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85.71% The Knight of Ruin(DxD) / Chapter 99: A Brutal Campaign.

Chapter 99: A Brutal Campaign.

Even though Romonus had traveled 10,000 years into the past to get to where Lucifer had created his Devil army, the Pantheons were not living in the Stone Age. The 'Greek' Pantheon was still in what would become present-day Greece. 

Unlike in the future when the gods limited their interactions with the mortal world, here the gods ruled with an Iron Fist. Zeus, the King of The gods following the defeat of his Father Kronus lived as King. 

His Empire was growing and expanding at this point, and it was war-torn among the many Pantheons in the world. The gods rose Civilizations only to get worshiped, but allowing their rivals to grow stronger on the beliefs of their mortal servants would be foolish. 

As such, wars among the gods were frequent to reduce the worship of their rivals. Currently, Zeus and his Pantheon had settled in what would one day become Greece. Though with how often Pantheon Wars happened their budding civilizations were prone to being wiped out with few signs of their existence. 

At the top of Mount Olympus, Zeus sat on his throne, next to his sister wife Hera. Much like in the myths, Zeus was a serial rapist and cheater which bit at Hera's Divinity as the goddess of marriage. 

She hated her husband and brother with a passion, but she could not leave him. The last time she betrayed him, he hung her from Chaos threatening her to drop her. As she looked at him, she remembered her 'wedding' night which was just Zeus forcing himself on her.

She had thought she was nursing a small bird back to health only for the bird to turn into Zeus and rape her. Forced by her divinity and Zeus, she married him and had three children with him. While Hephestus was her son, she and Zeus shared in their dislike of the smith god. 

He was far too ugly to be their child so she tossed him from Mount Olympus. She smiled as she thought of that only for Zeus to notice her smile. 

"What makes you smile like that?" 

With a frown, Hera snorted. 

"Oh nothing, just thinking of Hephestus." 

Zeus' face broke into a scowl when he thought of his ugly son. 

"That failure? Whatever for?" 

Hera didn't get a chance to answer as they both suddenly felt a wave of power hit them. Zeus nearly buckled from his throne at the sheer weight of Romonus' aura. Romonus himself after teleporting into what he could only call the start of the Greek Civilization with his Legion fully released his Divine Aura. 

He crossed his arms at the front of his Demonic Legion. Nisselred, his maid stood at attention next to him. Lilith had stayed behind in Lucifade as Romonus didn't see much point in taking her with him. 

He did tell her to keep an eye on Leviathan which was not hard for her. Leviathan was much too afraid of Romonus to even dare rebel. She was technically his servant now, but even she didn't want to admit that. 

"I always wondered how the gods are supposedly older than 'human' civilization. It seemed that they just raised their civilizations with them." 

Akeno was now curious about something. 

"That is a good question to have, so if we traveled 20,000 years to the past of even a million years the gods would still exist?" 

Romonus nodded. 

"Probably, but their civilizations were probably kept in pocket dimensions. Regardless, I am about to end it. All of it." 

Romonus reached behind his back and grabbed Ruin Maker and Malacoda. 

"Here is where we start, my Demons, forward advance, no mercy." 

With bellowing Roars, the Ten Greater Demons gathered their ten Demon Princes and their 1,000 Demon Knights. They split into ten attack groups as he had ordered. As for Romonus, he was going to move on to hunting the gods that would match his Domains. 

"Akeno, Miria, Natsume, Seekvaira, this is a good opportunity. You should do the same as me and find gods that match your unique powers. Akeno, how about you taking the Divinity of Zeus over lightning? Miria, since you use Demonic Lightning, how about Thor or Indra? 

Natsume, the best I can tell you with Griffin here is to feed him more powerful monsters. Seekvaira, find Kronos in Tarturus. If you want to go with me, that is fine, or take one of my Ten Demon Battalions for yourselves. 

Nisselred, as for you, I recommend hunting down Boreas the Greek god of ice and winter. His divinity would suit your ice magic well." 

Miria and Akeno looked at each other before they began to play rock, paper, scissors. They played best out of three and quickly enough, Akeno won 2 to 3. 

"Seems I get to not just kill Zeus, I get his divinity." 

Miria snorted. 

"Take it, I don't need it, but that is a good idea. Romonus, I am going to go after the Norse Pantheon to get Thor, Are you sure you don't mind me taking one of your attack groups?" 

Romonus shook his head. 

"Not at all, just one of these Greater Demons is enough to end a Pantheon, much less with me." 

Getting permission, she blew him a kiss as she leaped onto the shoulder of one of the ten Greater Demons. Knowing what she wanted, it teleported her and its battalion to the Norse Realm.

Once she left, he expected Akeno, Seekvaira, or Natsume to want to leave, but they didn't. Seekvaira walked next to him with a smile. 

"I think we want to stick with you. We want to help you." 

Seeing how Akeno, Natsume, and Nisselred shared her sentiment, made Romonus smile. 

"Well then, let's get hunting." 


Romonus for the first time since his ascension used his Devil Trigger and the sheer Infernal Divinity released by his transformation caused all his Demons to become invigorated. Even his Devil lovers felt the effect which caused them to become far more excited. 

