Just a few moments before the current crisis, Harry had noticed his friends veering off from their usual paths and heading in a different direction. Instantly, he knew exactly what they were planning to do. A mix of pride and frustration surged through him. Internally, he scolded them for their recklessness, yet he couldn't help but feel moved by their bravery and unity.
It was clear to Harry that despite their distinct personalities, his friends were willing to put themselves at risk to help him out of a tough spot, even if it meant diving into potentially dangerous situations. This realization made him truly appreciate the genuine bonds he had formed at Hogwarts.
Still, the thought of them engaging in what he considered typical Gryffindor heroics irked him. He didn't want them risking their lives unnecessarily. Now, realizing that they might actually encounter the troll, he knew he had to get to them quickly. Given his knack for finding trouble, or trouble finding him, Harry was almost certain they would end up face-to-face with the troll.
Driven by a sense of urgency, Harry hurried through Hogwarts' echoing corridors. He kept his eyes on the Marauder's Map, which showed his friends making their way toward the girls' bathroom. His heart sank as he watched the scene unfold on the parchment.
Then, he noticed Arabella and Elvinia breaking away from the group, likely seeking help—a sensible decision. However, his brief moment of approval was cut short as he saw the others heading straight into the bathroom to confront the troll head-on.
Harry picked up his pace, his robes flapping wildly behind him. The sound of his footsteps mixed with the distant noises of chaos, heightening the tension. As he sprinted, he strategized, running through potential spells and tactics in his mind.
Although he was confident in his ability to handle the troll, his main concern now was ensuring his friends' safety without revealing the full extent of his magical capabilities. He planned to resolve the situation quickly using some of the simplest spells he knew.
As he turned the final corner, Harry arrived just in the nick of time. He saw the troll poised to strike down his friends with its massive club. Without a moment's hesitation, Harry whipped out his wand and executed a perfect "Wingardium Leviosa."
The troll's club halted in mid-air, leaving it bewildered and suddenly disarmed by Harry's quick thinking.
In the heat of the moment, with the troll dazed and confused, Harry quickly seized the opportunity to gain the upper hand. He cast "Accio Club," and the troll's massive club flew from its grasp towards Harry. The troll, caught off guard and suddenly defenseless, paused, its confusion giving Harry the perfect chance to act.
With a firm voice, Harry yelled, "Stupefy!" He launched a powerful Stunning Spell directly at the troll. While the spell didn't completely knock out the creature, due to its inherent resistance to magic, it successfully grabbed the troll's attention, which was exactly what Harry intended.
The troll, now focusing solely on Harry, turned with a growl. Upon seeing its club in Harry's possession, the creature was overcome with rage. It charged at Harry with full force. Anticipating this, Harry was prepared and quickly cast "Aguamenti".
A jet of water shot from Harry's wand, drenching the floor in front of the onrushing troll. Without missing a beat, Harry turned the water into ice with the "Glacius" spell. The troll's heavy foot came down on the slick surface, causing it to lose its footing. It slipped and began to slide uncontrollably toward Harry.
Water sprayed from his wand, coating the floor in front of the troll, which he immediately froze. The troll's next step landed on the slick ice, causing it to slip and slide helplessly towards Harry.
As the troll neared, sliding uncontrollably on the ice, Harry transfigured the troll's club into a smaller, more manageable size. Grabbing the newly sized club with precise timing, he then made a bold move. As the troll slid past him, Harry jumped onto its back and quickly climbed up to its head.
With the club in hand, Harry stood atop the sliding troll. He raised the club high above his head and, with all his might, brought it crashing down onto the troll's skull. The force of the impact was tremendous, and the troll's massive form crumpled to the ground, rendered unconscious by the decisive blow.
Panting from the exertion, Harry looked around at his friends, seeing their expressions of awe and profound relief as they stared back at him.
Cedric was the first to regain his composure, stepping forward with a broad smile. "Harry, you arrived just in the nick of time. Any later, and we might not have been so lucky."
