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14.28% CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound / Full Altered CYOA Part 2

Full Altered CYOA Part 2


[Item Powers - You gain the item/tool/object of power listed below, no one but you and those you allow can wield your item, if anyone not permitted attempts to use it in any capacity, it will be extremely burdensome, and they will not be able to activate any of its special properties. However, your allies will be able to lift and carry it if you so choose. External technology based items can be used by allies. At will, your item powers will reform within a week if destroyed, shattered, lost, stolen, etc. You can choose for this to not occur.

Your item cannot be reproduced, reverse engineered, or copied without your non-coerced willingness and full awareness. Powers that are explicitly reliant on forces that are not present in worlds you journey to still work regularly, but will be susceptible to associated external influence. If you don't recognize a power, and or the description isn't enough, then feel free to gain more context on what the power can or cannot do by asking.]


Sonic Screwdriver | Doctor Who | -2 points | Lesser |

You receive a sonic screwdriver, a multifunctional tool of incredible versatility in the right hands. It can effectively manipulate nearly any technology, for purposes such as computer hacking, but also as mechanisms like locks and hinges for lockpicking, hot-wire alarm systems, but not wood. It's also a Hyper-advanced supercomputer, geolocator, sensor, and scanner with medical applications that can provide detailed scans of something's molecular structure.

Additionally, it can be used to project sound to—for example—cause harm to anything particularly vulnerable to ultrasonic frequencies, detonate objects, and fry circuitry. The tool can create powerful frequencies and signals, and of course it can drive screws, turn bolts, and otherwise do almost anything a mundane tool kit could do. Comes with knowledge of how to use it. In addition, you can fit almost any sort of technology into it as a personal mod, even some that have no business being this small. Your screwdriver comes with isomorphic controls so it can only be used by you and people you give access to.

-1 | for green sonic energy stun gun and incapacitation functionality.


Portal Gun | Portal 1 & 2 | -2 points | Lesser |

You receive an Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, aka a fully functioning portal gun. It iss a hand-held device which has the ability to manufacture two linked portals. No matter the distance between them, any object which passes through one portal will emerge from the other and vice versa instantaneously. Momentum and energy is conserved, etc. It has two triggers, each shooting a portal connected to the other one. The portals can be placed on any surface which is large enough to accommodate them, but moving objects, or certain types of surfaces, will prevent the formation of a portal.

When the ASHPD is fired, a burst of colored energy is emitted from the barrel, corresponding to the colored portal it is intended to create. Upon striking the targeted surface, a portal is formed, surrounded by a colored ring. The device can only create two portals at a time. If a third is fired, the other of its type will be automatically closed and a new link will be formed. On purchase, the portals fired by the ASHPD each have a distinct color you can choose.

-1 | for long fall boots.


Yaka Arrow | MCU | -1 point | Lesser |

You own a Yaka Arrow, aerial weapons which respond to a specific range of high-pitch sonic frequencies and thereby initiate the material's reactive behavior, with self-propelling and extremely modulated anti-gravitational technology, allowing the arrows to defy gravity and move freely through the air at great speeds while being highly durable and sharp, allowing them to pierce through most targets, including the hull of a spacecraft. Changes in the users' whistling rapidly and fluidly directs the arrow and causes it to gain both speed and momentum or suddenly stop at will. Skilled users can guide an arrow to swiftly traverse back and forth, striking multiple targets across a battlefield before they have a chance to respond, and then returning to your side. You don't require the head control attachment and can instinctually control it by whistling.


Iron Man Armor | Iron Man (MCU) | -3 points | Lesser |

You gain iron man armor, a suit which grants advanced protection capable of shrugging off tank blasts, anti-material rifle shots, and flamethrowers; provides sufficient strength to lift a ton; flight at an easy cruising speed of mach 2-3 (able to stretch to Mach 5 in bursts); a swiss army knife of ranged weapons, both lethal and nonlethal; and a fancy user interface, with a helpful Al to assist you. The cybernetic suit fluidly follows your movements without slowing you down and is powered by an arc reactor, so it won't run out of power in your lifetime unless it takes critical damage. It comes with knowledge of how to maintain and repair it, but not the materials or components required.

If you're persistent, you might be able to figure out how to upgrade it or even build more. The suit is very intuitive and it can remove itself from you or be put back on in less than twenty seconds and is equipped with a useful array of combat-situation sensors.