He was massive, almost double the size of the largest of his Greater Demons meant he was taller than Great Red was long. However, looking at him in his Divine Form caused the mortals who looked at him to have their minds crumble like he was some Eldritch god. 

In a brutal campaign, his Demon Knights moved through the Greek civilization or whatever it was called. They looted everything of value and slayed any who resisted them. The people who fled were allowed to flee, but those who resisted had their skulls and souls collected. The Greek gods, angry at the attack tried to resist. 

Ares and Anthena unleashed their armies and like in wars they put aside their differences. Athena was in charge of the strategy, while Ares was in charge of leading their forces. 

Normally, the combined efforts of the two War Gods would be enough to defeat armies of stronger forces, but Romonus' Demons were not normal. Each Demon Knight had a regenerative factor that made them effectively immortal. 

Ares leading his Divine troops, mortals he had taken after death could defeat even the strongest foes. Monsters and even Divine Champions of other gods had fallen at the hands of his soldiers. 

But these Demon Knights just refused to die and that was if their weapons got passed the magical armor. The Knights began to butcher his troops in small attack squads taking on many more of their number. 

Ares grit his teeth as he bellowed orders at his troops in the thick of battle. He gripped the handle of his sword, his Symbol of Power, and slashed diagonally severing three Demon Knights in half. 

He saw their purple-black blood spill from their waists only for it to be absorbed back. They healed nearly instantly which made him grit his teeth. No matter how much they were cut apart, how much he blasted them, or tore them apart they always put themselves back together. 

Athena was on the brink of pulling her hair out of her scalp as Romonus and his Demon were outsmarting her at every turn. Romonus had not moved since he transformed into his Demon Form merely taking the chance to learn the art of commanding 

They considered this a good experience, but Ares grit his teeth as he hefted his sword over his shoulder. The Divine Weapon was enveloped in a golden-red flame before he surged as much of his divine energy into it. 


With a bellowing swing, a tidal wave of divine fire surged through the city killing any unfortunate humans who were in its way. Romonus who was the target saw how his Knights were enveloped in the flames. 

Their armor began to melt, and their flesh began to singe and bubble. However, they kept advancing as if the pain was unknown to them. As for the Divine flames that were surging toward him, Archaon opened his jaws. 

What seemed to be a black hole formed in the metal jaws of Archaon. The force was so great that the entirety of Ares' Divine Flames was devoured. Shutting his jaws, Archaon burped. 

"I guess that is enough." 

Romonus glanced at Ares who glared now that he got the leader's attention His attack was treated as nothing more than a snack. 


Just as Ares was in the middle of cursing, he was forced to jump out of the way as Griffin lept at him from Romonus' shoulder. The Evil Fiend in his shrunken form was the size of a regular tiger, but with a surge of Natsume's Demonic Energy infused with Romonus' Infernal Divinity, his size began to grow. 

In a matter of seconds, he was larger than an elephant, but even then he grew larger until he was even larger than the Demon Princes at 25 meters. Ares gripped his sword tighter as he gazed at the unleashed Qionqi. 

The Evil Fiend squinted its eyes with Natsume on his back before something terrible happened. His loyal troops he had trained himself had their eyes glaze over. The Fiend of Deviousness was starting again and with his power, Ares' troops lost control. 

With a bellow, their negative feelings rose to the top, their jealousy, their hatred, their envy, their lust their worst emotions elevated to eleven. Natsume had never used this, but with the support of Romonus' Pawn Piece, she could get it down. 

Ares bellowed at his troops to stop their actions, but they were too into it. They slaughtered each other, tried to force themselves on each other, and even ate the corpses of the dead. Ares was forced to cut off the head of one of them as the man tried to back stab him. 


Natsume took a deep breath as she looked down at her Sacred Gear. 

"Griffin, kill him." 

With a roar, the Demonic Tiger lunged at Ares who rushed at him. 


He lept over Griffin's lunge, only for Natsume to bend her legs, and enhance her physical abilities with Touki and Demonic Energy reinforcement. She pulled her fist back with her whole body glowing a dark crimson red with black highlights. 

Griffin to help her land swung his head back stabbing his horn through Ares' chest. Potent poison surged into his body only for Natsume to land her hit to his face. While Natsume was not as flashy as the other girls, she was in no way weak. 

Romonus had trained her himself and she was of similar skill level to Tobio. With some of Romonus' Infernal Divinity mixing into her Demonic Energy, the force of her blow nearly tore off Ares' head. He got launched into the distance like a rag doll spinning and smashing through buildings. 

When he came to a stop his neck was twisted at a wrong angle and the poisoned wound on his chest refused to close. 


Just as he was going to force himself up, he heard footsteps and saw one of the Demon Knights standing over him. Looking into the Demon's eyes, he saw pure glee as it raised its sword at him. Before he could make a sound, he heard its words. 

"A Fine Skull for the Throne."

A heavy clang was heard as Ares, the famous Greek god of War lost his head. The Demon did not forget to prevent his Ichor from spilling or allowing his Divine Essence to leave the body. That could not be allowed for his God, his Father. 


(I managed to write the P-atreon Chapter and upload this with 15 minutes to spare before I needed to get to work. While I am at it, check out my new Percy Jackson fic, haven't ever written one before.

Also, should I continue my Wyvern That Hunts Dragons fanfic or my Toji Fushiguro Fanfic?)

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