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Chapter 24: Departing


My abrupt awakening was accompanied by the shock of icy water cascading over me, jolting me from my slumber with a start. Instinctively, I reached for my weapon, my heart racing as I surveyed my surroundings to find Cornelius standing before me, his steely gaze fixed upon me with unmistakable intensity.

"We're leaving," he declared tersely, his tone brooking no argument as he turned on his heel and strode towards the door.

Confusion clouded my thoughts as I struggled to comprehend his abrupt intrusion. "Where are we going?" I demanded, my voice thick with sleep and bewilderment.

Cornelius's words cut through the fog of my drowsiness, his accusation landing like a blow. "Your silver tongue may have worked its charm yesterday, but my granddaughter is not so easily swayed," he accused, his expression stern.

I bristled at the implication that my words had been motivated by anything other than sincerity, though I chose to keep my thoughts to myself rather than engage in futile argument.

"What exactly are you trying to say?" I asked tired.

"Despite your eloquence, you proved yourself lacking in strength when it mattered most," he asserted, his words a harsh reminder of my perceived shortcomings. "Until now, I believed that Celastrina was safe under my watchful eye, but recent events have forced me to reconsider. You may be her personal attendant, but you will also serve as her protector. In two years' time, you will accompany her to the academy, where you will ensure her safety at all costs."

While I understood the need for heightened security in the wake of recent events, I couldn't help but feel a pang of inadequacy at Cornelius's assessment of my abilities.

"You say I am lacking strength," I retorted, my voice tinged with frustration. "Yet you expect me to protect her? What exactly do you expect me to do?"

Cornelius nodded solemnly, his expression serious as he emphasized the gravity of his proposition. "Two years," he affirmed, holding up two fingers to underscore his point. "During that time, I will train you. You possess talent, and with the right guidance, you have the potential to excel. Moreover, you have the mental fortitude required for such training. Two years should suffice to impart upon you the knowledge and skills you need."

The thought of spending two years under Cornelius's tutelage gave me pause, my brow furrowing in contemplation. It wasn't a prospect I had ever considered, yet the urgency of the situation demanded action. Celastrina's safety was paramount, and my own shortcomings had been laid bare in the face of recent threats.

"Do you expect me to live with you for two years?" I questioned, my tone tinged with skepticism. The idea seemed daunting, yet I couldn't deny the appeal of receiving proper training under Cornelius's expertise.

While I would typically balk at the notion of such a commitment, the reality of Celastrina's vulnerability weighed heavily upon me. My current duties as her attendant left me with little time for rigorous training, and if I were to truly protect her, I needed to become stronger.

With a reluctant nod, I conceded to Cornelius's proposal. "I understand," I replied, a sense of determination flickering within me. "If it means I can better protect Celastrina, then I will do whatever it takes."

"Good then."

"Who will take care of Celastrina while I'm away? Who will ensure her protection?" I asked, my tone serious. The thought of leaving her vulnerable filled me with a sense of unease that I couldn't shake.

Cornelius met my gaze with a reassuring nod, his expression steady as he addressed my concerns. "I have already spoken to Vanessa about it. Rest assured, Celastrina will receive the utmost care and protection, even in your absence," he assured me.

Relief washed over me at his assurance, though a lingering worry persisted. "The Marchioness is aware, then?" I asked, seeking confirmation that Vanessa was indeed on board with the plan.

"Of course. I discussed it with Vanessa last night, and she agreed," Cornelius confirmed, though a hint of uncertainty crept into his demeanor. "However, my granddaughter remains unaware of your impending departure. It's best she remains in the dark for now. It will spare us unnecessary complications."

I understood the reasoning behind Cornelius's decision. Celastrina's fiery temperament and strong attachment to those she held dear meant that revealing my departure prematurely could lead to a tumultuous reaction. Yet, the prospect of leaving without bidding her farewell tugged at my heartstrings, a pang of anxiousness coursing through me at the thought of being separated from her for two long years.

"Understood," I acquiesced, though a note of resolve colored my tone. "Before I depart, I would like to write a letter to her," I insisted, meeting Cornelius's gaze.

He regarded me with a skeptical gaze, though ultimately nodded in agreement.

With a sense of urgency driving my actions, I swiftly gathered my belongings, ensuring my room was left immaculate before stepping out into the hallway. The mansion lay quiet in the early morning hours, the only sound the soft patter of my footsteps as I made my way towards Celastrina's chamber.

