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11.76% Crimson Bonds: An Isekai Yandere Tale / Chapter 9: The Messenger of Chaos

Chapter 9: The Messenger of Chaos

Zenyph stared quizzically at the girl, wondering about her mysterious demeanor.

"What does Chaos mean?" inquired Zenyph, intrigued by her answer.

"It means 'without order'. Everything is chaos."

Zenyph furrowed his brows. He didn't understand what the girl meant.

"Wait, are you telling me that the world is a mess and needs to be fixed or something?"

The girl shook her head.

"It's what she told me to tell you."

Zenyph, becoming slightly annoyed by the lack of explanation, continued his questioning.

"Why would you need to tell me that?"

The girl shrugged her shoulders, "Dunno."

"Then, who told you to tell me?"

"She did."

"Who's she?"

The girl pointed at the flower.

"The flower?"


"You mean the flower is alive and talking?"

"No, silly, not the flower. Chaos, the lady. The flower is her body."

"Huh? A woman lives in a flower? How is that possible?"

"Like I said, Chaos is without order."

"But, that doesn't make any sense."

"You're smart, you'll figure it out."

Zenyph rubbed his temples, frustrated by the riddle.

"Okay, so, who is Chaos, and where does she live?"

"She doesn't have a home. She wanders."

"Great, just perfect."

"Hey, it's not my fault. I'm just a messenger." protested the girl, raising her hands in surrender.

Zenyph sighed heavily and sat down on a nearby chair, resting his head against the wall.

"Whatever, let's move on. Why did she choose me to talk to?"

"Because she likes you. You're funny."

"Really? Funny? What's so funny about me?"

"Your mind, it's interesting. Very different."

"Different, huh, yeah, I suppose. Compared to everyone else, I'm probably considered an alien or something."

"An alien? Like the ones that came from the stars? No, you're not an alien. Although, your mind is weird. It's like, full of knowledge."

"Knowledge? Yeah, I guess that's accurate. Wait, how do you even know about aliens, you're just a kid."

"I read a book."

"Of course, you did. A book on aliens, I assume."

"Yes. Aliens are cool."

"Yeah, I guess they are. Say, how old are you?"

"1,000. But, I'm not sure because I lost count."

"1,000?! Wow, you're ancient."

"Yup. Ancient."

"So, do you have a name or is it just, Chaos?"

"Everyone calls me, Little Rose, or sometimes, Child. But, you can call me, Lilli."

"Lilli, huh, well, nice to meet you Lilli. My name's Zenyph Drakonhart."

"I know, I heard, the flower, she knows."

"Right, of course. I should have figured that. Anyways, is there anything else you'd like to say? Anything else Chaos wants me to hear?"

"Um, well, she says, hello."


"Yes. Hello. She's shy, so, don't blame her."

"Shy, huh. Alright, well, thanks for the message, I guess. Oh, and, say hi back to her for me."

"Tell her yourself."

"What, I can't. She's a flower. I'm not going to talk to a plant."


Zenyph shook his head.

"Nope, nope, nopity, nope, nope. Sorry, not happening. No, sir."

"Fine. If you don't want to say anything, then I'll tell her you said, nothing. Okay, bye-bye, have a good day."

"Hey, wait! Don't leave just yet. I have a few more questions."

"Sorry, can't. I'm busy."

"Busy? Doing what?"


"Stuff? Stuff, what kind of stuff?"

"Secret, stuff."

"I see. Well, do you have any advice for me? Seeing as I'm an alien and you're a 1000 years old."

"Live, don't die. Simple."

"Uh-huh, very helpful. Thanks. Now, tell me how am I supposed to live, when I'm stuck in this body of a dragon. Everyone thinks I'm the prince and I don't know shit."

"Your mind truly works different eh boy. I'm not your friend, I'm just the messenger, figure it out for yourself."

"Gee, thanks. I'm sure I'll find a solution, eventually."

"Good. See ya." The little girl waved mockingly before stepping through space and disappearing.

"Fuck, now another person knows. And a flower..." exclaimed Zenyph as he looked at the green flower.

"Well, Chaos. I hope we can be friends."

"Hey Zenyph, are you done choosing a flower yet?" asked Hina as she ascended the stairs, interrupting him.

"Huh? Oh, yes, I'm done."

"Good. Let's go. I'll pay for them, so hurry up and grab the bouquet."

"Alright, alright. Just a minute."

Zenyph grabbed a random bouquet and followed behind his mother.

"By the way, Mother do you know of any talking flowers? Perhaps, a green one named, Chaos?"

"No. There aren't any plants capable of talking, unless they're made from mana. And even then, that's a rare occurrence. The closest thing would be the Flower of Oblivion."

"Flower of Oblivion that sounds ominous."

"It's not, its actually a harmless, beautiful flower. They can only remember one sentence at a time. Do you want one?"

"No, no. It's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, quite sure."

"Alright, suit yourself."

After saying their farewells to Florentine, Zenyph and Hina left the flower shop and boarded their carriage.

"Where to next, Mother?"

"Hm, it's getting a bit late, and I'm feeling hungry. How about we head back and eat dinner, first, before doing anything else?"

"Sounds good."

