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15.15% Instant Climax: Conquering Reality With My Harem System / Chapter 4: Chapter 1- Body Improvement

Chapter 4: Chapter 1- Body Improvement


-Monday: 10 P.M. Earth Time-

While Nivril was getting himself familiar with his new training routine, elsewhere in the vastness of reality, there was an enormous castle, so big that for a human it would seem infinite, but while its outside was not, the inside was very much so.

Resting in its own isolated dimension as if it rejected all of the rest of reality, was the Lust Ruler's Harem Palace, hidden from prying eyes and empty... Well, almost, then again just how could a structure with an infinite inside be full?

Inside its silvery walls with a glimmer of gold, there were 16 women, just 16 in such an immeasurable place.

Various paintings, sculptures, and adornments ranged from dead animals, monsters, and beast heads on the walls, all the way to sexual toys, exposed with the same amount of polish. The place was full of life and vibrancy despite its nigh-emptiness.

Walking through the red-carpeted floors of this palace, was a woman with dark black hair containing various strands of pure white hair, and ocean blue eyes, wearing a traditional black and white maid outfit with a long skirt. Her left eye was hidden by her hair but her rather ample chest could not hide under her clothes. Her face was delicate and soft with a touch of a mischievous aura about her. However, at the moment, the only things on her face were fury and coldness.

(Image Here!)

Her every movement had elegance to it rather than sensuality, and even still her presence was just as if not more captivating than that of any sexy women. Like the snow after the sun came, once she was gone, no trace of her presence was left behind to tell the story.

As she moved through the place, every turn took, had her in a completely different area from before, going through an underwater section without getting wet, a dessert with no sand sticking to her, a forest as clean as one could be, snowy mountains untouched, a cave without any trouble, a volcano with no ash troubling her, then a room full of stairs going in all directions, and finally some sort of contained space area reflecting the very universe, until she reached a purple door, opening it to find a white room with a white table and 15 people there seated on white chairs, talking to one another only to all focus and look at her once she got there.

"Report. You are 5 minutes late… what task impeded your time for such a long expense?" A greyish woman with a crystal reflection on her neck, part of the chest, back, and short hair said to the maid, her body translucent as if she were a ghost, and her eyes like sapphires placed in her eye sockets.

Her expression was empty, cold, and even heartless, containing no feeling to it like a robot moving precisely. In front of her, there were a few floating lightly transparent screens, reminiscent of some video game notifications or some sort of futuristic holographic computer seen in a movie.

(Image Here!)

"You should already know, this b*tch is a c*nt! She won't answer you unless she gets her answers first. Right, sweetie?" A purple woman completely covered in a dark aura was the one to say something with a demonic smile on her face.

Her eyes were fully light purple as well as the tip of her two forehead horns which were crystal-like, matched with her pointy ears creating a unique figure.

(Image Here!)

"Please don't be so rude to her, sister… it's unsightly… we should understand that she's been stressed since the failure of such a promising Lust Ruler last time… may his soul have found peace in the embrace of God." Wearing full body armor that covered every inch of her body, except her golden locks of hair, she was clad in gold together with a white sweater on the top side and black shiny pants. Above her head, there was a golden halo.

(Image here!)

"Hehehehe! I could not imagine a reason! There is nothing out of the ordinary no sir! Absolutely nothing!" A small blue-skinned plam-sized woman with voluptuous proportions for her size, spoke as her insect-like wings flapped in excitement as she wore a white top and a white skirt. Her long dark blue hair in ping tails swung around as she moved.

(Image Here!)

The maid looked directly at the small blue woman, her eyes narrowed as the disdain built up in them, which made the small woman hide behind the purple lady.

"I don't know why the tension, at least you 5 get to go out. I, on the other hand, have to stay here until one of them succeeds… all the rest of us have…" A woman with a total pitch-black color was literally slimy almost like she was melting her white hair with rainbow parts and silvery eyes made all the more evident as she spoke.

(Image Here!)

"Truly a tragic fate… I guess some things never change, no matter where I went, the act of being myself was a problem… how sad, anyway when is dinner? I'm hungry." A woman with grey skin, light purple hair, and purple eyes was wearing a blue dress with skeletal-like protection all over her body.

(Image Here!)

"Hmph! I'm also hungry! Hungry for the embrace of a Ruler! We were left behind untouched virgins just so we could be ready to properly serve the next Lust Ruler, but what now?! It's been eons and nothing!! I can't wait forever!" A woman with white horns twirls coming out of her head right over her long white hair, complanied as her boisterous body jiggled in the tiny dress she was wearing. Her wings and scaly tail flailed about.

(Image Here!)