Roger, still trying to shake off the effects of the encounter, commented, "That last swing of the club is going to haunt my dreams for a long time."
Harry offered a weary smile in return. "I'm just relieved I got here when I did. I didn't expect you all would be brave—or perhaps foolish—enough to take on a troll."
Reggy quickly clarified, "We didn't intentionally seek out the troll. We were actually looking for you to warn you about it roaming the corridors. We just happened to hear screams from this direction and knew we had to act since lives were at stake."
Harry responded, his tone a mix of gratitude and concern, "I appreciate that you care, but please, don't do something like this again. It's far too dangerous, and as you saw, I can handle situations like these."
"Sorry, but Harry, that was absolutely incredible!" Alicia couldn't help but exclaim, her eyes still wide with both fear and admiration.
Angelina, her voice trembling slightly from the adrenaline, added, "The way you handled that troll was amazing. Truly impressive."
Harry responded modestly, shrugging off the praise. "The troll is all brawn and no brain. I just took advantage of that. I'm just glad I got here in time to help."
Reggy chimed in, half-joking, "You really saved our skins, mate. I thought I was going to end up as a troll snack!"
Harry smiled, acknowledging their efforts, "You all did well too. I think today you saved some lives today. You were brilliant at holding off the troll, and from what I saw, you worked very effectively as a team. Now, let's check on the students inside the bathroom. I hope they're okay."
Together, the group turned away from the incapacitated troll and headed towards the bathroom to check on the students inside. Just at that moment, the professors, having been alerted by Arabella and Elvinia, arrived on the scene, fully prepared to handle the situation.
Harry and his friends paused to address the professors who had just arrived on the scene. Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, Snape, and Quirrell were all there. Quirrell, visibly shaken by the sight of the defeated troll, let out a faint whimper and quickly sat down against a nearby wall, clutching his heart as if deeply distressed.
Snape approached the troll to examine it closely, while Professor Flitwick looked around with wide eyes, his expression one of shock at the chaos before him.
Professor McGonagall, however, fixed a stern glare on the group of third-year students who had defied instructions and taken matters into their own hands to confront the troll. Her face was etched with anger, and she seemed ready to scold them severely.
Just as she was about to express her frustration, Charles, Ron, and Hermione emerged, limping and battered, from the girls' bathroom. Seeing them in such a state momentarily diffused her anger.
McGonagall took a deep breath, visibly calming herself before addressing the students. "What happened here? Mr. Diggory, please explain."
Cedric took a moment to gather his thoughts before explaining the entire sequence of events to the professors. He began by detailing their initial intent, which was to inform Harry about the troll's presence within the school. However, their plans changed abruptly when they heard screams along the way. Concerned, they rushed towards the noise, which led them to the bathroom where they heard more screams and the grunts of the troll. It was clear that immediate action was necessary to protect the lives at risk.
Cedric continued by explaining that before engaging the troll, they made sure to send Elvinia and Arabella to fetch the professors. The rest of the group then focused on defending the first-year students from the troll. He openly shared the fear and danger they encountered during the ordeal and highlighted how Harry arrived just in time to help subdue the troll, ultimately ensuring the safety of everyone involved.
The professors listened intently to Cedric's account, their expressions turning from concern to understanding as they absorbed the details of the harrowing encounter. They nodded appreciatively, clearly recognizing the courage and quick thinking displayed by the students throughout the incident.
Despite their initial reservations about the students putting themselves in danger, the professors couldn't help but express their admiration for the adeptness and bravery with which the situation was managed. Their faces showed a mix of relief and reluctant admiration for the daring actions that had likely saved many lives.
Professor Flitwick then spoke up, his voice filled with a blend of praise and caution. "Good work dealing with the troll. This is a great example of inter-house unity. However, I must also admonish you. I knew from Mr. Potter's demonstrated prowess in my classes that he could handle himself. That is why I assured you he could manage on his own. We also knew he would be in a safe place during the feast, so we were not overly worried. But nonetheless, great work, everyone. Especially you, Mr. Potter. Excellent use of the levitation charm, summoning charm, and the freezing charm, all used at the right moments."
