After returning to the Black Castle from their trip to Gringotts, Sirius had to quickly head back to work. He had only planned to take a half-day off, but their visit took longer than expected because Harry spent extra time choosing a wand. This meant Harry would have to wait until Sirius could return to discuss how the Blacks planned to protect him from his parents, who still legally had control over him.
With some time to himself, Harry decided to examine his new ring. Heir rings from wizarding families are known for their powerful magical abilities. Not only do they offer protection from being arrested without cause, but they can also detect if someone is trying to read your thoughts if you've been poisoned, or if there are other dangers nearby. The most important feature of the ring is its ability to choose the rightful heir of the family. Harry found these rings fascinating, especially since they were made a long time ago by skilled enchanters, a craft that is believed to be lost.
Harry looked forward to the day he could claim the Lord's ring, which would give him access to the Potter family's secrets, their manor, and their wealth. However, he knew he had to wait until he was 17, when wizards come of age before the ring would even consider him for the position of family lord.
The rest of the day flew by as Harry got back to his studies. Despite being far ahead of other kids his age, he felt compelled to keep pushing forward.
That evening, after a hearty dinner, Harry sat down with Sirius and Arcturus to have his questions answered.
Arcturus started the conversation by asking Harry if he ever wondered why they allowed him to pursue his studies so aggressively, far beyond what is typical for children his age.
Harry was caught off guard by the question. He hadn't really thought about it, assuming it was the norm. "I just thought that's how it was supposed to be," Harry responded. "Finish one thing and move on to the next. I was under the impression all kids from ancient families started their studies early."
Sirius clarified that while it's true kids from their kind of families start learning early, they usually only cover the basics at first. "It's rare for someone your age to delve so deeply into their studies," he said. "A little bit of studying before Hogwarts is fine, but diving into advanced magic can be risky for someone still growing."
Arcturus then encouraged Harry to consider why it might be dangerous for children to engage in magic beyond their age level.
As Harry pondered this, he realized the risks of performing advanced magic with an undeveloped magical core. The potential damage to his magic channels, possibly preventing him from ever using magic again, was a chilling thought.
Arcturus explained further, "That's why I had you practice each new spell you learned repeatedly, even after you seemed to have mastered it. It wasn't just about getting the spell right but also making sure your magical pathways were strong enough to handle the spells' demands."
Harry recalled feeling frustrated by Arcturus's methods. He had started his magical education at seven, hoping to quickly advance through his lessons given his previous life's knowledge. However, four years in, he had only completed coursework equivalent to five years at Hogwarts, a slower pace than he had expected. This was because Arcturus had him practice each spell many times before moving on, which Harry had assumed was preparation for silent and wandless casting. Only now did he understand the real reason was to ensure his safety as his magical abilities developed.
The magic core inside every witch or wizard acts as a reservoir for magical energy, which they use to cast spells or draw upon the ambient magical energy around them. When this reserve is depleted, they experience magical exhaustion and must rest to replenish their energy before casting more spells. Moreover, the magical channels or veins that run throughout a wizard's body are crucial for distributing magic to where it's needed for casting, whether through a wand or directly from the hands for wandless magic.
As a wizard matures, so do these magical channels, becoming more capable of handling larger flows of magic. However, if a wizard attempts a spell that requires more magic than their channels can safely manage, it could cause serious damage, like rupturing these channels and possibly rendering a part of their body incapable of magical function.
Understanding this, Harry felt grateful for Arcturus's careful guidance. He appreciated having a teacher who knew so much about magic and prioritized his long-term well-being.
If it hadn't been for Arcturus, Cordelia, and the others, Harry might have attempted spells that were too advanced, risking his future as a wizard.
Sirius reassured Harry, "We're family, Harry. We'll always look out for you." He then explained they had been working on a solution for the legal guardianship issue from the day they found Harry. They discovered several potential solutions, but most were not suitable.
Arcturus explained one option was to challenge the guardianship in the Wizengamot, which could have legally separated Harry from his parents based on their actions. However, this would publicly expose everything that happened to Harry, something they wanted to avoid to protect the Potter family name and Harry's privacy.
Another possibility was seeking asylum in another country, but that would require giving up Harry's rights in Britain, conflicting with his goal to restore the Potter family's reputation.
The best option turned out to be early emancipation, which required Harry to pass his OWL exams. There wasn't a minimum age requirement for emancipation—just passing the OWLs in the required subjects would suffice. Given Harry's advanced magical abilities, they were confident he could easily pass these exams.