"Relax sweetie, we'll get there in due time. I'm actually pretty positive about the new one, he has potential. Albeit rough on the edges as of now, with enough time he'll be what we all have dreamed of, I tell you." A dark-skinned woman wearing a black dress and a hat with a slimy texture over it smug as she said.

(Image Here!)

"""Hahahaha! We can see that he'll draw a lot of blood! We already like him!""" Three girls with a very colorful look, each wearing a dead creature's head on top of their own like a hat. They had sharp teeth and were rainbow. Speaking all three at the same time.

(Image Here!)

*Hic!* "I don't see… *Hic!*… Not good… *Hic!*… Get me a bucket!… *Hic!!*" A barely dressed woman with black hair holding cat ears was in black underwear, white stockings, and a white shirt. Her black tails trembled as she held onto her glass of celestial alcoholic Ambrosia, before she fell to the ground drunk.

(Image Here!)

"I just want to descend into his layer of reality and grant all his wishes! He's ugly but cute!" A half-legged light purple-skinned Woman floating like a ghost with her long twin pigtails, and wearing only what was essentially underwear, commented with a smile on her face.

(Image Here!)

"No, you can't do any of that… the person who will descend was chosen, and for those who can't be chosen, only patience can be your ally now." A brown-skinned woman with silvery long hair and sky-blue eyes wearing a globe as an a dormant on her crown expressed.

(Image Here!)

"Regardless, everyone here should be focused on him, not on having a petty discussion… what's done is done." A dark-skinned woman with white hair, red eyes, and pointy ears scolded the rest.

(Image Here!)

"… Fine… you girls are right, come here blue pick-squeak! I won't hurt you." The maid said to the small blue girl.

"…" The small blue girl got closer and once she was in front of the maid, she hit the run and went for the door flying at full speed.

"Come back here you little sh*t! You can't just take my position and get away with it!" The maid went on to chase the small blue girl.

"They really don't listen… Do they?" The dark-skinned woman with red eyes and pointy ears asked only to receive no response from the others. "… We're all jealous of her, aren't we?" She added and immediately all the girls nodded their heads in agreement.

Meanwhile, just by a thin hair, the small blue girl escaped the maid leaving the palace, and now being out of the other palace women's reach.

"That lucky b*tch! I used to be the lucky one! Damnit!" The maid clicked her tongue knowing there was nothing she could do to change this. As she looked at the infinite void outside the palace with a somber expression.



-Day 2/Tuesday; 5 A.M.-

*Huff!* *Huff!* *Huff!* *Cough!!* *Cough!!*

Dying under his breath, Nivril couldn't even get ahold of himself, even though he spread the exercises in sets of ten and did them at his own pace, every atom of his body was begging for mercy as he was barely still able to move.

To make sure doing more wouldn't flat out kill him, Nivril opened the quest panel.



-30/30 push-ups

-30/30 sit-ups

-30/30 squats

-30/30 jump jacks

-100/100 Punches on the training dummy

-100/100 kicks on the training dummy

-30/30 minutes of flexibility training

-30/30 minutes of plank

-30/30 minutes of Evasion training

-30/30 minutes of Reflex training

-2.9/3 km run


(Come on! You made it this far! See it through!) Pushing himself to move beyond his current physical limit, Nivril ran forward without looking back or focusing anymore on anything other than running.

[The Quest 1: Rise Up To The Occasion(Daily) has been completed within the time frame limit. The rewards can now be collected, would you like to have them now?]

[[Yes] Or [No]]

Immediately, Nivril fell to the ground breathing heavily and coughing as his body was in absolute pain and begging him for some water.

Unfortunately, the water he brought was long over and he had to just take it, and stay there on the ground waiting for his body to reboot enough for him to go home and solve this.

(This body sucks!… it's so bad! I hope the rewards of this quest are worth it!) Nivril thought to himself now glued to the floor unable to move too much.

As he was half dying on the ground, a young woman who was also running in the morning stopped to check on him.

"Are you ok… sir?" Coming closer she was a little taken aback by his bad looks but still asked him all the same.

She was a brown-haired young woman with brown eyes and a cute face, who was wearing a white T-shirt and some shorts to run in the morning. Even though her features and attractive to him, she still had a bit of a rough aura as if waiting for something bad to happen at any point. A pessimistic or maybe even paranoia, whatever the case her movements betrayed that.

(Image Here!)

"Wa… ter… water… please…" Nivril used the opportunity and asked for what he needed.

(Oh my, he looks so… different… no! I shouldn't be thinking that now, he seems to be in trouble, so I should go get some water and come back as fast as I can… You idiot! You'll definitely regret this once he sells you off to some mob boss or has you tied up in a dark basement.) She decided on her thoughts while looking at him, though her thoughts told her to do otherwise.

