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20.16% Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian / Chapter 74: Chapter 74: "Sorting"

Chapter 74: Chapter 74: "Sorting"

The first-year students, wide-eyed and filled with wonder, made their way to the front of the Great Hall, eagerly anticipating the moment that would define their next seven years at Hogwarts. Amidst the quiet murmur of the hall, a soft cough echoed, drawing everyone's attention to a seemingly ordinary hat perched on a stool before the teachers' podium.

This was no ordinary hat, however; it was the renowned Sorting Hat, famous not only for its pivotal role in sorting new students into their respective houses but also for its annual song.

With a flourish, the hat burst into its latest composition, a tradition that marked the beginning of every school year.

The song, crafted with care over the course of the year, began with a self boast about the sorting hat's wisdom and insight, then continued into the description of each house's core virtues.

While the song resonated with the younger members of the audience, enchanting them with tales of bravery, loyalty, intelligence, and ambition, Harry found it somewhat lacking. To him, it seemed tailored more to the tastes of children, failing to stir any particular fondness in him.

As the final notes of the Sorting Hat's performance faded, a polite round of applause filled the hall. Professor McGonagall, holding a lengthy scroll with the names of all the first-year students, stepped forward. Clearing her throat, she announced that she would begin calling names, instructing each named student to approach the podium for their sorting. 

She began the ceremony by calling out, "Allen, Ray."

A muggle-born boy, clearly nervous, stepped up to the podium. With a reassuring smile, McGonagall gestured for him to sit on the stool and placed the voluminous Sorting Hat atop his head, enveloping him completely.

A hush fell over the Great Hall, punctuated only by the murmur of the hat as it deliberated. Then, for all to hear, it announced, "Hufflepuff!"

The Hufflepuff table burst into applause and cheers, welcoming Ray as his robes magically transformed to reflect his new house colors. Grinning, he hurried to join his new housemates, while McGonagall proceeded with the next name.

Roger Davies was next, a name Harry recognized. As expected, he was sorted into Ravenclaw, moving to his house's table with a confident stride.

"Diggory, Cedric," McGonagall called a few names later, drawing Harry's attention. Harry offered a supportive smile as Cedric approached the stool with composure.

"Hufflepuff!" was the hat's declaration. Cedric removed the hat, his smile broadening as the hall cheered. He then made his way to the Hufflepuff table, taking a seat near Ray Allen.

As the sorting continued, Harry observed the number of new students in his batch. The group was small, about thirty, reflecting the impact of the last war on wizarding families. Harry mused that this trend of reduced student numbers might persist for the next few years due to the fact that the war lasted for that many years and wizards fearing for their lives, had no time to make babies.

The sorting ceremony continued and saw familiar faces like Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, and Alicia Spinnet all being sorted into Gryffindor. Other names Harry didn't recognize were dispersed among the houses, with Hufflepuff receiving the most new members so far.

"Potter, Hadrian," Professor McGonagall's voice echoed in the Great Hall, pulling Harry back from his wandering thoughts.

The mention of his name caused an immediate hush, followed by a murmur of whispers among the students. Harry knew the whispers were likely due to him being the rumored brother of the Boy-Who-Lived or due to his recent emancipation news, perhaps both.

Walking to the stool with a casual demeanor, Harry ignored the eyes he felt on him, especially the gaze of Professor Snape and Dumbledore. Harry could bet their gazes would be filled with annoyance or anger.

The moment the Sorting Hat settled on his head, Harry was met with an unexpected internal conversation.

"A bright mind I see, and sturdy shields for Occlumency. Would you mind lowering them, or shall I attempt to bypass them? It might take a moment," the Hat proposed inside Harry's mind.

"If you try, I'll remove you and walk away. You're too close to Dumbledore for my comfort to access my thoughts," Harry retorted firmly.

The Hat reassured him, "Fear not, Mr Potter. My duty is to the school, and your secrets are safe with me. I must delve into your mind to sort you properly."

Harry, however, remained unconvinced. "No, I can't risk it. Why don't you just ask me questions, and based on my answers, decide my house? I'm indifferent to the outcome; it's merely seven years of school."

