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92.3% The Knight of Seirin / Chapter 12: Jealousy

Chapter 12: Jealousy

Riko scoured the house, her movements swift and purposeful. She checked under the cluttered coffee table in the living room, rifled through the drawers in the kitchen, and even peeked into the seldom-used guest room, all in search of one elusive item. Her search led her finally to the one place she hadn't checked: her father's office.

The office was a reflection of her father's personality—organized yet filled with memorabilia from various sports, not just basketball. Trophies and certificates adorned the walls, alongside framed photos of memorable moments in sports history. The desk, large and imposing, was neatly arranged with papers and a laptop, and behind it, a large bookshelf filled with sports literature and coaching manuals.

As Riko entered, she found her father engrossed in a football match on his computer, an unusual sight given his usual preference for basketball and track events.

"Oh, what are you watching?" Riko asked, curiosity piqued by her father's unexpected interest.

Aida looked up, a smile playing on his lips. "Just watching a replay of last year's U-17 World Cup. Your boyfriend was playing in it."

Riko felt a blush creep up her cheeks. "He's not my boyfriend," she muttered, a mix of embarrassment and annoyance in her voice.

"Good," Aida replied, his tone serious yet teasing. "I wouldn't want just anyone laying hands on you."

Riko sighed, deciding not to engage further on that topic. "I didn't know Ryo played in the World Cup."

"Not just played; he was the star," Aida corrected, his eyes returning to the screen with a hint of admiration.

"Which game is this?" Riko inquired, now genuinely interested as she moved closer to the screen.

"It's Japan versus Germany in the quarterfinals," Aida informed, his gaze fixed on the young athletes battling it out on the field.

As Riko watched, she couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and curiosity. To think that Ryo had stood on such a prestigious international stage, and she had been unaware of this chapter of his life until now. It added a new layer of complexity and admiration to her feelings for him, beyond what she had already felt.

"Can I borrow one of your stopwatches?" Riko finally remembered the reason for her visit to the office, seizing the opportunity to change the subject while her father was momentarily distracted by the game.

Aida nodded, pointing to a drawer on the side. "Take whichever you need."

Riko opened one of the drawers, her attention momentarily diverted. But as she heard the excitement from the game on the screen, her gaze shifted back to the match just in time to see Ryo, wearing the number 7 jersey, receiving the ball. The narrator's voice filled the room with tension and anticipation.

"And here's Ryo Kiro with the ball, galloping down the flank, oh what agility! He dodges one defender, cuts past another two with a brilliant move, and there it is—a cannon shot right into the net! An astounding goal from Kiro, minute 88, 1-0 in favor of Japan. Ryo Kiro has just sent Japan into the semifinals with that incredible strike!"

The narrator's voice rose with each word, capturing the sheer brilliance of Ryo's play. "And look at him celebrate, pointing to the heavens, no doubt dedicating that goal to his brother Kenshin, a talent who had been signed by a Real Madrid affiliate but tragically passed away last year."

Riko's eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. "Ryo had a brother who died?" she whispered, a mixture of shock and sadness in her voice.

Aida, still focused on the replay, nodded. "Yes, died in a car accident in Madrid."

"He never mentioned anything about that," Riko murmured, the revelation adding a layer of depth to Ryo's character she hadn't known existed.

Aida sighed, reflecting on the complexities of grief and loss. "It's probably a subject he doesn't like to remember."

Then, pondering the potential Ryo had shown in football, Aida added, "What I don't understand is why he didn't sign with any club. The big European teams were fighting over him."

Riko remained silent, processing the newfound information and the complexities of Ryo's past. "It's late, Dad," she eventually said, signaling it was time to leave.

"Oh, that's right. You have your training camp starting today," Aida remembered, standing up from his chair. "Well, let's go then."

Ryo, Kuroko, Tomoya, Satoshi, Furihata, Kawahara, and Fukuda stood in front of the school, their backpacks slung over their shoulders, a mix of anticipation and apprehension in the air. Tomoya couldn't help but chastise Kuroko for his lack of punctuality. "You're always sleeping in and making us late!" he complained, his voice a mixture of frustration and jest.

Kuroko, unfazed by the critique, simply replied, "The coach hasn't arrived yet, so I'm safe for now," his calm demeanor in stark contrast to Tomoya's exasperation.

Ryo chimed in, a playful smirk on his face, "You should be thanking me for picking you up. Otherwise, you'd be in real trouble."

