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26.08% Rise from the dead as Diablo's Crusader / Chapter 6: Crusader

Chapter 6: Crusader

Literally no one decided to choose anything else which was a surprise.

But anyways....

Say hello to Crusader Slade!

Also, cinematics are much longer than I thought they would be.


After a brief contemplation, Slade reopened his eyes and chose the Crusader.

A red runic pentagram not unlike the demonic circles he had witnessed from satanist worshippers in his time in the special forces.

'I guess they weren't being insane trying to summon Satan now that I think about it.'

But seeing as their so-called ritual to summon the great lord to this earth included many innocent lives such as young children.

They later got the death row treatment.

And by death row treatment he meant on a faulty electric chair.

And by faulty, the stupid device short circuited now and then just before killing the people in the most agonizing ways possible.

Ignoring those goo- bad times, the pentagram shone and took away the bone covered necromancer figure and replaced it with the me in metallic armor carrying a metal flail and a giant shield.

Seeing that man appear before me, a slight smile appeared on my face.

Although he liked playing all of Diablo III's classes like an absolute maniac, bringing them all basically to the highest levels possible in a certain time frame.

That being around paragon levels 70-90.

His favorite class had to have been the Crusader.

From the first description of the crusader not only just being a tank to redirect attention from comrades, but a literal tank in a modern time battlefield that controlled the flow.

Much like a giant boulder which shifts the flow of a river.

The second description was what led to Slade choosing the Crusader as his first class to experience the game.

The Crusaders were living fortresses of flesh and steel, wielding towering shields and bone crunching flails to leave demonic bodies smoldering in their wake.

And since as a special forces soldier he was quite attached to fire and the flame...

A certain memory of Slade wielding a flamethrower for reasons forgotten to him rose before being quashed.

Shaking his head, Slade finalized his decision to choose the Crusader and actually started the game.

And in doing so, his surroundings darkened and a video of sorts started to play out.


A burning stick slowly lowered and lit up a candle.

Following it, a series of melted candles with wax still dripping off of them simultaneously lit up with an orange flame.

Moving away, a door covered in a series of demonic runes opened into a world of darkness and shadow.

Past the world of shadow, a mountain scape revealed an equally barren stone castle situated on a cliff face even as an supernatural voice reminiscent of a womans rang out in the ruinous mountains.

"In the stench of terror, dread is a bitter wind."

Orange dunes shifted underneath the wind and splashed onto the remaining skeleton of an ox, a simultaneously beautiful yet dreary city sat on the shifting sands.

"The people pray for strength and Guidance."

In the night sky brightened by nothing but the moon, a blazing comet lit up the dark knight and fell above the city enshrouded by a cloak of dark clouds.

"They should pray for the mercy of a swift death."

The blazing fire of the meteor dug into the core of a tall mountain, giant clawing stone spires pointed inwards at the meteor, even as the flaming dark smoke thundered in fury.

"For I have seen what the darkness hides."

An army of nothing but humanoid monsters trudged onto the earth, wielding armaments of steel on their discolored bodies.

Rolling forwards a giant spiked contraption, the war machine rolled on amongst the army all for one purpose.


A figure of light threw a shining steel sword on top of a stone bridge.

Gigantic demon like creatures roared out their fury.

The skies seem to split as they announced the coming of a blazing meteor.

A cathedral trembled as a woman stumbled through the falling dust.

The army of monsters roared their arrivals filled with carnage.

Flames burnt furiously at the crash site.

The meteor crashed into the cathedral.

The army continued to move their war machines.

An old man frightenedly stared behind him.

A valley of corpses rose.

And finally.

A flaming demon with several horns roared out blazing fury.

A girl took in a sharp breath as if having just woken up from a nightmare. 

Taking a scared look around, the surroundings darkened slowly.

"I-I don't think it's safe here."


"And at the end of days."

"The first find shall appear in the heavens."

A worn, yellow page depicted a battlefield where men walk to die on, a series of abandoned spears sat embedded onto the pages.

"Justice shall fall, into the world of men"

The sketches of the battlefield began to move, the drawn crows screeching at the reader.

"The armies of light and shadow will clash across the fields of eternity."

The page fluttered as seemingly blinding light filled the pages, piercing through the clouds themselves, before revealing that they were nothing but the flashing lights which rested on the angels backs.

The page turned to reveal the army of demons roaring their defiance against the forces of angels.

Thick dust clouds being kicked up upon their descent flooded the page and turned it into a different one.

A gigantic demon burst from the mountain before being quickly struck down by an angel wielding a spear.

Following the angel's fall, more demons of all sorts of appearances appeared to avenge the mountain bursting demon.

And just like that.

The forces of light and shadow clashed.

Wielding a sword, an angel slashed at a demon.

A staff wielding angel unleashed a dome of light to push back the demons.

And the spear wielder grasped at the soul of another demon, his other hand wielding the spear with the same ferocity as before.

But it wasn't just a one sided massacre of the angels and demons.


The demons fought back.

Giant, shelled demons slashed through the metal armor of angels, a large arm pushing back the ranks of angels.

A sword bisected a demon in half before the ground split apart and attracted the battlefield's attention.

From the ground, massive, towering, powerful demons roared loudly and bit at the page prompting the same girl who felt a premonition of danger to jolt awake.

Back at the safety of the stone cathedral, an old man sat on his chair and facing a desk filled with books.

"Leah. are you alright. my girl?" Speaking in periodic breaths, the old man strugglingly turned to the girl sat on one of the benches in the cathedral.

"It was nothing uncle. It was just, a bad dream. we should be getting you home."

She moved off of her seat on the benches and moved to her uncle, who in turn turned back to the pages on the worn wooden table.

"But there's still work to be done!"

"If these translations are correct." He brought a page up to his face, the strands of white hair on his beard slightly swaying as he coughed into his fist.

"The powers of hell are already on the move." Leah moved a blanket onto the old man's back.

"The world must be told of the coming darkness." Leah moved an upturned silver bowl back onto its place on the books, thunder striking through the air.

Leah stared at the glass depiction of an angel wielding a spear, the thunder striking through the air.

"You do believe me, don't you Leah?"

Opening up her mouth to reply, the building trembled slightly and caused loose pieces of wood and stone to fall from the ceiling.

"It has. Begun." The man spoke in halting breaths as fear filled his eyes even as the building began to crumble around him.

Thunder struck the sky as a miniature sun streaked through the thunderclouds and slowly fell to the earth.

Quickly gathering the pages and closing the book.

Leah stopped him from doing more and quickly dragged him away from the seat. "Leave it uncle! It's not important!"

Dragging the old man away from his seat, the miniature sun streaked through the sky and quickly fell to the cathedral.

Breaking through the glass depiction of the spear wielding angel, the two were flung by the force of the explosion.

As Leah quickly got up from the ground.

A giant crater filled with flames and magma were the only things she could see.

With fear in her eyes, she crawled to the crater as the building continued to collapse around her, she screamed.



So... I didn't think the description of the cinematics would be this long, or this hard for that matter.

But I guess the saying a single picture is worth a thousand words wasn't just for show.


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