-2 | for the latest nanotech suit that can lift up to ten tons, has other upgraded specs, and can collapse into a chest piece or hip module.


Ant Man Suit | MCU | -3 points | Lesser |

You gain a suit with Pym particles technology, allowing its wearer to decrease or increase their scale and mass, alongside control of nearby insects. The suit allows the user to shrink themselves to approximately the size of an ant, if not smaller to potentially quantum dimensions, magnifying the user's strength and durability during shrinking. It can also grow the user to giant sizes as well, about small building sizes, this function puts a large amount of strain on the user quickly, and can't be used for long periods of time. This comes with a regenerating supply of pym particles. The user will not suffer adverse long-term health effects.


Magic Grimoire | Black Clover | -4 points | Lesser |

You receive a magic grimoire that enhances your magical potential and sensitivity, grants the ability to utilize mana of a specific attribute (fire, water, stone, wind etc), and overtime gives access to various spells which function above your normal capabilities overtime as you develop as a person, and or confront life or death circumstances. Mana is a form of energy that exists in nature and within people. It is the source of all magic. Each mage's mana possesses a certain element that they are naturally inclined/ attributed towards e.g. Wind, Sand, Blood, Lava, etc. When used to cast a spell, it changes into a certain form, e.g. Wind Healing Magic, Blood Creation Magic, etc.

When someone uses all of their mana, it could cause them severe exhaustion, or render them unconscious. Basic mana control, regardless of attribute used by most mages, is Mana Skin to unconsciously increase strength, speed, durability, magic resistance and environmental protection, this can also be actively used for more potency. Advanced forms of universal mana control are rune arrays to instruct magic or those that allow use of external mana, such as mana zone (manipulation of natural mana in an area around the user) or mana method (whereby you shape rune arrays from natural mana). On purchase you receive a grimoire attribute that is semi random and semi influenced by your personality, for -1 point you can choose the mana attribute.

-1 | for a magic attribute of choice.

-1 | for Ki sensing or an elemental spirit (Sylph, etc).

-1 | for mana comparable to Yuno or Noelle.

[Requires previous mana upgrade] -1 | for elf like mana.

[Requires previous mana upgrades] - 1 | devil like mana (Zenon levels).

-2 | for very rare/powerful magic attribute of choice, such as space, time, etc.

-3 | for Supreme Devil powers, heart, and alt-form.


Djinn Metal Vessel | Magi | -5 points | Greater |

You have a djinn (an entity of vast magical power who supports you), and a metal vessel (weapons, jewelry, accessories, etc.) to contain it, allowing you to channel a specific element by - fueling your life energy (magoi) through it, and when mastered equip the weapon and body of the djinn. The Djinn are based on the 72 demons of King Solomon's grimoire. As opposed to accessing a wide variety of magic, Metal Vessels grant, focus and amplify only one type of magic, such as fire, lightning, gravity, force, wind, portals, healing, sound, etc. Since the wielder's powers are amplified, they only have to give a little life energy.

The metal vessel can also be used to absorb the associated element not created by the metal vessel to recover lost life energy. You can perform a Djinn Weapon Equip, reshaping the vessel into the djinn's weapon, and eventually a Full Body Djinn Equip, gaining their full power in your body. When one is currently within a Full Body Djinn Equip, they are able to use an attack called Extreme Magic. Depending on the Djinn, different powerful effects occur. The vessel of the djinn is switched overtime to whatever the user is most comfortable with and keeps near them. This will happen even if the prior vessel is broken.

On purchase, select one of the following to harbor your Djinn: a basic metal weapon or accessory for free such as a dagger or hair clip, one of your other items that you brought with you from your origin world, or another item power.

-3 | for another djinn metal vessel after the first.

-1 | magoi manipulation proficiency.


Wizard Wand | Harry Potter | -3 points | Lesser |

You are a wizard/witch with a wand suited to you that allows you to cast magic. You have the skills of an average 7 years Hogwarts graduate, but you can improve similarly to a discipline power. Without your wand, you are not much better than a muggle unless you master wandless magic. You can replace your wand in the right circumstance. More unique or rare forms of magic will not be usable without more study, research, and practice, and even then not all.

-2 mastery in rare/unique/many faceted magic disciplines like legilimency, herbology, and crafting magical objects (any canon object) or potions (Snape level).


