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73.68% Uchiha Giyu / Chapter 125: Chapter 125 Impossible

Chapter 125: Chapter 125 Impossible

Chapter 125 Impossible

A slender finger poked Giyu's cheek as expected.

Maybe it was because the child's face with baby fat was too elastic, or maybe it was because she had never had a similar opportunity before. She was so naughty that she was not satisfied even after poking several times.

It wasn't until Giyu sensed something and his closed eyelids began to move that Kocho Shinobu decided to give up. She quickly retracted her hand and waited quietly for the patient to wake up with a smile.

A few seconds later, Giyu opened his right eye and heard the first In one sentence: "Tomioka, after resting for so long, it's almost time to get up and move around. "

Before he could speak, Kocho Shinobu skillfully turned the handle under the bed and raised the front half of the bed to form a backrest. Giyu also changed from lying down to a sitting position. He didn't say anything. He first used his peripheral vision to look around, he saw the wall formed directly from the mountain, and knew that he was in Orochimaru's base.

"We got here last night, and it's the morning of the next day. "

Following the voice, Giyu's eyes turned around, and eyes darker than the deep sea rested quietly on Kocho Shinobu's face.

For those who are not familiar with him, it is difficult to describe what kind of emotions are inside. But Kocho Shinobu is the one who is most familiar with Giyu besides Tanjiro, so she knows.

"Are you a little surprised, thinking you are living in a dream?" Kocho Shinobu's lips curved up with a slightly proud smile, "At the same time, you are regretting it. You are thinking that you shouldn't have called me out when you were not sure whether there was any danger?"

"Um. " Giyu nodded and did not ask questions like "Why do you know my thoughts?" Because Kocho Shinobu knew it eight times out of ten and he was used to it.

After all, this is the only one among the Nine Hashiras that can talk to him for half an hour.

If she didn't have the ability to read between the lines of Giyu, she would have been so angry that she would have been possessed by Shinazugawa Sanemi.

"Oh. In your heart, I am still as weak as before." Kocho Shinobu endured the disappointment and frowned in annoyance, "I've asked everything clearly, Tomioka. Last time you called Rengoku out at the most critical moment. Could it be that, in your heart, I am so untrustworthy? I'm super angry now."

"Although you said you are angry. "

Giyu's eyes stayed at the corners of her mouth, eyes, brows, and nose for a moment, directly breaking through her disguise, "But the lower half of your face has been smiling, and it hasn't stopped at all. "

This time, Kocho Shinobu's smile really disappeared.

"You can tell whether I am angry or laughing, these years..."

She wrapped her arms and looked at Giyu with a scrutinizing gaze. Her expression was very... It was hard to tell whether she was happy or unhappy, "You have indeed made a lot of progress. "

"Really? " Years of hard work in facial expression recognition have been recognized, and Giyu is rarely excited.

He studied that book just for moments like this.

But for some reason, his parents don't really approve of this progress, and even use Sasuke to come and threaten him to hand over the book.

"Of course it's true." He even learned the tactic of changing the subject, which is very different from the completely frank Tomioka before.

Kocho Shinobu put her index finger on her chin and asked relentlessly: "You haven't answered the question I just asked. If you want to escape with this little trick, you are underestimating me."

"Please answer truthfully. In your heart, have I always been weak, so I need to be protected? Is it because of this that you feel a little guilty about calling me out?"

"I have never thought about it."

Although she was ignored on the question she really cared about, Giyu still answered immediately.

He said seriously: "I have never thought that you are weaker than me."

"I have fought against the third upper moon, and even with Tanjiro's help, I still find it extremely difficult. I also know that the second upper moon will only be stronger."

"If you hadn't solved him in that way, our decisive battle with Kibutsuji Muzan would have been affected, and things would have gone completely differently. After all, there's nothing that any of the rest of us could have done. Until you can do it."

Giyu paused, recalled the situation at that time, and seriously described his feelings when he heard the news of Kocho Shinobu's death.

"So Kocho Shinobu, I never thought about protecting someone stronger than me. I just regret that no one fought side by side with you like Tanjiro helped me."

"..." Kocho Shinobu covered her mouth and did not speak, but her wide-open eyes were full of surprise.

Just yesterday, when Rengoku Kyojuro and Kocho Shinobu met, his words inevitably revealed that unique "I will cover for you" meaning.

Kocho Shinobu knew that this was Kyojuro's habit, and it was entirely out of good intentions, but she was different from Mitsuri Kanroji who would definitely feel happy and excited about it.

As a Hashira, She was always troubled by her own strength, what Kocho Shinobu resists the most is that Rock Hashira and Wind Hashira often advise her to stay in Butterfly House, or Flame Hashira always asks her if she needs help.

