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32.55% Uchiha Giyu

Chapter 41: chapter 41 Chasing and intercepting (Part 1)

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Chapter 41: Chasing and intercepting (Part 1)

Time came when Uchiha Itachi and Shisui left Fortress No. 14.

Each of them carried a Root Ninja and ran wildly through the rainforest, with violent sirens wailing behind them, like a woman who had lost her child, calling for help.

"Shisui, where are we going now?"

Itachi's face looked very bad, as if he was thinking about something incomprehensible in his heart.

The two legs of the root ninja codenamed "Shen" on his shoulders have been broken at the knees.

The female ninja codenamed "Chou" was directly knocked down by Shisui using genjutsu.

Before Shisui showed up, Uchiha Itachi had already obtained the important document detailing the poison sac transplant experiment.

Chou was not with them at the time. When Shen left Sanshouo no Koga's office, he "accidentally" detonated the explosive tags at the door. His legs were trapped by the collapsed wall, and an alarm went off.

Although Itachi was a little dissatisfied that Shen, as an ANBU, would even make such a low-level mistake, he was still so nervous that he didn't know what to do because it was his first time encountering something like this. To save Shen, Itachi's strength alone was far from enough.

"In order not to reveal my identity and intelligence, you have to kill me."

This is what Shen said to Itachi amidst the whirlwind of sirens.

"A ninja's life has no meaning, it's all about how he dies."

"For the sake of Konoha, for the village, and for the sake of preventing a war between the two countries, you must do this."

Itachi, who was still very young, was somewhat moved by this spirit of sacrifice in a situation where he had no time to think too much, and he also had some changes in his view of the ninjas of the Root Organization.

However, just when he was about to fulfill the wish of this admirable senior and put the kunai on the opponent's neck, Shisui appeared and interrupted his next action with a shuriken.

But when Shen saw Shisui, not only was there no surprise of "being saved", but his expression became extremely gloomy.

He pushed Itachi away, took out a explosive tags and was about to commit suicide, as if he didn't even want to leave the body to the rain ninja. Unexpectedly, Shisui used the teleportation technique and the ninja sword to cut off the buried legs. , pulled out from the center of the explosion.

The room was ravaged by two explosive tags, causing even the floor to collapse.

After Shisui rescued Shen, he immediately knocked him down with a genjutsu, and then ran with Itachi, knocking down Chou again along the way.

But until now, they have left the fortress, and Shisui still has no explanation——

Why does he appear in the Kingdom of Rain?

Why did he cast a genjutsu on the root ninja?

Why did the root ninja commit suicide when he saw him?

Everything suddenly became confusing.

Itachi needed an answer now.

"Giyu and I have made an agreement to meet at a hideout near the Land of Fire tomorrow at the latest. We took a short rest there when we came here."

Shisui said simply: "Let's go over there now."

"Giyu is here too?!"

Itachi exclaimed slightly and frowned, "Did you bring him to the Land of Rain?"

"A big event happened in the village. Uchiha Flame disappeared. The clues point to the Land of Rain. We are here to investigate this matter."

Shisui replied, "Bringing Giyu here is just in case. Specifically, I will tell you in detail when I get back."

Having said this, he turned his head while he was galloping, and looked at Itachi with a pair of three tomoe sharingan eyes.

A comic dialogue box with written words floated quietly in Itachi's sight. That's the genjutsu of the Sharingan.

[I may be under surveillance. Let's talk about it when we get back. ]

Itachi was shocked in his heart, but it didn't show on his face, he just nodded slightly.

Shisui also looked back with relief.

He had been suspicious of being monitored since he easily found the body of Uchiha Flame in Amegakure Village.

If the illusion had not been broken before, he might have believed that it was the Kingdom of Rain.

But if you think about it carefully, even Hanzo in the Rain Country was upset by the rebellion. How could a mere jounin like Sanshouo no Koga dare to attack a powerful ninja at this juncture?

And even if he did it, why not conduct experiments on Flame in this fortress? Wouldn't it be easier to be discovered by Sanshouo no Hanzo himself in the Hidden Rain Village?

The more Shisui thought about it, the more something was wrong. He just felt that he had encountered a huge conspiracy.

If the other party intended for him to discover Flame's body, it meant that his secret sneaking into Amegakure Village had been discovered and used long ago, but he knew nothing about the other party.

