The next morning after his routine jog around the castle grounds, Harry decided to take a quick side trip to the Room of Requirements. He had a plan brewing in his mind, a way to add a little excitement and maybe even out the playing field against any bullies targeting his new friends at Hogwarts.
During the previous visit to the Room of Hidden Things in search of the Ravenclaw Diadem, Harry had noticed an assortment of abandoned wands scattered amongst the myriad of lost and forgotten treasures. Curious and hopeful, he ventured back to see if any of these discarded wands could be of use to him in his current quest for a bit of harmless mischief.
Diving into the chaos of the room, Harry sifted through countless wands, many of which were clearly past their prime, broken, or showing signs of significant wear and tear. After many tries, he finally discovered a wand that, despite its less-than-ideal appearance and unknown history, responded to him surprisingly well.
The wand's origin, including its maker and the core material, remained a mystery to Harry, but that mattered little. What was important was that it seemed to function well enough for the light-hearted pranks he had in mind, though he was under no illusion that it would serve well in a serious duel.
With a bit of careful cleaning and repair, the wand's performance improved to a satisfactory level, making it suitable for his prankster purposes. However, Harry knew that if he were to engage in any serious magical confrontations, he would need to invest in a custom-made wand tailored specifically to his needs. But that was a thought for another time; for now, he had just the tool he needed to bring a bit of unexpected joy and perhaps a touch of justice to Hogwarts.
Having secured a wand for his plans, Harry knew it was a step in the right direction, but his preparations couldn't stop there. Given Professor Snape's well-known bias against the Potters, Harry anticipated that his actions, especially any potential pranks, would be under close scrutiny. There was even the risk that his wand could be inspected for traces of magic linked to any mischief, adding an extra layer of challenge to his endeavors.
Magic, while wondrous, leaves behind a faint trail in the air immediately after a spell is cast. This magical residue could easily betray Harry's involvement in any pranks, as Hogwarts professors, with their keen senses and swift response times, could detect these traces at the scene of any magical hijinks. However, Harry was not one to be deterred by such obstacles.
In his arsenal of knowledge was a solution he had discovered within the vast collection of the Black Library—a runic structure capable of obscuring the magical signature of spells cast by a wand. Carving these runes onto a wand would scramble its magic trace, effectively concealing the caster's identity.
This technique, though highly effective, was also highly illegal and could lead to severe consequences if discovered. It was precisely for this reason that witches and wizards refrained from marking their primary wands with such runes.
But Harry, with his specific need for anonymity in his prankster endeavors, found the idea perfectly suited to his current predicament. After carefully carving the runes into his newly acquired wand and conducting several test spells to ensure effectiveness, he was satisfied with the results. The wand now had the ability to cast spells without leaving the usual trace, perfect for his plans.
Despite the thrill of successfully preparing his prankster's tool, Harry couldn't help but wish for a Hogwarts where such measures weren't necessary. He had enough challenges to deal with without adding the role of Hogwarts' clandestine prankster to the list. However, Harry was determined to guard his friends while also teaching the bullies of Hogwarts a lesson.
With his preparations complete, Harry hurried back to Ravenclaw's common room to prepare for the day's classes. His timing was perfect, allowing him to join his dormmates for breakfast in the Great Hall.
As Harry walked into the bustling Great Hall for breakfast, he immediately sensed something was off with Arabella and Elvinia. They weren't hurt, but the clear distance between them and the rest of the Slytherins spoke volumes. It seemed like the Slytherins had decided to ostracize them as punishment for fraternizing with students from other houses.
Harry couldn't help but feel a twinge of responsibility. It was clear that it was time for a bit of mischief—a distraction that might just help his friends. With a plan forming in his mind, he excused himself, stepping out of the Great Hall for a few moments to set things in motion.
Upon his return, he joined Reginald at the Ravenclaw table, where a spot had been saved for him. Harry couldn't help but notice how lively the Great Hall was today, a stark contrast to the past two days. The tables were filled with chatter and laughter, and even the staff table was occupied by all the professors. It seemed the start of a new week brought everyone together.