The Hat hesitated, "I cannot easily break tradition. It's typically a swift process."

Harry stood his ground firmly, wary of the Sorting Hat potentially revealing his many secrets. He wasn't willing to risk Dumbledore learning anything more about him through the Sorting Hat.

"Let's not remove me just yet," the Hat quickly said, sensing Harry's determination to remove it from his head. "Given your unique stance, I'll make an exception. But let's keep this adjustment between us. Now, let's move on to some questions. How do you perceive the houses, Mr Potter?"

Harry explained, "My original views aligned somewhat with your song, yet how you've sorted students over the years has changed my opinion about the various houses. Gryffindor now seems suited for the bold and somewhat reckless, Ravenclaw for those who cherish knowledge and solitude, Slytherin for the ambitious, often under familial pressure, and Hufflepuff serves as a haven for everyone else."

The Hat acknowledged, "Ah, a keen mind indeed, Mr. Potter. Of late, ensuring children find their place, not feel alienated, and meeting their parents' expectations, has been pivotal in my sorting. It's a grave matter when a child fears disappointing their loved ones. So, where do you see yourself?"

Harry responded, "Gryffindor's bustle doesn't appeal to me, and Hufflepuff may lack the privacy I crave. Slytherin... well, I'd rather not fuel rumors of becoming the next Dark Lord. That leaves Ravenclaw as my preference."

"Indeed, your logic is sound," the Hat concluded. "While Slytherin could be fitting, your concerns hold weight. Therefore, it's decided – better be RAVENCLAW!" This final word, the Hat proclaimed aloud for the hall to hear.

Harry removed the Sorting Hat with a sense of achievement, handed it back to Professor McGonagall, and hurried towards the Ravenclaw table.

The Ravenclaws welcomed him with open arms, their chants of "We got Potter" filling the hall with excitement. While the Ravenclaws around him extended their congratulations, their curiosity was piqued by the length of Harry's conversation with the Hat.

To their inquiries about the delay, Harry offered a cryptic response about discussing the meaning of life with the Sorting Hat, which, though unsatisfying, ended their probing.

Harry really didn't think his bold move with the Sorting Hat would actually pay off. He had brainstormed several strategies about how his sorting might unfold, focusing on whether the Hat could directly dive into his memories. Harry's main worry was if the Hat managed to read his thoughts, there was a chance, it might share his secrets with Dumbledore.

To Harry's relief, the Hat couldn't directly access his memories, prompting him to activate his plan B: threatening to leave Hogwarts if the Hat tried anything funny. Surprisingly, this tactic worked.

Harry figured that if the Hat couldn't peek into his mind in an instant, it wasn't as powerful as he'd assumed, which also meant there was a risk his secrets could end up in Dumbledore's lap. Not willing to take that chance, Harry stood his ground, ready to walk out if pushed into a corner, hoping Dumbledore would intervene to keep him at Hogwarts.

In the end, Harry was glad his gamble succeeded; otherwise, he'd have been stuck continuing his education at home or possibly seeking schooling abroad.

After a short while, the sorting ceremony concluded. Harry watched as his companions from the Hogwarts Express found their new homes within Hogwarts. Reginald was sorted into Ravenclaw, joining Harry, and the girls, Arabella and Elvinia, were placed in Slytherin, as Harry had somewhat anticipated.

The Weasley twins, Fred and George, landed in Gryffindor, a decision that surprised no one. Slytherin welcomed two new members, Adrian Pucey and Cassius Warrington. Harry wasn't familiar with either boy, but he got the sense that Adrian might be alright, whereas Cassius gave off the air of a potential troublemaker for the year.

With the sorting out of the way, Headmaster Dumbledore rose to speak. He delivered a few words that made no sense and then signaled for the start of the feast.

The tables were magically filled with a vast assortment of British cuisine. Harry, whose palate had been refined by the international dishes Mira prepared, was less than thrilled by the offerings. The prospect of dining on this fare for the next seven years was not appealing, but given his rigorous physical training and the need for sustenance, he began to eat.