Every time she heard such words, she felt like she was being reminded in disguise - you are weak, you are weak, you are weak, you are weak.

This is also the reason why almost everyone among the Nine Hashiras likes Flame Hashira, but she sometimes feels that she and Rengoku Kyojuro are not on speaking terms (formula book content).

Even though she now has a body that is more than ten times stronger than before, she still has not adjusted to this sensitive mentality, and it is inevitable that she will feel a little unhappy.

But Giyu's words just now were like a ray of morning light penetrating through the layers of dark clouds, making her feel suddenly warm.

However, Kocho Shinobu did one thing wrong, that is, she should not have been silent because of this unspeakable emotion, so that Giyu had time to add the following sentence.

"And this time, you will never be as short and small as before, and I have no reason to think that you need protection."


"Why are you angry?" Giyu was confused.

He was telling the truth as Kocho Shinobu asked him to, and he didn't understand where the other party's anger came from.

"I'm not angry." Kocho Shinobu narrowed her eyes and curved them into a gentle crescent shape, and her voice was as beautiful as the jumping stream.

"But your brows are obviously depressed..."

"Please don't pay attention." Kocho Shinobu said with veins on her forehead, "I just think that the patient has just woken up, and talking too much may not be conducive to recovery. Why don't we focus on you now? And not me."

"Oh." Giyu closed his mouth. The result of the expression recognition this time was that Kocho Shinobu was about to fall into rage, but she was telling the truth. It seemed that she really didn't want to continue the topic.

[She is really weird, obviously I still have a few words left to say. ] Giyu thought so.

Kocho Shinobu took a few deep breaths to extinguish the annoyance that almost set her hair on fire, and then began a formal medical inquiry: "How do your eyes feel now? Can you see clearly?"

" You still have trouble seeing things in the distance? A little bit of Mohu."

Giyu touched the gauze covering his left eye, "And here, is it medicine? It has a strange smell."

"Well, I used banyan tree sap to prepare some medicine, which is specifically for eye diseases. Your optic nerves have been strongly stimulated in a short period of time, and it will still take some time for complete recovery."

Kocho Shinobu gave a diagnosis, "The reason why the left eye is more serious than the right eye is because of the fracture of your left hand and left leg. The reason is the same - when you avoid the explosive tags, you always subconsciously use the left half of your body to resist the shock wave, so the left half is more damaged."

When she mentioned the words explosive tags , a hint of haze flashed across Kocho Shinobu's face. I didn't know she remembered something bad.

"Continuous stimulation?" Giyu grabbed the keyword, "But I was only exposed to that strong light once..."

"Have you forgotten?"

Kocho Shinobu interrupted, pointing to his eyes and saying, "This 'Sharingan' of yours evolved twice in three days. According to Kyojuro, every time it evolves, a large amount of chakra will flow into the eyes. You were lucky enough not to be blinded after witnessing such a strong light."

"That's it." Giyu understood, and then suddenly raised his head and asked, "Has Kyojuro arrived already?"

" It was Rengoku who used medical ninjutsu to heal you. He is with those children now, and you will see him in a while."

Kocho Shinobu rubbed her eyebrows, "Now we have to discuss why your Sharingan evolved twice in three days. Tomioka, this happened because you were deliberately suppressing the growth of these eyes, right? I had already discovered some clues when you dreamed before... "

Giyu lowered his head: "So be it."

In fact, in order to obtain the 100% resolution of the Moon Breathing, he had used the Sharingan to crack genjutsu more than 10,000 times. After training like this, his Sharingan should have evolved long ago.

But Giyu has a transparent world, and he noticed something that ordinary people would not care about - every time the Sharingan evolves, the slightly darker chakra in his head becomes larger.

The secretion of chemical hormones in the brains of the clansmen will be affected by this chakra and become more active than ordinary people.

This also leads to the most common situation among the Uchiha clan: the more tomoe in the eyes, the more arrogant, aggressive, and passionate the person becomes.

Once praised, dopamine in the brains of the clan will be secreted crazily, and they will be eager for the next time like an addiction, making it almost impossible to accept criticism; but once they encounter provocation and competition, cortisol, the stress hormone, will also pour out in large quantities, making the clansmen warlike and sensitive. In short, these eyes make it impossible for them to control their emotions in certain situations.

Only those clansmen with relatively gentle personalities, such as Shisui, or relatively mature clansmen such as Uchiha Fugaku, Tetsuo and others, can reduce the impact of this chakra.