Headmaster Dumbledore sat contentedly at the staff table, sipping his tea and observing the lively scene below. He found joy in watching the students engage in animated conversations and enjoy their breakfast.
His gaze often wandered to Gryffindor's table, where the antics of the newest members, Fred and George Weasley amused him. Their storytelling had their audience captivated, even causing their brother Percy some embarrassment. Although Dumbledore couldn't catch their words, the laughter and smiles of the surrounding students indicated it was all in good fun.
His attention then shifted to the Slytherin table, noting the stark contrast in demeanor. The Slytherins ate with a sense of order not present at the Gryffindor table. Many of these students came from families with dark affiliations, and Dumbledore believed it was part of his responsibility to guide them towards change, albeit a gradual one.
During his observation, Dumbledore couldn't help but notice two new girls being subtly ostracized by their Slytherin peers. This isolation suggested they had somehow upset the delicate balance within their house. Yet, Dumbledore saw these trials as essential for growth, believing that overcoming such challenges would make them stronger. He understood that each house had its dynamics and preferred not to interfere directly.
Finally, Dumbledore's gaze found Hadrian Potter, at the Ravenclaw table. The boy's indifferent, almost emotionless, look whenever their paths crossed signaled a lack of respect towards him which was expected.
Dumbledore lamented the growing distance between him and the Potter family after the truth of Hadrian's life was shown to James and Lily. The relationship had only become more strained over time and now he had only a few interactions with them, usually during his rare visits to train Charles.
Dumbledore saw potential in Harry to mend this rift, but he was under no illusions about the challenge ahead. Harry had been educated by Lord Black, indicating that winning the boy's trust would not be straightforward.
Over the last couple of days, Dumbledore had noted Harry's intelligence and his advancement beyond his peers, making it clear that he couldn't be easily swayed or manipulated as others might have been. Rebuilding a bridge to Harry and with his help, to the Potters, would require careful thought and strategy.
Out of nowhere, the Great Hall was suddenly filled with a loud "Bang!" that caught everyone's attention, including Dumbledore's. He turned his head just in time to witness a shower of balloons descending upon the Slytherin table. Before anyone could react, the balloons burst, splattering pink paint all over some of the students sitting there.
Dumbledore didn't need to look twice to recognize the students covered in paint. Among them were some of the most troublesome Slytherins, about whom he'd heard numerous complaints. Marcus Flint, a notorious third-year, and a fifth-year prefect, both well-known for their less-than-stellar behavior, stood out, visibly fuming and scanning the hall for the prankster responsible.
It was a scene reminiscent of the pranks pulled by the Marauders back in their day, mainly targeting the Slytherins. Dumbledore found himself momentarily suspecting Harry, given his lineage and potential for mischief. However, he had been observing the boy closely and had not witnessed any indication that he was behind the prank.
Laughter erupted from all around the hall, save for the Slytherin table, where frustration and anger were the prevailing emotions.
Snape, standing next to Dumbledore, was visibly seething with anger. "This has to be the Potter boy's doing. He's walking in his father's footsteps, I'm certain of it. This needs to be stopped," Snape insisted, barely containing his fury.
Dumbledore responded calmly, trying to temper Snape's bias. "Let's not jump to conclusions, Severus. I've been watching the boy, and there was no sign from him. We shouldn't make assumptions without evidence."
"But it must be a trick taught by Black," Snape countered, convinced of Harry's involvement.
Their conversation was interrupted by peals of laughter emanating from the first-year Slytherins' section of the table.
In the midst of the commotion, Snape's irritation grew as he watched two first-year Slytherins, Warrington and McDowell, laughing heartily. To Snape, a house was akin to a family that needed to stand united, especially during such incidents. The prank, clearly aimed at the Slytherin house, demanded a response, particularly towards those he deemed traitors for their lack of solidarity.
Before Snape could intervene, Flint, along with another Slytherin who had been targeted by the prank, charged at Warrington and McDowell. In a fit of rage, they delivered punches that sent the two laughing first-years crashing to the floor, unconscious. Still not appeased, Flint and his companion added a few kicks for good measure.