Thanks to the security measures imbued in his Potter heir status, Harry was confident that his food was safe from any harmful potions or tampering—a necessary precaution at a school known for its mischievous pranksters who might slip something into the meals.

Chapter 75: Chapter 75: "Professors and Ravenclaw Common Room"

As Harry wrapped up his dinner, his gaze wandered to the staff table, where the professors were also enjoying their meal. Among them, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was impossible to miss. His high-backed chair and the vibrant, shiny robes he wore set him apart from the others.

Harry had already formed an opinion about the headmaster – seeing him as a politician, manipulative, and willing to do anything for the so-called greater good. So, he didn't spend much time watching Dumbledore and instead scanned the rest of the professors.

The faculty was largely as Harry remembered from the canon. Minerva McGonagall served both as the Transfiguration teacher and the Head of Gryffindor House. Harry planned to maintain a distance from her, knowing her close ties to Dumbledore.

Pomona Sprout, the Herbology teacher, also carried the role of Hufflepuff Head. She seemed kind and approachable.

Filius Flitwick, the Charms teacher, was the Head of Ravenclaw. Known as a dueling champion in his younger days, Harry was eager to learn if he could coax some dueling tips out of him.

Then there was Severus Snape, the Potions master and Head of Slytherin House. Harry anticipated challenges with Snape and was ready to retaliate if Snape caused any problems. Snape's actions had contributed significantly to his grandparents' demise, and Harry had no plans to forgive him as easily as his book counterpart did, despite any regrets Snape might have or his love for his childhood crush.

Furthermore, with Lily still alive in this world, Harry was curious—and wary—about how Snape would behave once the war arose again.

Then there were the Professors for other subjects. Septima Vector was in charge of Arithmancy, and Bathsheda Babbling was in charge of the Study of Ancient Runes. Aurora Sinistra took the night sky as her domain in Astronomy. Care of Magical Creatures was under the old and enthusiastic Silvanus Kettleburn, while Sybill Trelawney wasted everyone's time with Divination. Hagrid, the gentle giant, kept his role as the gamekeeper, not yet a teacher of magical creatures.

Quirinus Quirrell, who currently taught Muggle Studies, had yet to encounter his dark future with Voldemort.

Overseeing the broomstick lessons was Rolanda Hooch, with her sharp eyes and whistle always ready. The library was the realm of Irma Pince, guarding her books fiercely, while Madam Pomfrey healed wounds and soothed fevers in the hospital wing.

This year's Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA) professor caught Harry's eye, not for good reasons. His shabby appearance and demeanor immediately signaled to Harry that this was yet another temporary holder of the cursed position. Harry couldn't be bothered to learn his name, considering the professor would likely exit Hogwarts by year's end, as all DADA teachers had since the curse.

The existence of the DADA curse, allegedly cast by Voldemort, puzzled Harry. It seemed odd that neither Dumbledore nor the Hogwarts board had effectively addressed it. Surely, the combined efforts of the best curse-breakers from Gringotts and the Ministry should overcome any curse, even one cast by Voldemort.

Absent from the feast was the ghostly Professor Binns, confined to the History of Magic classroom. Harry figured the less said about him, the better, given his notoriously dull and outdated lectures that could put even a ghost to sleep.

After the feast concluded, Dumbledore rose to introduce the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Barnaby Fletcher. Harry wasn't particularly impressed; Fletcher seemed to lack any notable credentials, raising doubts about his effectiveness. The name "Fletcher" itself hinted at potential trouble, but Harry hoped this professor wouldn't cause the same issues as other DADA professors in the canon.

Dumbledore then shifted the evening towards announcements. "Firstly," he began, addressing the hall with a reminder from Mr. Filch about the prohibition of magic in the corridors. His voice carried a hint of mischief, which Harry found more annoying than endearing.

The headmaster continued, "Additionally, the second week of term will see the tryouts for your house Quidditch teams. Sign-up sheets will be available in your common rooms, though I must note that only students from the second year and above are eligible to participate." Harry listened with mild interest; Quidditch would have to wait for another year. Harry had no hopes of getting the special pass from Dumbledore like the canon Harry.