Techbase Knowledge | Various | -5 points |

You receive the scientific knowledge, skills, and understanding to build and control technology from a particular work of science fiction's universe. At first you can only build the more basic tech the universe offers, but the quality of technology you can make improves with time, experience, tools, and materials. Despite the verse you're present in not having the physics to support your advanced technology, it still functions due to your Root of Realities connection. Examples include Star Wars, Warhammer 40K, DOOM, Star Trek, Mass Effect, etc.


Keyblade | Kingdom Hearts | -5 points | Greater |

You become a wielder of a Keyblade, a magical weapon that reflects your emotional heart, grants various perks, and the potential for many bizarre abilities. The Keyblade comes in many sizes and shapes, with some having unique traits, but each having the same core powers. A Keyblade is a weapon capable of cutting regardless of its apparent suitability as a weapon. It can be used to magically open and close most mundane locks, and a good deal of magical locks, too. It can be summoned into your empty hands with a flash of light until dismissed, or can be called upon to temporarily replace the weapon you're holding, which returns to your hands when you dismiss the Keyblade.

They also act as a magical focus in place of other such items, and can boost the power of spells cast with it. Keyblades often awaken strange but useful physical talents in their welders such as high jumping, lock on, enhanced durability, inhuman reflexes, dodge rolling, wall running, etc. With Keyblade training and or experience you'll be able to pull off physics bending moves like Sonic Raid, or extend its blade with light. Keyblades also provide utility, such as being a universal translator. The weapon itself cannot be stolen or destroyed without extreme measures. Your Keyblade may even have the potential for, or under the right circumstance might attain perks such as transformations, drives, summons, new keyblades, etc.


Zanpakuto | Bleach | -7 points | Greater |

You receive an Asauchi, a blank vessel soul in the shape of a sword that is bonded to you; it grows in power alongside you, awakens your full spiritual potential, perception, & pressure (in turn enhancing physical capabilities), and grants unique states. It will adopt a shape that best suits you, and grants you the potential to achieve Shikai & Bankai. Wielding it is as natural as moving one's own arms.

It will quickly (Hours become a full Zanpakuto with a spirit & inner world, to train you to wield the sword (battle/ introspection). It starts in its sealed state, but you can unlock and use Shikai, giving access to unique powers, and beyond that Bankai the third and final stage where the powers activated in Shikai are magnified five or ten times with new functions. Optionally, an item you already own instead gains the traits of your Asauchi. Choose a canon pair of shikai and Bankai or develop your own.

-1 | individual, useful techniques and basic proficiency such as Getsuga Tenshou, spirit sensing, Hoho (Shunpo), Hado, Kaido (Healing Kido), Bakudo (Barriers & Seals), etc.

-2 | potent artforms, Shunko, or advanced versions of already purchased skills above.


Mjolnir | MCU | -5 points | Greater |

You receive Mjolnir, a powerful enchanted war-hammer that has the elemental powers of a storm; and are worthy regardless of its criteria, granting you the powers of Thor. It can be used for summoning, generating, and directing lightning both from itself and the sky. Mjolnir's enchantment allowed only its worthy wielders to swing it nearly effortlessly, yet to anyone else it is impossibly heavy. When hurled, Mjolnir can fly at high speeds without slowing down as well as perform melee strikes with a massive concussive force equal to at least that of a grenade. It can also be used as a focus for momentum fueled flight. Additionally, when wielded Mjolnir greatly enhances its wielder physical abilities such as strength and durability to the level of a royal asgardian if not higher.

It is extremely durable, and returns to you whenever you throw it or summon it. Mjolnir is able to conjure armor onto its user or change their combat attire into something more casual. Additionally, the hammer can transform and disguise itself to an extent, for example, appearing as an umbrella and then back again. On purchase, you can choose the criteria of being "worthy" or make it so that only you will ever be recognized as such. You can select it to be a War Axe like Stormbreaker instead.

-1 | for Bifrost access like Stormbreaker.


Beetle Scarab | DC | -7 points | Greater |

A beetle scarab created with advanced alien technology bonds to your spine, granting various passive and active powers and telepathic communication with its artificial intelligence. At will, or when necessary, the scarab forms a distinctive suit of armor that can be quickly retracted. The armor provides protection, superhuman strength, superhuman agility, and can reconfigure itself into a wide array of tools and weapons, including an energy cannon, swords, shields, a grappling hook, energy blasters, flight capable wings, etc. You can manifest parts of the armor without having to form the whole suit. The scarab can manipulate energy it generates and stores for a variety of effects, including shield bubbles, sonic blasts, small scale solid constructs, and 3-D holograms.

