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43.59% Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian / Chapter 160: Chapter 160: "Master"

Chapter 160: Chapter 160: "Master"

The Great Hall buzzed with excitement as students filed in for breakfast the next morning. The events of the previous night – the Sorting Ceremony and the dramatic arrival of Charles Potter and Ron Weasley – were still the hot topics of conversation. As Harry made his way to the Ravenclaw table, he caught snippets of animated discussions about his brother's fate.

"Did you hear? They're not expelled!"

"Just detention, can you believe it?"

"And no points lost for Gryffindor either!"

Harry suppressed a sigh as he sat down next to his friends. It seemed that, once again, Charles had managed to escape serious consequences for his actions. The Gryffindor table was particularly jubilant, celebrating their narrow escape from starting the year with negative points.

After breakfast, the Ravenclaws made their way to the Charms classroom. Professor Flitwick, standing atop his usual pile of books, beamed at the class as they entered.

"Welcome back, everyone!" he squeaked excitedly. "Today, we'll be starting with the Summoning Charm, Accio. Now, who can tell me..."

As Flitwick launched into his lecture, Harry found his attention drifting. He'd mastered this charm long ago, and his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the missing diary and the potential dangers lurking in the castle.

When it came time to practice, Harry effortlessly summoned his cushion on the first try, earning a delighted clap from Flitwick. The rest of the class struggled, with cushions flying erratically or barely twitching in response to their incantations.

As the bell rang signaling the end of class, Flitwick called out, "Mr. Potter, a word please?"

Harry approached the professor's desk, curious. "Yes, Professor?"

Flitwick's eyes twinkled with excitement. "I had the good fortune of watching you duel this summer, Mr. Potter. I must say, I was immensely proud of your strength and skill. Truly impressive for a wizard your age!"

Harry felt a warmth spread through his chest at the praise. "Thank you, Professor. That means a lot coming from you."

Taking a deep breath, Harry decided to seize the opportunity. "Professor, if you don't mind, I'd love to hear your honest critique of my dueling. You're a champion duelist yourself, after all."

Flitwick looked surprised but pleased. "Well, Mr. Potter, since you ask... You have great skill and magical strength, there's no doubt about that. However, you often lack efficiency in ending duels. From what I observed, you have an impressive repertoire of spells, but you don't always use them to their full potential."

Harry listened intently as Flitwick continued, "For instance, instead of using simple shield-breaking spells to counter your opponent's defenses, you often try to overpower them. While this can be effective, it's not always the best strategy. Dueling isn't just about raw power – it's about outsmarting your opponent, using the right spell at the right moment."

The professor went on to provide more specific examples, pointing out moments where Harry could have ended duels faster or conserved his energy better. Harry absorbed every word, recognizing the truth in Flitwick's observations.

"Thank you, Professor," Harry said sincerely when Flitwick finished. "This feedback is incredibly valuable."

Flitwick beamed. "I'm glad to help, Mr. Potter. If you ever have any questions about dueling, my door is always open."

In a moment of sudden inspiration – or perhaps recklessness – Harry blurted out, "Professor, would you consider taking me on as an apprentice?"

Flitwick's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh my! Well, I'd be delighted, but as a Hogwarts professor, I can't officially take on apprentices for dueling, as it's not a Hogwarts subject."

Harry, thinking quickly, suggested, "What if it were a Charms apprenticeship that... happened to include some dueling instruction?"

Flitwick stroked his mustache thoughtfully. "An interesting proposition, Mr. Potter. However, I must warn you, my conditions for accepting apprentices are quite rigorous. It's been many years since I've taken one on."

"I understand, Professor," Harry said eagerly. "I'd be willing to take any test you deem necessary. In fact, I've already studied Charms up to the NEWT level. I just lack practical experience in applying some of the more advanced skills."

Flitwick's eyebrows shot up in astonishment. "NEWT level, you say? Well, let's put that to the test, shall we?"