"Let's go then."

The two drove off into the distance heading towards the Sylvarian Palace.

"Did you have fun today, Aqualet?"

"Yeah, it was nice, getting out of the palace for a change."

"I'm glad. I know, being stuck inside all the time can get boring. So, whenever you want to go somewhere, just let me know and we can arrange a trip."

"I appreciate that, thank you."

"Speaking of trips, are you excited to go to the academy next week?

"A little, I guess. Mostly nervous. There will be a lot of new people there. Not to mention, learning magic and stuff. Sounds complicated."

"It'll be fine, Aqualet. You'll do great. You're a smart dragon, after all."

"I hope so."

"You'll be fine, trust me. Now, let's eat. We're almost home."

The carriage pulled into the courtyard of the palace and the pair disembarked.

"Here, Mom, have some."

Zenyph tried to place a piece of meat into her mouth.

"I can eat it myself, Aqualet."

"But, mom, we're on a date, no?"

"I'm not your mother, and this isn't a date. Now stop it. You're embarrassing me."

"Aw, come on. Indulge your Aqualet. For me."

Hina rolled her eyes and reluctantly opened her mouth, letting the food slide off the fork and onto her tongue.

"There, are you satisfied now?"

"Very much. Thank you."

"Whatever. Now, let's finish eating and go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow."

"Actually, mother, I was thinking. Since, it's getting late and we're already here, why don't we spend some more time together. Y'know, have a little fun. Just the two of us."

"Fun, what are you suggesting Aqualet?"

"Well, you're a mother, and I'm a growing dragon. As such, we have certain needs. Needs that require attention."

"Are you insinuating what I think you're insinuating?"

"Perhaps. Unless, you're not interested."

"Aqualet, I'm your mother, it's inappropriate for us to be engaging in... such activities."

"Such activities?".

"Oh no mother, I was talking about stargazing on the palace rooftop. I didn't think my mother had such erotic thoughts." 

"Shut up, Aqualet. I'm serious."

"So am I, mother. Come, let's watch the stars. It'll be romantic."

"Aqualet, this isn't right. We shouldn't be doing this."

"Why not? We're both consenting adults. It's perfectly fine. Besides, no one will know. It'll be our little secret."

"Okay, I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that and forget about it."

"Good, now let's go. The stars are waiting."

"Fine, but no funny business."

"I won't, I promise."


They headed towards the palace rooftop, where the night sky was visible. The moonlight shining brightly, illuminating the area around them.

"So, what are we looking for?" questioned, Hina.

"Anything really. Constellations, shooting stars, satellites, whatever catches your eye."

"Alright. I'll take a look."

Hina gazed upwards at the vast expanse of darkness above her.


"It is. Isn't it?" responded, Zenyph.


"Just like you."


"I'm sorry, you're just so gorgeous, I couldn't help but comment."

"Whatever. I'm not falling for your flattery, Aqualet. Now, let's enjoy the view, shall we?"

"Alright, mother."

"Good, now, hush. I'm trying to concentrate."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Don't call me ma'am, Aqualet. I'm not that old."

"You're older than me though." Teased Zenyph

"I mean, I'm only 35. That's not that old, right?"

"Not at all. You're still a spring chicken."

"Spring chicken, huh. Is that how you see me, Aqualet."

"Absolutely, mother. You're as fresh and lively as a newborn chick."

"Ugh, you're impossible."

"You love me."

"Unfortunately, I do."

"Ha, I knew it. Admit it, you secretly adore me."

"Keep dreaming, Aqualet."

"Always, mother."

"Alright, that's enough teasing. Let's get back to stargazing, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"And stop calling me, ma'am, Aqualet."

"As you wish, mother."

"Much better."

As they watched the distant stars pass by, Zenyph felt a strange sense of peace, accompanied by a vague feeling of longing. He wasn't quite sure why, but he felt an inexplicable, deep connection to the mysterious universe.

"Hey, Aqualet, I have a question." mumbled Hina in a tone so soft and delicate.

"Are you playing with my feelings?" 

"Will you one day suddenly start ignoring me again?" 

"Are you going to shut me out again?"

"Insult me behind my back?"

"Call me a whore just like the others?" Pleaded Hina, with her head on her knees.

Even without looking at him, Zenyph knew her mother was crying.

"I can take it if the others ignore me and berate me."

"But it hurts so much more when you do it... I thought I had gotten used to it... That I can endure it for you..."

As Hina finally lifted her head, with tears trailing down her face, she gazed at his eyes, "Please don't hurt me anymore."

That was the final nail in the coffin for Zenyph, even if he wasn't the one to make her suffer. He couldn't help but feel a tremendous pain in his heart, such a kind, sweet and loving woman crying because she could no longer cope with her suffering.

For the first time in his life, Zenyph what he absolutely wanted.

"Mother..." He stood up and took her delicate body in his arms, "I can't promise you that." 

Hina's heart felt a suffocating pressure.

"I'm going to hurt you at least one more time."

Lifting her delicate chin with his fingers, he brought her closer to his face, "But after that I swear I'll make you the happiest woman alive." declared Zenyph as he gently planted a kiss on her thin red lips.

Synphomia Synphomia

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