As they bantered, the conversation shifted to the upcoming training camp. The general consensus was one of dread, expecting the rigorous days that lay ahead. "This camp is going to be brutal," Furihata groaned, voicing the collective sentiment.

Ryo, ever the optimist, interjected, "Don't get too down about it. We'll be at the beach, after all."

Fukuda, puzzled, asked, "And what's so good about that?"

Ryo's eyes twinkled with mischief as he leaned in, lowering his voice. "Well, there will be girls. Girls in bikinis."

Instantly, the mood among the group shifted. Eyes lit up, and a chorus of enthusiastic affirmations filled the air. "Yes! Ryo, you better hook us up with some numbers," Satoshi exclaimed, the prospect suddenly turning the dreaded camp into an eagerly anticipated event.

Kuroko, however, regarded Ryo with a mixture of surprise and mild disapproval. "I didn't know you thought like that, Ryo."

Ryo just smiled, a mix of embarrassment and amusement in his expression. "Well, I am a man, after all."

It was at this moment that Riko arrived, her timing impeccable, catching the tail end of their conversation. Her expression was one of annoyance, and her voice carried a steely edge as she addressed Ryo. "Ehh, so you're interested in looking at girls, I see, Ryo."

Ryo's smile faltered, and he quickly became a picture of worry. Waving his hands in a gesture of denial, he stammered, "I-I didn't mean it like that."

Riko simply turned her face away, the cold shoulder sending a clear message of her disapproval. 

Kuroko, in his typical calm demeanor, turned to Riko and asked, "Are we ready to leave?"

Riko shook her head, her gaze scanning the vicinity. "Not yet. We're missing two members."

Satoshi's curiosity piqued. "Two more?"

Just then, Kagami and Alex made their entrance, their arrival stirring a wave of excitement among the group. Greetings and cheers erupted as they welcomed Kagami back.

Riko explained, "Kagami will be returning to the United States on Monday, so he'll be helping us out this weekend at the camp." The group nodded, understanding the valuable addition Kagami would be for their training.

Alex, with her characteristic boldness, approached Ryo, her eyes appraising. "Hey, you're pretty cute," she commented, causing Ryo to tense up, taken aback by the direct compliment.

"Who are you?" Ryo managed to ask, his voice laced with nervous curiosity.

Kagami, sensing what was about to happen, hastily tried to intervene. "Ryo, watch out—"

But it was too late. Alex planted a kiss on Ryo, leaving the group in shock. Riko's eyes widened in disbelief as she quickly stepped in, pulling Alex away. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" she demanded, her tone a mix of anger and shock.

Alex shrugged, unfazed. "Just saying hello."

Kagami sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "You really need to drop that habit."

The rest of the team, meanwhile, looked on with a mix of admiration and amusement at Ryo. Furihata, unable to contain his curiosity, asked, "So, how was it?"

Still reeling from the unexpected kiss, Ryo confessed, "I think I felt her tongue." This revelation prompted a round of cheers and laughter from the team, much to Riko's dismay.

With swift precision, Riko tapped each member on the head, her voice stern. "FOCUS, ALL OF YOU. AND YOU, RYO, IF YOU'RE JUST GOING TO WASTE TIME, YOU MIGHT AS WELL GO HOME."

Ryo, genuinely confused by the turn of events and Riko's reaction, looked at Kuroko and asked, "What did I do?"

Kuroko, ever the stoic observer, simply shrugged, embodying the silent acknowledgment that sometimes, in the whirlwind of unexpected moments and reactions, there was no clear answer. 

Upon arriving at the beach house, the entire team was taken aback by the sheer luxury and scale of the property. It stood majestically against the backdrop of the ocean, its windows reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. Whispers and murmurs of astonishment filled the air as they unloaded their gear.

"This doesn't look cheap to rent," one of the team members remarked, unable to hide his awe.

Riko, gathering everyone's attention, revealed, "This place belongs to Ryo's family. They were kind enough to lend it to us for the weekend."

Tomoya, impressed and slightly envious, commented, "Your family must be rolling in dough. Plus, letting us use it, that's awesome."

Ryo shrugged, a hint of discomfort in his voice. "Well, my mom just wants me out of the house, so it was a given she'd lend it to us." His attempt at humor was met with an awkward laugh from Tomoya, highlighting the underlying tensions and complexities within Ryo's family life.

Riko, eager to shift the focus back to the reason they were there, instructed, "Everyone, get changed. We'll start training immediately."