After briefly explaining the situation to Kocho Shinobu, the latter pondered for a while: "You are really cautious. But to be honest..." Her eyes wandered around Giyu's eyes, "This kind of Bloodline Limit can arouse intense emotions. Isn't this suitable for people like you who can't express their emotions?"

"I'm afraid of losing control." Giyu shook his head, "Once I lose control, the damage I can cause is far more than other clansmen."

Giyu knows that his own strength is extraordinary.

In addition, he had a past where he was possessed by a genjutsu when he was a child and almost killed Uchiha Flame, so he has always been very wary of his eyes.

He turns on his Sharingan every day when cooking and doing housework, and often breaks the genjutsu of Shisui and his father, just to consume more eye power, so that he is always in a state of insufficient energy, and is unable to break through evolution limits.

But what Giyu didn't know was that it was his frequent use of the Sharingan that actually increased the upper limit of the Sharingan's ability to Sharingan power. This resulted in his Sharingan evolving twice in three days after he encountered emotional stimulation.

"It seems that Tanjiro absorbed the Muzan cells and was almost controlled to become a demon, which touched you a lot." Kocho Shinobu immediately found the core of the problem and raised her eyebrows in disgust, "That kind of thing Guy, if he dies and still affects the rest of us, he's causing endless harm."

"But I understand you. With your extremely tangled brain circuit..."

Kocho Shinobu slapped her hands indifferently, "If you worry about something that can be rated 100 points, then others only need to achieve 10 points, and the rest will be enough. 90 points are almost redundant. "

[Are you saying that I always worry about things in vain?]

Giyu felt a little aggrieved. He always felt that his opinions were not taken seriously.

Kocho Shinobu suggested: "Okay, Any speculation is not as effective as actual observation. Let me take a look at the Sharingan. After all, I haven't seen it from such a perspective before. "

"good." Giyu responded, and his right eye suddenly changed from a deep blue to a purple-red color like the sunset. The three slowly rotating tomoe looked like three birds chasing each other in circles under the sunset.

"The color is so beautiful." Kocho Shinobu praised, and immediately moved her face forward, as if she wanted to take a close-up shot with her own eyes.

At this moment, Giyu's eyes could not only reflect light, but could even see her reflection in the lake. This was an experience that Kocho Shinobu had never had before.

However, as Kocho Shinobu stared at it longer and longer, her breath hit Giyu's face again and again. The latter looked at the face that was close to him, and his hole gradually enlarged.

The next moment, both of them realized this, and actually stepped back at the same time with a tacit understanding - Giyu pressed his back against the bed board, while Kocho Shinobu lowered her head and wrote a string of demonic symbols on a small notebook. It was hard to say whether she could recognize it herself.

While she was writing, she glanced at Giyu quietly, and found that the latter was staring at the ceiling without saying a word, and finally couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Giyu was puzzled.

"It's nothing. As you said, when using the Sharingan, your emotions will be more obvious, but it's just a little more than usual." Kocho Shinobu was very optimistic, "To be honest, when you killed Orochimaru in a rage, you still didn't look like a bad guy, just a little cold. According to my inference, this is probably because your nature is too kind, so even if the Sharingan combined with the moon breathing can increase your hidden dark emotions ten or a hundred times, and you still can't do anything extreme. As for the example you gave before, it was because you were under an illusion. You can't blame your eyes. Speaking of which, now Are you still falling for genjutsu?"

Giyu shook his head: "Except for Shisui's Mangekyou technique, no one's genjutsu can trap me for more than one second."

"Then that's no problem?"

Kocho Shinobu said with a smile: "When dealing with Manda and Orochimaru, you were so out of control as you were unfamiliar with losing your temper, so you had irrational worries. To overcome this feeling, I think you should not suppress your Sharingan but you should get familiar with Sharingan and Moon Breathing."

"You want me to continue learning Moon Breathing?"

The hole of the Sharingan shrank slightly, and it actually showed A little disgusted.

"I know, Moon Breathing is the breathing method of demons. Kokushibo who created the Moon Breathing also killed Tokitō Muichirō and Shinazugawa's younger brother, which made you a little concerned. Previously, you were not even able to exert its power because of this."

Kocho Shinobu fully understand Giyu's thoughts, "But using the same breathing method does not mean that you are the same person, just like Kaigaku who turned into demon and Agatsuma Zenitsu, both swordsmen with thunder breathing, the only difference is that they just made a different choice."

"But with my current physical condition, it will probably take a year or two to continue practicing the Moon Breathing to normalcy. In that case, the speed of resurrecting other people will be very slow." Giyu expressed his worries.

But Kocho Shinobu's answer was beyond his expectation: "Well... I don't know what you think, but I think there's nothing wrong with it."


