Name: Tina Fey
Race: Human
Title: Storm Bringer
Rank: S
Potential: S
Description: She is a battle maniac blessed by the God of lightning and the storm, Zeus. Even though she is very young, she possesses an absurdly high battle IQ, and she is capable of learning on the fly so that things do not work against her more than once. People believe she enjoys fighting just because of the thrill, but the truth is that she is simply an irredeemable masochist who enjoys the feeling of having someone else pummel her to the ground. She has been searching for the perfect fighting partner who possesses the same zeal for battle that she does. And now that she has found the user, she has fallen in love.
Affiliation: Chaotic Good
Mark blinked, and he blinked again just to make sure that what he saw the first time was actually still there. Yup, it's there. What the actual fuck?
Turner is the most normal character in this entire book.
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