Alex, intrigued by the new setting and the team dynamics, approached Riko with a question about Ryo. "That boy, Ryo, Kagami mentioned he might be interesting. Is he any good?"

Riko responded, "He's talented, but it's more about his physical power than skill. He doesn't have Kagami's natural talent." Her assessment was fair, recognizing Ryo's strengths while also noting the areas where he could improve.

Alex nodded, a gleam of determination in her eyes. "Maybe I can teach him a thing or two then."

Riko, ever vigilant, replied with a hint of caution. "I hope you're talking about basketball."

As the team made their way onto the soft, sun-warmed sand, Ryo was the only one among them without a shirt, his well-defined muscles gleaming under the afternoon sun. It wasn't just for comfort; the heat and the physical exertion of the training ahead warranted as much ease of movement as possible. However, his physique, a testament to hours of rigorous training and natural athleticism, didn't go unnoticed by the passersby on the beach. Women walking by cast admiring glances his way, their eyes lingering with evident fascination.

Riko, witnessing the attention Ryo was garnering, couldn't hide the twinge of jealousy that flickered across her face. Her hands clenched momentarily into fists at her sides before she regained her composure, her gaze sharp and focused.

Ryo, on the other hand, seemed to bask in the attention, a smug smile playing on his lips. He wasn't typically arrogant, but the admiration he was receiving stoked a hint of pride in him, making him stand a little taller, his steps more confident.

Kuroko, ever the observant one, decided to add a bit of humor to the situation. "Ryo, it seems you're more prepared for a modeling career on the beach than basketball training," he remarked, his voice flat but the slight twinkle in his eye betraying his amusement.

Riko, unable to resist, chimed in, her voice laced with a mix of annoyance and jest, "Focus, Ryo. We're here to train, not to flirt. Or do you need a shirt to remind you of that?"

Ryo, catching the hint of jealousy in Riko's tone, couldn't help but tease her further. "What's the matter, Coach? Afraid I'll run off with one of my admirers?" His tone was playful, yet he was careful not to cross the line, his respect for Riko always present.

Riko's response was quick, her competitive spirit coming to the fore. "In your dreams, Ryo. Just remember, no one here can push you harder than I can. Let's see if your admirers are still interested after I'm done with you."

The training session on the beach was nothing short of grueling. Under the scorching sun, the team members each had a tire tied around their waists, the heavy rubber dragging behind them as they ran across the shifting sands. This exercise, designed to build strength and endurance, was a testament to Riko's rigorous training regimen. The soft sand added an extra layer of challenge, each step forward a battle against the natural resistance it provided.

Amidst the sound of the crashing waves and the calls of encouragement and exhaustion from the team, a fierce competition unfolded between Kagami and Ryo. Both were determined to prove their mettle, but it was Ryo who truly stood out. His physique, a perfect blend of power and agility, became more apparent with every stride. He began to gallop, his movements fluid and forceful, pulling ahead of Kagami with surprising ease. The gap between them widened, Ryo's figure cutting a striking silhouette against the horizon.

Alex, who had been watching the spectacle alongside Kuroko and Riko, couldn't hide her admiration. "That kid is all about power," she remarked, her eyes following Ryo's progress across the sand.

Riko, however, was less impressed, or perhaps unwilling to openly praise Ryo's show of strength. "He's just showing off," she commented, though her eyes betrayed a hint of pride in his performance.

Kuroko, always one for insightful observations, added, "I would say he resembles a horse," noting Ryo's galloping run. His comparison drew a smile from Alex and a begrudging nod from Riko, acknowledging the aptness of the description.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the beach, Riko upped the ante with a series of drills specifically designed to maximize their endurance and teamwork under challenging conditions. The next exercise involved sprinting through the sand while passing a basketball back and forth without letting it touch the ground. The catch was that the ball had to be passed with precision, forcing the team to maintain a delicate balance between speed and accuracy.

The players formed two lines, parallel to the shoreline, the distance between them stretching over a hundred meters. The drill commenced with a whistle from Riko, and immediately the air was filled with shouts of coordination and the thump of the basketball being slapped from one pair of hands to another. The ball zigzagged through the air, a blur against the backdrop of the setting sun. Sweat glistened on the players' foreheads, muscles tensed and released with every movement, their focus unwavering even as the fatigue began to set in.

Riko, observing from the sidelines, shouted instructions and encouragement, her voice a steady presence amidst the chaos of the drill. "Communication is key! Keep your passes sharp!" Her eyes were particularly focused on the dynamic duo of Ryo and Kagami, whose competitive spirit had not waned since their earlier showdown. They pushed each other to run faster, pass more accurately, their rivalry a driving force that elevated not only their own performance but also that of their teammates.