However, one complication was that emancipation typically requires the consent of the current legal guardians, which in Harry's case were James and Lily Potter. This initially seemed like a significant hurdle, given their current guardianship rights.
But Sirius had a plan. "Since I'm your legal godfather, we thought we might use my consent as a way to get you emancipated," he explained. "However, this could alert your parents and give them a chance to object. So, we need to act quickly and quietly to make sure everything is settled before they can intervene."
Harry was curious about what he needed to do next. "So, how do we make this happen fast?"
Sirius assured him, "You don't need to worry about anything. All we need is for three members of the Wizengamot to sign off on your application for emancipation. Arcturus will use the Black family's vote, Amelia will use the Bones family's vote, and we just need one more. With a little persuasion, finding a third supporter shouldn't be too difficult."
Harry suggested, "What about the Longbottoms? Could they help?"
"That's an excellent idea," Sirius agreed. "They're not as close to the Potters and Dumbledore anymore, so they might be willing to support your application, especially considering the debt they feel they owe you."
Arcturus added, "If for some reason the Longbottoms can't help, I'm sure we can secure the third vote another way. But it's better to avoid involving too many others to keep this matter as private as possible."
With the plan laid out, all Harry needed to do was pass his OWL exams. "Should I take all of them?" Harry wondered, feeling confident in his ability to excel.
Sirius advised against it, suggesting, "Just take the minimum required subjects. It's better not to draw too much attention to yourself, and you don't want to limit your options for Hogwarts and beyond by completing all your OWLs now."
Arcturus agreed, "It's important to balance your achievements so you can still have a normal school experience. Excelling in a few subjects will suffice, and you can focus on making friends and enjoying your time at Hogwarts."
Feeling relieved and excited about the future, Harry decided to follow their advice. He would choose three subjects to focus on for his OWLs, taking the exams in December during the school holidays. This would not only secure his emancipation but also allow him to continue his education and life without the shadow of his parents' legal control hanging over him.
With a plan in place, Harry felt a renewed sense of purpose and optimism. The thought of gaining his independence and moving forward on his terms filled him with determination. Thanks to the support and guidance of Sirius, Arcturus, and his other mentors, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with confidence and resolve.
After the plan was set, Harry only needed to focus on taking his exams. The OWLs, or Ordinary Wizarding Levels, had two main locations for testing within the UK: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for its students, and the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Education for everyone else. Harry, not being a Hogwarts student yet, had to opt for the Ministry.
He had two opportunities to take the exams: one during the summer break in July and the other during the winter holidays in December. Harry chose the December slot, wanting to get it done sooner rather than later.
After careful consideration and advice from Arcturus, Harry chose to take his OWLs in Arithmancy, History of Magic, and Muggle Studies. These subjects were primarily theoretical, allowing Harry to demonstrate his knowledge without drawing undue attention. They were also subjects that many bright students could pass easily, ensuring Harry's success wouldn't seem too out of the ordinary to his future classmates.
With over two months to prepare, Harry stuck to his regular study routine, diving into the sixth-year Hogwarts curriculum. He also had to visit Ollivanders a week later to get his new wand which he was pretty excited about.
A week later, Harry headed back to Ollivander's shop. His visit was timed for the evening to ensure that he could pick up his wand after Ollivander had completed the necessary adjustments. The streets of Diagon Alley were mostly deserted by the time Harry arrived, giving the place a quiet, almost eerie atmosphere. Harry had hoped to be there earlier, but a message from Ollivander mentioned needing a little more time to finalize the wand.
Upon entering the shop, the elderly wandmaker emerged from the back, holding a beautifully crafted box. The marine blue exterior of the box, coupled with its standard white bottom, signaled that the wand within was ready and waiting for Harry.
Ollivander, with a grand gesture, unveiled the wand, and Harry immediately felt a surge of excitement. Just by looking at it, he could tell it was special.
The wand, crafted from polished blackthorn wood, had a series of natural bumps running along its length, much like the legendary Elder Wand, giving it a formidable appearance. It measured 11 inches and featured a pointed tip and a crafted grip at the base, with one of the bumps highlighted by a silver band.
"11 inches, Blackthorn, thunderbird feather core. A powerful wand for an equally powerful wizard," Ollivander announced as he handed the wand to Harry.
Grasping the wand, Harry experienced an extraordinary sensation, as if a wave of energy surged through him. It was an experience unlike any he had with other wands, marking this wand as uniquely his. The air shimmered with red and blue sparks emanating from the wand's tip, illuminating the dimly lit room.
