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Chapter 14: Rattigan's Retaltiation #14

Looking at the peculiar sight of the regal rat through the one-way glass, Martian Manhunter couldn't help but wince, holding his forehead in pain. The rat, adorned with a tiny crown, seemed to exude an air of regality that clashed comically with its rodent nature. Adding to the bewilderment, the rat locked eyes with the Martian Manhunter, its gaze carrying surprisingly intense scrutiny.

Seeing it was just a small animal, he had no qualms about probing its psyche, and so Martian Manhunter decided to delve into its mind to discern its origin. However, to his surprise and discomfort, the rat not only detected his intrusion but also retaliated with surprising viciousness. 

A sudden, intense headache overcame Martian Manhunter, causing him to writhe in pain. It was an experience unlike any he had encountered before.

Unable to endure the pain, Martian Manhunter quickly reached out to Hal Jordan for assistance. The door to the room swung open, and Hal burst in, a mix of concern and alarm on his face as he observed the distressed state of Martian Manhunter.

"What happened?! Are you alright, Jon?!" Hal exclaimed, rushing to the Martian Manhunter's side.

"That... that creature is a telepath of considerable might..." Martian Manhunter replied through gritted teeth. "I... I need you to get me out of here..." He struggled to articulate his words, clearly in immense pain.

Hal Jordan's eyes widened, and his immediate instinct was to launch an attack on the rat. He raised his ring hand, pointing it menacingly at the creature through the one-way glass. However, the Martian Manhunter quickly intervened, grabbing Hal's wrist.

"No... the creature was merely defending itself... from my intrusion..." He urgently conveyed. "It's... not... innately hostile..." His words grew fainter with each utterance.

Hal Jordan hesitated for a second before swiftly carrying Martian Manhunter and getting him out of the room. As they left, Rattigan wore a smug expression, sensing their departure. Once alone, he closed his eyes and crossed his arms, exuding an air of accomplishment.

Lounging in the waiting room, casually sipping the tea that Hal Jordan so graciously provided, I was bombarded with a series of notifications that seemed more unpredictable than a soap opera plot.

[Your relationship with the Martian Manhunter has shifted from (Neutral) to (Curious)]

[You've just been handed 50 points! Lucky you!]

[Your relationship with Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) has also decided to spice things up, shifting from (Neutral) to (Curious)]

[Another 50 points casually tossed your way]

"[Hold on, your relationship with the Martian Manhunter couldn't decide if it's (Curious) or (Cautious)]

"[Oh, snap! Now you've struck gold with 100 points]

[In the grand finale, your relationship with Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) has taken a wild turn to (Hostile)]

[Jackpot! 200 points are yours for the taking]

[Surprise, surprise! Your relationship with Green Lantern is back to (Cautious)]

Well, the notifications were more robotic and uniform, but they might as well have been like this. 

I scratched my head, attempting to decipher this rollercoaster of virtual emotions. I was grateful for the points, but what the heck could have occurred to trigger such a tumultuous shift in their perceptions when they were miles away from my charming presence? 

Suddenly, a mental image of that smug oversized rodent flashed in my mind, and it all clicked.

"That damned rat... what the hell did he do...?" I mumbled, eying the tea suspiciously as if it held the answers to the enigma of my ever-changing relationships.

Before I could embark on my tea interrogation mission, the door swung open, and in walked Hal Jordan, cool and collected as if nothing had happened. 

"We're finally done, and you're free to go..." he announced, handing me a smartphone and a wallet as if they were party favors. 

I squinted at the items in my hand. "What's this?" I inquired, giving him a dubious look.

"We've contacted the local authorities and created a new identity for you so you can integrate into our society..." Hal Jordan explained, his words unveiling a whole new level of superhero hospitality. "The phone has contact info for a government agent who will assist you within reason." 

His gaze then shifted to the wallet. "Inside, you'll find some change, the address of the apartment we've assigned you, insurance, and details for a bank account in your name with a bit of extra cash..." he concluded.

I nodded appreciatively, tucking the items into my pocket. "So, there's no way to send me back, I take it?" I questioned with a furrowed brow.

"We don't know that yet, but until we figure it out, we can't have you staying homeless," Hal Jordan clarified. "Moreover, we've arranged for you to take some exams to match your degree here, but that'll take some time..." he added.

I couldn't help but pause, eyes widening at the surprisingly considerate and generous gesture. "That's surprisingly considerate and very generous..." I remarked, nodding in genuine appreciation. 

I had expected to be thrown into some makeshift homeless shelter and left to my own devices while they sorted out the details--- that's the kind of treatment I'd expect from the authorities in my previous world. 

I guess I shouldn't have expected any less from an organization of superheroes. 

Hal Jordan nodded, a sense of finality in his demeanor. "That's all. Come with me to pick up your pet rat so I can take you back to Earth..."

I noticed a subtle eagerness in his voice, almost as if he couldn't wait for my cheeky rodent companion to vacate the premises. The suspicion that Rattigan, the oversized rat, played a role in the emotional roller coaster Hal and Manhunter experienced regarding me grew stronger.

"Are you sure about Rattigan, though?" I asked, feigning concern. "I mean, he might be from another world too, right? What if he's dangerous?"

Hal's annoyance was thinly veiled as he replied, "Well, that's exactly why you should keep Rattigan with you. He seems attached to you somehow, and if he's indeed dangerous, then keeping him contained might backfire...."

"Right, right. Safety first, I suppose," I said with a casual shrug, hiding a smirk. "Let's go get Rattiran then then."

We made our way to the room where Rattigan awaited. Hal hesitated at the entrance, eyeing the regal rat warily. "You're sure he won't, I don't know, attack me or something?" He said, and his expression suggested he was recalling something unpleasant

'I wonder what Rattigan did exactly to earn such caution...' I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. "Oh, might, but it's just Rattigan's way of saying hello. Don't worry; you're in the presence of rodent royalty."

Hal gave me a dubious look but cautiously entered the room. I followed, watching as Rattigan perched regally on a miniature throne fashioned from various knickknacks he found in the room.

"Come on, Your Highness, time to hit the road," I called, and the rat, almost theatrically, descended from his throne and scurried over. As I reached down to scoop him up, I couldn't resist a parting shot at Hal.

"Who knows, maybe Rattigan can join the Justice League one day, don't you think?" I said, earning an instant glare from Hal. "He's very smart, you know? And he's probably from another world. Maybe he has superpowers, too?" 

Hal cleared his throat. "Maybe..." He dryly said. "In any case, let's get moving...' 


"Ah... New York City..." I muttered as I took a deep breath, catching a whiff of that classic city air. It had a mix of car fumes, street food sizzling somewhere nearby, and a touch of that gritty sidewalk vibe. 

Not far away from me, I could see a seagull, catching a rat's tail and struggling to fly away with it. Meanwhile, a vertically challenged individual—let's go with that, as it's probably the PC term these days, was sitting on the sidewalk shirtless, sporting a dinosaur mask while expertly drumming away with a pair of extremely short arms. 

People dressed in all manner of clothes—casual, business, formal, and even some weirdo in a speedo—walked around like all of this was nothing out of the ordinary. Heck, no one even took a second glance at the rat cosplaying a king on my shoulder either.

The New York City of my world was also chaotic, but I suppose the comic book factor had a hand in boosting the coziness factor of this city. Still, this suited me just fine since I could fly under the radar more easily amidst all the craziness. 

"Looks like we'll be staying here for a while..." I said as I turned to Rattigan, and he replied with a chitter of regal indifference. "I know, right...? Anyway, let's go and find our apartment then. I could use some sleep..."


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