The next phase of training involved defensive drills, where the team practiced their footwork and positioning to prevent opponents from breaking through their defenses. The soft sand made their movements more difficult, demanding extra effort to change direction quickly. Ryo, in particular, demonstrated an impressive ability to anticipate and react, his earlier display of raw power complemented by a keen strategic mind.

As the exercise progressed, Riko introduced a game-like scenario, dividing the team into offense and defense, simulating the pressure and unpredictability of an actual game. The offense was tasked with scoring a basket, while the defense worked to block their attempts. This drill not only tested their physical abilities but also their mental acuity and teamwork.

Kuroko, with his almost ghost-like ability to move unnoticed, proved to be an invaluable asset to his team, delivering unexpected passes that caught the defense off guard. Meanwhile, Alex, not content with merely observing, jumped into the drills, offering hands-on guidance, especially to Ryo, whose potential she had quickly recognized. Her experience added a new layer of depth to the training, providing the team with insights and techniques that only a seasoned player could offer.

As the day waned into a beautiful sunset, casting a warm golden glow over the beach, the Seirin team found themselves catching their breath after a strenuous training session. Kuroko, ever attentive, handed a bottle of water to Ryo, who gratefully accepted it, splashing some of the cool liquid onto his hair to find relief from the heat.

A group of girls, who had been observing the training from a distance, suddenly became animated as they watched Ryo douse himself with water, his actions inadvertently striking a pose that seemed to capture the perfect essence of summer. Noticing their excitement, Ryo offered them a friendly wave, his natural charm on full display.

Kuroko, observing the interaction, couldn't help but comment, "I see you're quite popular."

Tomoya, overhearing the exchange, muttered under his breath, "How I hate show-offs."

Ryo, catching Tomoya's comment, shot back with a grin, "It's not my fault you're a shrimp."

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" Tomoya retorted, his frustration evident.

The banter was cut short by Riko, who approached Ryo with a look that was a mix of annoyance and, perhaps, a hint of jealousy. "Go do another 20 sprints. Now," she commanded, her tone brooking no argument.

Ryo, taken aback by the sudden punishment, managed a sheepish smile. "Why?" he asked, hoping for an explanation.

"BECAUSE I SAID SO," Riko declared, her authority as the coach undisputed.

Without further ado, Ryo started his sprints, his figure gradually becoming a silhouette against the setting sun. The rest of the team, momentarily taken aback by Riko's stern directive, couldn't help but laugh, their spirits lifted by the light-hearted punishment meted out to their teammate.

The scene of Ryo running back and forth along the beach, under the watchful eyes of his teammates and the fading light of the day, was a testament to the camaraderie and discipline that defined their team. Despite the jests and jibes, there was an underlying respect and unity among them, each member playing a part in pushing the others towards greatness.

As the laughter died down and the sky turned to hues of pink and orange, the Seirin team gathered their belongings, ready to head back to the beach house. The day's training might have ended, but the bonds they forged on the sand would carry them forward, strengthening not just their physical abilities but their resolve to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the warmth of the kitchen, with the sun setting outside, casting a soft light through the windows, Kagami and Ryo found themselves amidst an array of vegetables and spices, embarking on the challenge of preparing dinner for the team. The atmosphere was filled with the sounds of chopping and the aroma of cooking, a stark contrast to the rigorous training they had just endured.

As Ryo carefully sliced through a bell pepper, he glanced over at Kagami, curiosity in his eyes. "So, what's the basketball level like in the United States?" he asked, genuinely interested in Kagami's experiences abroad.

Kagami, stirring a pot on the stove, looked thoughtful for a moment before responding. "It's really good, always fun. The competition is fierce, but it pushes you to be your best," he shared, his fond memories of playing in the U.S. evident in his voice.

The conversation flowed naturally as Kagami turned to Ryo, a hint of curiosity in his own voice. "So, I heard you used to play soccer. How are you finding basketball?"

Ryo paused in his chopping, a small smile appearing on his face. "It's fun, I won't deny that. Different, but in a good way."

Kagami, leaning against the counter, posed another question, "Have you thought about playing in university? Or beyond?"

Ryo's knife stilled on the cutting board as he considered the question. "Honestly, I'm not sure what I want to do with my life now. Until recently, my dream was to become a professional soccer player."

"Why not aim for professional basketball?" Kagami suggested, watching Ryo's reaction closely.