"Just wait here. I don't think death should reach you anytime soon. Take it for a bit more, and you'll be." She said it to him, and even though her expression and tone showed a certain air of coldness, she still ran off to go get the water.

It took some time and Nivril was feeling a bit better, but not quite enough to walk home when the young woman came back holding a full water bottle.

Taking the water bottle from her, Nivril drank it all almost instantly and then looked at the young woman.

"Thank you very much… I really needed that..." Nivril expressed but didn't smile knowing his teeth aren't a pleasant view.

(Hurgh! Looking at him… the longer I do so, the worse he looks. At least he's not at least rude… then again can you afford to be rude with a face like that? Anyway, I should leave, don't want to get involved with some random guy. It'll be a pain to deal with any of it later) The young woman concluded as she looked down at him, a sigh leaving her mouth.

"Yeah, just don't go running without a water bottle available." She rolled her eyes and turned around to leave, giving him no time to answer at all.

(I hope I meet her again sometime, and I can buy her lunch or a coffee as thank you for today… oh well, I better head home, let's see if this quest was worth the trouble.) Nivril decided as he got up and headed home.

After a while, he reached his dorm room and closed the door, before heading to his bed and saying.

"I want to collect my rewards." He commanded, and then.

[Report. You have acquired 100 OLP, Body Fortification Burger(extra protein!), Lineage Solidification Protein Powder Bag(extra protein!), and Cup with water(No extra protein).

Note: It is recommended that you consume the items near the bathroom or even inside it, naked.]

A huge wrapper-packed burger, a 1-liter plastic cup with water inside and a cover, and a protein powder bag all appeared in front of Nivril on the floor.

"Bathroom… is this going to have some weird effects on me?… Whatever... I'll do it." Nivril got up and opened the powder bag and poured it into the plastic water cup, then put the cover on before shaking it. Only to place it on the floor again.

After fully undressing himself, Nivril grabbed the burger pack and opened it. Then picked up the plastic cup again, and headed straight to the bathroom, where he began eating the burger in generous bites, while taking gulps from his protein drink to chug it down.

(This is a bit disgusting… but it could have been worse… the burger is tastes great, though!… Even the protein drink too… honestly, I wouldn't mind eating like this every other day.) Nivril thought to himself as he ate his reward like any person training to gain muscle would, expeditiously quick.

In a few minutes, he was done with it all and felt normal.

"Huh… I thought this would feel a little more… INTENSE!!! Arghhfggfg!" Immediately as soon as Nivril felt safe, a strong pain assaulted him, one as bad as if not worse than when he was burned alive!

Every fiber of his being was in pain as his body contorted and trembled on the ground as he had fallen due to the sudden pain.

[The physique and bloodline optimization or Full body optimization process has begun and as a result of it, extreme pain will be experienced. As a result, the body will eventually reach its human limit and have most impurities removed.]

The process went on for an unknown period of time, and Nivril was at its mercy for every second of it, making him want to give up, however, he never allowed himself to actually let that happen.

That was until it eventually ended.

[The process of Full body optimization has been completed. As a result, your attributes have increased slightly!]

Getting up from the floor, Nivril found himself covered in a smelly black sludge of a substance…

(… I guess these are the impurities… disgusting!… this is why the system recommended me to be naked in the bathroom or I would have ruined a lot of things for no reason... Anyway, I feel awesome!) Nivril felt full of energy and strength like never before at least not that he could remember. He thought to himself, not wanting any of the substance to enter his mouth.

Right after it was done, he got to work and took a bath before cleaning the bathroom. Then got himself dressed, purposefully avoiding the mirror as he prepared for the moment of truth… was he still horrible-looking?

Having a bit of hesitation, Nivril walked up to the mirror with his eyes closed and opened them once he was right in front of it.

What he found shocked him, as it was night and day! However, there was still a bit of a problem, instead of looking too old by looking over 60, he now looked too old by looking over 30, an improvement but not quite perfect.

He was 18 years old, and looked like a man in his thirties, with his hair in dreads only on one side, the done bread and mustache looking better right now, and most importantly a fit body with toned muscles. A that time, he wore a long jacket and pajama pants.

(Image Here!)

Much quicker than he expected his ugly time was over, and he quickly turned to his status to know what else changed.