What followed was an impromptu examination that left Flitwick increasingly amazed. Harry answered complex theoretical questions with ease, demonstrating a depth of knowledge far beyond his years. When they moved to practical demonstrations, Harry performed lower-level charms silently, showcasing NEWT-level proficiency.

But it was when Harry conjured his Patronus – a majestic lion that prowled around the classroom – that Flitwick nearly toppled off his stack of books in shock.

"Merlin's beard!" the tiny professor exclaimed. "Mr. Potter, this is... this is extraordinary! A corporeal Patronus at your age... I've never seen anything like it!"

Catching his breath, Flitwick composed himself. "Mr. Potter, I would be more than happy – honored, in fact – to take you on as my apprentice. This is a bargain for me, I assure you! I'll complete the necessary paperwork this week. Since you're an emancipated adult, the process should be straightforward. We can make it official by next week."

Harry felt a surge of excitement and relief. Not only had he secured a master to teach him advanced Charms and dueling, but he'd also gained a valuable ally and a legitimate reason to be out of the dorms at odd hours – something that could prove useful in his hunt for the diary.

"Thank you, Professor," Harry said, barely containing his enthusiasm. "I look forward to learning from you."

As Harry left the Charms classroom, his mind was buzzing with possibilities. He was free for the second part of the day since it was History of Magic, a class he had long since stopped attending.

This apprenticeship could be the key to preparing himself for the challenges ahead. As he climbed the spiral staircase to Ravenclaw Tower, Harry felt a renewed sense of purpose. Whatever this year might bring, he would be ready to face it.

Spotting an empty classroom nearby, Harry slipped inside and pulled out his two-way mirror. With a quick glance to ensure he was alone, he called out, "Sirius Black."

The mirror's surface shimmered, and soon Sirius's grinning face appeared. "Harry! To what do I owe the pleasure of this mid-day call?"

Harry's excitement bubbled over as he recounted his conversation with Flitwick and the unexpected offer of an apprenticeship. Sirius listened intently, his smile growing wider with each detail.

"That's brilliant, pup!" Sirius exclaimed when Harry finished. "Flitwick's not just a good professor, he's one of the best. You'll learn loads from him, especially when it comes to dueling. This could be a game-changer for you."

They chatted for a few more minutes, with Sirius offering advice and Harry soaking it in. As they said their goodbyes, Harry felt a renewed sense of excitement for the year ahead.

Pocketing the mirror, Harry decided to head to the school library. As he navigated the corridors, a familiar voice caught his attention. Rounding a corner, he came upon an unexpected and somewhat disconcerting sight.

Gilderoy Lockhart, resplendent in robes of turquoise, was engaged in an animated conversation with Charles. Harry instinctively stepped back, concealing himself behind a suit of armor to observe unnoticed.

"My dear boy," Lockhart was saying, his teeth gleaming as he smiled, "your entrance was nothing short of spectacular! Next time, do consult with me first. I could give you some marvelous tips to make the show even better!"

Charles shifted uncomfortably. "I don't think that's a good idea, Professor. The Gryffindors weren't happy that I nearly lost us more points so soon after... well, you know."

Lockhart waved a hand dismissively. "Ah, but that's because you're approaching this all wrong, my boy. You're a celebrity! You need to learn how to act like one."

What followed was a surreal lecture on celebrity behavior. Lockhart expounded on how to handle criticism ("With a smile and a wink, dear boy!"), maintain a loyal fan base ("Always leave them wanting more!"), and cultivate a public image ("Mystery and intrigue, Charles, that's the key!").

Charles seemed to be hanging on every word, his initial discomfort giving way to rapt attention. Harry felt a chill run down his spine at the sight.

Unable to stomach any more of the conversation, Harry silently slipped away, his mind reeling from what he'd witnessed. As Harry finally made his way to the library, his mind was still reeling from the conversation he'd overheard between Charles and Lockhart. Pushing those thoughts aside, he focused on the tasks at hand.

Settling into a quiet corner, Harry started looking for ways of finding a way to detect if a student was possessed by a dark object. He scoured the shelves for books on magical detection and dark artifacts, but most of the texts he found were frustratingly vague or dealt with much simpler enchantments. It looked like he should go to the Room of Requirements or the Black Castle Library for the required information.

