischief in his eyes, simply pointed at Harry, who had been quietly observing the exchange, content to be an audience to the unfolding scene. Hermione's face fell further, knowing from Harry's reputation and grades that he was better than her. But she didn't give up. Harry just had a few more years in the wizarding world than her. She was determined to surpass him eventually.

"What about the Basilisk?" Charles asked eagerly, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and excitement. "Did you fight it? How big was it?"

"We didn't actually confront it," Sirius explained, his tone becoming more serious. "We managed to outwit the Heir and defeat him before he could summon the beast. The Basilisk remains a problem to be dealt with, but the immediate threat has been neutralized."

Seeing the children's undiminished curiosity, Sirius added gravely, "There are some highly sensitive matters involved in this incident that we can't discuss openly, especially not with children. Albus, perhaps we could speak more privately?"

Dumbledore nodded sagely, turning to the Golden Trio. "Children, I must ask you to return to your dormitory now. It's quite late, and I'm sure your housemates are wondering where you are."

Charles immediately protested, his voice tinged with desperation. "But Grandpa, I've been involved in this from the start! I need to know what's happening. Please, can't I stay?"

Dumbledore considered the boy for a long moment, his blue eyes twinkling with something that might have been approval. After what seemed like an eternity, he nodded. "Very well, Charley. You've shown that you can keep a secret, and you are... uniquely involved in these matters. You may stay. However, you two friends will have to leave and no secretly telling them everything later."

Harry felt a twinge of unease at this decision. He knew that Charles, lacking any form of Occlumency shields, was essentially an open book to any skilled Legilimens. However, given that the matter wasn't of utmost secrecy and there weren't many accomplished Legilimens in Britain, he decided not to intervene.

As Ron and Hermione reluctantly left the office, casting longing looks over their shoulders, Sirius began to recount the night's events in detail. Charles listened with rapt attention, occasionally interjecting with questions that Sirius answered as best he could without revealing too much.

When Sirius mentioned the Horcrux, Dumbledore's eyes widened almost imperceptibly behind his half-moon spectacles. The usual twinkle in his eyes dimmed, replaced by a grave seriousness that seemed to age him considerably.

"A Horcrux," Dumbledore said, his voice barely above a whisper. "This confirms my worst fears. Voldemort is indeed still tethered to the world of the living." He turned to Charles, who looked confused and on the verge of asking a question. "Charles, I must insist that you do not ask what a Horcrux is. It is a form of magic so dark, so evil, that you are not yet old enough to bear that knowledge."

Harry, seeing an opportunity to move the conversation along, reached into his robes and produced the destroyed diary. He handed it to Dumbledore, who examined it closely, his long fingers tracing over the name 'T.M. Riddle' embossed on the cover. Thanks to the method Harry had used to destroy it, the book appeared largely intact, with no visible holes or damage.

"What should we do about the Basilisk, Albus?" Sirius asked, bringing the focus back to the immediate threat. "I can contact Amelia, and we can assemble a team of our best Aurors to deal with it."

Dumbledore shook his head, a determined glint in his eye. "That won't be necessary, Sirius. Once the students have been safely evacuated tomorrow, I will deal with the creature myself."

Charles, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, suddenly spoke up. "Professor, can I come with you? I can help open the entrance to the Chamber. I'm a Parselmouth, remember?"

Dumbledore regarded Charles for a long moment before nodding slowly. "You may accompany me to the entrance, Charles. However, I will only allow you as far as the main hall Sirius described. After that, Fawkes will take you to safety. It's far too dangerous for you to be present during the confrontation with the Basilisk."

As Harry and Sirius, their work for the night done, prepared to take their leave, the office door suddenly swung open. The unexpected visitor who stepped into the room made the temperature seem to drop several degrees.

Lucius Malfoy, resplendent in his black robes and radiating an aura of barely concealed contempt, surveyed the room with cold grey eyes. His gaze lingered on Harry and Sirius with particular disdain before settling on Dumbledore.

"Ah, Dumbledore," Malfoy drawled, his voice smooth as silk but laced with venom. "I see I'm interrupting quite the gathering. How... convenient."

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