At this point, McGonagall stepped in, her voice stern, "Mr. Flint, I'm deducting ten points from Slytherin. While I understand your anger, resorting to violence against fellow students, especially in such a public setting, is unacceptable. Please, go change and calm down."
Snape, without further ado, directed the prefects to carry the unconscious boys to the hospital wing for medical attention. He then proceeded to investigate the scene, hoping to find any leads on who might have orchestrated the prank.
Meanwhile, Dumbledore rose to address the entire hall, his tone carrying a mix of reprimand and guidance, "A little humor now and then is perfectly acceptable, but let's try to keep things within bounds and not disrupt our meals. Those responsible for this prank, I urge you to come forward and speak with your Head of House for a chance at leniency; otherwise, be prepared for serious consequences. Let us now continue with our breakfast."
With that, the hall gradually returned to its usual buzz of conversation and laughter
Back at the Ravenclaw table, Harry and his group couldn't contain their delight over the morning's events.
Reginald, unable to hide his satisfaction, remarked, "That was perfect. How I wish I could have added a kick of my own!"
Roger added, "And I would've loved to land a punch. His face was just asking for it!"
Harry, with a smile that hinted he knew more than he let on, kept his comments to himself. The prank had been a spur-of-the-moment plan, yet it unfolded exactly as he had envisioned. He prepared balloons, rendered them invisible and filled with durable paint, then levitated them to hover just beneath the ceiling right above where his targets usually sat. A timer was set to ensure they would burst precisely when needed. Now, those marked by the prank would be sporting pink stains for days, unless Dumbledore decided to intervene.
The whole point was to distract the Slytherins, shifting their focus from Arabella and Elvinia. Unable to aim directly at Warrington without drawing too much attention, Harry instead targeted the notorious bullies of Slytherin with his paint balloon surprise. And, as a bonus, Warrington and McDowell got a dose of laughter courtesy of Harry's jinx, making them the new objects of ridicule among their housemates.
Harry felt a sense of accomplishment watching his plan unfold. However, he couldn't shake off Snape's scrutinizing gaze. The professor's obsession with anyone bearing the Potter name was almost eerie. Knowing he had Potions class later that day, Harry prepared himself for an extra layer of caution.
The incident brightened the morning for everyone, except the drenched Slytherins, of course. With spirits lifted, the group finished their breakfast and headed off to their classes, ready for whatever the day might bring.
Following a lively breakfast filled with laughter and camaraderie, Harry and his fellow students eagerly made their way through the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts towards the potions classroom, nestled deep within the castle's dungeons.
On this particular day, Harry was slated to attend potions class alongside his Hufflepuff counterparts. He breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to avoid a session with the notoriously competitive Slytherin house. Not only would he dodge potential sabotage to his potion from the Slytherins, known for their cunning and competitiveness, but he was also relieved not to endure the chaos that typically ensued in classes with the Gryffindors, which often involved a fair share of accidents and mishaps.
Upon entering the classroom, Harry acknowledged Cedric Diggory with a friendly wave, finding his fellow Hufflepuff already seated and ready for the lesson. Choosing a spot next to Reginald, he settled in, preparing for what was to come. The classroom, with its walls adorned with glass jars containing an assortment of pickled creatures, promised an intriguing yet slightly unsettling experience.
The anticipation in the room was palpable, and as the clock struck the hour, the door swung open with dramatic flair. Professor Severus Snape made his entrance, his expression stern and his black robes billowing ominously behind him.
Harry could sense Snape's lingering frustration, no doubt a residue of anger from the prank that had disrupted the morning's peace. Known for his unforgiving nature towards those who crossed him, Snape had a long history of being the butt of jokes during his own school days at the hands of the Marauders, which only deepened his disdain for such antics.
Harry caught Snape's glare and braced himself, understanding that he, perhaps along with the rest of the class, might bear the brunt of Snape's bad mood today.
As soon as everyone had settled into their seats, Snape commenced the lesson with a roll call, his voice dripping with disdain each time he called out a name. However, when he reached Harry's name, his tone took on a particularly venomous edge.