Careful to avoid drawing attention to my presence, I approached her door with a cautious hand, gently easing it open to reveal the tranquil scene within. Celastrina lay serenely upon her bed, her features softened in slumber as the morning light cast a gentle glow upon her.

A wry smile tugged at my lips as I observed her peaceful countenance. "You're even more enchanting without that perpetual scowl, Milady," I remarked softly, my fingers brushing gently against the strands of hair that framed her face.

Three years. Three years had passed since our paths first crossed, and in that time, I had come to know her in a way I never thought possible. Though our initial interactions had been fraught with tension, I had gradually come to understand the complexities of her character, the layers of vulnerability hidden beneath her steely facade.

Perhaps it was the echo of Nathan's memories within me, or perhaps it was something more profound, but regardless, I found myself drawn to her in ways I had never anticipated. I had grown to care for her deeply, a realization that both surprised and unsettled me in equal measure.

As I reached out to touch her sleeping form, the weight of reality came crashing down upon me. Cornelius's words echoed in my mind, a stark reminder of the insurmountable obstacles that lay between us. She was bound by duty and obligation, her future predetermined by the machinations of politics and power.

A bitter sense of resignation settled within me as I withdrew my hand, a silent acknowledgment of the futility of any hope for a future together. She deserved happiness, of that I was certain, but whether that happiness lay with Arthur or another remained to be seen.

With a heavy heart, I turned away from her sleeping form, knowing that my own path lay elsewhere. Putting a folded letter near her lamp shelf stepped out in the hallway before leaving the mansion.

As I made my way towards Cornelius and the waiting carriage, I was intercepted by Alfred and Julia.

"Don't forget your training," he urged, his expression tinged with a mixture of pride and concern as patted my shoulders gently.

"Of course." My duty as a butler remained paramount, a commitment I had no intention of forsaking.

"Take care, child," she murmured softly, her words carrying a weight of genuine concern. She enveloped me in a warm embrace. Even though she didn't have time, she did her best to give me some motherly warmth.

With a grateful smile, I reciprocated her gesture.

As I approached Cornelius, preparing to take my leave, I was unexpectedly halted by the sight of Vanessa standing nearby, her presence commanding attention even in the quiet of the morning.

"Lady Marchioness," I greeted her respectfully, my hand pressed against my chest in a formal gesture of deference.

Vanessa met my gaze with a silent acknowledgment, her expression inscrutable as she prepared to depart. Before she could take her leave, however, I found myself overcome by a sudden impulse, reaching out to grasp her hand in a gesture that startled those around us.

Her hand, cool and delicate beneath mine, seemed to hold a wealth of unspoken emotion, a silent connection forged in the fleeting moment of contact. Though her reaction remained unreadable, I held onto her hand for a moment longer.

Kneeling gracefully before Vanessa, I took her hand delicately in mine, pressing my lips to her knuckles in a gesture of deep respect and gratitude. "I thank you, Lady Marchioness, for all that you have done for me," I murmured softly, my voice reverent as I spoke. "I give you my vow that I will protect your house, your granddaughter, and even you, if need be."

"Me?" Vanessa regarded me with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, her expression betraying her confusion at my unexpected declaration.

I nodded, a gentle smile playing at the corners of my lips as I met her gaze with sincerity. "Yes," I affirmed, my voice low. "You deserve every happiness this world has to offer, Milady, and it is my earnest desire to see you smile once more."

I wasn't lying.

Reflecting on the trust Vanessa had placed in me three years prior, I felt a swell of gratitude towards her. She had believed in me when others might have doubted, and I was determined to repay her faith in any way I could. Though I had never witnessed her smile with true, unbridled happiness, I harbored a deep-seated desire to see her find joy once more.

As Vanessa regarded me with her piercing magenta eyes, a hint of amusement danced in their depths, her lips quirking up in a small smile. "I see," she murmured before taking her leave.

I watched her departure with a sense of quiet resolve. Ignoring Cornelius's disapproving glare, I climbed into the waiting carriage, ready to embark.

With a final wave to Alfred and Julia, I watched as the mansion faded into the distance. Though part of me yearned for Celastrina to awaken and bid me farewell, I knew that it was better this way.

Just two years.

KarsX KarsX

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