[Is it a powerful sensory ninja, or a time and space ninjutsu? ]

He couldn't make up his mind now, so he had no choice but to follow the other party's script——

After finding the body, he found the "murderer", left the Country of Rain, and quickly returned to the village to resume his life and resolve the misunderstanding between the village and Uchiha.

All more in-depth investigations are best conducted in secret.

At this moment, the alarm bell behind them suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a tiger roar that they had never heard before.

"This is..."

The two Uchiha turned their heads at the same time, with strange colors on their faces.

"This fire release..."

"Isn't that Uchiha fire jutsu?"

Looking at it from a distance with the Sharingan, you can tell that the tiger is not a summoning beast, but is completely composed of violently burning chakra.

The fire attribute chakra can maintain the appearance of animals, so lifelike, and it also has the high temperature to melt rocks, which means a very profound level of fire attribute changes in properties and form changes.

At least not the two of them.

"In the end what happened?"

Itachi frowned, things were becoming more and more confusing.

"Never mind, the further away we are from that the better."

Shisui shook his head.

Although the alarm bell is sharp, its spread is small.

On the contrary, although the beast's roar is low, the sound travels much farther.

"Such an obvious technique, even the rain ninjas around here will notice it.

"We will continue to stay here. Once our identity is exposed, the Kingdom of Rain will certainly not go to war with Konoha, but it is hard to say whether other major powers will make a fuss about this matter."

"My crow has gone to find Giyu. When he comes back, we will leave the Kingdom of Rain immediately."

Itachi nodded, temporarily suppressing all the doubts in his heart, and followed Shisui as he galloped towards the east of the fortress.

at the same time.

Rengoku Kyojuro made a few big jumps and climbed all the way up the wall that had been melted and then re-solidified, and finally came to the place where the giant flame tiger disappeared. And behind him, in the four-story fortress originally made of hard stone, there was also a deep and wide patio, which was burned out by the tiger as it charged all the way up.

The chakra composition of Giyu is different from that of ordinary chakra ninjas. It is not surprising that it has such a terrifying temperature.

"What an incredible feat! Giyu!"

In the heavy rain, Rengoku Kyojuro, wearing an ordinary yukata, sincerely admired him.

"Even Kibutsuji Muzan will be reduced to ashes under this blow!"

This was the outfit he had worn since his resurrection. A messenger crow was poking its head out of the inner lining, its orange eyes curiously looking at the new world.

"Don't say that..."

Giyu's voice was weak, and there wasn't much chakra in his body.

After unleashing the "Flame Breathing·Fifth Form·Flame Tiger" with all his strength, he didn't even have the strength to stand. What's more, with the condition of his knees, once he got out of the emergency state before, he wouldn't be able to hold.

"Also, can you put me down..."

At this time, Giyu, who was covered in blood, was being hugged by Kyojuro to his chest like a princess.

A blue chakra tie slipped out from his lowered hand, pulling seven semi-floating bubbles. The children who had narrowly escaped death were sleeping quietly inside, and it seemed that their breathing was still stable. .

This is a modified version of the water prison technique of the Second Hokage, subverting the purpose of the technique itself to imprison others and drown them.

Judging from the use of this technique, it should have been used by the Second Hokage when he rescued his own people who were accidentally injured by him from the water.

But no matter what, the current Giyu looks like a child who was hugged by his brother after playing tiredly in the park, with seven balloons in his hand, full of weirdness.

"How can this work! I can already see your bones!"

Kyojuro righteously rejected Giyu's request.

"From now on, Mr. Tomioka, please rest. I will do everything possible to take these children out and find a doctor for you!"

"Just call my name..."

Giyu's voice became weaker and weaker, and the slits in his eyes became smaller and smaller.

Giyu, who was about to fall into darkness, was shouted out again. He knew this was Kyojuro's way of keeping him awake, it wasn't the time to fall asleep yet.

"Find a place to place them first. I don't have much chakra left."

"I see!"

Rengoku Kyojuro reached out and touched the blue chakra lace, gathered the "balloons" behind him, and then looked at the courtyard of the fortress.

He saw more than twenty fallen rain ninjas in the courtyard. Some had one or two shurikens stuck in their bodies, and some had no wounds at all. Their bodies were still rising and falling slightly. They fainted for unknown reasons.

It seems that these are the things that Giyu said before that triggered the alarm.