"Hadrian Potter," he sneered as if the very name left a bitter taste in his mouth. "It appears we're graced with a 'celebrity' among us, attempting to walk in his famous younger brother's footsteps. I'm baffled as to how you managed to persuade the Sorting Hat to place you among the house of the intelligent. Rest assured, I'll be keeping a close eye on you—no mischief will be tolerated in my class."
The change in Snape's demeanor when addressing Harry caught the other first-years off guard, sparking whispers and puzzled glances. Harry's friends, equally bewildered, looked to him for an explanation, but Harry subtly signaled them to hold their questions for later to avoid provoking Snape further.
Once the roll call was complete, Snape turned to face the class, his eyes as dark and chilling as a bottomless abyss.
"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potionmaking," he began. He spoke in barely more than a whisper, but they caught every word. "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."
A hush fell over the classroom, punctuated by Snape's piercing gaze sweeping over his students.
"Potion-making," Snape continued, "stands as one of the oldest magic arts. It is the most versatile out of any branch of magic. If done correctly, you can bring someone back from the edge of death, turn someone invisible, even bottle luck."
As Snape delved deeper into the essence of potion-making, Harry couldn't help but acknowledge Snape's profound knowledge of the subject. Despite this, Snape's delivery underscored his reluctance to teach.
Every time he spoke, Snape glared resentfully at the class as if he was offended by having to teach students who didn't meet his high standards.
Harry had heard from older students that Snape was great at making potions. Yet, Snape didn't seem to like teaching or getting the students interested. It seemed like he just wanted to get through the lessons fast and didn't care much about making students love potion-making.
Suddenly, Snape turned his attention to Harry, challenging him with a question, "Where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"
Harry calmly replied, "A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat"
Snape responded skeptically, "Lucky guess. Now, tell me the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"
Without hesitation, Harry answered, "There's no difference. They're the same plant, also known as aconite."
Pushing further, Snape asked, "And what happens if wolfsbane is taken incorrectly?"
Harry simply stated, "It poisons the person who takes it."
Harry remembered from his past life that Snape's questions had deeper meanings, suggesting Snape played the complex role of protector and spy. But Harry was not ready to overlook the past, especially Snape's part in his grandparents' demise.
However, Harry was open to giving Snape a chance at redemption. Not through spying though. Harry wanted Snape to redeem himself by using his potion skills for the good of the wizarding world. Snape was undeniably talented in potion-making, far more than being a spy or a Death Eater. Yet, Harry's future opinions would depend heavily on Snape's actions at Hogwarts.
At that moment, Snape was visibly frustrated. He had hoped to embarrass Harry, thereby venting some of his own frustration. But instead, Harry's correct answers only gave him more opportunities to demonstrate his knowledge, much to Snape's chagrin.
Snape's annoyance grew with each smile Harry offered after answering correctly. The morning's prank still fresh in his mind, Snape's irritation boiled over, and he sought to put Harry in his place.
In a moment of heightened tension, Harry, sensing Snape's brewing malice and guessing his next move, subtly lifted his hand to show Snape a specific finger. This wasn't just any gesture—it was a calculated one, displaying the prominent Potter Heir ring.
Snape's brewing storm of anger came to an abrupt halt. He had been on the verge of launching a discreet Legilimency attack on Harry, a tactic covert enough that no one would question Harry's sudden discomfort or fainting in class. It would have been a perfect way for Snape to discipline Harry without drawing any blame upon himself.
However, the sight of the Potter Heir ring on Harry's finger stopped Snape cold. Snape was well aware of the ring's capabilities. While the ring couldn't block a mental intrusion, it could record any attempt of such an attack. Given Snape's unique skill set, he would be the prime suspect if the ring logged such an incident. Snape, despite his disdain for Sirius Black, recognized the trouble the man could cause if he decided to act on this evidence.
Harry felt both relieved and disappointed when Snape stopped himself. Angry at how Snape was treating him but also knowing that Dumbledore would protect Snape, Harry understood that fighting back directly would not solve anything.
