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Chapter 52: That's Cold... #

Rattigan made a dramatic exit from my shoulder, giving Mr. Freeze a look that screamed, "I'll nibble your nose off!" I had to quickly play mediator. "Easy there, Rattigan. We're uninvited guests – it's only natural we don't get a warm welcome," I chuckled, trying to soothe both the frosty scientist and the cheeky rat.

Strangely enough, my Guardian Veil's magic shield kept me cozy, and I didn't feel the cold, but my legs, but I couldn't move my legs an inch. Oh, well, that's another weakness to note for my barrier, I guess. 

Facing Mr. Freeze, I raised my hands, aiming for nonthreatening surrender. "Hey, Dr. Fries, I'm not here to start trouble," I assured him. The cryo gun wavered a bit but stayed pointed in my general direction.

"Who are you? And how did you find me here?" he inquired with suspicion, giving me the once-over.

"The name's Micah Foster. As for the 'how,' it doesn't matter and it's better left unsaid anyway," I quipped, earning a frosty frown. Undeterred, I pressed on. "What matters is that I can help you save your wife, Nora," I declared, trying to thaw the situation with a touch of charm.

Mr. Freeze let out a cynical scoff. "And what do you know about my beloved's condition?" he challenged, his voice heavy with frustration. "I've been searching for a cure for her illness for years, and I've barely made a dent," he lamented, his icy demeanor betraying a flicker of desperation.

I met his gaze with unwavering confidence. "I may not have all the answers, but trust me, I've got some impressive tricks up my sleeve," I assured him, trying to inject some optimism into the frosty atmosphere.

"Tell me what ails her, and I'll whip up a potion or a pill that'll have her dancing in no time," I promised, a grin spreading across my face. "What have you got to lose, right? Just give me a shot," I urged, my tone as persuasive as my skills could make it. 

It wasn't just talk – with the system's arsenal at my disposal, I could summon up a cure for practically any ailment, provided I had the points for it. Creating a tailored remedy would be far more efficient than a one-size-fits-all approach.

Mr. Freeze paused, his gaze piercing. "And if it doesn't work...?" he questioned, his skepticism palpable.

My grin widened, undeterred. "Trust me, it'll work. But if by some strange twist of fate it doesn't, I've got a backup plan," I reassured him, my confidence unwavering.

With a deliberate motion, I raised my arm, the shadows swirling around it like a cloak. As they dissipated, I revealed the Father Box I'd acquired from the depths of the Black Forest. "Behold, the Father Box – Apokoliptan tech capable of pulling off some serious miracles, including cellular manipulation," I declared, presenting the device to him like a prized possession.

Mr. Freeze's eyes widened in recognition. Nora Fries, his wife, suffered from a rare and incurable form of cancer. It didn't take a genius to see the potential of a device that could tinker with cells at a fundamental level.

"If you had access to such a miraculous device, why not present it first instead of faking claims of a miracle like a charlatan?" Mr. Freeze inquired, both offended and confused.

"I'm no snake oil salesman, pal," I retorted, shooting him a mildly offended look. "I'm confident the medicine I provide would do the trick... But they're a bit on the pricey side, and trust me, I would've preferred to lead with the Father Box," I explained with a weary sigh. 

"The thing is, I've got no clue how to operate the damn thing, and while cellular manipulation falls under its bag of tricks, it'll probably need some fine-tuning to specifically target and zap those pesky cancer cells," I concluded, rubbing the back of my neck in frustration.

"I see... Nevertheless, I find the notion of such miraculous cures to be rather ludicrous," Mr. Freeze remarked, his tone tinged with skepticism.

I couldn't help but mentally chuckle at his comment. 

Mr. Freeze, aside from his unwavering dedication to saving his wife, had a reputation for his pride. It made sense that he'd balk at the idea of some stranger conjuring up a cure that could achieve in moments what he'd struggled with for years.

"The Father Box, however, is a different story," Mr. Freeze mused, his expression contemplative. "Hand it over, and I'll let you leave here with your life," he added, a palpable chill lacing his words.

This time, I couldn't stifle the chuckle bubbling up inside me. "It doesn't quite work like that," I replied, tightening my grip around the Father Box until it vanished in a cloud of shadows. 

"If you want to get your hands on that alien gizmo, you'll have to play by my rules," I added, the shadows coalescing around me, shattering the icy encasement around my legs.

"The cold way it is then," Mr. Freeze declared, leveling his cryo gun at me and unleashing a freezing blast. I leaped back just in time, narrowly avoiding the icy tendrils that encroached on the ground where I had stood moments ago.

"Cold puns, really?" I muttered under my breath with a chuckle, though I paused as I caught sight of Rattigan, poised to lunge at Mr. Freeze. "Stay out of this one, Rattigan. Let me give Dr. Fries a lesson in manners no one else has dared to deliver," I instructed the feisty rodent, cracking my knuckles in anticipation.


Less than five minutes later, I found myself chuckling at the sight of Mr. Freeze kneeling on the ground, frustration etched into every line of his face. 

Our showdown was far from legendary, to say the least. Sure, his cryo gun and ice grenades were annoying as heck, and he wielded them with calculated precision, but that was about it. 

Meanwhile, I had an invisible barrier, strength that bordered on superhuman, powers to manipulate shadows, and a boot that made me feel like the Flash's distant cousin from the clearance aisle.

He did manage to slow me down a bit with his ice-covered ground, the classic move against any wannabe speedster, though I'll admit calling myself a speedster is a bit of a stretch. 

But even without the super speed, I had enough tricks up my sleeve to keep him guessing. In the end, a few well-placed hits were all it took to damage his suit, and he crumbled to the ground, unable to continue the fight.

"You've made your point..." Mr. Freeze spat out, his voice dripping with irritation. "State your conditions..." He ground out, his teeth clenched in frustration.

I couldn't help but smirk at his begrudging acceptance. "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" I quipped, offering him a smile as I approached, extending my hand to help him up. "What I want is simple—I want you on my team," I clarified, my tone casual yet firm.

Mr. Freeze's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "You want me to be your minion?" he scoffed, eyeing my outstretched hand warily. "And why would I agree to such a ludicrous offer?" he countered, his skepticism evident.

"Who would want you as a minion?" I mirrored his scoff, maintaining eye contact. "We've already established that I outclass you in combat," I pointed out matter-of-factly. "And I'm not in the market for a lackey to do my dirty work. No offense," I added, with a shrug.

Mr. Freeze regarded me with a suspicious glint in his eyes. "Then what exactly are you proposing?" he inquired, his tone guarded.

"Exactly what I said—I want you working for me," I reiterated, exhaling audibly. "But not in the typical villain lackey kind of way. I'm offering you a legitimate job," I clarified, gesturing toward my extended hand.

Mr. Freeze finally relented, grasping my hand firmly as I helped him to his feet. "And what job would you have for a wanted criminal such as myself...?" he inquired, his tone cautious yet curious.

I flashed him a broad grin, brimming with confidence. "I'm in the process of launching a company, and I've got all the capital lined up," I began, my enthusiasm palpable. "And I could certainly use a brilliant mind like yours to spearhead the R&D department," I continued, nodding towards him.

"Naturally, I'll also help you overhaul your public image and turn over a new leaf..." I continued, working my acting and persuasion skills to their utmost limits. 

I'm definitely not leaving until I have him tied to my carriage. 

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