"It's such a brutal area, it makes people not happy at all!"

Judging from the route, those people should have climbed over the city wall and left here.

But thanks to those people who knocked down the rain ninjas in the courtyard, otherwise they would be in great trouble now.

Kyojuro's eyes turned to the other side, and finally stopped on the hay shed of the stable. Several black oilcloth carriages were parked there, and they could be driven out as long as they were put on the reins.

"Great! Kaname!"

He called out a name, and the crow immediately emerged from the lining of his clothes, fluttering its wings and flying to his shoulder.

With the character of Rengoku Kyojuro, he would not worry about why his messenger crow appeared in this place.

On the contrary, he immediately accepted this partner who had fought with him.

"Lord Flame Hashira!"

"Go around and find a way out of here, and find some food for me!"


The messenger crow immediately took off, charged to higher ground, circled in the rain, and disappeared in a dive.

After Kyojuro found a suitable place to land, he held Giyu and jumped from the top of the four-story fortress. Seven "balloons" followed him straight down like tails and landed. After that, the surrounding rain splashed everywhere, staining Kyojuro's clothes, but it didn't splash on Giyu at all.

"It's time to come out!"

Kyojuro walked to the side of the carriage, popped all the bubbles with his fingers, and put the children in order of height into the hood covered by the oilcloth, with Giyu placed outside.

At this time, his messenger came back with a long loaf of bread and handed it to Kyojuro's hand.

"Lord Kyojuro! This fortress has only one exit, which is two heavy iron doors. I didn't find the location of the switch!"

"It doesn't matter."

Kyojuro clenched his fists, very confident in the strength of his body.

He took a bite of the bread and said, "Yummy!" ( Umai )

He straightened Giyu's body, "Giyu! Eat something to stay awake!"

Then he looked at Kaname: "Yes, are there any ninjas around the gate?"

"The ninjas inside the fortress have entered the building to search, but there are guards outside."

"Thanks a lot!"

Rengoku Kyojuro said as he pulled the horse's reins: "Giyu is left to you, we must not let him sleep!"


Outside the fortress.

The two rain ninjas who had previously let Giyu and the homeless leader into the city had different expressions.

They heard the chaos inside, but no one opened the door for them, and they didn't know what happened.

According to regulations, they could only wait boringly outside the door.

"Well, what's this noise?"

The rain ninja, who was wearing a bamboo hat and holding a spear, listened attentively, "Is it the sound of horse hooves?"

"Someone should be going out."

"But the person who opened the door upstairs isn't here either..."

While the two were talking, they heard a loud "bang" and saw a huge bulge suddenly appear on the 20-centimeter-thick iron door.

The two men took up their weapons and stood in front of the door, listening worriedly to the second and third impact, body trembling with the door, keeping in sync.

By the fourth time, the right one of the two doors was knocked out like a card thrown by a magician with a flick of his wrist. The air flow kicked up and swept away the hats of the two rain ninjas, and then I heard the sound of the iron door slamming to the ground a few meters behind the two of them.

The rain ninjas swallowed their saliva and looked inside the door frame. A strange-looking yellow-haired boy with red hair was gently pressing his shoulders.

Behind him, a black carriage with two horses was parked.

The rain ninja on the left knew that this was an enemy, so he casually took out two shurikens and threw them at them, but Rengoku Kyojuro just took a step forward, and the aura overflowed from his body. The shurikens seemed to have been specially avoided. He flew to both sides as if driving, hit the wall and bounced to one side, sliding to the ground weakly.

Before the rain ninja even had time to feel shocked, Rengoku Kyojuro appeared in front of the two of them, took the spear in their hands and broke it directly.

"Excuse me!"

Rengoku Kyojuro did not mean to continue hurting them, but asked sincerely.

"If I want to leave the country, which direction should I go?"

The two rain ninjas looked at each other and pointed to the direction in unison.

"Oh! Can we find a doctor in that direction?"

"Twenty kilometers south is... the border between the Country of Rain and the Country of Rivers. When you enter the Country of Rivers, you can find a doctor after you encounter a town..."

"Thank you very much! Lend me this sword!"

After Kyojuro got the answer, he pulled out the saber of one of them, knocked them down and placed them against the wall. Then he immediately got on his horse and pointed towards the south.

"Everyone, sit tight! We're leaving now!"

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