It can adapt to foes such as using kryptonite radiation against a kryptonian. It has utility functions, including a universal translator, waste disposal, healing and modifying your body to an extent, two-way communication, creating temporary clothes, concealing itself from 21st century technology, shutting off nearby cameras and microphones. By shifting you out of phase with the universe, it can also make you invisible and intangible, or attain instantaneous transportation. Lastly, the scarab can track anything that produces any significant form of energy and anyone you've met since it bonds to you from at least seventy miles. It can also scan and identify people you encounter, informing you of physical conditions, detect empowered people and relatives from genetic analysis. You select the Scarab's color and personality. By default, it's sociopathic, but will always be loyal to only you.


Pokemon Team | Pokemon | -5 points | Greater |

You receive a team of six Pokémon with their accompanying Pokéballs. They trust you and are familiar with you as if you completed an entire journey through a region with them. Additionally, you gain the memories, knowledge, and skills to train them, provide for them, and battle with them, as if you had become a league champion of a region after a journey. Note that more ridiculous Pokédex entries are toned down. Your Pokémon know more than four moves and are fully trained and experienced. They come in standard pokéballs. You can select any six non-legendary, non-mythical pokemon for your team.


Omnitrix | Ben 10 | 12 points | Supreme |

You receive the Omnitrix, a database of alien DNA that allows the user to transform into a copy of that very same species, with all the strengths and weaknesses therein, before changing back to normal or another alien. The device is both insanely versatile and capable, with features such as the following, but some of these features may not be immediately available, such as a two-way communicator, holographic display, a digital watch, DNA repair of others, matter and energy generation storage and reconstitution, a calculator, timer, alarm, artificial intelligence, a map, GPS, transformation knowledge dump, Master Control, Life-form lock, security measures, a universal Translator, ultimate aliens, and the Biomnitrix.

The Watch provides extra equipment needed for any species to survive in its current environment and modesty. You may semi randomly gain new aliens in response to solving conflict. The watch adjusts the alien sample to be a prime version. The watch theoretically gives access to all 1000000+ aliens. That's only considering those already within the database, as it can scan alien DNA on contact or at a distance. The omnitrix has multiple failsafes and safeguards, and it cannot be removed from you under any circumstances. If you would take lethal damage, it will automatically change into the requisite alien to preserve your life, and it is practically indestructible. On purchase, you will start with 10 different aliens suitable for a variety of situations.


[Perks (Pick any number category, but each can only be taken once unless otherwise stated)]

[Supplementations - These will provide an add-on to any power this is purchased for. They each can be purchased for all powers, current and future, at once for a Greater option (-5 points).]

Master Meditation | -1 point (Lesser powers), -2 points (Greater powers) |

You can intermittently achieve a meditative state where you enter a mental world. Within this world, you can train and practice the power this is purchased for; have an artificial entity with knowledge, skill, and teaching methods for the power; and an archive of techniques and knowledge for that power. The entity will usually be an iconic or powerful character from the Verse the power is taken from or is a former user, but is not them in truth. Rather, they are a simulation with their personality but are lacking their soul.

Despite time passing in the simulation, little to no time passes in the real world. However, you can only spend so much time in the simulation at once, usually around 1-6 hours and thereafter you must solve problems and engage in conflict to enter again, or wait a week (temporal effects etc, not counting). Physical improvements like muscle growth are retained. The teacher generally won't respond to unrelated things.

With these sessions, you will rapidly grasp the fundamentals of the power, can more quickly progress, and will have a higher chance of accessing very complex/advanced techniques. As an example, if you selected The Force, you might meet Obi-Wan Kenobi in a Jedi Temple simulacrum.

For simpler powers with a lot of crossover, like melee combat with most body powers, the sessions will allow composite training. If you select multiple Mastery Meditations, they can be combined into a single mental world where you can practice synergizing powers.


Supply Drops | -2 points (Any Power) |

You can intermittently call a supply drop of necessary and supplementary materials and items related to a power from thin air. The supplies are packaged cleanly and neatly and cannot be called in any combat scenarios or the like. Once called, a supply drop cannot be called again until you have used your powers to resolve non-manufactured problems and conflicts, or over a week of time passes (temporal effects etc not counting).

