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77.77% Arcane: Gentle Wolf(up for adoption) / Chapter 6: It Begins

Chapter 6: It Begins

The uncertainty surrounding the impending plot had gripped my mind for seven long days.

Despite my attempts to gather information from Vi and the others, the details remained elusive. The growing anticipation gnawed at me, driving me to the edge of madness.

The prospect of finding Ekko, or Little Man, at Benzo's shop loomed in my thoughts. Maybe tailing Ekko would unveil the clues I sought, providing a clearer picture of the impending plot.

Determined, I decided to venture into the depths of The Lanes, ready to follow the trail and uncover the secrets that awaited.


I arrived at Benzo's shop without a hitch, pushing the door open to the familiar bell chime. "Wolf!" Little Man's voice echoed through the quaint space, drawing the attention of those present, Benzo and Some guy in a cloak.

Little Man rushed toward me, his youthful energy evident.

Benzo's stern voice abruptly cut through the excitement, "Get out, the both of ya's." His no-nonsense tone hung in the air, and Little Man and I exchanged a quick glance before reluctantly stepping outside. Once in the crisp air, I turned to Little Man, questioning eyes urging him to explain the sudden change in atmosphere.

Little Man scratched his head nervously, his eyes darting around to ensure no one was eavesdropping. He leaned in and whispered, "Benzo's working on selling stuff to a big buyer, I was going to be the one to do it, but then you came. I was just about to ring him up for twice the price!"

I nodded, understanding the need for discretion in the Undercity's dealings. Little Man continued to spill more details about the mysterious customer and their extravagant purchases. As we walked away from Benzo's shop.

That guy might be the one Little Man has to follow!

Regret began to gnaw at me. Shit, I think I might have messed up a bit.

I decided to rectify my mistake and get things back on track, attempting to convince Little Man to follow the mysterious buyer and gather more information.

With a determined mindset, I approached Little Man. "Listen, I might have an idea, Keep an eye on the buyer, follow him discreetly, and report back to me. We need to know what he's up to, and maybe we can get a big payout from this."

Little Man, though initially nervous, nodded with newfound purpose. "Alright, Mr. Wolf, I'll tail him and let you know everything."

I gave him a reassuring nod and watched as he slipped away, blending into the shadows of The Lanes. Now, all I could do was wait and hope that Little Man will now be able to follow the plot.


The weight of the impending plot pressed down on me, and I found myself navigating a delicate balance between following the original storyline and rewriting fate. Little Man, now the key to our intel, needed to discreetly relay the information to Vi. The Undercity's secrets were unravelling, and decisions loomed ahead.

As the gears of fate turned, I grappled with the decision to alter certain aspects of the plot. The lives of Vander, Powder, Clagger, and Mylo hung in the balance. I couldn't let them meet the same fate as in the original story.

With a heavy heart, I steeled myself for the challenges ahead. Silko's demise seemed inevitable, and the mysterious accomplice by his side would meet a similar fate. The Undercity's threads of destiny were intertwined with my choices, and I resolved to forge a path that spared those I held dear.

Little Man's intel had set the stage, and the plot's climax awaited. The dance with destiny had begun, and I would navigate its twists and turns, determined to alter the narrative without losing the essence of the tale.


Under the daylight, the vast expanse of Piltover unfolded below them, a city teeming with activity. Vi's voice cut through the urban symphony as she stood on the rooftop, flanked by Powder, Clagger, and Mylo. The sun cast long shadows across the intricate structures of Piltover, revealing a different side of the metropolis.

"Hey Powder, come take a look."

Vi gestured toward the sprawling city, where airships drifted lazily in the sky. The sunlight illuminated the grandeur of Piltover, exposing both its beauty and its shadows. A sense of purpose hung in the air as the team gathered on the rooftop, ready to undertake their job.

"Whoa," Powder said, amazed by the sight.

"Nice getting above it all, huh?" Vi remarked, capturing the essence of the city beneath the daylight.

"It's a shame Wolf didn't come," Powder said dejectedly.

"Arlo had his reasons," Vi said, covering for him.

Just then, an airship flew overhead, capturing Powder's attention as she stared in wonder. "One day, I'm going to ride one of them."

Mylo cut in and pointed a finger gun at the passing ship. "And I'm going to shoot one of them down."

The gang continued along the rooftop before executing a jump to the other side, mirroring the exact moves from the show.

With the exception of Powder, whom Vi skillfully caught as she landed, ensuring a smooth transition to the other side.

They pressed on towards their destination, reaching the balcony of their target. Mylo attempted to pick the lock, but his progress was slow. Frustrated by the delay, Vi took matters into her own hands and swiftly kicked in the balcony door.

Entering the apartment, they found themselves surrounded by notes, scrolls, and various types of equipment scattered about. A blackboard on the wall was covered in intricate equations and diagrams, suggesting that the apartment belonged to an inventor deeply immersed in their work. The air crackled with the essence of creativity and innovation as they delved deeper into the mysterious inventor's home.

The gang diligently collected valuables, and Powder, taking a detour, ventured into the inventor's bedroom. She casually explored the room, even indulging in a sandwich left behind. While surveying the area, her eyes fell upon a metal chest. Eager to uncover its contents, she attempted to lift it, but the weight proved overwhelming. Undeterred, Powder opted to open it, revealing six radiant crystal rocks resembling marbles.

As she marveled at the crystals, the distinct sound of the door being unlocked caught the gangs attention.

The gang in the main room of the apartment acted quickly upon hearing the sound of someone unlocking the door.

Hastily, they jammed the door with a chair, their whispers calling out for Powder. She rushed to complete her task, putting all six crystals into her pouch on her hip, inadvertently dropping one in her hurried escape.