As the afternoon light began to fade, Harry packed up his notes and books. He hadn't found what he was looking for, but he had a clearer idea of his next steps. With a sigh, he stood up, stretching his stiff muscles from hours of research. As he left the library, Harry's mind was already formulating plans for his next move in the search for the diary Horcrux.

Chapter 161: Chapter 161: "Preparations, Apprenticeship and Classes"

As the sun rose over Hogwarts, Harry Potter was already completing his morning routine. After a brisk jog around the Black Lake and his Knight Breathing exercises near the Forbidden Forest, he made his way to the Room of Requirement. The magical room, sensing his need, provided him with a collection of obscure tomes on dark magic detection.

Hours slipped by as Harry pored over the ancient tomes, taking meticulous notes. He paused only for his classes, returning to his research as soon as they ended. When night fell, he slipped away to the Room of Hidden Things, using the Vanishing Cabinet to transport himself to Black Castle. The vast library there held even more arcane knowledge, and Harry spent the night surrounded by ancient texts.

Despite his efforts, the results were disappointing. He learned to recognize signs of possession - physical exhaustion, absentmindedness, fear - and found spells to confirm soul possession. However, these methods required casting spells on every student in Hogwarts, an impractical and suspicious approach that would likely alert the diary's holder.

Frustrated but undeterred, Harry realized he needed a different strategy. After a moment's contemplation, he decided on a riskier but potentially more effective approach. In the early hours of the morning, he made his way to the second-floor girls' bathroom, home to Moaning Myrtle's ghost. With utmost care, he placed intricate detection wards around the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. It wasn't ideal, but it was the surest way to catch the diary's victim.

As he worked, Harry contemplated his options. He knew he was capable of entering the Chamber himself and slaying the Basilisk, effectively ending the threat.

However, several factors held him back from this course of action. Firstly, killing the Basilisk wouldn't reveal the identity of the person possessing the diary. This could lead to a worse outcome – the death of an innocent student and the potential resurrection of Voldemort through the Horcrux. Harry couldn't risk such a catastrophic event.

Secondly, he was intensely curious about the Parseltongue abilities in his family. He wanted to confirm whether Charles and more importantly, Lily Potter, possessed this rare talent. If Lily turned out to be a Parselmouth, it could indicate a hidden connection to the Slytherin lineage or another ancient magical family with this ability. This revelation could have far-reaching implications that Harry was eager to uncover.

Lastly, and perhaps less nobly, Harry saw an opportunity to challenge Dumbledore's seemingly unassailable position in the wizarding world. He reasoned that allowing the Chamber of Secrets situation to unfold would inevitably lead to some tarnishing of Dumbledore's reputation when the events became public knowledge. Harry was under no illusion that this would significantly damage the Headmaster's standing – Dumbledore's influence in wizarding Britain was too entrenched for that. However, even a small crack in that pristine image could be valuable in the long run.

The chance to subtly undermine Dumbledore's authority while simultaneously gathering crucial information was too tempting to pass up. So, despite the risks, he resolved to let events play out, all while remaining vigilant and ready to intervene if the situation spiraled out of control.

With his preparations complete, Harry turned his attention to finalizing his apprenticeship with Professor Flitwick. By week's end, he was officially under the tutelage of the renowned half-goblin Charms master, a development that sent shockwaves through the halls of Hogwarts.

As Harry entered the Great Hall for breakfast, he could feel the weight of countless stares upon him. Whispers followed in his wake, a mix of awe and disbelief that a boy barely fifteen could achieve such a prestigious position.

"There he is, the boy wonder," Reggy announced with a theatrical flourish as Harry took his seat at the Ravenclaw table.

Elvinia rolled her eyes, though a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Don't let it go to your head, Harry. Though I must admit, it is impressive. How did you manage to convince Professor Flitwick to take you on?"

Harry shrugged, aiming for modesty. "He saw my duel this summer. I guess he liked what he saw."