[Status Screen]

[Name: Nivril Armondis Mortalis

Species: Human | Sub-Species: Earth Human

Age: 18 years old

Sex: Male

Class: Lust Ruler Candidate

Sub-Class: None

Physique: None

Bloodline: None

Affinities: Void, Neutral(Null), Lust

Lv: 0

Cultivation Level: None

Exp: 0/5

Titles: Reincarnated Otherwolder, The Hero Of All Men


Hp: 100% | EP: -/- | Stm: 10/20

Strength: 2 -> 3

Dexterity: 4 -> 6

Vitality: 3 -> 4

Intelligence: 0

Endurance: 5 -> 6

Wisdom: 0

Agility: 2 -> 3

Will: 20

Charisma: 10(On Hold: 0/10) -> 30(On Hold: 0/10)

Luck: 1(On Hold: 0/100)

Free Attribute Points: 0


Diplomacy: I-

Influence: I-

EP Core: I-

EP Circuit: I-

Divine Power: 0

Profane Power: 0

Spiritual Power: I-

Racial Talent: Adaptability,

Abilities: <Instant Climax.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Pleasure Multiplier.Lv-1(Rank I)>

Techniques: None

Magic: None

Extras: Lust Ruler's Omni-Records System,

Inventory: Locked(100,000,000 points)

OLP: 100 points]

(Ok, not bad… now open the lust shop, abilities/skills category. Let's get it started.) Nivril commanded.

[Lust Shop]


Meditation: A technique to increase the rate of recovery of HP, EP, and STM by meditating.

Price: 5 OLP

Ejaculation: A technique that allows you to cum whenever you want.

Price: 2 OLP

Ejaculation Resistance: A technique that allows the user to stop themselves from cumming.

Price: 2 OLP


100% Fertility: A technique that allows the user to guarantee that a target will get pregnant from their cum.

Price: 15 OLP

100% Infertility: A technique that allows the user to guarantee that a target won't get pregnant from their cum.

Price: 15 OLP

Cum inflation: A technique that allows you to inflate the stomach of your target with a shot of your cum inside them.

Price: 3 OLP


Child Selection: A skill that allows the user to choose how their child or children will develop in their mothers womb, from deciding how many to their gender, and general appearance or even more specific like inherited traits and so on, by using EP.

Price: 25 OLP


Hentai Logic: A skill that makes it so that the user and everything around them works like a hentai, being able to do a few things that would normally make no sense by typical logic. Basically making the user into a hentai protagonist, by using EP.

Price: 150,000 OLP


Looking through, Nivril got himself the skills he could afford.

[You have bought the techniques and skill: Meditation, Ejaculation, Ejaculation Resistance, 100% Fertility, 100% Infertility, Cum inflation, and Child Selection]

Having bought almost all he wanted and still had 33 OLP, so, Nivril began to once again look through the shop list.

[ Ecstatic Ram: A skill to give the target 1.1x pleasure from the user's genitals by using EP.

Price: 5 OLP

Rod Shapeshifting: A skill that allows the User to freely change the shape of their genitals by using EP.

Price: 100,000 OLP

Lustful Hands: A skill that allows the user to give the target 1.1x pleasure from their hands by using EP.

Price: 6 OLP

Sexual Touch: A technique that makes any and all physical contact with the User 2.2x more pleasureful than normal.

Price: 20 OLP

Increased Sperm Load: A technique that allows the user to cum 1.1x more than the normal amount.

Price: 1 OLP

Decreased Sperm Load: A technique that allows the user to cum 1.1x less than the normal amount.

Price: 1 OLP


"System?… do the pleasure multipliers from different skills stack?" Nivril asked.

[Report. Yes, all pleasure multiplying skills stack with one another, so having more means more power.]

"Hahahaha! Great!" Knowing that, Nivril bought 5 more skills with all his OLP.

[You have bought the techniques and skills: Ecstatic Ram, Lustful Hands, Sexual Touch, Increased Sperm Load, and Decreased Sperm Load]

Just like that, his rooster of abilities increased from 2 to 14, all due to one quest's rewards.

"If quests are all like this, I don't get how anyone could fail at this." Nivril commented now feeling confident in himself.

So, he walked to his bed and lay there, now that he could finally rest as well as relax after such an intense experience, letting out a sigh of relief.

"… Now, how am I going to explain this sudden transformation?… cultivation! Yeah, it's still mysterious enough that it can be used as an excuse.

"Then now, about the ruffians and my money, problems… I'll have to take revenge on the ruffians, and let's do it one at a time… I have just an idea of how I'll do it. As for the money, I could get a job, start a business or just get a rich girlfriend… but I'll try to make my own money first… if push comes to shove I'll look for a sugar mommy…

"Finally… the cultivation matter… I still want power, so I should join one of the many Dojos or Gyms dedicated to it, but for that, I'll need to solve the money problem first! Ok, let's get moving, I have a lot ahead of me!" Nivril concluded deciding what he'll do next.

"For now, however, lest test out my skills so I know how to use them properly when I have to. I still have 2 hours before it's school time." Nivril nodded to himself as his school only started at 9 A.M.

HaremHobo HaremHobo

Let's go! we out here.

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