Exiting the apartment in haste, the gang remained oblivious to the glowing crystal's erratic roll. With a sudden spark, it intensified its glow and collided with the wall, causing a violent explosion.

The building trembled as the apartment was devastated and part of the balcony crumbled, plummeting down to the street in a chaotic cascade of debris and dust.

Ducking through narrow alleys and making agile jumps, the gang managed to elude the pursuing enforcers, disappearing into the dark embrace of the sewers to avoid capture.

As they emerged from the sewers in the outer part of the Undercity, near the water, they traversed the streets before encountering a blonde male teenager.

"Nice haul?" he remarked.

Mylo shrugged replying, "You could say that."

Deckard, the blonde boy, chimed in, "Heard there was some commotion across the river."

"Somebody, uh, someone really kicked the nest, huh?" he prodded, seeking a response.

"Is that so?" Vi responded cautiously, trying to avoid escalating the situation. Despite their efforts, their way was blocked by three more teenagers.

Deckard chuckled, circling behind them with two more individuals backing him up, making it a six vs four situation.

"Now you're tracking this mess of yours through my streets," Deckard taunted, still trying to provoke a reaction.

"Your streets? What makes you think—"

Vi began, but Clagger quickly intervened, attempting to de-escalate the situation. "Listen, we don't want any trouble, okay?"

The goon chimed in, "Hear that, Deckard? They don't want any trouble."

Deckard considered their words, his tone shifting slightly, "You know, in my experience, trouble finds you. There's no reason this has to get ugly."

"How about you share a little taste of your treasure there, and we'll call it even," the bastard suggested with a smug look.

Mylo was about to protest, but Vi intervened. "Just a taste?" she said softly.

"Just a-ugh!" Deckard started to respond before being decked with the sack of valuables, sending him flying to the floor.

Vi tossed the sack to Powder to look after as the situation unfolded.

The brawl unfolded with Vi confronting Deckard and one of his goons, Mylo engaged with another, and Clagger dealing with the last three. The gang initially held their own, but the sheer numbers overwhelmed them.

Mylo found himself held to the ground and pummeled by one of the boys. Clagger managed to keep one in a headlock, but another attacked him from behind, while a third joined the fray in front. Vi was cornered by Deckard and his goon.

In the midst of the chaos, Clagger hurled the boy he had in a headlock toward Powder, who sprinted away with the boy in pursuit. The odds were against them, and they needed to regroup quickly.

A sudden howl pierced through the chaos, freezing everyone in their tracks. All eyes turned upward to witness a menacing beast standing on the rooftop, its gaze fixed on the scuffling group, snarling with an air of primal authority. The unexpected appearance of the creature halted the fight, introducing a new, uncertain element to the unfolding confrontation.

The gang felt a surge of energy and relief as Arlo, embodying the fearsome Beastal fury, joined the scene. Deckard and his thugs now faced a force they couldn't contend with, and the atmosphere shifted as the primal power of Arlo's presence filled the air.

Arlo's unleashed fury overwhelmed Deckard and his gang, sending them into a panic. As Deckard attempted to utter a sentence, Arlo swiftly intervened, lunging from the rooftop and seizing him by the leg. With a powerful throw, Deckard collided with the wall, incapacitated.

The remaining boys, in fear, attempted to escape, but Arlo was relentless. He caught one of them, dragging him back and proceeded to toss him around mercilessly like a toy. The boy succumbed to the excruciating pain, losing consciousness amid the chaos.

Vi's assertive presence and her direct gaze into Deckard's eyes as he slowly stood and brandished a knife in desperation, Arlo prepared to tear him in half. However, Vi intervened, approaching Deckard with an air of confidence. Kneeling down to meet his gaze, she issued a challenge, "Wanna see how that ends?"

The fear in Deckard's eyes shifted, glancing between Vi and the looming threat of Arlo. Overwhelmed, he turned tail and fled, choosing to escape the impending consequences rather than face the consequences of his actions.

"Should have let me kill him," Arlo grumbled in his deep, raspy voice, irritated at letting his prey escape.

Vi turned to Arlo. "You can't just give in to your urges. Vander would be pissed if you ended up killing somebody."

Concern etched Vi's face as she scanned the area. "Where's Powder?" she asked, noticing Powder's absence.


Disappointed expressions adorned everyone's faces, particularly Mylo, as Powder returned and delivered the bad news about tossing the sack into the river. Frustration lingered in the air, and while Mylo openly expressed his annoyance, the rest of the gang wore the disappointment on their faces. Arlo, however, remained unaffected by the setback.

As they navigated through the bustling streets on their way back home, Powder rode on Arlo's back. The unpleasant odours and noises emanating from the nearby whorehouse made Arlo whine and sneeze in discomfort.

Upon reaching home, Arlo separated from the group, heading to his room to avoid the potential repercussions that awaited the rest of the gang.

Arlo listened through the walls as Vander reprimanded Vi and the others, emphasizing responsibility, respect, and the dangers of antagonizing Piltover. He heard Vander instructing everyone to leave except Vi. Vander continued, discussing the need for them to lay low for a while.

After Vander departed, he berated Mylo and Clagger separately, eventually taking Clagger with him to Benzo's.

Arlo decided to tune out the conversation as he sought the solace of sleep.

"Arlo?" A soft voice cut through the darkness.

"Yeah, Blue?" Arlo responded in a hushed tone, matching the gentleness in Powder's voice.

"Mind if I stay with you for a bit?" Powder asked, rubbing her arm as she approached the dimly lit room.

"Of course." Arlo shifted, creating a space for Powder to lean into his side. It wasn't the first time she sought this closeness, and Arlo welcomed it, finding comfort in the shared silence of the night. She only ever stays for a little while anyway before returning to her room.

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