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Chapter 14 : New Beginnings and Mysterious Encounters

I pulled my head from under the sink and found a girl I hadn't seen before—a beautiful blonde with an stunning figure. Perhaps she's a new person, and it seems she has no idea I'm here. I didn't want to startle her, so I decided to make my presence in the kitchen known.

 "Ahem. Hello there." The girl jumped up in surprise and started screaming, "Who are you? Alfred, Alfred! There's a man here." I reassured her, "Stop, stop screaming. I work here. I'm the new guy." She calmed down and said, "You're him." I replied, "Yes, I am. Lorus told me to check this sink; it's not working." She sighed and said, "Oh, you really scared me...hahaha."

I smiled at her, "I'm sorry about that. I was under the sink fixing it when I heard someone here, and I thought I should make my presence known." She sat on a chair and said, "Wow, my heart is racing." 

I approached her and introduced myself, "I'm Rick, by the way." She replied, "Nice to meet you, Rick. I'm Lola." So, this is the famous Lola that they didn't stop talking about . I asked her, "Are you Mrs. Mars? Right?" .

She started laughing, "Yes, I was Mrs. Mars last year, but not anymore." I told her, "From my perspective, Mrs. Mars once . is always Mrs. Mars ." She blushed and said, "Thank you, that's kind of you. I didn't want to compete again this year, but I have many modeling sessions lined up for magazines, clothing lines, makeup products, and much more."

I sensed she was tired and didn't want to discuss modeling or what's going on, so I changed the topic and asked, "You know, I was talking to Maria earlier, and she suggested maybe we could go somewhere together tomorrow, all of us." She replied, "That would be nice. I'm free tomorrow." I'm already aware of that , but I wasn't going to tell her, as it might make her fell uncomfortable that I know a lot about her.

 I decided to get back to work , "Anyway, I'll leave you to take rest , and I'll get back to work." She responded, "Alright, we can keep talking. Can you Tell me something about yourself.?"

I thought for a moment and replied"I'm a bit excited about this job. A new beginning, a new place. How about you?" She replied, "when I arrived here in the first time, it was awful. Everything was old, rusty, and ugly. But we took charge." I told her, "I can see that, lots of new things." She asked, "Why did you take this job?" . 

It's a good question. Why Did I accept this job in the middle of nowhere, away from everything and everyone I know? I thought for a moment and answered, "Because it's exciting, a new place, new people, everything is new." She said, "you got tired of the same old thing." 

Exactly, as if she knows what I'm thinking. So, I said, "Yes, I wanted something new and exciting, and here I am... and it seems I got both, new and exciting." She replied, "Yes, you did. And you don't even know half of it, not yet anyway." That's an intriguing response; so there's more in this place to find out.

I returned to under the sink and said, "Now it's my turn to ask you some questions." She replied, "Sure, go ahead." Many thoughts were racing in my mind, one of them about Loris and his transformation into a young guy. I decided not to bring that up and asked her, "How was the photo session? What do you do there?".

 She answered, "It was good. I had to change into 20 different outfits that quickly gets old. What I do there is wear something beautiful and pose for the camera, more or less." I said, "That's great." Then, she spoke with excitement, "Yes, I love it." Just as I was about to speak, I noticed something stuck. That's when Lola said, "Did you find something?" I replied, "Yes, I find it .now I need to fix the wire."

I lifted my face to Lola and found her playing with her fingers, as if she was tense. Then, after a moment, she said, "Maybe this sounds like a strange question to you... I didn't know if I should ask it." I said, "What? Tell me what you want to know, and I'll answer." She said, "I don't know... we barely know each other." I encouraged her, "Come on, you've made me curious. Just Ask."

 I waited to see what she wanted. She then said, "Never mind. Forget it! That was a bad question to ask. It's just... it's what she do with any new person." I asked, "Does she?" She paused for a moment as I continued fixing the sink. After I finished, i exclaimed, "Oh, I'm done. Thank goodness."

I realized that Lola was referring to Lisa with her words. So, that's what she does. Here I thought I was special or something. Or Maybe she liked me. I'll address that with her... but then again, she told me we're not in a relationship. Ohhh fuck I'll deal with that tomorrow.

She told me, "are you done with the sink ?" I replied, "Yes, I fixed it." She complete, "Okay, it's getting late. Maybe I should go to my room." It's clear she feels awkward about the question she wanted to I told her, "I should go too; I'm tired." She mentioned, " Alfred really exhausted you today." I answered, "Not too much, but the trip was long and took a lot of my energy."

 Heading towards the kitchen door, Lola said, "It was nice talking to you. See you tomorrow." I said, "Yes, it was nice. Goodbye." I decided not to embarrass her further and to leave quickly. I had a pleasant conversation with her, learned a bit about her, and she learned a bit about me. By the way, she's extremely beautiful; no wonder she won Ms. Mars. She's the literal definition of the word "hot," and her name is Lola. Can she be any more perfect? Well, it's time to end this long day and go to sleep.

The outside is extremely dark, no light, nothing. I'll go straight to bed. I'm too tired to do anything. I hurried to the door; like someone was following me from behind. 

I reached my room, but I felt a great joy of seeing the bed . It feels like I just want to collapse on it and sleep. That's strange. Why am I so exhausted? I should feel tired, but not to this much. I found it odd but decided not to think about it too much and crawled under the covers. Well, it's bedtime. That's very good.

Black_shadow_ol Black_shadow_ol

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