Dumbledore's next caution was a familiar one: "I find myself needing to remind you all once more that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits. It houses creatures that are far from benign, some of which pose considerable danger." 

The evening concluded with the Hogwarts school song, a tradition Harry found boring and annoying. The Weasley twins, Fred and George, seemed to delight in the song, adding their own flair to it. Harry, however, remained silent, firmly deciding against participating in the singing.

As the song ended, the prefects rose, gathering the first-year students. Forming an orderly line, the group followed their leaders to the Ravenclaw tower. Along the way, they passed enchanting moving portraits that greeted them with waves and remarks. The fifth-year prefects leading the way took the opportunity to point out significant locations within the castle, providing a brief orientation for the newcomers. 

Upon reaching the fifth floor, the group of first-year Ravenclaws was directed to a corridor ending with a notable door. This door, distinct from others throughout Hogwarts, boasted a bronze eagle knocker at its center, signaling the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room.

The girl prefect took a moment to explain the uniqueness of their house's entrance. "Unlike other houses that use passwords, Ravenclaw values intellect above all. This eagle knocker will pose a riddle, and only by solving it will you gain access. Fail, and you'll be left outside until a kinder soul aids you," she remarked, a hint of disdain in her voice for those who might struggle with this intellectual challenge.

As if on cue, the boy prefect knocked, prompting the knocker to articulate a riddle. Reginald provided the correct answer with ease, impressing his peers and granting them entry.

Harry quickly realized he might have made a mistake choosing Ravenclaw. Even though solving the riddles to enter wasn't hard, having to answer a riddle every single time he wanted to sneak back in was going to be a problem. Harry had plans to sneak out for training sessions in the Room of Requirement, and this riddle system made that much harder.

He had totally forgotten that Ravenclaw's entrance worked this way and now thought maybe Slytherin would have been an easier choice for his sneaky plans. Still, regretting it wasn't going to help. Harry hoped he could figure out some sort of workaround to this riddle issue.

Walking into the Ravenclaw common room, Harry was struck by its spacious and airy feel. The room, bathed in the house colors of bronze and blue, was filled with comfortable couches and armchairs perfect for relaxing and reading. Large arched windows offered stunning views of the outside, and the curtains fluttered softly, adding to the serene atmosphere. A statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, the house's founder, stood proudly by the entrance to the dormitories, symbolizing the wisdom and intellect that defined Ravenclaw.

A small library to the side was an added treat, promising hours of exploration and learning for the students. The prefects quickly briefed everyone on the house rules and curfew times before showing the first years to their dorms.

In the Ravenclaw Tower, just like in Gryffindor, two staircases divided the way to the boys' and girls' dormitories, each spreading across seven floors to accommodate students from respective years. The first floor was designated for the first years, ascending up to the seventh for the seniors. 

The dormitory for the first-year boys was surprisingly spacious, divided into three distinct sections. Each section came equipped with its own bed, cupboard, and study table, catering to the fact that there were only three boys in Ravenclaw's first year: Harry, Reginald, and Roger.

Harry entered first and immediately chose the bed nearest to the door, preferring easy access for his frequent night-time escapades. Roger and Reginald settled on the remaining beds without fuss. With everyone's living arrangements sorted, it was time for formal introductions.

The dark-haired boy introduced himself as "Roger Davies," to which Harry responded in kind. Reginald, already acquainted with Harry from their train journey, exchanged a friendly greeting with Roger.

Roger, intrigued upon hearing Harry's name, asked about his background. Harry, anticipating he would be sharing the next seven years with Roger, patiently answered his questions, eager to maintain a harmonious relationship from the outset.

Being Ravenclaws, both Roger and Reginald exhibited a reserved demeanor. Following brief introductions and a light conversation about their families, the boys turned their attention to unpacking. 

The house elves had delivered Roger and Reginald's trunks to the room, while Harry produced his trunk from his pocket and enlarged it with a spell, earning an impressed glance from both of his new roommates.

Exhaustion from the day's events soon took over, and after settling in, the trio exchanged goodnights and retreated to their beds for some much-needed rest.

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