"This is exactly what I envisioned. Perfect," the wand maker whispered to himself. Harry, overjoyed with his new wand, paid Ollivander the remaining balance. He couldn't wait to show Sirius his new wand and get back to his studies.
In the weeks leading up to the OWL exams, Harry found himself deeply immersed in his spellwork, thanks to his new wand. The advanced spells he practiced flowed more smoothly than ever before, and it seemed like the wand made magic more efficient, using less magical energy for each spell. This wand was a perfect match for Harry, and he was thrilled with how effortlessly he could now perform his favorite spells. With no further use for the wand he had been borrowing, Harry handed it back to Arcturus, who arranged for it to be cleaned and maintained before placing it back in the collection of the Black family's wands.
As the OWL exams approached, Harry spent the last week before the exams focusing on revising his chosen subjects. The subjects were a breeze for him, but Muggle Studies presented a unique challenge. Harry found himself having to think backwards, to ensure his answers matched the often skewed perspective the wizarding world held about Muggles. It was a strange exercise, writing answers he knew were factually incorrect, but necessary to meet the examiners' expectations.
When the day of the exam finally arrived, everything was set. Sirius had sorted out all the necessary paperwork, so Harry's job was simply to write the exams and return home. Amelia Bones was chosen to accompany Harry to the Ministry instead of Sirius, to avoid drawing attention and raising questions that could alert Dumbledore to their plans. Amelia, with her significant influence at the Ministry, was the perfect choice to navigate any potential obstacles they might encounter.
That morning, Harry and Amelia used the floo network from the Bones Manor, directly linked to the Ministry due to Amelia's position. This was much more convenient than using the more public entrance from the muggle world via the telephone booth. Their choice of entry was part of going openly, without the need to sneak around.
Harry's experience at the Ministry was smooth, thanks to Amelia's presence.
They arrived through the Floo network, landing right at the Ministry's Atrium on level 8. Harry's first task was to check in at a booth for his visitor's badge. It was a straightforward process, and soon Harry had a shiny silver badge pinned to his chest, clearly stating his name and the reason for his visit: the OWL exams.
Only after getting his badge did Harry really take in his surroundings. Despite having spent a good amount of time in the magical world by now, the Atrium's grandeur caught him off guard.
The place was bustling with activity. People hustled across the polished dark wood floor, while paper airplanes whizzed above, carrying messages from one ministry department to another. The Atrium stretched out impressively long before him, its peacock-blue ceiling adorned with golden symbols that shifted and changed, reminiscent of a vast, celestial announcement board.
The walls, gleaming with shiny dark wood, housed numerous gilded fireplaces. Wizards and witches popped out from the left-hand fireplaces, while others lined up on the right, waiting for their turn to whisk away.
In the middle of the Atrium stood the Fountain of Magical Brethren. This fountain featured a group of golden statues - a wizard, a witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house-elf - all elegantly spouting water into a shimmering pool below. Further down, at the Atrium's end, were golden gates guarded by a security stand. Harry, with Amelia's assistance, checked in his brand-new wand there before heading towards the lifts.
They were bound for the Department of Magical Education, where Harry would sit for his exams. Amelia effortlessly handled all the necessary permissions for Harry's entry, escorting him to the room where he would be tested. The entire process felt surreal to Harry, yet Amelia's presence and the efficient flow of their movements through the Ministry made everything seem perfectly ordinary.
Harry blended in quite well with the other examinees, looking more like a slightly shorter 15-year-old rather than his actual age. This helped him avoid drawing undue attention, as his visitor badge did not disclose his age.
The other students there seemed to be either from less wealthy backgrounds, unable to afford Hogwarts or other schools, or from old families preferring private tuition over institutional education. Harry noticed he was unique in his situation, taking the exams earlier than usual.
The examination days were spread out, with Harry needing to attend on three separate occasions due to his choice of subjects. To his surprise, the exam hall was enormous, akin to fitting a football stadium inside, with each student's desk spaced five meters apart in every direction to prevent any possibility of cheating.
The invigilators did not move around much. They kept a watchful eye from their elevated positions, ensuring the integrity of the exams. Harry, experienced in taking exams from his past life, found the process quite straightforward. The expansive setup of the exam hall and the distance between the desks made any attempt at peeking futile.
Amelia was always there, waiting outside, ready to assist with any complications, but their thorough preparation ensured that none arose. Harry completed each of his exams smoothly, marking a crucial step towards his goal of gaining independence and securing his future without any hitches. Each successful exam day brought Harry closer to the freedom he sought, a testament to the meticulous planning and support from Sirius, Amelia and the rest of his family.
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