The quantity and quality of the supplies are also based on these factors. However, if you fully avoid conflict over a long enough period of time, you will still receive the rare/valuable materials and items, albeit infrequently. Supplies will usually be what is required to optimally use your powers or reach their full potential. However, nothing received can by itself reach the power or versatility of a Lesser power. You can never know for sure what you will receive from the supplies before you get it.

For example, if you purchased Mystic Arts, you will very likely receive a Sling Ring.


[Protections - These provide resistance to common non-direct methods of threat in many Verses and will protect you in the present, past, future, alternate timelines, etc. For all of them, you can selectively allow certain effects to work on you with your own conscious non-coerced permission, this includes your own powers.]

Blind Spot (-1 point) — You are immune to magical, psychic, fate based, supernatural, advanced technological and other such effects of otherwise impossible analysis, detection, tracking, identification, remote viewing, predictions, calculations, scanning, modeling, precognition, alternate timeline viewing, post-cognition, etc. This also protects against watching for blind spots. Powers, tech and such designed to gather info about you provide no results. This works both on a grand scale that would take you into account, and specifically targeted on you to discern your identity, motives, alternate selves, abilities, status, weakness, location, and your actions past, present, and future, etc.

Invictus (-1 point) — Your mind, will, soul etc are immune to any form of mind control, mental attack, memory removal, soul manipulation, forced sleep, emotional alteration, madness inducement, hypnotism, possession, etc. Attempts to control your senses such as directly mind affecting illusions and anything that would unnaturally override or influence your behavior likewise fail. You also have a mind incredibly resistant to pain, trauma, or suffering and most other psychological conditions. You still feel emotions, but the weighted stress of living for a thousand years is unlikely to destroy your will, nor will experiencing extreme or long periods of discomfort like torture or isolation.

Inviolate (-1 point) — Your existence is unaffected by any effect that directly targets your internals/stability, or works inside out, such as a telefrag, a portal cut, telekinetic spine severing, time warping, gravity alteration, creating items inside your body, physics distortion, biology control, forced teleportation, matter erasure, instant death, etc. You also resist any hostile transformation, transmutation, or polymorph and the like. You are also immune to any form of poison, toxin, corruption, virus, disease, etc. But you can still die of natural old age.

Singularity (-1 point) — Your existence, and powers, rely on yourself and nothing else. Any attempt to copy, mimic, steal, drain, suppress, negate, nullify, weaken, control, reproduce, etc your powers by an external source fails automatically. You also resist curses, plot armor, prophecies, and the manipulation of fate, luck, concepts, causality, plot, probability, etc. You maintain independence from all verses, granting your resistance to certain reality-altering phenomena, such as wish granting, timeline changes and destruction, temporal paradoxes, vacuum decay, big crunches, and reality destroying events such as multiversal epoxies and causal retcons of the Meta narrative.

(Bonus Feature: If you purchase 2 or more of the protections, you can grant them to other individuals with a few seconds of concentrated contact. This requires your own conscious, non-coerced intent, and you can only grant protections you yourself have. Also, their versions are not as absolute as your own, and your own powers will work on them as normal. You can also take it away anytime you wish. There is a maximum number of individuals granted at a time based on how many protections you have: 1 (protections you own) = 0 (others), 2=2, 3=4, and all 4= as many as you wish.)


[Selections - These provide bonuses in the forms of augmentations, or one-off items.]

[Adaptation (-1 point) (Repeat purchase allowed with a maximum of five. You can purchase more after surviving one verse.) — You receive positive mutations, useful alterations, or particular skills, these mutations don't have to be externally visible and can provide physical improvements and mundane knowledge. The potential benefits cannot reach the power or versatility of a lesser power and grant only two to three related bonuses or a thematic skill set such as 'Universe Class Space Pilot', or the 'Photographic Reflexes' of Task Master. Detailed examples are below.]

Babel Jack: Understand and communicate with most sapient creatures/some animals, despite language and psychological barriers through 'feeling' and gestures alone; can naturally learn to speak, read, and write most languages rapidly (conversational in less than 1 day) through exposure and or studying.