Dumbledore's support for Snape and the tricky nature of proving a mental attack even with the ring evidence meant Snape would probably not face any consequences. The only consequence Snape could face was pureblood families started doubting him and not wanting him to teach their kids. But that wouldn't help Harry in any way and the mind attack would also reveal the fact that he was a Master Occlumens to Snape and Dumbledore.
So, Harry decided to show the ring and stop Snape before he could do anything. It was a sad reflection of what Harry had to do just to hide some of his strengths, but it was the best way to avoid trouble and fight in the shadows.
Frustrated yet unable to act against Harry, Snape redirected his ire towards the entire class.
"Stop staring!" Snape barked suddenly. "A bezoar, for those of you who don't know, is a stone found in a goat's stomach and can counteract most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are indeed the same plant, also known as aconite. Well? Why aren't you all copying that down?"
The class scrambled for their quills and papers in a rush. Snape, was clearly irked but had no grounds to penalize Harry. Harry had indicated with the way he acted that he was aware of his rights, suggesting any unfair deduction of points would be contested.
"Now, open your textbooks to the first chapter," Snape instructed, a hint of resignation in his voice. "There, you'll find the recipe for the Pepperup Potion. I expect a sample from each of you by the end of today's session."
The students hesitated, not accustomed to such an abrupt start to a practical lesson without any prior theoretical introduction. Confused, they opened their textbooks, only to realize they had no idea how to proceed. The instructions seemed like gibberish: which ingredients to chop, how they looked, or the correct way to stir the cauldron remained mysteries.
Faced with no support from Snape, the class decided to fend for themselves. They ventured to the supply cabinets, trying to match ingredients to those listed in their recipe.
Harry wanted to help his classmates but knew better. Snape's hawk-like gaze was fixed on him, eagerly awaiting a misstep as an excuse to dock points. So, Harry concentrated solely on his potion.
As the class progressed, it was evident this session comprised mostly of cautious students from Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Although errors were made, there were no disastrous outcomes like explosions or toxic fumes.
Snape went around, scolding everyone for the mistakes they made. This approach, while far from inspiring, was at least somewhat a way of teaching.
About two hours later, the potions were bottled and handed over to Snape, and the students left the dungeon with much lower moods.
Reflecting on the lesson, Harry concluded Snape's presence at Hogwarts was doing more harm than good. He understood Snape might be important for Dumbledore as a spy in Voldemort's ranks, but having someone who doesn't like teaching to lead a crucial subject like Potions was not good for the wizarding world.
Harry could bet that the number of Healers, Aurors, and Potion masters in Britain should have drastically gone down since Snape started teaching at Hogwarts.
Harry wasn't sure if Snape always taught like this or if it was just because he was mad about the prank. Either way, it wasn't right to teach the first potions class like that.
Snape probably didn't enjoy staying at Hogwarts either, but he stayed for the protection it offered. Without Dumbledore's protection, Snape would be questioned under Veritaserum about his past as a Death Eater, and even his skills in Occlumency couldn't save him from that since the ministry had ways around that.
Snape would probably prefer working quietly in a potion lab rather than teaching. But the mistakes from his past meant he was stuck at Hogwarts, teaching students he didn't seem to enjoy teaching.
After the class, everyone felt drained but relieved that they had no more classes for the day. The general feeling about potions class was pretty negative, and the thought of enduring more sessions with Snape was something they all dreaded.
Harry could have offered his help, but he knew he wasn't responsible for tutoring his classmates. While he was willing to clarify their doubts, taking over Snape's teaching duties wasn't something he was prepared to do. Besides, Harry had his own studies to focus on and simply didn't have the time to teach others.
He did take a moment to share with his friends some background on the bad blood between his father, his godfather, and Snape. He explained that because of this history, he needed to tread carefully in potions class, as Snape was just looking for a reason to dock points. Harry emphasized the importance of staying out of trouble in Snape's class.
Later, the Ravenclaws decided to hit the library to brush up on their potions knowledge. They understood that they would have to learn much of it on their own.
Harry excused himself from joining them, claiming he had other commitments. He headed towards his private study space, the Room of Requirement, eager to dive back into his own studies.
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