Professor McGonagall followed with her own commendation, though not without a hint of her characteristic sternness. "And an impressive display of conjuring, which is a skill taught in NEWT-level transfiguration. It appears you do not need to attend my classes, Mr. Potter."
Harry responded with humility, "No, professor, I still very much need the classes. They help me solidify my basics and perfect my spells, ensuring I can perform them effortlessly."
The professors nodded and then conferred quietly among themselves for a moment.
After a brief discussion, Snape spoke up. "I really don't like how you all acted today. However, it was good that you had a backup plan with Miss Thornwood and Miss Whitlock going to fetch the professors. Although it was wrong to put yourselves in danger, and I believe there should be consequences, the other professors feel your actions in saving the three first years should be rewarded. Therefore, fifty points will be awarded to each house for your display of what I must call foolish courage."
The group was thrilled by the recognition and the points they had received.
Professor Flitwick then chimed in, "And I will add twenty points for Mr. Potter for his impressive display of magic and for handling a fully grown troll while saving many lives."
Harry gratefully accepted the points, and the group's spirits lifted even higher as they celebrated together. The professors observed the festivities with smiles on their faces, pleased with the outcome despite the initial danger. Meanwhile, Quirrell watched quietly from the sidelines, his thoughts remaining a mystery to everyone present.
Professor McGonagall turned toward the younger trio from her house, her expression one of stern disappointment mixed with anger.
"What on earth were you thinking?" she demanded, her voice filled with cold fury. Charles glanced at Ron, who was awkwardly holding his wand aloft, seemingly unsure of what to do next. "You're lucky you weren't killed. Why aren't you in your dormitory?"
Both Charles and Ron looked down, embarrassed and unsure of how to respond. It was then that a small voice emerged from the shadows.
"Please, Professor McGonagall—they were looking for me," said Hermione, who had managed to stand up despite her evident distress.
"Miss Granger!" McGonagall exclaimed, her tone shifting as she addressed Hermione.
"I went looking for the troll because I—I thought I could handle it on my own—you know, because I've read all about them," Hermione explained, her voice shaky.
Ron dropped his wand in surprise. It was unlike Hermione to tell a blatant lie to a teacher. "If they hadn't found me, I'd be dead now. Charles distracted the troll with spells, and Ron helped in the surroundings too. They didn't have time to fetch anyone. It was about to attack me when they arrived."
Charles, trying to defend their actions, mumbled, "We would have handled the troll ourselves if the intruders hadn't come and startled us."
This comment enraged the other group. Angelina snapped, "Is this the thanks we get for saving your butts?"
Charles retorted defensively, "We didn't ask to be saved. I had everything under control. Ron was about to take control of the troll's club, and we would have defeated it."
Roger challenged them, "A troll that five senior students struggled with, you two kids thought you could handle alone?"
Charles, filled with indignation, responded, "I am different from you. I am the Boy Who Lived and have been training from a young age. I have more experience in handling dark creatures."
Reggy, frustrated by Charles's arrogance, countered, "Okay, Boy Who Lived. Need I remind you that your title came not from defeating You-Know-Who but from surviving the death curse due to the sacrificial ritual performed by your grandmother? Don't let those fictional novels go to your head—they're just fiction. You're a normal student like us, just with a fancy title."
Reggy then turned toward Harry, looking slightly embarrassed about his outburst, but Harry just waved it off, indicating there was no need for an apology. Deep down, Harry found himself agreeing with Reggy's points, though he also recognized that Charles's claim about handling the troll could have been accurate.
In the canon, events unfolded just as Charles described. However, Harry felt that Charles's response was inappropriate given the circumstances. Cedric and the others had risked their lives to help, and Charles should have expressed his gratitude. There was a genuine risk involved, particularly with Ron's part in the encounter, which could have easily gone wrong.
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