Comic Book Pretty: You gain a supermodel-like appearance as a 10/10 version of yourself, and could include being set to a younger age such as twenty-five or eighteen. You always look photogenic and airbrushed even under extreme conditions.

Clarity of Mind: Eidetic memory, improved focus, and quickened learning of most skills (a quarter of the time than normal).

Rejuvenator: Upon reaching a sufficiently old age (50+), you can enter a metamorphic like state where over the course of a month you can regress to a younger prime version of yourself (age 18-25) with most forms of physical infirmity and ailment cured. However, during this time, you are vulnerable, cannot be woken up and will be unable to use your powers.

Legendary Lover: You possess an innate mastery of the sexual arts and excel in the act of giving pleasure. You instinctively understand your partner's/partners' needs and boundaries, their most sensitive erogenous zones, and their sexual preferences. Your overall skill in bed will be such that you have complete control over when you ejaculate, can induce consecutive mind-blowing orgasms with just your hands and mouth, and will naturally know how to give the most pleasure at all times, physically and verbally.

Motion Memory: You can almost instantly imitate most complex movements/motor skills after seeing them performed once, such as martial arts, and with a little more practice or more observation you can both reproduce them at almost the same level, and fully adopt the muscle memory. Your overall coordination, spatial awareness, dynamic visual acuity, and reflexes are heightened to roughly peak human capacity.

Charisma Check: Become naturally charismatic and likable; have social skills improved to a professional diplomat skilled in befriending, placating, persuading, and recruiting people; can give awe-inspiring speeches; and at will alter your voice, posture, body language, and overall presence, to invoke the maximum possible fear in others.

Veteran Operative: You gain a particular set of skills, as a world-class modern soldier, small unit commander, and overall combatant. This includes knowledge and experience in firearm marksmanship, safety, and handling, CQC takedowns, knife combat, first aid, small unit tactics, urban stealth, survival training, etc.

Charles Atlas: Your physical health and fitness are improved to olympian levels in multiple areas at once, giving you professional athlete level strength, speed, and agility; you can also maintain your physique with no training, and all physical ailments such as nearsightedness are cured.

Mastermind: You have a perfect poker face; are exceedingly competent at strategy, politics, management, intrigue, administration, espionage, and bureaucracy; and can confidently cold read others and manipulate them.

Perpetuance: You require a tenth of the water and food you otherwise would and a fourth the sleep. Over a few days, you can naturally slowly recover from mundane disease, injury, or illness not normally possible (bones moving into place, etc.). This includes aging (limited immortality).


[Additions — Special options that modify others.]

Convenience Combination (-1) (Repeat Purchase Allowed): You combine two of any Item powers or supplemental Body Powers (Example: Panther Habit) into a tool greater than the sum of its parts that can transform between the source equipment and has a fusion form, for example Iron Man Armor and the Ant Man suit.

Portable Serum (-1 + -X) (Repeat Purchase Allowed): Any lesser body power or adaptation can be obtained as an easily administered serum, with the normal cost plus one.

Shattered Limiter (-3): The factors that keep all your powers' growth and abilities in check are completely erased. Your powers' growth and potential skyrockets, with your powers receiving a massive boost every ten years, even if you do nothing but live a normal life. Fighting, training, and experimenting using your powers on a regular basis drops this down to half the amount of time or less. The stronger the power, the more effort is required to improve, making it up to four times as long for most Greater powers, and difficult to estimate for Supreme powers.


[Companion/s (Variable Points) — You can enter a verse with a loyal ally. You must offer the proposition to the candidate, and if they accept, they will be able to join you. Be careful, as these companions can turn against you if you treat them poorly. The companion can fill out the choices, or you fill out for them. It is also possible for them to simply join you without the choices, if that is what you desire. If you do desire the previous two choices, their points depend on the option selected here. They do not select difficulty, destination, or drawbacks. (Maximum three companions unless you chose World Breaker)

Level 1: [-3 points (Point cost for you)] = [+2 points (Allotted points for them)], and they can only select Lesser powers.

Level 2: [-5 points] = [+4 points], and they can only select Lesser powers.

Level 3: [-10 points] = [+8 points], and they can only select a single Greater power, all other Lesser powers. (Requires World-Changer)

Level 4: [-15 points] = [+12 points], and they can select any Lesser or Greater powers (Requires World Breaker)


That's it for now. I'll be adding more in the future. Go wild with your builds.

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