"Like Mr. Iguro Obanai and Mr. Himejima Gyōmei needless to say, but for simple children like Mitsuri and Muichiro, do you really want them to come to this world full of holes so soon?"

Giyu frowned slightly and fell into silence.

"My idea is, let's slow down a little, let's turn this bad world into a tolerable place first, and then invite everyone to live. Otherwise, facing a world with completely different morals and customs from the earth, I'm afraid they won't be able to adapt quickly."

"Besides," Kocho Shinobu added: "Muichiro is still very young, and his brother and parents are not old enough to leave the underworld and be reincarnated, so they can still be reunited for a while; The resolution of Sun Breathing also requires 100%, which must be the last to be collected. Therefore, it must be a long time before Mitsuri can be resurrected, and Iguro Obanai is definitely not willing to leave her alone in the underworld... In the end , only Mr. Himejima is left."

"Is there any exception for him?"

Giyu really didn't know much about the situation of the other Hashiras, so he could only consult Kocho Shinobu.

"Speaking of which," Kocho Shinobu leaned closer and her voice became deeper.

"You know, Mr. Himejima is a monk. According to the Buddhist scriptures, the ultimate goal of a monk's practice is to escape from the six paths of reincarnation. My lord said that Mr. Himejima could actually become a Buddha a long time ago, but he can't let him go yet. Those adopted children in the temple, that's why they stayed in the underworld..."

"So that's it." Giyu looked solemn.

It is indeed unreasonable to drag a person who has truly been reborn in Paradise to such a place.

"In short, my idea is that they all deserve a better world and a happy life."

Kocho Shinobu stood up, "If we want to transform this world into something barely worthy of everyone, the three of us will have to become very strong, so strong that these ninjas have to bow their heads in front of our strength!"

"Change the world..." There was obvious surprise in Giyu's Sharingan eyes, "You have only been resurrected for a day or two. Have you already had this idea?"

[No wonder Kyojuro always said, 'If Miss Shinobu is here, there will be a solution.' ]

Kocho Shinobu reluctantly blushed, but immediately dispelled this little embarrassment.

"I haven't thought about the specific plan yet, but I already have a general framework. But no matter what, Moon Breathing is the strongest power in your hand. You must not give up so easily."

"I understand."

The general goal - to create a bearable world for everyone - is already in place. Giyu felt full of strength and couldn't help clenching his fists, "In this case, let's first increase Moon Breathing to normal Level."

Kocho Shinobu noticed that Giyu was a little excited, and reminded him: "But these things are for later, there is no need to rush at this moment. The most important thing now is your treatment. Since you are my patient, you must obey my rules."


"Yes. All swordsmen who have been treated in Butterfly Mansion know that if a patient wants to be discharged from the hospital, in addition to the wound recovery condition that satisfies me, he must also pass three rehabilitation training sessions. But your fracture hasn't healed yet, and you can't even see from your left eye. We'll talk about rehabilitation training later."

Kocho Shinobu raised three fingers, "But in any case, until these three trainings are completed, you can only stay here in Orochimaru's base, you must not go out casually, understand?"

Giyu did not agree, seeming to be struggling with something.

"I know you are thinking about that shark, but finding a shark in the sea is not much different from finding a needle in the sea." Kocho Shinobu sighed, "In addition to collecting relevant intelligence, proactively When it appears, we have no choice. What we can do now is to study Hidan's head to see how his blood infects animals, and how to reverse this change..."

"I understand."

Giyu thought for a while and responded.

"This is not a promise." Kocho Shinobu would not be fooled by Giyu like Fugaku. She stood by the bed and tapped the bed frame rhythmically.

Giyu's eyes were half-moon-shaped, and he reluctantly finished the sentence: "I won't leave here casually until you think it's feasible."

Kocho Shinobu was extremely satisfied.

Giyu is not an Immortal River. He cannot easily break his promise and sneak out from the roof of the ward in the middle of the night.

Kocho Shinobu opened the door of the ward, "Then get ready. Your trauma is no longer a problem. I'll ask Haku to help you clean your body and change your clothes. Then we can go out to see Rengoku."

"Haku?" Giyu didn't know who it was.

"By the way, I don't want to admit it. Haku is a cute boy."

Kocho Shinobu drew a lively circle with her finger on the side of her face. "He is even prettier than me. Don't think too much about it then."

"That's impossible."

Kocho Shinobu, who had just taken a step out the door, took her feet back, with an expression as if she was remembering something: "Oh, I forgot. You can see the structure of the human body, so of course you can't make a mistake about gender. However, Tomioka, this approach is very rude..."

"I mean."

Giyu interrupted her, calmly, and said in a tone that stated the facts: "There can't be anyone better looking than you.."

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