Ryo stopped chopping vegetables, his mind wandering to the possibilities that lay in professional basketball. "Well, I'm not sure if I could," he admitted, the thought both exciting and daunting.

Kagami chuckled, his confidence in Ryo's abilities clear. "You've got a lot of power, which scouts, especially in the NBA, are really interested in."

Ryo looked at Kagami, incredulity mixed with a spark of hope in his eyes. "The NBA? Me? Sounds kind of impossible."

Kagami's response was immediate and encouraging. "It's only impossible if you think it is."

Ryo pondered Kagami's words, a sense of determination slowly building within him. Finally, he smiled, a sense of resolve in his voice. "Well, I'll think about it."

As Ryo and Kagami continued their culinary endeavors, the sudden vibration of a cellphone on the kitchen counter caught Ryo's attention. He glanced towards Kagami, questioning, "Is that yours?"

Kagami, after a brief look, shook his head. "I think it's the coach's."

"Where is she?" Ryo asked, curiosity in his tone.

"I believe I saw her outside," Kagami replied, his focus returning to the meal they were preparing.

With a sense of responsibility, Ryo picked up the cellphone and exited the house, his footsteps leaving patterns in the soft sand as he made his way towards Riko. The sun was just a whisper away from vanishing, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, a serene backdrop to the end of a demanding day.

Approaching Riko, who stood alone, seemingly lost in thought as she gazed at the horizon, Ryo broke the silence. "Watching the sunset?"

Riko turned, slightly startled. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her tone a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"You forgot your cellphone," Ryo said, extending the device towards her.

Riko accepted it with a simple, "Thanks, I guess." Her demeanor was guarded, an undercurrent of something more beneath her words.

Noticing her reserved posture and the distance in her eyes, Ryo ventured further, "What's wrong? You've been upset with me all day."

"It's your imagination," Riko dismissed, but the tension in her voice betrayed her words.

Ryo, however, wasn't convinced. "I doubt that. You've barely spoken to me today."

"Do you want special treatment?" Riko countered, her gaze challenging, as if testing Ryo's intentions.

Ryo's observation cut through the evening air, "You've been like this since the morning."

Riko's response was tinged with a mix of defiance and vulnerability. "Sorry if I'm not part of your fan club."

Ryo chuckled, sensing the underlying truth in her words. "Are you jealous?"

Turning away, her cheeks flushed with a soft rose hue, Riko stubbornly replied, "Not at all. I just can't stand arrogant people."

"Me? Arrogant?" Ryo feigned surprise, his tone light.

"Yes, you idiot," Riko shot back, her words sharp but lacking real malice.

Ryo sighed, his voice softening, "You know, you're the only one I like."

"There's no need to keep saying it," Riko muttered, though her heart raced at his confession.

Ryo stepped closer, his voice a whisper, "But I like saying it." The sun dipped below the horizon, leaving them in the gentle embrace of twilight.

"Fine, then prove it," Riko challenged, her eyes meeting his with a mix of fear and anticipation.

Ryo gently lifted her chin, their eyes locked in a moment suspended in time. Slowly, he bridged the gap between them, their lips meeting in a kiss that felt like the culmination of unspoken words and pent-up emotions. The world around them seemed to still, the only light now the soft luminescence of the moon, casting a silver glow over their shared moment. Riko wrapped her arms around Ryo's neck, surrendering to the kiss, their hearts beating in unison against the backdrop of the night.

As they parted, still enveloped in each other's arms, the air between them was charged with new possibilities. Riko hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper, "I don't know if we should... I'll be leaving... to San Francisco."

"Then wait for me," Ryo said, his decision clear and immediate. "I'll get a scholarship to that university, play basketball there, and then for the Golden Warriors."

"When did you think of all this?" Riko asked, a mix of amazement and affection in her voice.

"Just now," Ryo admitted, his sincerity shining through.

Riko smiled, a genuine expression of happiness and relief, as they leaned in for another kiss, sealing their promise under the moonlit sky.

But their moment was abruptly interrupted by Kuroko's voice, "The food is ready."


"About 5 minutes," Kuroko replied, his tone unchanged.

Riko, flustered and slightly annoyed, retorted, "YOU COULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING."

Their romantic interlude was broken, yet the promise of their shared future lingered in the air, a testament to their burgeoning relationship and the challenges they were willing to face together. Despite the interruption, the bond between Ryo and Riko had deepened, anchored by a kiss that spoke volumes more than words ever could.

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