Cedric leaned in, his eyes bright with curiosity. "That would do it. You were taking down wizards two years older than you like it was nothing. No wonder Flitwick wants to train you personally."

Harry nodded, secretly pleased that his friends were buying into the misconception that Flitwick had taken him on primarily for dueling instruction. It was safer, he reasoned, to keep his true proficiency in Charms under wraps for now.

As he left the Great Hall, Harry spotted Lily Potter approaching, her green eyes - so like his own - filled with a mixture of pride and hesitation.

"Harry," she said softly, "I wanted to congratulate you on your apprenticeship. It's a remarkable achievement."

Harry's face remained impassive as he replied coolly, "Thank you, Professor Potter." Without another word, he turned away, effectively dismissing her. Lily lingered for a moment, hurt evident in her eyes, before retreating. Harry's friends exchanged uncomfortable glances but wisely chose not to comment.

The weeks that followed were a whirlwind of activity for Harry. His new role as a Charms apprentice significantly increased his workload. On top of regular classes and his personal DADA studies, he now assisted Flitwick with grading assignments and lesson preparation. Despite the challenge, Harry found the extra work immensely rewarding.

Flitwick proved to be an exceptional mentor, holding nothing back in his instruction. He began by refining Harry's NEWT-level knowledge, preparing him for true mastery of Charms.

"Now, Mr. Potter," Flitwick squeaked during one of their sessions, "observe the wand movement for this advanced shielding charm. It's all in the wrist!"

Harry watched intently, then replicated the movement perfectly. Flitwick beamed with pride.

In dueling, Harry learned efficient counters to spells, a stark contrast to Arcturus Black's brute force approach. Harry saw the benefits in both styles and began formulating plans to combine them into his own unique fighting technique.

As September gave way to October, life at Hogwarts settled into a rhythm. Harry's detection wards remained untriggered, and he knew he'd likely have to wait until Halloween for any developments. The only blemish on his otherwise productive year was Defense Against the Dark Arts, and the insufferable Professor Lockhart.

Harry's mind drifted to a particularly annoying encounter with Lockhart a few weeks prior. The memory played out vividly in his mind:

Harry had been leaving the library when the flamboyant professor cornered him, his toothy grin gleaming unnaturally in the torchlight.

"Harry, my boy! Just the young celebrity I wanted to see," Lockhart exclaimed, his voice dripping with false camaraderie.

Harry suppressed a groan. "Professor Lockhart, I'm rather busy-"

"Nonsense! There's always time for a bit of mentoring between stars." Lockhart's hand clasped Harry's shoulder, ignoring the boy's obvious discomfort. "I couldn't help but notice your rising fame. As someone who's navigated these waters, I thought I might offer some advice."

"That's... not necessary, Professor," Harry tried to interject, but Lockhart plowed on.

"Oh, but it is! First rule of fame: always be camera ready. You never know when a photographer from the Daily Prophet might pop up!"

"Professor," Harry interrupted firmly, his patience wearing thin, "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not interested in fame. If you'll excuse me." He brushed past Lockhart, leaving the flamboyant professor sputtering in the corridor.

Ever since that day, DADA classes had become an exercise in patience for Harry. Lockhart seemed determined to catch Harry breaking rules, forcing the young wizard to endure the professor's abysmal teaching without comment. The thought of detention with Lockhart - likely spent signing autographs - was enough to keep Harry in line, at least for now.

Though tempted to expose Lockhart's fraudulent past immediately, Harry's packed schedule forced him to bide his time. Finding concrete evidence and presenting it to the world would require careful planning. He vowed to deal with the fraud during the Christmas holidays, promising himself that Lockhart's punishment would be far more severe than the mere memory loss he had suffered in the original timeline.

As October progressed, Harry found himself constantly alert, watching for signs of the Chamber's opening. He knew the calm couldn't last forever, and when the storm hit, he would need to be ready. With Halloween approaching, Harry had his eyes glued to the Marauder's Map, looking for anything suspicious. But so far, nothing of that kind was found.

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